Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 497 Originally Your Master

Before Adria entered the castle, he had already summoned the Holy See.

What he said was very serious. People from the Dark Association had already broken into the castle. The people from the Dark Association had bad intentions. It is possible that they had found a way to repair the magic circle, so they acted suddenly, hoping that the Holy See could provide quick support.

Adria must make the matter more serious, otherwise the people of the Holy See may not pay attention to it. He alone here, it is absolutely impossible to stop the five masters of the other side.

This news made the Holy See take it seriously.

The Dark Society tore up the agreement, unilaterally broke the contract, and rushed into the castle. The Holy See can no longer sit idly by like before, especially since Adria and the other two angels are there. There must be no surprises for these three angels .

Like the East, there are not many strong people in the West today, some are left over from the prosperous period, especially seraphs like Adria, and there are not many in the entire Holy See of Light.

Support, rescue, it's a must.

The Pope quickly issued an order, and four angels flew out of the Holy See at the same time, four angels, one seraph, and three double-winged angels. This is an absolutely powerful force. If it can meet Adria, it will be equal to seven bit angel.

In addition, the Pope also contacted some angels outside, and tried to support them when he was free.

According to the results of the contact, three angels have already responded and went to the UK. Adding these three angels, there will be ten angels in the UK. Such a powerful force is already more than one-third of the strength of the entire Holy See.

This finally reassured the Pope, but he is also making new preparations. Once there is a possibility of a big war, he will personally lead other angels to rush there. The Pope at this meeting is also paying attention to everything in England.

The three of Adria flew out, but they didn't fly far away. After a while, they saw the five masters of Zarqawi flying out, watching them from a distance.

"Adria, I misunderstood!"

From a distance, Zarqawi spoke to Adria, so that what they said could not be heard by others, nor would it affect the mortals living below.

"Misunderstanding, do you still dare to say misunderstanding at this time?"

Adria snorted coldly. He was stalling for time. He knew that the Holy See had sent reinforcements. As soon as these people arrived, they would not be at a disadvantage. At the same time, he was also worried that there would be more people from the Dark Society here, and they would always Everyone is on guard.

"It's really a misunderstanding, believe me, I swear, it wasn't our people who did it just now!"

Zarqawi patiently explained, and raised his hand to swear, although he was worried about the idea of ​​the Holy See people playing the magic circle, he was more worried that they would trigger a war between the Holy See and the association.

Today is the end of the Dharma era. Unlike before, both the Dark Association and the Holy See of Light have a large number of strong men, and there are hundreds of masters and angels. Now, the Dark Association and the Holy See of Light are combined, and such strong men are not enough The number of sixty.

This kind of strength really can't stand a big battle. It is too difficult to cultivate a strong man like a ruler or an angel.

"Adria, are you all right?"

A figure flew from afar, and it was an angel, a double-winged angel. This angel was not far away in France. He rushed over immediately after receiving the news, and was the first to arrive.

Although he was only a two-winged angel, he was an angel after all. After a reinforcement came, Adria's heart became more stable.

Zarqawi frowned. The arrival of this angel made him realize that the other party sent a distress signal. If this is the case, the other party may have more than one angel coming, and there may even be more people than them.

Zarqawi's worries soon became a reality, and two more angels came together.

Two angels, one with four wings and one with two wings, so there are six angels on the opposite side. Although the number of angels is large, there is only one four-winged angel on the other side, and there are three masters on their side who are equivalent to four-winged angels. One, in terms of overall strength, the Dark Association is not at a disadvantage.

Even so, Zarqawi still has deep worries.

He didn't know that no one from the other party would come, and if anyone came, they would be the ones who were at a disadvantage, so Zarqawi hurried to explain.

"Adria, it's really not us. I can guarantee that there must be a hidden person in or near the castle. I don't know who he is. It may be someone who cultivates the power of darkness, but it's definitely not ours! "

Zarqawi painstakingly explained that he was also worried that things would become a big problem, causing the two major forces to fight because of misunderstanding.

As soon as he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed.

Four figures flew towards them in the distance. Their speed was very fast. Although they hadn't arrived yet, a powerful force had already been released, and they could feel it from a distance.

There are angels again, and there are not one, but four in total. Through their breath, Zarqawi can easily judge the strength of the opponent.

One six-winged, three four-winged, plus the six angels in front of them, a total of ten people came from the opponent, twice as many as them, and twice as strong in strength.

"Damn it!"

Zarqawi no longer cared about explaining, and immediately sent a distress signal to the Dark Association, and at the same time led the people back quickly, retreating into the castle.

"I must find the person who is doing bad things in the dark!"

Zarqawi yelled angrily. As soon as he arrived at the castle, he suddenly yelled: "Everyone come out, come out immediately, no one is allowed to stay in the room, all come outside!"

He suspected that the perpetrators were in the castle, so he cleared out the ordinary people in the castle first, and then probed a little bit. Only by finding out the perpetrators could he clear his grievances.

Although Zarqawi was very angry that so many angels came at once, he did not lose his mind. He knew what he should do.

The three of Jack stood there blankly. What happened today was completely beyond their expectations. The five masters and the three angels all came. When the angels flew in just now, they did not hide their breath. As practitioners, they , They all sensed the powerful breath that suffocated them.

Through their breath, they could also tell that there were at least ten angels outside.

Ten angels, they have never seen so many in their life, and the three of them have no idea what to do, or what happened.

After Zarqawi's roar came out, the three of them shivered violently. The three of them looked at each other, and finally walked out together. Although there were many angels outside, they didn't dare to speak to the big man of the Dark Association. If you refuse, you can only go out.

In the other room, the butler who had already received a response from Mr. Brook looked out disdainfully and ignored Zarqawi's shouting at all.

As for Gu Zheng, this meeting has turned into the previous appearance, standing in another room, looking outside with a smile.

Ten angels, all flew into the castle, surrounded Zarqawi, ten people formed a circle, looked at Zarqawi and them coldly, people came out of the castle one after another, most of them were ordinary people, Only the three of Jack are practitioners.

When the three of Jack came out, the new angels also looked at them.

A total of fifty-two people came out, but neither the housekeeper nor Gu Zheng came out. Zarqawi just glanced at it and realized that someone was missing.

"New owner, butler!"

A cold light flashed in Zarqawi's eyes, and one of the five angels suddenly moved forward. This angel was still holding a huge sword in his hand, and the giant sword suddenly slashed at the only first-level master.

The angel who did it has wings, the same level as the master.

However, the strength of this two-winged angel has reached the late stage, while the master is only in the early stage. The two are in the same realm, but different in strength, and the angel is sneak attacking. can make him hurt.

The angel actually made a move, and it was a sneak attack.


Zarqawi yelled angrily, and took out his magic wand at the same time. The five people quickly joined together, and a magic shield protected them all inside.

Adria was also stunned. Although he asked for reinforcements, he didn't think of doing it immediately. If he could not do it, it's better not to do it. They all knew the consequences of doing it.

But he didn't expect that an angel from his side would suddenly attack.

As soon as this angel moved, the other angels also moved. Fortunately, they were not prepared in advance, otherwise there would be no chance for Zarqawi to set up a magic circle. Seven or eight angels started together, and the magic shield immediately appeared Layers of Bowen, while Adria is struggling to support.

"Not me, not me!"

The angel who attacked first yelled, only he and Adria didn't make a move, and the other angels had already made a move.

"What do you mean?"

Adria flew over quickly and yelled at the angel, while the angel shook his head vigorously: "It's not me, a force suddenly attacked me, and I passed by involuntarily!"

His explanation is very clear, the attack just now was not his initiative, but passive.

Adria was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered the sneak attack they suffered in the basement of the castle. At that time, he was only angry. Looking back now, it seems that the dark master didn't move much at that time, and the power to sneak attack them came from the dark.

Thinking of Zarqawi's explanation again, Adria believed Zarqawi's words a little.


Suddenly there were two roars in the distance, and two dark masters flew quickly from a distance. One of these two masters was level one and the other was level three.

After Zarqawi’s call for help was sent to the Dark Association, the Dark Association left and asked people to come to increase the value. These two masters were in the UK and came the fastest. After arriving, they saw the five masters besieged by the Angel of Light. The five masters hid in the magic circle, and the magic circle obviously couldn't last long.

The third-level master roared, and the two came quickly.

Adding two masters, there are now seven masters, but there are two third-level masters and three second-level masters. Although the overall strength is still weak, it is already weak to a limited extent, and it is not without resistance.

As soon as the two masters came, the five Zarqawi members of the magic circle were released immediately, and the two vampire dukes immediately appeared, with long fangs and bat wings, they flew over and wrestled with the angels .

Ordinary people on the ground were frightened. Angels with wings, and vampires like demons, they didn't expect that the existences in myths and stories would appear in front of them alive, let alone that these two forces would be in front of them. A fight broke out in front of them.

The three of Jack were also stupid. There were seven masters and ten angels in the air, and the two sides actually fought. These two powerful forces fought together, and the aftermath alone was enough to destroy the entire castle.

Adria didn't care about asking the angel, and the other party came to reinforce him again. Even if he didn't want to, he could only fight.

"Is this right? When we fight, the more exciting the fight, the better, hey!"

Gu Zheng in the old castle was standing in front of the window smiling and looking out. He suddenly turned his head and looked in a direction in surprise, which was the direction of the butler's room.

He could feel that a magic circle had been activated there, and a powerful force was coming through the magic circle.

"Gu Zheng, is this Jinxian level power?"

The voice of Qi Ling suddenly sounded, and Gu Zheng was a little taken aback. Jinxian actually belonged to the power of Jinxian level. Before, Jinxian could not survive on the earth, and the environment of the earth could not allow them to survive. Practitioners of golden immortals have to go to Honghuang.

But that's talking about the Chinese cultivation world. If it's Europe, the place people here should go to is heaven, or the demon world promoted by the Dark Association.

These are two different worlds, as different as the prehistoric world.

"He's about to come out, but he suppressed himself, and now he only has the power of the late stage of returning to the void, even so, he is much more powerful than the average strong man in the returning to the void state!"

Qi Ling said something again, Gu Zheng nodded lightly, it is good to suppress the power, looking at it now, the current earth is still not suitable for the existence of strong people with the strength of Jinxian, this Jinxian came here, he must first suppress his own strength strength.

Even so, this is enough to make Gu Zheng amazed. It really surprised him that someone with the strength of Jinxian in the West returned to Earth.

As for this strong man who is about to come out, Gu Zheng has already guessed his identity, Mr. Brooke, the Mr. Brooke that the housekeeper said, the original real owner of this castle.

The situation has already exceeded Gu Zheng's expectations, and even people with the strength of Jinxian have been attracted, but this is more interesting. The result of this trial is really beyond his expectations.

The two groups of people outside were still fighting. The three of Jack were surprised to find that the aftermath of their battle had affected the castle, but a layer of light shield had risen around the castle. Come in.

This discovery made the three of them heave a sigh of relief. The castle is really not simple. With this mask, at least they are safe for the time being. Otherwise, they would not be able to bear the aftermath of the battle.

The two sides of the battle fought fiercely, but the housekeeper was trembling with excitement in the room. He finally saw Mr. Brook again. Speaking of which, this was the second time he saw Mr. Brook, strictly speaking, it should be the first time Well, when he took over as the butler, although he saw Mr. Brook, it was a projection, not an entity.

This time, it was Mr. Brook himself, that is, his body.

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