Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 703 Are You Convicted?

"If you want to kill the dead old man, this is the only chance. It depends on whether his last two life-saving jade charms will be used at the same time, and will the power be amazing?" Gu Zheng lying in the pit My thoughts turned.

Using two life-saving jade charms at the same time, Gu Zheng felt that the old man didn't have such a luxury! If only a life-saving jade talisman is used, as long as the power of this life-saving jade talisman is not greater than the one he just endured, then the old man should die, otherwise it will be himself.

Gu Zheng was thinking about it, and the old man was also thinking about whether his formidable enemy was dead or not.

However, everything happened in an instant. Gu Zheng, who had decided to fight in his heart, immediately flew out of the pit, and the old man who had been on guard for a long time also immediately used a life-saving jade talisman.

The phantom of the Thousand Corpse Old Demon appeared, he waved his palm and slapped down, just like he slapped the old man before Gu Zheng. However, unlike Gu Zheng's slapping of the old man before, this slap of Thousand Corpse Old Demon gave birth to a huge black palm print, which slapped Gu Zheng's top with supreme coercion.

Gu Zheng was overjoyed. Judging from the momentum, the attack strength of Thousand Corpse Old Demon's attack was not stronger than the last time. This is what Gu Zheng wanted to see.


Gu Zheng let out a roar that didn't sound like a human voice. Facing the unavoidable palm, he concentrated all his strength on his fist, and swung his fist at the palm that was slapped.


Amidst the loud noise, a shock wave-like effect was produced, and Gu Zheng's transformation disappeared under this collision, but at the moment when he recovered his real body, a bright light flew towards the old man from his hand. In the state of transformation, Gu Zheng can't cast fairy art, and can't use fairy weapon, so the fairy weapon can only be used until the moment when the transformation is released.

The old man narrowed his eyes, Gu Zheng's transformation state has been broken, and he is very likely to die under the power of that palm! Facing the attack launched by a dying person, he hesitated for a moment. After all, there was only the last piece of the life-saving jade talisman left, and the body he occupied also had the strength of the late Da Luo Jinxian, so he planned to use his own strength Come to fight the last blow of the ancient war.

However, the plan was just the old man's thoughts at the moment when he saw the bright light, and his thoughts changed in the next moment. His heart was filled with fear, and he sensed the breath of death coming from the bright light.

Not daring to hesitate any longer, the old man wanted to use the last piece of life-saving jade talisman, but it was too late! There was a loud noise, and the old man was sent flying, his head rotten like a dropped watermelon. And the most terrible thing is that the fairy weapon that hit the old man's head was too domineering, so that the old man could not be like a child, his head was broken and he still didn't die, he was dead and couldn't die anymore!

The old man died, but at the moment he was killed, too many things really happened.

Facing the palm that still had power, Gu Zheng could only resist it through his body, and the several external protections transformed by himself or the immortal weapon collapsed almost instantly under the power of the palm. However, after these several protections and the distribution of the previous transformation state, there is not much power left in the palm. When it hit Gu Zheng, it was fully absorbed by the fairy ball in his body, and there was no injury at all. to him.

However, not being injured at all does not mean that Gu Zheng is fine! He was already injured when the Immortal Realm was breached before, and the celestial weapon that killed the old man was activated, which made his blood surge, and it felt like he couldn't even raise his celestial power. But at this moment, the power of the last life-saving jade talisman used by the old man before his death also appeared.

With the palm of Thousand Corpse Old Demon Ghost Shadow, the black corpse energy turned into a huge ink phoenix, which flew towards Gu Zheng at lightning-like speed.


As soon as Mo Feng took off, the bright light that Gu Zheng used to deal with the old man before, slammed into it independently. It is the top fairy artifact Fantian Seal in exchange for the sleeping artifact spirit!

Although Mo Feng's body was deflected by Fan Tianyin, it didn't disperse and still flew towards Gu Zheng. However, it was precisely because of Fan Tianyin's resistance that Gu Zheng had a chance to escape, and he, transformed into a jade-colored streamer, threw away Mo Feng at an extremely fast speed.

Being able to transform into a jade-colored streamer to speed up in a short period of time, Gu Zheng relies on the top-level fairy jade shuttle he got before. This fairy has no other special magical powers, and it can be regarded as a sharp weapon for escape.

When Gu Zheng flew, Mo Feng followed behind, and Fan Tianyin also flew up.

Yusuo's speed-up is only for a moment, and it is impossible to use it to completely relieve Mo Feng's fatal crisis, but Gu Zheng only needs some time to calm down the turbulent Qi and blood in his body to the point where he can use Fantian Yin again.

As a supernatural top-level fairy weapon with a tool spirit, Fan Tianyin's dominance is beyond doubt, otherwise he wouldn't have smashed the old man's head. On the surface, smashing the old man's head does not seem to be such a powerful supernatural power. After all, Jiang Tiancheng also used a sneak attack to blow off the head of a child in one fell swoop, but the gap between the two headshots is huge. Don't!

The child was attacked unprepared, and when he felt the danger, the dragon-shaped fairy power had almost touched his head, so even if he immediately activated the life-saving jade talisman, it was still too late So a trace.

The old man is different, he felt the danger a little earlier than the child! Although there is only a small gap, the reason why the life-saving jade talisman is called the life-saving jade talisman is not only because it has the power of a powerful person in it, but after it is used, it can provide an invisible force to the initiator. In vitro protection! Although this invisible external protection exists for a short time, it is the protection from the quasi-sage after all, and it is not easy to break through it.

Comparing the two, the final result is that although Jiang Tiancheng blew the child's head off, the child did not die from the headshot. As for Fan Tianyin, after destroying the protection of the old man's life-saving jade talisman, he directly killed the old man.

It is precisely because of Fan Tianyin's dominance that urging it requires a lot of physical conditions, and it is impossible to urge it again in the state of qi and blood surging like before Gu Zheng.

However, without the interference of a bigger crisis, only Mo Feng was left chasing after him, and the turbulent Qi and blood in Gu Zheng's body quickly calmed down.

Gu Zheng, who turned around abruptly, frowned, and with a wave of his sleeve, Fan Tianyin, who had been following Mo Feng independently, suddenly accelerated and slammed heavily on Mo Feng's body.

Being controlled by the master to launch an attack is two different concepts from autonomous attack! Although Fan Tianyin already possessed a weapon spirit, this weapon spirit can only be regarded as a spirit body, and cannot be compared with the high-level weapon spirit of the Tiexian Order, so the power of its own attack is much smaller than the attack power controlled by the master.


There was a loud noise that shook the sky, and under Fan Tianyin's blow, Mo Feng exploded into a black mist all over the sky, and because of Fan Tianyin's powerful power, the black mist that would have been raging also lost its power to wreak havoc. The ability disappeared into the air in an instant.

The crisis had been resolved, and Gu Zheng immediately flew back to the vicinity of the hill.

Seeing that Gu Zheng returned safely, Lu Piaoxiang, who was invisible through the 'Xianyin Pill', also appeared from the sky.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, are you okay?" Lu Piaoxiang joyfully transmitted the message.

"Fortunately, let's take a look at the situation of Yingfei and Lang Feng first!" Gu Zheng smiled.

"Quick, you enter the hill quickly, the two of us can hold on for the time being!"

Seeing that Gu Zheng and the others were about to fly over, Ying Fei transmitted sound to them.

Now that Yingfei said so, Gu Zheng and Lu Piaoxiang flew directly into the hills.

The interior of the hill is very similar to the interior of the hill transformed by the turtle. After passing through the slanting passage, there is a square space where the inheritors exist.

The inheritor at this time is still accepting the inheritance in the barrier with his eyes closed. He is a good fortune, and there is no trouble in the inheritance because of the old man's departure.

"Damn it!"

The blood barrier has been explored, and Gu Zheng also understands the strength of the blood barrier. If he wants to destroy the blood barrier, even if he is healthy, he can hit the Fantian Seal two or three times.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, don't worry, I have a way to break through this barrier, it is arranged with the power of the blood of our ancestors." Lu Piaoxiang sent a voice transmission to Gu Zheng.

I saw that Lu Piaoxiang bit the tip of her tongue and spewed out a mouthful of blood on the barrier. After changing the formula in her hand, the blood actually seeped into the barrier.

After about four or five breaths, there was only a crisp sound, and fine cracks appeared in the originally unbreakable barrier until it was completely broken.

The moment the barrier was broken, Moxiu, who seemed to have no reaction all the time, suddenly sprayed a cloud of black mist like a ghost towards Lu Piaoxiang.

Lu Piaoxiang was shocked, breaking the barrier was not as simple as it appeared on the surface, when Moxiu suddenly attacked her, she was still in the process of reaping the power.

However, although Moxiu's attack was sudden, Gu Zheng's attack was also very quick. Almost when he spewed out a ghostly black mist, Gu Zheng's 'Crazy Demon Knife' had already struck out.

Compared with Lu Piaoxiang, Gu Zheng had enough experience in being interrupted by special conditions. When the barrier began to crack, the slight movement of Moxiu's brow could not escape his eyes.

There is a gap in strength between the two sides, coupled with the interruption of the special state, Moxiu has already suffered a lot of backlash, facing the "Crazy Demon Knife" that Gu Zheng easily wiped out the black mist, he has little room to parry at all .


The protection of Moxiu's body surface was destroyed by the 'Crazy Demon Knife', and the next second his body sitting cross-legged fell backwards and was divided into pieces.

Lu Piaoxiang returned Gu Zheng with a grateful smile, and then started to break the restriction on the high platform.

"Is the treasure right here?"

In the body of the corpse before, Gu Zheng had seen the transformed treasure chest, which was hidden in the high platform.

"This is the final place of inheritance, and there are restrictions on the high platform. The treasure chest should be here."

As Lu Piaoxiang said, this is the final place of inheritance, so the restriction on the high platform is not too complicated, and Lu Piaoxiang quickly broke it.

The stone platform was divided into two, and a golden treasure chest inside caught the eyes of Gu Zheng and Lu Piaoxiang.

Although the treasure chest doesn't look particularly big, both Gu Zheng and Lu Piaoxiang understand that as the ultimate treasure, there must be several storage belts inside, so how many treasures there will be must not be measured by the size of the treasure chest.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, put away the treasure chest first, let's go find Uncle Kong and the others!"

The joy of getting the final treasure did not stay on Lu Piaoxiang's face for too long, she was very concerned about Feng Weikong's safety.

"Aren't you afraid of what I might do after putting away the treasure box?" Gu Zheng laughed.

Lu Piaoxiang gave Gu Zheng an angry look: "Don't be afraid!"

Gu Zheng didn't say much, since Lu Piaoxiang trusted him, and it was not suitable to delay at this time, so he put away the treasure chest first.

When Gu Zheng and Lu Piaoxiang walked out of the hill, there was a person flying towards this side in the distant sky, it was either Feng Weikong or someone else.

The battle between Gu Zheng and the old corpse spirit didn't last too long. Feng Weikong was able to come here at this time, and the speed was already very fast.

"Uncle Kong!"

Seeing that Feng Weikong arrived safely, Lu Piaoxiang called out happily.

"How?" Feng Weikong asked.

"The old corpse spirit is dead, and the demon cultivator who accepted the inheritance is also dead. We have obtained the final treasure!"

As soon as Lu Piaoxiang finished speaking, she looked at Gu Zheng, with a look of solicitation in her eyes.

Gu Zheng understands that what happened here cannot be explained in a few words, and Feng Weikong must be very curious about it. The inquiry in Lu Piaoxiang's eyes must be to make a spiritual jade slip for Feng Weikong, so that he can know What's going on here.

Gu Zheng nodded to Lu Piaoxiang, agreeing to let her make jade slips, and then he asked Feng Weikong: "How is the situation there?"

Feng Weikong was able to come, but the two corpse spirits didn't. Gu Zheng was also eager to know what happened to Feng Weikong and the others.

Feng Weikong didn't speak, he made the jade slips of spiritual thoughts just like Lu Piaoxiang.

In a short period of time, two pieces of jade slips recording the events of the two places appeared in the hands of Feng Weikong and Gu Zheng respectively.

After reading the jade slips, Gu Zheng frowned. The appearance of the quasi-sage was of great help to the battle situation, but it was undeniable that it was also a dangerous signal.

"Bai boy, hurry up and see if there is a way to leave here in the treasure chest, let's leave here first!" Feng Weikong sent a voice transmission to Gu Zheng.

For Jiang Tiancheng, no one in the temporary team has a good impression of him, and Yun Zhenzi is Jiang Tiancheng's master, and Feng Weikong is also worried that after the cooperation, he will face a turnaround! After all, this is not just a conflict of words before, it is related to a treasure left by a quasi-sage!

"That's too late!"

Gu Zheng looked behind Feng Weikong, and there were two black spots flying towards him in the distant sky. Although the appearance of the black spot is still unclear at this time, there is no doubt that it is two people, and if two people walk together, it is definitely not a corpse spirit, but Yun Zhenzi's master and apprentice.

Since it was too late to leave, Feng Weikong came down from the sky and landed beside Lang Feng and Yingfei.

"Take this pill, it will be good for your injury."

Feng Weikong handed Yingfei a pill, and Yingfei took it after thanking him.

Yingfei's injury is not serious, his two wings are gone, although the wings can grow back after training, but his strength has been greatly weakened because of this.

Lang Feng was seriously injured, and in the special state of burning cultivation base, he could injure the enemy ten thousand and himself injure eight thousand! What's more, in that state, he was still trapped in the corpse. If Yingfei hadn't used the inner alchemy to control the erosion of the corpse in time, he would have become a corpse slave long ago.

However, even with the help of Yingfei's inner alchemy, Lang Feng's situation is not optimistic. He is still in a coma, and only the Xianliqiu in his body is left to instinctively cooperate with Yingfei's inner alchemy. Cooperate. It can be said that once Yingfei withdraws Neidan, he will undoubtedly die.

"As for this kid, it's not okay to save him if he wants to, but this is not the place, and the timing is not right!"


Feng Weikong shook his head and smiled wryly, which was also exchanged for Yingfei’s wry smile. After all, Gu Zheng had already passed the jade slips to Yingfei to watch after seeing the jade slips, so Yingfei knew what they were about to face .

"Wait, as long as Yun Zhenzi is not too much, don't be too impulsive, life-saving is the most important thing." Feng Weikong reminded everyone.

Gu Zheng's impression of Feng Wukong changed again after he taught him to "turn a blind eye". From his attitude towards Yingfei and Lang Feng, it is not difficult to see that this person is the kind who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. It can be considered meaningful enough.

The quasi-sage came, and when he came, he was a downer, and the coercion he released made Gu Zheng and others quite breathless.


With three long temples, Yun Zhenzi, who is quite immortal, looked at Feng Weikong and spoke.

"Returning to the predecessors, the matter is over, the last corpse spirit is dead, and the inheritor has been killed."

Feng Weikong's mouth can be regarded as polite, but his attitude is neither humble nor overbearing.

It's not that Yun Zhenzi knows Feng Weikong, it's just that he has seen him with the two corpse spirits before.


Seemingly dissatisfied with Feng Weikong's neither humble nor overbearing attitude, Yun Zhenzi sneered and said again: "Boy, are you guilty?"

"The younger generation doesn't know, so please tell the senior!" Feng Weikong said.

"At the two corpse spirits before, if you hadn't killed the corpse spirit child, the middle-aged corpse spirit would not have been distracted to see through the light spot. As long as the middle-aged corpse spirit is not distracted, the light spot can be consumed again With his life-saving jade talisman, I won't be trapped in that space for a long time!" Yun Zhenzi said.

"As the saying goes, 'Those who don't know are innocent', the younger generation was only eager to kill the enemy at that time, don't blame the seniors!"

Feng Weikong lowered his attitude and bowed to Yun Zhenzi while speaking.

Compared with before, Feng Weikong's hanging heart at this time has fallen, and the worst situation seems to be unlikely to happen! The fact that Yun Zhenzi would tell him so much meant that he had no intention of killing. If he had the intention of killing, with his quasi-sage strength, there was no need to say anything at all.


Yun Zhenzi sneered, and he no longer cared about Feng Weikong's previous 'mistakes'.

"Which one of you has the final treasure, take it out!"

Yun Zhenzi scanned everyone with his majestic gaze.

"Senior, we have paid a very high price to get the final treasure, so you won't take all the treasure away!"

Hearing that Yun Zhenzi asked someone to take out the treasure, Yingfei hurriedly said that he had already lost a pair of wings for this treasure.

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