The 'Skylight Mirror' mentioned by Gu Zheng is an energy-gathering fairy device, which absorbs the essence of the sun. When the treasure was distributed last time, it was distributed to Fang Xing.

Although the 'Sky Light Mirror' is only a mid-level fairy weapon, since sunlight is the nemesis of bat monsters, it should be fine to use the 'Sky Light Mirror' to deal with them.

In fact, fairy artifacts like the 'Skylight Mirror', which can condense the essence of sunlight, are relatively common fairy artifacts, but because they are too ordinary, although they existed before Guzheng, when they came to Hezhou, Xiniu, they were already treated as nothing. The used things are dealt with! Who would have thought that this kind of fairy weapon would be needed at this time.

"Ah? Skylight Mirror? Damn it! When we were resting in the valley, I gave the Skylight Mirror and some other resources to Huang Qi as a parting gift!"

Almost accompanied by Fang Xing's annoyed voice, the bat monster that was chasing him and Gu Zheng had also come to the front at this time.

"Don't attack them, the more you attack them, the stronger you will be!"

Gu Zheng reminded Fang Xing, and at the same time flew to the top of the cave, which was seven or eight feet high, and Fang Xing immediately followed.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, why don't you use Immortal Realm first to trap these monsters!" Fang Xing panicked.

Gu Zheng frowned: "It's been less than a day since the last time I used Xianyu, and I can't use it yet!"

"All right!"

Looking at the bat monster on the ground, Fang Xing looked very anxious.

The bat monster on the ground looked up at the two people on the top of the cave, and those who didn't fly up with them all opened their mouths towards the top of the cave.

Blood-red beams of light, the length and thickness of which resembled chopsticks, shot into the air from the mouths of the bat monsters.

While dodging, Gu Zheng deliberately let a red light hit his fairy shield.

The celestial power shield that received a red light swayed slightly, and Gu Zheng also knew the destructive power of the red light, which was equivalent to a blow from a golden immortal cultivator in the early days. This level of destructive power, with his current cultivation base, and with the help of immortal artifacts, he can still bear a lot.

With the help of the protection brought by the high-level fairy weapon, Fang Xing, who also endured a ray of red light, seemed a little anxious. Although this red ray of light did not cause any harm to him because he had an immortal body protection, after all, his own strength is only at the early stage of Golden Immortal. It poses a great threat.

"Do you have anything else, an immortal artifact that can condense the essence of sunlight?" Gu Zheng asked.


While shaking his head, Fang Xing took out a glove from the storage belt. This glove turned out to be a high-level fairy weapon, which Gu Zheng had never seen before.

"What are you doing?" Gu Zheng asked.

"I'll try to deal with them with special attack power!" Fang Xing said.

"Don't attack them, the more you attack them, the stronger you will be!" Gu Zheng reminded again.

"If I don't try, I won't last long!"

Looking at Fang Xing who was smiling wryly, Gu Zheng didn't say anything more, he was acquiescing to what he was going to do.

Fang Xing took out a white thing from his storage belt.

The white thing is a bone arm, but it is not a human bone. It looks like the arm of some kind of humanoid spirit beast. The extremely strong fluctuation of immortal power and the cold and evil aura on it represent that it is a top-level magic weapon! This top-level magic weapon came from the treasure chest inside the corpse tree. Gu Zheng was still curious at the time why Fang Xing would abandon the high-level fairy weapon and choose this magic weapon that could not be activated at all unless he practiced special magic skills. Now it seems that Fang Xing should be able to use the magical power of this magic weapon with the help of the gloves of the high-level fairy weapon.

Sure enough, after Fang Xing held the bone's arm through the glove, the whole arm suddenly became like black jade, and the powerful celestial power on it fluctuated even more!


Fang Xing waved his bone arm towards the bottom, and suddenly a huge and incomparable wind was born, and there were thousands of strange monsters in it, rushing towards the bat monsters violently.

Gu Zheng frowned, he could feel the power of the demon spirit! It would be best if the bat monsters could be killed by the demon spirits. If the bat monsters were not killed by the demon spirits, but devoured by the demon spirits, then the strength of the bat monsters would definitely be improved.

Sure enough, the bite of the demon spirits had no effect on the bat monsters. The bat monsters screamed as if they had seen something delicious. Without resistance, no matter how hard they struggled, they were still sucked into the mouth by the bat monster. And while the bat monsters are sucking the demon spirits, their aura is also increasing.

"Stop attacking!"

Fang Xing, who was unwilling to see it, wanted to wave his bone arm again, so Gu Zheng hurriedly reminded him.

At the same time, Qi Ling's voice also sounded in Gu Zheng's mind, and she told Gu Zheng how to break the restriction, thereby eliminating the black barrier blocking the way.

"Don't attack these monsters anymore, just hold them back here, and I'll break the barrier!" Gu Zheng said.

"There are monsters below, if I don't launch an attack to attract them, how can I attract their attention?" Fang Xing was puzzled.

"You just fly around to avoid it, my way of dealing with it freely."

In fact, when Gu Zheng knew that almost all the attacks that wanted to kill the bat monsters had no effect on them, he tried to use some means to get out of the predicament. It's just that these methods are not offensive methods, so some of them are not even noticed by Fang Xing. Among the methods he used, one of them was invisibility.

Immortal cultivators all have invisibility means, they can influence the target through immortal power or spiritual thoughts, so as to achieve the effect of invisibility.

However, the traditional invisibility method does not work against bat monsters, and the invisibility method that Gu Zheng is about to use is called 'seeing nothing', which can be regarded as a unique skill of Kongkongmen.

Kongkongmen is the sect where the thief belongs. At the beginning, Gu Zheng obtained secret books and other things from the treasures of Kongkongmen, and finally almost filled the library of the Emei school. Among these cheat books, Gu Zheng not only learned the 'Langya Flying Body Technique', but also learned several other methods of the Kong Kongmen, among which was 'turning a blind eye'.

'Turn a blind eye' is not an advanced invisibility method, even a practitioner without immortal power in his body can easily learn it. It is also because of this that its effect is not good, and it cannot be hidden from the cultivators at all.

However, in the valley where the corpse tree was killed before, Gu Zheng had seen Feng Weikong perform an invisibility technique similar to 'turning a blind eye'. At that time, Feng Weikong's body appeared translucent, and he was exactly the same With this method, he was not discovered by the corpse tree until he launched an attack on the corpse tree, and this is a magic that cannot be achieved by traditional invisibility techniques!

It was just an attempt at first, but who would have thought that the moment Gu Zheng casted 'Blooming Deafness', the few bat monsters that were originally aiming at him immediately changed their targets, and when Gu Zheng used 'Blinding Deafness' After that, those bat monsters targeted him again! This undoubtedly shows that the "turning a deaf ear" that was not valued by Gu Zheng before has a miraculous effect in special times.

Now, Gu Zheng is going to break the black barrier's restriction, and he once again cast "turn a blind eye", although his body is not as transparent as Feng Weikong, but his function is a real existence, and all bat monsters will emerge Aim at Fang Xing in the air.

Seeing that Gu Zheng arrived near the black barrier safely, Fang Xing, who was tired of dodging in the air, did not show joy in his eyes, but a trace of coldness.

Fang Xing quickly took out a jade bottle from his storage belt and crushed it.

What was contained in the jade bottle was a kind of liquid, which evaporated in the wind, turning into a faint white mist, lingering around Fang Xing.

At the same time, the bat monsters that were still attacking Fang Xing immediately stopped their attacks as if they couldn't see Fang Xing.


Fang Xing waved the bone arm in his hand, and the huge and incomparable wind immediately swept towards Gu Zheng.

The bat monster, who had lost its target, immediately chased the demon spirit towards Gu Zheng when it saw the demon spirit appearing.

Fang Xing, who launched a surprise attack on Gu Zheng, was not happy, on the contrary, he was very nervous, because at the same time he raised his bone arm and waved towards Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng turned around fiercely, looking at him with cold and contemptuous eyes! This made him instantly feel that Gu Zheng had never fully trusted him, and Gu Zheng had already understood his conspiracy!

"Go to hell!"

Gu Zheng's eyes made Fang Xing furious, and Fang Xing roared with fear. He waved the "Ice Crystal Fishbone Fan" and released a huge ray phantom to hit Gu Zheng.

"Is this the opportunity you've been waiting for?"

Gu Zheng sneered, and at the same time he flew up, he slashed at the phantom of the ray.

With incomparable momentum, the black saber air split the phantom of the ray into two pieces in the air. As for the demon spirits released by Fang Xing earlier, they were directly ignored by Gu Zheng.

Demon spirits are not evil spirits or undead, which are related to human beings. They belong to a special kind of spiritual life, which is Tang Mo's food! Therefore, all the demon spirits that rushed towards Gu Zheng were swallowed up by Tang Mo, and the speed of that kind of swallowing was faster than that of the bat monsters on the ground.

Moreover, it is not the first time that Tang Mo swallowed a demon spirit. When he was still on the earth, when Gu Zheng beheaded the first immortal cultivator Xueguang Patriarch, he used Tang Mo to swallow a bloody patriarch released by him. demon spirit.

Fang Xing in the air was really ashamed. Originally, the ancient battles consumed his hole cards one after another, which made Fang Xing secretly happy. It was confirmed just now that his immortal supernatural powers have not yet recovered.

Fang Xing originally thought that if he deliberately won the 'Sky Light Mirror' and then used Astragalus to take it away, Gu Zheng would be helpless when facing the bat monster. But who would have thought that accidents would happen one after another!

It was an accident that Gu Zheng was able to make the bat monster ignore him. It was also an accident that Gu Zheng was so guarded against him. It was an accident that Gu Zheng's Tang Mo was able to swallow the demon spirit!

Without the help of a powerful demon spirit, he knew how powerful Gu Zheng was, so he didn't dare to fight Gu Zheng at all, he just dodged and defended as much as possible.

For a person's initial impression, this is a relatively difficult thing to change! Fang Xing's first impression of Gu Zheng was not good, and Gu Zheng did not trust him all the time.

Especially after Huang Qi and Yang Jue left, Gu Zheng became even more wary of Fang Xing. One of the reasons for this was that Fang Xing's cultivation level was not as good as that of Huang Qi and Yang Jue. In the case of retreating, he still chose to continue walking, which made Gu Zheng also have to be cautious! After all, they have already got a lot of treasures in the treasure, and each of them can be said to be a small moving treasure.

However, distrust is just a defense, and Gu Zheng has no too definite evidence to prove that Fang Xing just wants to plot against him, after all, Fang Xing has always pretended to be very good.

Not long ago, Gu Zheng's doubts about Fang Xing escalated. According to the trust that Fang Xing showed in him along the way, after he said that bat monsters cannot be attacked, Fang Xing should not want to insist on attacking! And bat monsters are things that cannot be attacked, so Fang Xing's intentions need to be guarded even more!

"Why don't you do it? Are you scared?"

Gu Zheng had already slashed at Fang Xing twice, but Fang Xing escaped through a very strange method.

"You are lucky. The treasure after the death of the corpse tree not only allowed you to get a top magic weapon, but also let you get a pair of leggings with such a miraculous effect!"

At the same time that Gu Zheng's opponent was Xing Xing's sound transmission, he slashed at him with a knife.

However, Gu Zheng's knife had no effect, because in this short period of time, all the demon spirits had been sucked clean by the bat monster! With no more demon spirits to eat, they aimed their spearheads at the air. As soon as Gu Zheng's sword light appeared, it was the strange suction that sucked the demon spirits, and the knife light was immediately divided by them.

"Why are you able to make these monsters ignore you!"

Fang Xing's voice transmission to Gu Zheng sounded crazy. He thought that even if Gu Zheng could avoid the demon spirit to open the ban, once he was forced to take action, the demon spirit would definitely attack Gu Zheng. Attack! After all, the most fearful thing about traditional invisibility is to dispatch Xianli to use some means, which will make the invisibility state disappear. It's a pity that what Gu Zheng can do is the same as him, the attack is not affected at all, and the bat monster can't see them at all.

"When you die, you will know this!"

Gu Zheng sneered, he no longer used any fairy arts, and flew directly towards Fang Xing, as if he wanted to chop Fang Xing to death with a single knife.

Although the environment is special, it is not difficult for Gu Zheng to solve Fang Xing, and the reason why he has not solved Fang Xing yet is because he wants to see who Fang Xing is waiting for to appear! If Fang Xing is dealt with at this time, it may scare the people who will come.

From Gu Zheng's point of view, he was able to avoid the bat monster to break the restriction, which was already beyond Fang Xing's expectations! With Fang Xing's prudence, if there is no help, you should not bet on whether he will attract the attack of the bat monster when he launches an attack. What's more, after Fang Xing saw that he was not afraid of bat monsters, he always had a kind of anxiety on his face, which was very similar to the anxiety of waiting for someone.

As for whether he will be unable to cope with Fang Xing's help, Gu Zheng is not worried about this issue at all. If Fang Xing and his help are really strong enough to solve Gu Zheng, then Gu Zheng I don't think he has to spend a lot of time trying to use the bat monster to make a fuss.

"Go away!"

Facing Gu Zheng who was getting closer to him, Fang Xing slashed at Gu Zheng with his flying sword while screaming.

For this type of attack from the flying sword, the bat monsters on the ground with their heads up, as if waiting to be fed, chose to ignore it, as if metal was not their food.


The sound of gold and iron intersecting sounded, and Fang Xing's flying sword was sent flying by Gu Zheng.

At the same time, a strange sound came out, the black barrier that originally blocked the cave was broken, and a skinny old man with gray-white hair appeared in Gu Zheng and Fang Xing's sight.

As soon as Fang Xing saw the skinny old man appear, his face immediately became excited, and he immediately sent the voice transmission to the skinny old man. And this skinny old man also has the means to deal with bat monsters. He is also surrounded by a faint white mist, which looks somewhat similar to Fang Xing's.

Gu Zheng guessed right, Fang Xing was indeed waiting for someone!

"This is the teammate you're waiting for? Is this your ultimate support? Jinxian's late stage cultivation base, and still have a stubborn illness? If so, then you can go to hell!"

Gu Zheng laughed loudly, and Fang Xing and the skinny old man all attacked him.

Fang Xing and the skinny old man knew a lot about bat monsters. One of them used a flying sword, and the other used a tripod-shaped fairy weapon to throw it at Gu Zheng. And this kind of attack generated by the fairy weapon itself will not be swallowed by the bat monster, so there is no need to worry about reducing its power.

"Go to hell!"

Gu Zheng yelled, and at the same time as his brows were condensed, the 'real gold' in his body shook violently, and he used the gold control formula that had been useless for a while, and the two immortal weapons that were attacking him turned around at the same time.

The expressions of Fang Xing and the skinny old man were overwhelmed with shock. They never expected that the fairy weapon they shot would hit them back, and they wanted to regain control of the fairy weapon for a while.

However, struggling is futile, their strength is far behind Gu Zheng, especially Fang Xing! His fight for the control of Feijian was weak to Gu Zheng, and the flying sword that flew back quickly did not kill him, but, under Gu Zheng's deliberate actions, a blow from his abdomen Pass by!

Fang Xing was abolished, and the celestial ball in his body was destroyed by the flying sword. A dazzling white light rushed from his abdomen, which was the release of energy after the celestial ball was destroyed.

The bat monsters on the ground let out a strange cry, they smelled the food again, they all opened their mouths and let out a weird suction again, freely devouring the energy released by the celestial ball in Fang Xing's body.


Fang Xing let out a heart-piercing cry, thousands of years of cultivation were destroyed at this moment.

It seemed that they were very sensitive to the screams, and all the bat monsters on the ground pointed their heads in the direction of the screams.

However, for the bat monsters, the strange noise of screaming at this time can no longer distract them so much, and they still have a big meal waiting to be enjoyed.

As a result, the bat monster, who turned his head in an instant, put his head in the right position again in an instant, and continued to happily suck the energy contributed by Fang Xing.


Fang Xing didn't let Fang Xing call out happily, and the flying sword that destroyed his Xianliqiu flew back again, hit the back of his head with the hilt of the sword, and knocked him unconscious.

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand, took the fainted Fang Xing into his hand, and flew him out of the cave.

While flying, Fang Xing's Celestial Ball was still spraying energy, and the Bat Monster on the ground bounced and followed behind, continuing to absorb the energy in the air.

As for Fang Xing's original helping hand, he no longer knows where he fled to! When Gu Zheng used the gold control formula to turn the tide of the battle, he immediately fled without the slightest nostalgia, regardless of Fang Xing's life or death.

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