Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 479: Eighteen Inner Pills

In the Tianluo Grottoes, before killing Gongsun Changsheng, Gu Zheng gave him an 'introduction', thus knowing the information about his overseas cave. As for the copying of the house mentioned by Gu Zheng, it is natural to copy Gongsun Changsheng's cave.

Although Gongsun Changsheng's Dongfu is several hours away from Xuechao Island, it is not a problem for Gu Zheng and Miaomiao.

Facing the salty sea breeze, after flying across the vast sea for several hours, Gu Zheng and Miao Miao finally arrived at their destination.

The island where Gongsun Changsheng's cave is located is also under the protection of the fairy array, so it cannot be seen from the outside at all.

From Gongsun Changsheng, Gu Zheng naturally got a way to pass through the fairy formation, so he didn't have to work hard to break through the formation, and flew up on the sea with Meow Meow.

A moment later, a thick layer of fog suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, completely obscuring my vision. After passing through the fog layer, my vision suddenly became clear again, and a small island appeared not too far ahead.

It can't be compared with Wufeng Island and Blood Tide Island. Gongsun Changsheng's island is only the size of two villages in reality, and there are no residents on it.

Gongsun Changsheng didn't have the ability to set up an island protection array. His island, including the caves on Baokuo Island, were all relics left over from the prosperous era, but they happened to be discovered by him and he took it for himself.

Although Gongsun Changsheng's island is small, it is very beautiful. There are many tall flower trees on the island, with purple flowers like rhododendrons blooming on it, and there is an elegant fragrance in the air.

"Tide View Island!"

Gu Zheng had already flown to the pier of the small island and saw Gongsun Changsheng erecting the big stone.

"This is the plot of Gongsun Changsheng's homesickness. He missed Blood Tide Island, so he called it Tide Viewing Island. However, from now on, this is the site of my ancient struggle. As for your name, it will be called Ziyan Island."

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand, and under the action of the power of gold, the original three characters of "Tide Viewing Island" on the stone were smoothed out.

Using his fingers as knives, the ancients engraved the three big characters of "Ziyan Island" on the stone.

"It's so beautiful! If you can live here in the future, it's really a good thing!"

Walking under the flower trees on the island, feeling the colorful falling flowers, Meow Meow was intoxicated.

"There is a ready-made cave here, and you know how to enter it. If you get tired of staying in Emei, you can also come here for vacation." Gu Zheng laughed.

"Very good!"

Meow meow cheered: "Sir, I don't want to live in a cave that others have lived in, I want to build one myself!"

Seeing Miaomiao ready to move, Gu Zheng smiled: "Okay! Go if you want!"


Meow Meow responded sweetly, and immediately flew towards the small isolated peak on the island.

Miaomiao wanted to build a cave on Guzheng, but Guzheng waited on the hill on the island, and Gongsun Changsheng's cave was immediately seen by him.

The two large stone gates are carved with auspicious beasts and other patterns, which look quite grand.

Gu Zhengxian's power was input into the gate, and a light array suddenly appeared on the stone gate.

It didn't take much effort to break through the fairy formation, and Gu Zheng entered the cave, but he didn't go straight to the subject, but visited it.

The scale of the cave is very large. There are alchemy rooms, training rooms, fairy grass rooms, retreat rooms and other rooms. There are even cultivation notes made by Gongsun Changsheng and the previous owner of the cave on the walls.

Gongsun Changsheng's treasure is also placed in a box, on the stone bed of the retreat room, and there is no restriction on it. Gu Zheng has already seen it when he entered the retreat room.

The wooden box is less than two feet long and one foot high, and various grades of resources are placed in it. Among these resources, the highest-grade ones are special products. According to the grades of ingredients, only one of these resources is medium, eight are ordinary, and the rest are of lower grades.

For better or worse, Gu Zheng packed Gongsun Changsheng's resources and walked out of the cave.

If Gongsun Changsheng only had this resource, Gu Zheng wouldn't mind flying here for a few hours. As for the real purpose of his coming, it is because Gongsun Changsheng has a very good resource, which grows in the sea, and is quite attractive to Gu Zheng.

That resource in the deep sea is actually a giant clam! According to Gongsun Changsheng's deduction, this giant clam has grown for at least a thousand years. When he found this giant clam, the giant clam was already in the fairy formation set up by the predecessors.

A giant clam that is old enough is a very good material for refining tools. In order to benefit more in the future, Gongsun Changsheng took good care of this giant clam.

In normal giant clams, there are a large number of zooxanthellae in the mantle. With the help of the vitreous body in the membrane to concentrate light, the zooxanthellae multiply and serve as their own nutrients. The two form a special relationship of mutual benefit and symbiosis.

Gongsun Changsheng's giant clam is not a normal giant clam. It is a heterogeneous species. After growing for a long time, it has become quite demonized. It is a real "killer clam" and eats all living things that come close to it. .

Gongsun Changsheng's careful care of the giant clam is to provide it with some flesh and blood from hands and feet. Eating such flesh and blood will make the quality of the giant clam better and the growth rate faster.

According to Gongsun Changsheng's deduction, if this giant clam is cultivated by him, it will be able to develop its intelligence and transform into a human form in a hundred years, thus becoming one of the ranks of demon cultivators. At that time, giant clams will be his ideal refining material.

There is no imitation nine-color phantom sound conch, this has always been a pain in the heart of Gongsun Changsheng, who was born in the Tianluo Sect.

It is Gongsun Changsheng's dream to refine the giant clam that has become a demon cultivator into an immortal artifact by refining the imitation of the nine-color phantom sound conch.

Gongsun Changsheng can be sure that the celestial artifact made from transformed giant clam is definitely stronger than all the imitations of the nine-color Huanyin conch of the Tianluo school, because his giant clam has already formed beads and has nine knots. There are so many.

The flesh and blood that Gongsun Changsheng fed to the giant clam was based on the Tianluo Sect's secret recipe for cultivating the imitation body of the nine-color phantom sound conch. Under the feeding of this secret recipe, the nine pearls in the giant clam also turned into nine pearls. kinds of colors.

Gongsun Changsheng couldn't even believe it, what kind of power would such a giant clam have after being refined into a fairy weapon in the future, and would its grade really be low?

The best imitation of the nine-color phantom sound conch in history has only three colors, but its grade has reached the middle level, and it once stole the limelight.

Gu Zheng wants to get Gongsun Changsheng's giant clam, not to use it for refining, he wants to use giant clam to cook the beast spirit food, so as to reward Meow Miao, and his harvest on Wufeng Island some time ago. servant of the angry man.

Tridacna itself is a good material for cooking beast spiritual food cultivation, let alone a giant clam that is about to open up its intelligence and transform into a human form.

Gu Zheng took off from the island, and after reaching the area where the giant clams were, he plunged into the water.

For immortal cultivators, those with five-element physique are relatively easy to form five-element elixirs such as natal real fire and natal real water in their bodies. Once the Five Elements Spirit Pill is formed, the Five Elements attributes corresponding to the Spirit Pill will be stronger than ordinary people in all aspects.

With Gu Zheng's cultivation at the early stage of returning to the void, the real water of life has already produced the effect of avoiding water, so even in very deep seas, his actions will not be affected in any way.

Gu Zheng, who dived into the water, was approaching the location of the giant clam, but this approach was not like swimming, but like walking on a slope.

The natal true water in the body vibrates slightly, and the sea water gives Gu Zheng a very subtle feeling, like a wind that can be touched, with a flow speed, but not much resistance.

The line of sight was not affected much in the sea water, and Gu Zheng soon saw the faintly shining fairy array in the sea.

The role of the fairy array is to trap the giant clam, but it will not hinder the entry and exit of other things. In addition, because of the continuous flashing light, the food for this giant clam must be extremely rich on weekdays.

As far as what Gu Zheng saw at this time, a group of hundreds of small fish were attracted by the light, entered the fairy formation and never came out again.

Gu Zheng also stepped into the Immortal Formation, and the scene in front of him was like ripples in the sea, and some scenes that he couldn't see before appeared in his eyes.

The flashing part of the fairy array looks small, but its range of action is quite large. It looks like a football field. There are rocks, corals and algae in it. It looks like the environment is not bad.

Gu Zheng saw it at a glance. On the tallest stone, there were giant clams as big as a room.

This giant clam looks very beautiful in appearance, much like a saffron giant clam. As soon as Gu Zheng entered the fairy formation, he seemed to feel something, and immediately closed the opened shell.

Gu Zheng approached the giant clam, and Shen Nian went there first. He wanted to see what the pearls born in the giant clam looked like.

After all, the 'introduction' just let him know that there are nine pearls in the giant clam, but he couldn't see the picture.

"Huh? This giant clam is unusual!" Gu Zheng said in surprise.

With Gu Zheng's current cultivation, he didn't expect that his divine sense would not be able to detect the inside of the giant clam! Such an abnormality made him unable to help but look closely, but he found an even bigger difference at a glance.

Gu Zheng can tell the grade of an ingredient, and he can also see how the ingredient is best cooked, but this is not just a look, but requires the cooperation of Tiexian Jue. As soon as Gu Zheng entered the Immortal Formation, he saw giant clams, but at that time, he only looked at them purely, which was different from what he sees now when he uses Tiexian Jue.

Since giant clam was cultivated by Gongsun Changsheng's secret method, subconsciously, the ancients felt that its food grade would be very low. However, after reading it with Tie Xian Jue, Gu Zheng discovered that the ingredient level of this giant clam had reached medium quality! This is extremely abnormal. After all, Gongsun Changsheng's so-called secret method is actually a sorcery, and this kind of thing can easily destroy the grade of ingredients, just like pollution in real life.

"This giant clam is not easy!"

Qi Ling smiled meaningfully, Gu Zheng couldn't detect the inside of the giant clam, it doesn't mean she couldn't detect it either.

"There are indeed pearls in this giant clam, but not nine, but eighteen!" Qi Ling said.

"Eighteen? Gongsun Changsheng has been taking care of this giant clam for a hundred years. If there are eighteen pearls in its body, it is impossible for Gongsun Changsheng not to notice it!" Gu Zheng frowned.

"So it's not simple! In Gongsun Changsheng's view, this giant clam has no intelligence, but in fact, it has bred eighteen pearls, and each pearl is the same as the inner alchemy of a spirit beast. It has already possessed some spiritual wisdom! As for why its food grade is so high, it must be related to the pearls in its body! After all, pearls have many rare treasures, just like the legendary water-avoiding beads, fire-proofing beads, etc. .”

Hearing what Qi Ling said, Gu Zheng was shocked: "A spirit beast with one inner alchemy is already very extraordinary, and it has eighteen inner alchemy, what kind of monster is this!"

"Having 18 pearls and cultivating all of them into inner alchemy is indeed an extremely rare thing. If it is given enough time to grow, it will definitely become a very terrifying existence!"

Qi Ling's voice paused, and then he sneered: "According to my guess, this thing can't be described by common sense at all, not only Gongsun Changsheng, but even the person who set up the fairy array to trap it was deceived by it! It has existed for at least two thousand years, and this fairy formation has a history of more than eight hundred years at best."

"Do you mean that with this guy's real strength, it should be able to leave this fairy formation! And the reason why it stays is to cheat food and drink?" Gu Zheng said with wide eyes.

"That's right, maybe it's easy to cheat to eat and drink, and even when it's appropriate, it wants to eat the person who raised it!" Qi Ling affirmed.


Gu Zheng smiled, and was about to speak again, but suddenly found that everything around him was different! The waters are still the same waters, and the giant clams in front of him still exist, but what makes Gu Zheng feel different can only be regarded as a feeling.


Gu Zheng reached out and fiddled with the sea water in front of him, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"That's right, it's the illusion! Just after you entered the fairy formation, this thing's shell closed, and now it's actively attacking, which means it can sense that you are dangerous!" Qi Ling laughed.

"It feels very sharp, but it's just that the ability is a little lower!"

Now that the scene in front of him has been seen to be an illusion, it is much easier to destroy it. Gu Zheng just closed his eyes, and then opened them again, the scene in front of him was a little different.

The waters are still the same waters, but the giant clams are gone!

Clams are supposed to move slowly, but this extraordinary giant clam is not slow at all. It took Gu Zheng no more than four seconds to go from falling into the illusion to leaving the illusion. The giant clam that was originally on the boulder has already flapped two shells and swam to the edge of the fairy formation.

Just as Qi Ling guessed, the fairy formation really couldn't trap the giant clam, only to see a flash of light in its shell, and its figure disappeared into the fairy formation.

"It actually broke the formation in this way! It's really good. The thing shining in its flesh just now is definitely one of its pearls, and this pearl contains the power of Dao, the Dao of the Dao of the formation."

While Qi Ling was speaking, Gu Zheng had already chased him out. Except for the giant clam's departure from the fairy formation, it didn't stop anything from leaving. Gu Zheng didn't waste any time, and he had already appeared in the fairy formation. outside.


Gu Zheng pushed with the palm of his hand, and a spiral of water rushed towards the fleeing giant clam.

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