Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 488 Demon God

The breath of a foreign race is not necessarily from the Wu clan, but Gu Zheng will also be careful, even if he now has the strength to return to the void state.

Today's Gu Zheng already has a deep understanding of the world of cultivating immortals. He is not just a stupid kid who didn't understand anything at the beginning. The realm of returning to the void is indeed powerful on Earth, and he can be regarded as a top master, but in the wild, it is just the beginning of cultivating immortals .

Transforming Qi, Transforming God, and Returning to the Void, the three realms are originally the three realms of the prehistoric gods. The so-called gods are also the beginning of immortals, the beginning of true immortals.

There are too many people who are stronger than heavenly immortals. Any golden immortal is much stronger than heavenly immortals. Fingers can crush an angel to death.

Although foreigners may not necessarily have a high realm, even if they have the realm of the Golden Immortal, they are no longer what Gu Zheng can deal with, so there is nothing wrong with Gu Zheng being careful.

Especially in the current situation, the earth's spiritual power is unexpectedly recovering, and the recovery of spiritual power also means that more powerful people may appear on the earth, so we must be more careful at this time.

The place that Qi Ling detected was in the basement, where a small amount of foreign aura leaked.

Very few, if it weren't for the magic weapon, even a golden fairy would not be able to detect it. This also proves that there is indeed something in this castle, and Brown did not deceive him.

Knowing the place, Gu Zheng didn't go down to investigate immediately, but went to the kitchen by himself and made a dinner.

This is also his first dinner in the castle. Originally, Hao Sen asked the chef here to cook it, but Gu Zheng refused. It was not because he was worried that the food here would poison him, but the ingredients here, the chef Gu Zheng knew everything about it. I understand, and he has a lot in his mouth now, so why not make it yourself and eat it.

Hao Sen was lucky enough to be left by Gu Zheng to eat together, should we eat, it would be better if there were more people.

As for the butler, Gu Zheng didn't pay attention to him when he threatened him before. A person with a second-level inner strength is not in Gu Zheng's eyes at all.

"Mr. Gu, your craftsmanship is amazing. This is the best food I have ever eaten!"

After taking one bite, Hao Sen's eyes lit up. He had heard that Gu Zheng's cooking skills were very good, and he was the best chef in that competition, so that no one dared to accept Mr. Brown's challenge. , and the chefs who have challenged are all Gu Zhengying.

He just heard about it, but he doesn't know how good Gu Zheng's cooking skills are. He finally saw it today. This is definitely the best food he has ever eaten. He never thought that there are people who can The food is so well done.

"Eat more if it's delicious!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, Hao Sen was just an ordinary worker, he didn't know anything, and he could be regarded as a person who served him, and Gu Zheng would not be stingy if he served him.

Hao Sen ate most of the food for one meal. It was because the food made by Gu Zheng was so delicious that he couldn't help but keep eating it. He felt ashamed in the end. .

After dinner, Gu Zheng went straight back to the bedroom without going to the basement to investigate.

In the middle of the night, a person with a dark power came outside Gu Zheng's bedroom, checked carefully, and left quickly. Not long after, a person with a light power also came, and left after checking.

After they left, Gu Zheng, who was lying on the bed, smiled slightly.

These two people came to observe themselves, hide themselves with Gu Zheng's current cultivation base, and disguise themselves as ordinary people, not to mention that they only have the strength of cultivators, even if they really reach the strength of immortal cultivators, as long as they don't reach Void Return Boundaries are impossible to detect.

After the two left, Gu Zheng got up and walked towards the basement by himself.

The basement of the castle is very large. It used to be a dungeon, so the place below looked gloomy. Now it has become a storage room, storing some things that are not easy to put outside, and some materials for maintaining the castle.

After all, the castle has a long history, and the construction time is too long. It is easy to cause damage if it is not well maintained. It's spooky, but not trendy, and has a lot of useful stuff.

These ancient disputes were ignored, and they went to the bottom room. There was nothing in this room, only an ancient magic circle. According to Qi Ling, the breath of the foreign race came from this magic circle.

This is still a damaged magic circle. Because it is old, it is protected and cannot be moved.

Gu Zheng walked over, and soon frowned.

Gu Zheng couldn't feel the aura mentioned by Qi Ling, but the damaged magic circle was made of very good materials, it was a very hard meteorite, and ordinary people couldn't destroy it, but the magic circle had no effect , is purely a decoration.

There is also a stone wall in this room, engraved with the origin of the magic circle, and then there is nothing in the room except the necessary lamps. From the outside, there is no abnormality.

"The magic circle left by Emperor Solomon?"

Looking at the introduction on the wall, Gu Zheng couldn't help shaking his head. The introduction to the magic circle here is very detailed, saying that this is the summoning magic circle left by Solomon. It is said that Solomon used this magic circle to summon seventy-two demon gods. Come and help him fight and create a huge empire.

Gu Zheng didn't believe in this statement, nor did he not believe it. This is an ordinary stone wall in itself, except for its age, there is nothing else, not even a signature.

"Summon the magic circle, alien?"

Gu Zheng's heart suddenly moved. It was just a magic circle. It seemed that there was nothing abnormal, but Qi Ling said that there was an aura of foreigners here. Thinking of the story told on the stone wall, Gu Zheng suddenly felt made a guess.

But it's just a guess, whether it's true or not, Gu Zheng doesn't know.

Before he was ready, Gu Zheng didn't intend to thoroughly explore the secrets of the magic circle. He quietly left the basement and returned to the bedroom.

"Boss, morning!"

Early the next morning, the housekeeper knocked on Gu Zheng's door. He walked in directly by himself without Gu Zheng's consent at all.

"How did you sleep last night?"

After entering, the butler asked with a smile, Gu Zheng had already woken up, and without turning back, he turned his back to the butler and said, "I slept well, butler, have you ever heard of Solomon and the seven brothers?" The story of the Twelve Demon Gods?"

Gu Zheng's words made the housekeeper's eyes tighten suddenly, and he couldn't help clenching his fists.

Gu Zheng has always turned his back to the butler, but he has noticed every small movement of the butler, and he can't hide it from him at all.

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