"Bang bang bang bang..."

It looks like a knife, but in fact it is a "crazy knife" condensed by eighty-one knives, splitting the huge Thang Long into stones from the beginning to the end, not to mention how shocking the scene is! After all, Shenglong is transformed from the Kunlun Mountains in the Immortal Realm. Its length and hugeness can scare people to death just by looking at it!


Master Chen Guang exclaimed, troubles are really coming one after another.

Gu Zheng was able to control the energy of the Immortal Realm against the guest, which completely shattered Master Chenguang's dream of killing Gu Zheng through the Immortal Realm. Therefore, at the same time that Shenglong was shattered, Master Chenguang wanted to take over Immortal Realm directly, and continue to fight Gu Zheng with another magical power!

Originally, Master Chenguang wanted to take over the Immortal Realm, which only required a single thought, but when he really thought about it, Master Chenguang discovered that his thoughts on controlling the Immortal Realm were like muddy cows entering the sea. It's time to respond! This just shows that through his understanding of the Immortal Territory and his own strength, Gu Zheng has unknowingly taken over certain control over the Immortal Territory. Never thought that Gu Zheng would be so powerful!

"Go away!"

Master Chen Guang was really panicked. While he was flying backwards, his sleeves twitched back and forth against the flying Gu Zheng, and a stream of thick air flowed towards Gu Zheng like a spirit snake.

Gu Zheng frowned, and the serpentine air flow dissipated immediately! With his current control over the Immortal Realm, although he can't make the huge rising dragon disappear with a single thought, it is still easy to eliminate this relatively less powerful serpentine airflow.


Gu Zheng once again resorted to the 'Crazy Demon Knife' against the panic-stricken Master Chenguang.


Facing the black knife light, the screaming Master Chen Guang fully understood what despair is.

Master Chenguang had heard of the anti-control in the fairyland, but when all this happened to him, he realized how terrible anti-control is! The suppression he used on Gu Zheng before was used by Gu Zheng on him, making him unable to move at all when facing the light of the sword, and could only helplessly let the light of the sword enlarge in his pupils!


In the morning light, the mask outside the human body was broken first, and then all kinds of protection on his body were shattered by the light of the knife, and the whole person was turned into a pile of minced meat under the light of the knife.

After cleaning Master Chenguang's battlefield, Gu Zheng took over the Immortal Domain and appeared in the blood cave.

But it's a pity that the boundary stone can't be used by Gu Zheng, otherwise he would like to try it when he fights with others, to see if this kind of treasure with extremely strong boundary power can burst out in his hands. What power.


The three lords in the blood hole looked at the broken jade tablet in their hands, and couldn't help but let out a sigh. He had already learned about Master Chenguang's death through the jade tablet.

"Chen Guang, I will avenge you!"

Nightmare roared, the recovery of the magic weapon was coming to an end, and Nightmare didn't dare to be distracted like before.

"Leader, be careful yourself, I'm going!" The voice of the three lords was tragic.

"Don't worry, as long as the plan is successful, even if you die, it will only be temporary!"

Having said that, Meng Yan still gritted his teeth, hating Gu Zheng already in his heart.

In the passage of the blood hole, the three alliance leaders saw Gu Zheng without flying very far.

"You are a variable!" The three alliance leaders squinted their eyes and murmured.

"I am indeed a variable!"

Up to now, Gu Zheng naturally believed that if he hadn't returned to the earth this time, then just relying on these righteous immortal cultivators on the earth, he really couldn't handle the storm created by the Magic Alliance this time.

The black sword slashed at the three lords, and Gu Zheng made a move without saying anything to him.

The array plate in the hands of the three lords flashed light, and all the blood energy in the space condensed towards him, and the few blood energy bursting out from his body turned into ghosts and rushed towards the attacking black knife light.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Explosions sounded one after another, and Li Gui shattered under the black knife light like moths to a flame. However, after being blocked by them, the power of the black saber light also dropped a lot, and was finally blocked by the blood energy of the main watch of the three alliances.

However, the three lords who blocked Gu Zheng's blow could not resist Gu Zheng's second blow. The Fantian Seal that Gu Zheng sacrificed broke through the defense of his body and directly smashed his head into pieces.


Nightmare roared in the blood hole, and he knew immediately when the three lords died.

The two lords took their lives, but they only bought a little time for Nightmare, which caused Nightmare to hate Gu to an indescribable level.

"come over!"

Time has made the nightmare dare not go any further. He opened his mouth and spurted a stream of blood from the tip of his tongue at the magic weapon, and began to use extreme methods to subdue the magic weapon.

Extreme means can speed up Nightmare's subjugation of the magic weapon, but it will also cause Nightmare to suffer a certain amount of damage. The situation has forced him to the point where he will injure 10,000 enemies and must injure himself by 8,000.

The magic weapon that was originally motionless on the stone pillar trembled violently after being stained with the blood from the tip of the nightmare, and flew into the hands of the nightmare with a howling sound.


Nightmare, who started to recognize the master of the magic weapon, let out a roar that didn't sound like a human voice.

The process of forcibly subduing the magic weapon is very painful, but this kind of recognition can also give Nightmare a high degree of control over the magic weapon, and the aura around Nightmare also continues to grow stronger following this process.

"Ancient struggle!"

Holding the completed magic weapon in his hand, a roar of nightmare shook the whole blood cave trembling.

Countless blood-red threads floated out of Nightmare's body, mixing with the blood energy in the entire space, so that with every breath he took, the blood energy in the entire space trembled, as if he was the master of this space generally.

Nightmare flew out of the blood hole, and all the blood in the blood hole followed him.

"Go to hell!"

Seeing the flying Gu Zheng, Meng Meng didn't talk nonsense at all. With a wave of the magic weapon in his hand, the blood hole water behind him shot towards Gu Zheng like a tsunami.

Gu Zheng felt his whole body tense. Although he had expected the magic weapon to be extraordinary before, when he actually saw it, he was still very surprised! The power of this sword to control the energy of heaven and earth is really terrifying, so much so that Gu Zheng felt his body tremble a little!

Horror is terror, but once the ancient war strikes back, the situation will be different.

Gu Zheng used the Immortal Territory that he hadn't used to deal with Master Chenguang at this time. He wanted to resolve the battle as soon as possible, because fighting in the blood cave would speed up the destruction of Kunlun Ruins.

"Immortal domain?"

The nightmare who fell into the fairyland did not panic, on the contrary, there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Go to hell!"

Mengmai swung his sword again, causing Gu Zheng to be shocked. Blood Cave Water, which was originally isolated from the Immortal Realm, was transferred into the Immortal Realm by Mengyan.


Gu Zheng said sincerely, the magic weapon bred in the blood cave is indeed extraordinary, this is Gu Zheng's fairyland, and he has a high degree of control over everything here! But the magic weapon can transfer the blood cave water that was originally isolated outside the fairyland into the fairyland without ignoring his control. This is a very high law power, and it is also a kind of power of the world Perfect interpretation!

"Raging sea frenzy!"

The five-element celestial ball in Gu Zheng's body vibrated, and a tsunami-like huge wave suddenly appeared in the air, facing the blood hole water that also looked like a tsunami.


There was a loud noise that shook the sky, and the entire fairyland was shaking. The original white giant waves fell with a 'crash', and the original red tide was affected by the huge waves, turning into countless blood-red ice balls the size of longan.


Nightmare swung his sword again, and countless blood-red ice balls the size of longan shot towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng's figure flickered, and he avoided the red ice puck as he moved in an instant, and the "Crazy Demon Knife" slashed towards Nightmare again.


Facing the "Crazy Devil Knife" hacked by Gu Zheng's energy from the Immortal Realm, Meng Meng frowned, the magic weapon in his hand flashed, and a terrifying wave suddenly emerged.

The terrifying wave was aimed at the fairyland, so at the moment it spread, the ancient and solid fairyland collapsed instantly!

The fairy artifact that contains extremely powerful power cannot be described with common sense. When it dispatched the blood hole water into the fairyland, Gu Zheng knew that it had the magical power to destroy the fairyland instantly.


The fairyland was broken, and Gu Zheng couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood. This was the backlash he had to bear.


Nightmare also spurted a mouthful of blood, and the backlash he needed to accelerate the recovery of the magic weapon also appeared because of his successive use of the magic weapon.

Nightmare is very tough, with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, he swung his sword at Gu Zheng again. The countless ice balls that were originally transformed from blood hole water instantly turned into countless fangs and claws, and flew towards Gu Zheng.

As soon as Gu Zheng thought about it, the phoenix eagle's wings spread out behind him, and dense rain of fire suddenly emerged.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The sound continued, and all the spirit bodies hit by the fire rain exploded, turning into blood and lingering around Nightmare, waiting for his dispatch again.

Nightmare backed away, out of range of the rain of fire.

Gu Zheng didn't pursue immediately, he seized the time to adjust his breath to the surge of qi and blood caused by the shattering of the fairyland.

"Today you must die!"

Meng Meng laughed wildly at Gu Zheng, the snake head on the magic weapon in his hand, his eyes suddenly shone brightly, and a sharp whistling sound continued to emanate from the snake's mouth.

The sharp whistling sound has such a strong lethality that even with Gu Zheng's strength, he needs to continuously run the Anshen Art to resist this kind of sonic attack.

Gu Zheng's complexion has changed, it's not because of the power of the sharp whistle, but because he hears something similar to a call from the whistle.

Seeing the difference in Gu Zheng's expression, Meng Yan smiled even more triumphantly: "Don't you want something to happen to this world? It's a pity that you are powerless to prevent it from happening! The blood hole in the Kunlun Ruins is the male, and the blood hole in the Shu Ruins is the female. Now I use the magic weapon in the male cave to call the magic weapon in the female cave, and it will come over in a very short time! You thought my target was a magic weapon all along, right? I’m telling you you’re wrong now, my The target is two magic weapons!"

Nightmare originally thought that Gu Zheng would be shocked and angry because of his words, but there was no expression on Gu Zheng's face that he wanted to see, on the contrary, there was a hint of surprise!

"Am I wrong? Do you really hope to see the day when the world will be devastated?"

Nightmare's mocking voice fell to the ground, and suddenly a light flashed in front of Gu Zheng, and an indescribably beautiful demon cultivator appeared out of the fire rain.

"Human life? Do you have this ability? Do you really think that with a magic weapon that contains extremely powerful power, you can become invincible?"

There was a cold voice, but it sounded like drinking iced juice in summer.

"Divine beast?"

Nightmare looked at Yaoxiu and frowned. He felt a different aura from the fighting spirit emanating from Yaoxiu's body! However, he couldn't see through the real body of the demon cultivator.

"Mythical beast, you big-headed ghost, my name is Die Ling!"

Butterfly Spirit, with a frosty face, flapped the wings of light behind her and flew towards Nightmare.

The last time Die Ling fell asleep, it was estimated that she would wake up in two months, and the time she just woke up was not much different from the expected time.

Compared with the last sleep, Die Ling has grown a little taller. If it weren't for the light wings and two small horns that were revealed in the fighting state, she would look like a human girl of eighteen or nineteen.

After waking up last time, Die Ling said that when she wakes up this time, even if she enters adulthood, her own strength will enter a stage of stability and slow improvement.

As soon as Die Ling woke up, Gu Zheng naturally knew about it immediately. Because she and Gu Zheng were in the same mind, she also quickly knew what situation Gu Zheng was facing now.

The stable Die Ling challenged Gu Zheng to fight and was approved. When she appeared in the blood cave, she immediately showed extraordinary performance. The strange sonic attack of the magic weapon was useless to her!

An ancient dispute made Mengyan have to hurt himself by eight thousand, and now there is such a demon cultivator who is not affected by sound waves, and the dignity immediately appeared on Mengyan's face.


Meng Yan sprayed blood from the tip of her tongue into the mouth of the snake head on the magic weapon, and then threw the magic weapon towards Die Ling.


Amidst the strange sound, the magical weapon thrown by the nightmare turned into a huge strange python, which opened its mouth to spit out a misty rain of blood towards the flying butterfly spirit.


Die Ling Jiao Zha, under the flapping of the light wings behind her, the powerful airflow suddenly formed a hurricane.


The entire mountain collapsed when the hurricane appeared, and the battle field suddenly opened up a lot. The endless blood energy that existed in the blood cave was also leaked into the Kunlun Ruins at this time.

An exclamation sounded as the hurricane destroyed the mountain, Yue Qiushui, who had just stabilized the fairy formation, stared at the two hurricanes that were soaring upwards.

At the same time, the immortal cultivators who were originally in the Shu Ruins immediately flew towards this side after seeing the fighting skills after the mountain collapsed. Gu Zheng, who had already adjusted his breath, hurriedly sent a sound transmission to stop them. This is no longer a battle they can participate in.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Explosions sounded one after another, Die Ling's hurricane was very powerful, and the giant python transformed from the magic weapon was also very strong! It coiled up a snake array in the air, and its head quickly hit the two hurricanes again and again, making it difficult for the hurricanes to penetrate an inch.

"Come again!"

Although the hurricane was difficult to penetrate, Die Ling seemed very excited. The golden light on the two horns on the top of her head flashed with a jerk sound, and a square grid appeared in the air, wrapping towards the giant python.

"Just do what I say and minimize the impact as much as possible!"

Gu Zheng explained to Yue Qiushui and the others, then looked at the sky of Kunlun Ruins and sighed.

The ancient battle, which is already considered a complete victory, is no longer in a hurry to kill Nightmare, because the Kunlun Ruins have been broken to the point that no one can stop it!

Because it is known in advance that every use of the magic weapon will accelerate the destruction of Kunlun Ruins, and this acceleration is not comparable to ordinary fighting methods, so when Gu Zheng saw Nightmare, he used Immortal Realm, wanting to quickly fight Finish.

However, the magic weapon can easily destroy the fairyland, which is something that Gu Zheng did not think of before!

As the saying goes, if you make a mistake, you will lose all the games!

Although the destruction of the Immortal Territory did not allow the situation to reach the point of losing everything, Gu Zheng also discovered another thing beyond his imagination! Because the opponent of Gu Zheng is not easy, the magic weapon magical power launched by Nightmare is also not easy! This kind of magical power, which is not simple, greatly consumes the lifespan of Kunlun Ruins, that is, when it destroys the ancient immortal realm, the lifespan of Kunlun Ruins has already come to an end! Since then, the brokenness has been produced from the inside out, but it has not yet appeared to the point where the naked eye can see it. That's why Gu Zheng agreed to Die Ling's invitation to fight, because there was no difference between resolving the battle earlier and resolving the battle later.


The giant python in the air let out a strange cry. It was obviously not feeling well after swallowing the Die Ling grid. It rolled in the air, but it still provided protection for the nightmare.


Nightmare vomited blood again, and the injury to the magic weapon also caused him to suffer backlash, making his injuries worse.

At the same time, the Kunlun Ruins collapsed to the point of being visible to the naked eye, and giant cobweb-like cracks appeared in the sky, the ground, and the sky at the same time.

Everything in Kunlun Xu, from light to heavy, was sucked away by the crack!

"Uncle, be careful!"

Yue Qiushui sent a voice transmission to Gu Zheng, and she, who led the seven immortal cultivators, quickly entered the crack and disappeared without a trace.

"Want to go!"

Seeing that Nightmare also wanted to leave through the crack beside him, Gu Zheng frowned, and the law of space immediately took effect, closing the crack that could have been squeezed by Nightmare.

Nightmare's figure flickered, and he changed to the next crack and wanted to go out, but Gu Zheng was still controlled by the law of space, which made him hit a wall again.

"Since you don't want me to go, let's fight in the 'Shattered Void'!"

Meng Yan gritted her teeth and used the magical power again, only to see two indestructible red lights shooting out from the giant python's eyes, sweeping towards Gu Zheng and Die Ling.

Gu Zheng and Die Ling dodged, and the whole space made a loud noise at this moment, the original shattering turned into an explosion, and the vision of Gu Zheng and others was instantly black.

The Kunlun Ruins has been completely broken. In the late stage of cracks, all things that leave through the cracks or are sucked by the cracks will appear in the mother space, which is the sky above the earth.

However, once the shattering is complete, the non-existent subspace will naturally lose its connection with the parent space! People like Gu Zheng and the others who didn't have time to leave the subspace in the later stage of shattering would enter what Nightmare called the 'shattered void'.

The 'Shattered Void' is a special space, which is composed of various broken spaces, and will eventually form new spaces. The danger level in the 'Shattered Void' is lower than that of a black hole. It is an ideal place to solve the nightmare here, and no matter how you fight, it will not affect the earth.

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