The so-called problem in the ancient dispute is the lack of food resources.

The ingredients used for the mutated spotted virus have changed to seven kinds, four of which are ordinary-grade ingredients, and the other three are inferior-grade ingredients.

Inferior-level ingredients can still be satisfied by mobilizing the power of the country, but ordinary-level ingredients are relatively scarce in the secular world. During this period of time, the ancient disputes have been sticking to the old books, and now the old books have also been posted. It's reached the point where it won't stick.

Gu Zheng's hometown is like this, and the situation abroad is not much better. The people there are also constantly researching how to treat spotted flowers.

As the saying goes, there are no wet shoes when you often stand by the river. Spotted flowers are not ordinary viruses after all. The lack of understanding of them also caused major problems in clinical trials. In the end, in an isolated hospital in the United States, spotted spots virus also disappeared. Mutated! Moreover, they were not alone in the clinical experiment at the time, so there were more mutated spotted mottle viruses and more people were infected. The situation was already out of control and spread to neighboring countries.

The disaster has truly become worldwide, and the number of people dying every day on the earth has reached a frightening level. Compared with other hard-hit countries, the country where Guzheng is located is considered good. After all, there is a cure for spotted virus here, although due to the scarcity of materials, it cannot be provided to other countries.

The Americans also brought samples of the mutated spotted flower virus to Gu Zheng, after all, Gu Zheng could be the mutated spotted flower. After seeing the specimens of the mutated spotted virus, Gu Zheng felt very speechless about it. The mutated spotted virus abroad was exactly the same as the one here!

To mutate an unusual virus like the spotted mottle virus to the point of being exactly the same, there is only one answer, and that is the diet therapy that cured the common spotted mottle virus in the first place. Professor Yang's same research led to the same tragedy!

People in his own country can't be rescued, and Gu Zheng can only express his helplessness to the requests of international friends.

"Here are the few ingredients you need, and they are the only ingredients that Kunlun School has."

Master Yufeng led Gu Zheng into a room, and saw that it was full of boxes, and the ingredients in the boxes were exactly what Gu Zheng needed.

"Master, I won't say much if I thank you. Whenever you need food training, just go to me!"

With a wave of his hand, Gu Zheng put all the boxes into the Primordial Space, and at the same time meant to say goodbye.

"Master Gu, is it really worth doing this? After all, they are ordinary people." Master Yufeng hesitated to speak.

"It's worth it!"

Gu Zheng smiled and left the Kunlun School.

For Gu Zheng, he initially decided to save people because the secular world was his hometown, and then received the task of Qi Ling. But things have evolved beyond his imagination so far. Things that should have been easily resolved, turned out to be very difficult because of that damn Professor Yang. Many people died, and the plague did not know when it would be completely controlled. Live, and he has taken in a lot of resources himself.

Is it worth it or not? Is it for the hometown? Or for a mission? Or is it just an obsession that doesn't want to give up? In this regard, Gu Zheng no longer wants to think too much, he just wants to do his best.

"It's all worth it!"

The voice of Qi Ling suddenly sounded.

"What's the meaning?"

Gu Zheng heard that Qi Ling's words seemed to contain deep meaning.

"The development of things is beyond your imagination, and it is also beyond my imagination! For you, the complexity of things has cost you time and resources, but what you have gained is definitely an infinite return of the price you paid !"

"The expectation of one thing will produce the power of will. Do you know how many people are looking forward to the cure of spotted mottle virus? This is not only the secular world where you are looking forward to, but the people of the whole earth are looking forward to it." Perhaps the vast majority of people who are looking forward to and don’t know that you can cure spotted flower virus are you, but they know that there is food therapy in your country that can cure spotted flower. These desires and expectations for food therapy have been transformed into possible The wish power used by you!"

Qi Ling wanted to keep calm, but he couldn't help being a little excited.

After opening the sixth consciousness, Gu Zheng can already feel the power of will and faith. When he was in the city, he did feel the great power of wish.

"What's the use of wish power? It's not the pure power of faith. Its use was exhausted when I strengthened the five senses and opened the sixth sense?"

Although Gu Zheng was a little curious about Qi Ling's words, his spirit was still not lifted much. And Qi Ling did tell Gu Zheng about the use of wish power before, and it is indeed only what Gu Zheng said.


Qi Ling denied Gu Zheng's cognition: "In common sense, the power of will is just for a little use, but it is for the power of thought you collected before! Some things, quantitative changes can also affect qualitative changes. This time, the power of wishes is not thousands of people. , it’s not tens of thousands of people, it’s the condensed power of millions, tens of millions, or hundreds of millions of people! Compared with the power you’ve collected before and the power you’ve formed now, it’s definitely the same It's a drop in the bucket, I didn't expect that such a huge amount of willpower would appear one day, so I didn't tell you what the massive amount of willpower can be used for!"

Qi Ling was so excited, Gu Zheng couldn't help but feel a little moved: "What can the massive wish power be used for?"

"As long as you collect these massive amounts of wish power, I can transform it into 'Wish Power Immortal Dew' for you. This is a good thing that is more powerful than ordinary treasures of heaven, material and earth. It can be used in your Daluo Jinxian realm Time will produce a magical effect!" Qi Ling said excitedly.


Gu Zheng couldn't help laughing: "What about Daluo Jinxian? I haven't even been to the Golden Fairyland now, so it's a bit early to say this."

"Whether it's early or not, for me you've made money this time. I was already preparing for the collection of wish power a few days ago. When you return to the city, I will start to collect wish power. To start collecting, you don’t need to do anything, the wish power will naturally come to you! When the time comes, it will be transformed into 'Wish Power Elixir', and it will only be your mission, a reward from me personally!" Lingdao.

"Forget it! Without me taking you around the world, you can rely on your cross-regional collection of willingness. Such a high-end operation will definitely affect you. In order to be able to use it in my Daluo Jinxian realm I don't think it's worth it to hurt you like 'Wishing Power Immortal Dew', so you'd better not do it!" Gu Zheng shook his head.

"I don't!" Qi Ling said stubbornly: "Leave me alone, just take care of your own affairs!"

Seeing Qi Ling's attitude was firm, Gu Zheng shook his head again: "Forget it, let you go!"

Gu Zheng is really feeling overwhelmed now. It takes seven days of diet therapy to heal a person. Although a diet therapy does not use too many ingredients, after all, there are too many patients.

If it were done in the past, the ingredients obtained from Kunlun today would be huge enough. After all, this is the accumulation of the Kunlun School for many years, and Master Yufeng gave it all to him to save face. But now, the ingredients given by Master Yufeng are good enough to treat patients with spotting disease in three provinces.

"Now there is an urgent need for more ingredients, and an improved method of diet therapy is needed!" During the flight, Gu Zheng muttered to himself.

In terms of ingredients, Gu Zheng not only made a request to Kunlun, but also prepared ingredients for him from Shushan and Buddhism. Even if the ingredients are added together, there are not as many as the Kunlun family.

As for improving diet therapy, Gu Zheng really has no choice! After all, he is not an ordinary person, he understands the properties of ingredients very well, and he also knows at a glance what uses the ingredients can produce when combined with each other! Among his existing ingredients, it is simply impossible to improve the diet for the treatment of spotted virus.

Gu Zheng is eager to improve diet therapy, and the authorities are even more eager to make a breakthrough in this matter. They use scientific means to analyze and research diet therapy, and when making medicine, they are also very cautious and take good measures, and let Gu Zheng be present. look.

Moreover, the scientific research is not ineffective, at least now a drug has been developed that can prolong the lifespan of spotted flower patients for a few days. However, it is only extended for two to three days.

"Do you want more ingredients?"

The voice of Qi Ling suddenly sounded.

"Ask knowingly."

Gu Zheng smiled wryly.

"It's not impossible to want more ingredients, but you have to please me!" Qi Ling snorted at Gu Zheng.

"It's enough to please you? Don't I need to take on any more tasks?"

Gu Zheng's eyes lit up, and he discovered the key point in Qi Ling's words.

"Of course not. After all, helping you is my own strength, and it's not within the scope of Master Tiexian's mission." Qi Ling said proudly.

"That's a good relationship, please help me! I really don't want to take on the task in a short time, and the current task has already made me dizzy." Gu Zheng said.

"No, I wasn't allowed to restore my wish before, but now I have to help you if I say you want me to help you? How can it be so easy!" Qi Ling raised his chin slightly.

"I didn't let you restore your wish power just now, don't you still want you to be tired and injured? You're blaming me now, is there any reason to say?" Gu Zheng said depressedly.

"Reason? Are you reasoning with women?"

Qi Ling gave Gu Zheng a big white eye.

"You are the only one who is still a woman? A little girl is almost the same!"

Looking at Qi Ling's petite body, Gu Zheng laughed amusedly.

"Are you trying to please me?" Qi Ling gritted her teeth.

"All right, all right, I'll please you!"

Seeing that Qi Ling was about to get angry at being teased, Gu Zheng quickly became serious, and then stretched out his hand to wipe his face, as if changing his face, he had put on a playful expression.

"The most beautiful weapon spirit, the kindest weapon spirit, the cutest weapon spirit, the weapon spirit that helped me the most, please help me again with kindness!"

Although Gu Zheng was full of laughter, and his words of flattery sounded insincere, but Qi Ling was still amused, and his smile was gorgeous.

"For the sake of your sincerity, I will promise you without any trouble!"

Qi Ling's voice paused, and then he said seriously: "There are seven kinds of ingredients used to treat spotted flowers, and six of them belong to plants. You can transplant these six kinds of plants into your two fairy fields, and then The islanders of the two islands gave birth, and their maturity will be greatly advanced."

"Can other plants besides fairy food be planted in the fairy field?" Gu Zheng asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"Theoretically not possible, but if you have enough willpower, it's a different matter. After all, the operation of Xiantian relies on willpower. If there is enough willpower, I only need to make changes to the Xiantian formation. , you can cultivate the medicinal materials you need." Qi Ling said.

"There is still such an operation? Is it possible to cultivate higher-level ingredients through this method?" Gu Zheng's eyes lit up.

"Good idea!" Qi Ling rolled his eyes and said, "Have you seen any fairy food in the fairy field that is of higher quality than ordinary? It is that only ordinary plants with the highest food grade can be grown in Xiantian."

"When you say enough power, do you mean the power generated by the islanders' prayers?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"No! The little wish power they generated is only enough to maintain the operation of the Xiantian formation, and it is not enough to make changes to the Xiantian formation. Didn't I say it? After returning to the city, we will start Collect the wish power, and change the Xiantian formation at that time, use the collected wish power! If it is not a coincidence, there are so many wishes about you, it is not easy to change the Xiantian formation Things!" Qi Ling said.

"The same level as normal, will the plants transplanted into Xiantian take longer to mature than Xianliang?"

Gu Zheng has already become excited. If the time will not be longer than Immortal Grain, then according to the speed of ripening a batch of Immortal Field Formation in fifteen days, plus the area of ​​two Immortal Fields, this will greatly supplement the resources Missing, so as to save more people!


Qi Ling's answer was very affirmative: "The change of the Xiantian formation is actually an improvement of it with the power of will! Originally, it would take fifteen days to ripen the grain in Xiantian, but after the improvement of the Xiantian formation, , the time will be reduced by one-third of the original time! As for the plants you transplanted into the fairy field, the growth cycle of those with ordinary ingredients only needs ten days, and the growth period of those with inferior ingredients only takes six days !"


Gu Zheng laughed out loud. In fact, maturing once every fifteen days is enough to make Gu Zheng very happy, but he didn't expect that this maturing time would be shortened to such an extent.

"However, improving the Xiantian Formation will require more thought power to maintain its operation. If it weren't for the fact that you have a lot of thought power available now, it would not be able to function at all based on the wishes of thousands of islanders. "Qi Ling said again.

"Volunteering has different expectations for things. Can this be shared? After all, the wishing force obtained from the outside world is only the expectation of dietary therapy!" Gu Zheng wondered.

"It can be used universally! The Xiantian magic circle is yours, and it is also arranged by you. It is inextricably linked with you, and the expectation and wish for diet therapy still fall on you. Therefore, the magic circle collected from the outside world The wish power can be used to support the operation of the Xiantian Formation." Qi Ling said.

"That's great, you're such a great weapon spirit!"

Such a turnaround in things really made Gu Zheng ecstatic. If he could truly touch the spirit of Qi, Gu Zheng would really happily hug her up at this time.

"You also said that I look like a little girl, don't you look like a child when you are happy?" Qi Ling covered her mouth and smiled.

In any case, Qi Ling can give Gu Zheng such a great help in terms of ingredients, which is something that Gu Zheng had never thought of before, and it undoubtedly alleviated the harm of the spotted virus to the secular world.

After returning to the secular world, Gu Zheng is still very busy, busy going to the isolation hospital, and also busy going to the food therapy production line.

There is no need for Gu Zheng to do anything in terms of wish power. As soon as he returned to the city, the prepared Qi Ling began to collect the wish power. Gu Zheng could feel that the wish power from all directions was gathering towards him.

Two days later, Qi Ling told Gu Zheng that the wish power she had collected was able to change the Xiantian formations on the two islands.

Standing outside the fairy field of Wufeng Island, looking at the freshly sprouted fairy grain in the fairy field, Gu Zheng felt a little regretful.

Since the cultivation of fairy food, tens of thousands of tons of fairy food have been produced in the fairy fields on the two islands, but among these fairy food, the fairy food that can be used to make seeds is not enough to plant ten acres of land. required amount.

"Are you feeling sorry for these fairy food?"

As if seeing Gu Zheng's heart, Qi Ling said.

"Indeed, I'm thinking about the lost celestial food, how can I get the seeds of celestial food from you, and what kind of tasks do I have to do to get it!"

Gu Zheng didn't plan to keep planting these kinds of ingredients for what to grow in Xiantian in the future, because these ingredients were not as effective as fairy food except to deal with the spotted virus.

Gu Zheng is worried about the seeds of fairy food, but he is not worried about the ingredients that will be planted. After all, these ingredients are not as strict as the requirements of fairy food, and the seeds they produce can be used directly.

"You don't need to do any more tasks to get the seeds of fairy food."

Qi Ling smiled slightly, and then said: "What we will do this time is to improve the Immortal Field Formation. After the improved Immortal Field Formation, planting immortal food on the room-sized land at the eye of the formation can cultivate seeds." ! So, you don’t have to worry about the issue of fairy grain seeds in the future.”

"It can be like this, this is really good!"

Gu Zheng was happy, Qi Ling also smiled happily, and then she used the collected wish power to improve the Xiantian formation.

Improving the Xiantian formation is not an easy task. It took Qi Ling a whole half a day to improve the Xiantian formation, and she was obviously tired.

It has to be said that Qi Ling was of great help to Gu Zheng in the matter of the spotted flowers this time. Although Gu Zheng didn't say anything, he remembered it in his heart.

The fairy field has been improved, and all the plants that need to be planted have been planted in it. The islanders of Wufeng Island immediately began to ripen the plants devoutly.

The islanders also already know that the outside world is suffering from serious disasters, and the medicinal materials planted in the fairy field are used to end the disaster. While they pray sincerely, they are also grateful for living in this extraterrestrial island without the disaster of war superior.

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