Second-level ingredients are not so easy to find. Fortunately, I have accumulated a lot of experience in searching for second-class ingredients before Gu Zheng, and I know how to find them, so I can avoid detours.

Gu Zheng accepted the challenge to make duck blood vermicelli soup. The main ingredients are ducks and vermicelli. The ducks raised are basically garbage grade, and even poisonous ingredients. Few poultry raised can reach the low level, while the free-range ones are Most of them are inferior, and a few are rubbish, but it is very difficult for inferior ones to appear, it all depends on luck.

It is not easy for any food to be second-class. The food grades in the Immortal World are very strict. Take ducks as an example. Impossible to be inferior.

Don't look at the word "secondary", this is the classification of the fairy world. Secondary is already a very good existence on the earth. It can be seen from the few inferior ingredients found in the ancient struggle, whether it is from the Alps Ice spring mineral water, Peruvian seaweed salt, or Fujian general oil are basically the best and top-notch products of their kind.

The second class in the fairy world is almost equivalent to the top of the earth, so if you want to find such ducks, you can't go to the market, or even to the farm. Instead, you can go to the mountains or farms.

Besides duck, another main ingredient is vermicelli.

It is best to use sweet potato flour for vermicelli, and the vermicelli in that shop is very good, it is a low-grade ingredient, if there is no extra points for vermicelli, Gu Zheng would not even give them 50 points.

If Gu Zheng wants to do better than them, fans need to use second-class fans with a higher level than them. Low-level fans are fine. After all, sweet potatoes are underground. Less, low-quality sweet potatoes are still easy to grow.

Low-quality sweet potatoes combined with the same low-quality groundwater can cook vermicelli with low-quality ingredients.

But it is difficult to make vermicelli reach second-class. First of all, no pesticides and chemical fertilizers can be used in the place where sweet potatoes are planted. Just like ducks, once these raw materials are used, the grade of sweet potatoes cannot reach second-class, and the highest is low-class.

There is only one level between low and low, but it is difficult to cross, especially in the current environment.

After Gu Zheng planned carefully, the first ingredient he came out to look for was vermicelli.

To be precise, what he was looking for was the raw materials for making vermicelli, and he knew that there was a green base near Hangcheng. But strictly speaking, it is not a base at all, but a scientific research center to study the improvement and improvement of some crops. The land there does not use any chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Gu Zheng's father has an old friend there The job is the deputy director, and the relationship is not bad. Gu Zheng has been there several times before.

After he went out in the morning, he went straight here.

The scale of the base is not large, but the management is very strict. The things here are not for sale. If it weren't for Gu Zheng's relationship here, he wouldn't even be able to enter the door. There are as many as six security guards guarding the gate. It is full of walls with cables. People who don't know it may think this is some kind of prison.

It's a good thing to do. Gu Zheng originally wanted to see if there were any inferior sweet potatoes here. Even if there were no inferior sweet potatoes, there would definitely be inferior sweet potatoes. Take some low-quality sweet potatoes back and enter the prehistoric space to upgrade to inferior. Thinking about it, he actually gave him a big surprise after coming here.

There is a piece of land here, and the quality of the sweet potatoes grown has reached second-class. Not only sweet potatoes, but also green onion, ginger and peppercorns and other auxiliary materials are planted here, all of which are of second-class quality, which means that Gu Zheng can find all the ingredients at once.

This was indeed a big surprise.

The deputy director and Gu Zheng's father had known each other in the early years, and they had a very good relationship. Back then, Gu Zheng's father helped him a little bit. He heard Gu Zheng said that he just wanted something like sweet potatoes, green onions and ginger. With a big wave of his hand, someone was there immediately. I prepared a bag for Gu Zheng, and there were twenty-five catties of sweet potatoes in it. If Gu Zheng wasn't worried that he couldn't handle it, there would be twice as many sweet potatoes.

With sweet potatoes and other ingredients, a snakeskin bag weighs 30 catties. It must have been tiring for Gu Zheng to carry it by himself in the past. Now that he has Xianli to improve his physique, it is much easier to carry it.

Twenty-five catties of sweet potatoes seems like a lot, but there may not be many fans.

To make sweet potatoes into vermicelli, the first step is to turn the sweet potatoes into sweet potato flour. Only four to six catties of sweet potatoes can produce one catty of sweet potato flour. In order not to affect the quality of sweet potato flour, Gu Zheng does not plan to use machines to grind it, but to use primitive methods to grind it. , the output will be even lower.

One catty of sweet potato flour can only cook about seven taels of vermicelli. If you calculate it this way, you can actually get less than three catties of vermicelli from twenty-five catties of sweet potatoes, which is not a lot.

There are a lot of cheap sweet potato vermicelli in the market nowadays, there are six yuan, five yuan, or even two or three yuan. These low-priced so-called pure sweet potato flour are 100% fake, and the cost of pure sweet potato vermicelli is more than that, basically. It is made of starch and sold as sweet potato vermicelli.

Finding so many raw materials all at once made Gu Zheng feel more relaxed. With sweet potato flour and other ingredients, even if he can’t find a low-quality duck, he just needs to buy a low-quality duck and enter the prehistoric space to upgrade it. But, this is equivalent to having a full set of inferior ingredients.

With these ingredients, this challenge is equivalent to saying that Gu Zheng is invincible. The gap in ingredients is too big for ordinary cooking skills to make up for, not to mention that Gu Zheng's own cooking skills are not bad.

Another day passed, and this topic on the website became more and more popular, with more than 100,000 followers. It was the topic with the most attention recently, and it may even be the topic with the highest attention on Food Channel this year.

The gap in voting has also gradually widened, and the number of people who support Gu Zheng has decreased a little. The proportion who thinks he can win is now only 30%, and the support of the head chef has risen to 70%.

In the beginning, Gu Zheng could have such a high support rate because he had a lot of die-hard fans at that time, but there were only those die-hard fans of Gu Zheng. Later, the attention increased and attracted many readers who didn't know Gu Zheng. Readers mostly support professional chefs, and no one thinks that a non-professional can win in cooking.

The level of attention was so high that even the top management of the website was alarmed. On the third day, the day before the challenge, the top management of the website suddenly decided to follow up and report on this event in real time, and even put the challenge process into the live broadcast platform and broadcast it live .

Not only did Mu Mu not expect this result, but the chef who initiated the challenge also did not expect it. The result is that their company pays more attention to it. Although they still use the original raw materials, they select the best from the raw materials. Make sure that Their head chef wins.

With such a high degree of attention and live broadcast, they can no longer afford to lose. Once they lose, the brand image of the entire company will be greatly reduced, and it will even affect the operation of the entire company.

The chef who initiated the challenge did not expect to make such a big fuss.

As for the other party involved, the club is still sleeping soundly, having no idea that this challenge has attracted so many people's attention.

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