After being pierced into the abdomen by Gu Zheng's knife light carrying black hole energy, the trembling three-eyed python immediately lost its previous momentum, and she turned around and flew towards the distance.

"If you want to leave, it's not that easy!"

If the Three-Eyed Sky Python hadn't plotted against Gu Zheng, then she would not be prevented from leaving Gu Zheng at this time, but since she had plotted against Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng's character of vengeance cannot let her go.

Chuanyin told Master Wuya to be careful, and Gu Zheng chased after the fleeing three-eyed python.

The reason why the mighty three-eyed python escaped without seeming to be seriously injured was because she entrusted her to swallow two 'cloud spirits' before.

When he saw the three-eyed sky python again, Gu Zheng already felt that the two 'cloud spirits' that had been swallowed by the three-eyed sky python were not dead, they were struggling restlessly inside the three-eyed sky python.

Gu Zheng pierced the three-eyed sky python's abdomen with a knife, right in the middle of the three-eyed sky python's suppression of the two 'cloud spirits'.

After the black hole energy attached to the knife light broke the suppression of the 'cloud spirit' by the three-eyed sky python, the resistance of the 'cloud and mist spirit' immediately became fierce, and the three-eyed sky python was immediately backlashed! On the outside, it seemed that it didn't suffer any damage, but in fact, the injury suffered by the three-eyed sky python was more serious than the destruction of the fairyland. After all, this was not a simple backlash, and there were two 'cloud spirits' constantly causing trouble in the body.


In the void, the three-eyed sky python, who originally hid his figure and wanted to hide from Gu Zheng's pursuit by stealth, let out a howl, and was forced to be exposed from the stealth state. The two 'cloud spirits' tossed in his body, It is no less than Monkey Sun getting into Princess Iron Fan's belly.


Almost at the same time as the three-eyed sky python appeared, Gu Zheng's Fan Tianyin slammed heavily on her head.

If the three-eyed sky python was in full bloom, Fan Tianyin's blow might not be able to kill it, but the severe pain in the abdomen had already weakened the three-eyed sky python, and Fan Tianyin's blow directly smashed its brains Crack, the dead can't die anymore!

Gu Zheng flew closer, and Tang Mo, who was attached to the magic fire, pierced into the abdomen of the three-eyed sky python, hitting two 'cloud spirits' who were still tossing.

Swallowed into the belly of the three-eyed sky python, although the two 'cloud and mist spirits' have not been digested, they are also not in their full state. Facing the burning of the magic fire, they will soon disappear without a trace.

He didn't go to see what trophies were on the three-eyed sky python, but Gu Zheng collected the whole thing into the prehistoric space!

It is equivalent to the prehistoric alien species in the later stage of Daluo Jinxian. Although the three-eyed sky python is not as big as the ancient giant worm, the value it can produce will not be much less than an ancient giant worm.

From chasing and killing the three-eyed sky python to flying back to the vicinity of the strange treasure, Gu Zheng took at most three minutes.

Three minutes was not a long time, but the situation around the treasure was different. The humanoid 'cloud spirit' who seemed to be difficult to deal with at first, unexpectedly died during this period of time!

"After the Taoist friend chased the three-eyed sky python away, these two guys stopped hiding their secrets, and the speed of solving the 'cloud and mist spirit' became much faster!" road.

"call out!"

There was a sharp eagle sound, and the giant golden-winged eagle seemed to be bored, opened its mouth, and directly sucked the last 'cloud and mist spirit' into its mouth.

The original 'Spirit of Cloud and Mist' was about the size of a person. As it was sucked into the mouth of the giant golden-winged eagle, its body also rapidly became smaller. When it actually fell into the mouth of the giant golden-winged eagle, its size was only equivalent to A pill.

"Crack bang bang!"

It was obviously just a spirit body, but under the chewing of the giant golden-winged eagle, the 'Spirit of Cloud and Mist' emitted a very hard sound while shooting lightning.


The 'cloud spirit' who died under the teeth of the giant golden-winged eagle was wrapped in saliva and spat out.

"I want this rare treasure!"

The golden-winged giant eagle's resolute eyes scanned the surroundings.

"What good?"

Immediately, Master Wuya asked, and at the same time, he also sent a voice transmission to Gu Zheng: "Listen to what he has to say first!"


Gu Zheng responded to Master Wu Ya, but that was the reply, no matter how big the risk was for this rare treasure, he would not want it to fall into the hands of others.

"After solving all the troubles, the treasure will be mine, and I won't treat you badly!" said the giant golden-winged eagle.

"Jie Jie!"

Before Daoist Wuya could ask any more questions, the red-clothed demon cultivator laughed.

"After solving all the troubles, the treasure will belong to me, and I won't treat you badly! How about it?"

What the red-clothed demon cultivator said was basically the same as that of the giant golden-winged eagle, but with a strong sense of sarcasm.

The giant golden-winged eagle frowned: "Then what do you want? Let's divide life and death first, and then die under the attack of the 'cloud spirit'?"

"I don't believe in the so-called agreement, nor do I believe in the so-called heart demon oath."

The red-clothed demon cultivator paused, then looked at the giant golden-winged eagle and said, "In the journey of cultivation, whoever has the strongest power has the final say. Here you and I have the highest cultivation. Naturally, the two of us make the rules. They The two only have to obey, if not, kill them both first! As for what to do next, let’s talk about it later!”

Following the words of the red-clothed demon cultivator, the giant golden-winged eagle sized up Gu Zheng and Wuya Daoist with great interest.

The meaning of the red-clothed demon's words is obvious. He wants to join hands with the golden-winged giant eagle to suppress Gu Zheng and Wu Ya. It stands to reason that under such circumstances, Gu Zheng and Wu Ya should run away immediately, but in fact Neither of them moved!

Gu Zheng and Wu Ya are not stupid. Under such circumstances, running away may lead to the cooperation of the golden-winged giant eagle and the red-clothed demon cultivator. Let's kill the two of them first! After all, if you can come back after running, how can you allow others to snore on the side of the couch!

If you don't run away, intrigue becomes much more interesting! No matter what happened, when one of the red-clothed demon cultivator and the golden-winged giant eagle attacked them, he had to be careful whether the other would take the opportunity to turn against him! After all, whether in the eyes of the red-clothed demon cultivator or the golden-winged giant eagle, the most threatening people are each other, not Gu Zheng and Wu Ya.

Gu Zheng stared at the red-clothed demon cultivator, and said slowly: "We don't need the strange treasure, but certain benefits are indispensable. Otherwise, why should we obey? Is it a quasi-sage? Is it very powerful?"

"Jie Jie, interesting!"

The fearlessness in Gu Zheng's eyes made Moxiu in red laugh.

"I've already said that I don't believe in the oath of the heart demon, and you still want to benefit from me?" the red-clothed demon Xiu asked Gu Zheng.

"I don't want the benefits later, it doesn't matter if you believe in the magic oath or not, we don't believe it anyway! It's easy to make us obey, just give us the benefits now!" Gu Zheng said seriously.

The red-clothed demon thought for a while, then looked at the giant golden-winged eagle: "What do you think?"

"Okay, that's good!" The giant golden-winged eagle nodded.

For the current situation, this is indeed very good. After all, how to deal with Gu Zheng and Wuya Daoist, for the Red Clothes Moxiu and the Golden Winged Giant Eagle, use is the first choice, and killing is second!

If you want to kill Gu Zheng and Wuya real person, there will be a lot of variables in it. Gu Zheng and Wuya real person have come to the present, and they also have their extraordinary features. It was precisely because of their extraordinaryness that the red-clothed demon cultivator and the golden-winged giant eagle wanted to use them. After all, the strange treasure still has the ability to escape once, and then it will fly deeper into the 'cloud of death'. It's hard to say what kind of 'cloud spirit' there is!

"Interesting, I didn't expect that one day I would cooperate with people like this!"

The red-clothed devil smiled and took out something from the storage belt and threw it over.

"There are two hundred blue fairy coins in the bag. As for these fairy artifacts, there are five middle-level ones and five high-level ones!"

After seeing the things that the red-clothed demon cultivator took out, the golden-winged giant eagle also took out a lot: "These things include fairy coins, fairy artifacts, and some are resources for refining artifacts and alchemy. The overall value is higher than that of red clothes. Daoist friends only give high, not low!"

"One must know how to be content, I don't want you to talk too much about the benefits!" The red-clothed demon cultivator said coldly.

"Although the benefits given are not many, it is still reasonable!"

Master Wuya sighed, and then divided up a lot of resources with Gu Zheng.

"Okay, since you have received the benefits, then start to act, go alone!" the red-clothed demon cultivated.

Gu Zheng and Master Wuya looked at each other, and Gu Zheng said, "Let me go!"

Master Wuya nodded: "Be careful!"

Although there is not much sincerity in the cooperation with the real person Wuya, but compared to the other two, the real person Wuya is an ally after all. When adventures are needed, Gu Zheng can rely on his ability to move instantly, and won the following dangerous task.

The reason why everyone has not touched the strange treasure in the sky until now is that there are still four 'cloud spirits' around the strange treasure!

The four 'cloud and mist spirits' around Yibao hadn't participated in the melee before, they had been guarding Yibao all the time.

Compared with the previous humanoid 'cloud spirits', the four 'cloud spirits' around the strange treasure are very strange. They look like air masses, but they will change into various forms when they attack.

During the scuffle with the humanoid "Spirit of Cloud and Mist", Gu Zheng saw the red-clothed Moxiu and the giant golden-winged eagle trying to attack the "Spirit of Mist and Cloud" in the shape of an air mass.

However, the methods that the red-clothed demon repairman and the golden-winged giant eagle originally worked against the human-shaped 'cloud spirit' were ineffective against the air mass-shaped 'cloud spirit' at all! Moreover, when they attacked the air mass-shaped 'cloud and mist spirit', they were also counterattacked by the air mass-shaped 'cloud and mist spirit'! Although the invisible counterattack made people unable to see the specific effect, judging from the painful expressions on their frowns, the feeling must be uncomfortable.

The 'cloud spirits' are very strange. There is a word 'spirit' in their names, but they don't have much intelligence. Otherwise, in the melee before, four air mass-shaped 'cloud spirits' also participated. So what the end result will be, it's really hard to say.

The red-clothed demon cultivator and the giant golden-winged eagle are very cautious about the cloud-like 'spirit of mist'! In the case that some special methods cannot be used, Gu Zheng also has to be cautious.

With a wave of his hand, Gu Zheng used his immortal power to ingest the strange treasure.

I didn't know it when I didn't ingest the strange treasure before, but now after ingesting the strange treasure, Gu Zheng discovered that there is a "barrier" composed of special energy around the strange treasure. This kind of "barrier" seems to be only for immortals The absorption of power worked, and Gu Zheng's immortal power was blocked by it, and he couldn't touch the strange treasure at all. But fortunately, Gu Zheng's ingestion of the strange treasure did not anger the 'Spirit of Cloud and Mist', and the 'Spirit of Cloud and Mist' did not respond to it!

"Don't waste time. Ordinary methods are either blocked by 'barriers' or turned into nothingness by the 'cloud spirit'. The only way you can do it now is to arrange 'real fire to kill', through the burning of high-intensity flames, so that Force the 'cloud spirit' to leave the treasure. As long as they leave the treasure, the 'barrier' created by them in a static state will be broken!" the red-clothed demon practiced.

All immortal cultivators who have reached a certain level of 'natural fire' will arrange 'real fire to kill'. When Gu Zheng was fighting with the three-eyed sky python, he used the 'fire dragon technique', so the red-clothed demon cultivator knew that he The 'Zhenming Zhenhuo' is very powerful.

To set up the "real fire burning and killing", it is necessary to leave part of the "natural fire" in the formation as a spirit. Although the lost part of the "natural fire" will come back through practice in the future, in general, immortals Still reluctant to use the "real fire of life" to arrange the "real fire burning and killing". After all, once the 'True Fire Burning Kill' is arranged, the power of the fire magic will be compromised due to the absence of the 'Natural True Fire' for a period of time to come.

The disadvantages of ordinary immortal cultivators arranging "real fire burning and killing" do not exist here in Guzheng. His five-element celestial ball stores a lot of external fire energy, such as the energy absorbed from the red-clothed demon cultivator and the green flame mad dragon. Those ones! These external fire energy can also be used as formation spirits when Gu Zheng arranges the "real fire burning", but it will not damage Gu Zheng's real "natural fire".

"Be careful then." Qi Ling said.

"I know." Gu Zheng said.

"When the red-clothed demon cultivators attacked the cloud-shaped 'cloud spirit' before, I don't know if you noticed the pattern. Before the air-ball-shaped 'cloud spirit' launches an attack, it will definitely change its shape!" Qi Ling reminded. .

"I have noticed, this is a very important point." Gu Zheng said cautiously.

According to the order of the red-clothed demon, Gu Zheng began to draw the formation pattern of "True Fire Burning Kill". After the formation pattern was drawn, Gu Zheng would divide some of the fire energy from the five-element celestial ball into the formation , and then after the pattern is perfected, under the urging of casting spells, 'True Fire Burning Kill' will be able to show its power.

However, when Gu Zheng put the fire energy into the 'True Fire Burn', the originally motionless 'cloud spirit' seemed to sense danger, and they changed their shape at the same time!

Gu Zheng is very cautious. He is very clear about what the shape change of the "cloud and mist spirit" means, although he also wants to see how strange the attack method of the air mass "cloud and mist spirit" is! However, this is obviously not the time to be curious about the transformation of the four 'cloud spirits'.

Although the transformation of the four 'cloud and mist spirits' was completed in an instant, Gu Zheng's teleportation card was very good, and he successfully avoided the transformed attack of the four 'cloud and mist spirits'.

Gu Zheng's teleportation hid outside the attack range of the 'Spirit of Cloud and Mist', but the heads of the 'Spirit of Cloud and Mist' were all aimed at him, as if he would immediately attack him as soon as he approached.

Although the 'cloud and mist spirits' took shape, they did not leave the strange treasures, and the 'barrier' they gave to the strange treasures still existed.

"Go on!"

Glancing at Gu Zheng in the distance, the red-clothed demon cultivator scolded Master Wu Ya.

Gu Zheng's fire energy has already been added to the formation, and the next step is to outline the formation pattern and activate the immortal formation, and other immortal cultivators can do the same.

"This is killing me!"

Looking at the 'Spirit of Cloud and Mist' in the transformed state, Master Wu Ya muttered to himself.

"Their faces are not facing you, and maybe they won't attack you. After all, they don't have much intelligence." The red-clothed demon cultivated.

"Although they don't have much intelligence, they can sense danger. It was because they felt the power of 'True Fire Burning' that they turned into forms and attacked Fellow Daoist Bai! Fellow Daoist Bai has teleportation magical powers to hide I did, but I didn't, doing so would send me to my death!" The real Wuya seemed very excited.

"Come and do it!"

The red-clothed demon cultivator stared at Gu Zheng again.

"Wouldn't I be dying if I did it in the past? They are still looking at me now. If I were in the past, I would definitely face the attack. Don't even think about drawing the pattern! What's more, my power of Tao has been exhausted, and I have no teleportation It's available! Besides, I've done it once before, so it's someone else's turn, right?"

Gu Zheng also seemed very excited, he and Wu Ya real person explained what is called a fragile alliance.

"It's up to you, don't talk to the ancestor anymore, if you do it, you may not die, if you don't, I will let you die right now!" The red-clothed demon cultivator gritted his teeth at the real Wuya.

"Poor old ancestor! The four 'cloud spirits' launched an attack. I felt that if I couldn't finish drawing the pattern, I would die immediately!"

Daoist Wuya actually knelt down and kowtowed to the red-clothed demon cultivator.

The red-clothed demon stared wide-eyed, he couldn't help but shudder when he looked at the real Wuya who was pity on his life to such an extent.

The red-clothed demon frowned, he seemed to be thinking about something, the golden-winged giant eagle's eyes flashed, and he said impatiently: "Okay, don't worry, let's set up the formation, I will protect you with my natal demon pill!"

A golden demon pill was spit out by the giant golden-winged eagle, and the golden light on it hit the real person Wuya directly.

Master Wu Ya's heart trembled, and he immediately sent a voice transmission to Gu Zheng: "Fellow Daoist, if I die, I would like to ask you one thing!"

"Really, please speak!"

Although there is not much sincerity in the cooperation with Wuya Zhenren, but the subtle changes on the field also made Gu Zheng feel dignified.

After listening to Wu Ya's entrustment, Gu Zheng agreed.


Daoist Wu Ya let out a long breath and said nothing, he flew into the unfinished fairy formation with a bleak back.

Reverend Wuya raised his hand to draw the pattern, and the four 'cloud and mist spirits' who were looking at Gu Zheng looked at him with their heads in unison. Four invisible attacks were launched at Reverend Wuya at the same time!

"Old Ancestor, save me!"

Almost at the same time when the head of the 'Spirit of Cloud and Mist' turned to Master Wu Ya, Master Wu Ya let out a roar, and a black tablet flew out of his body with a burst of golden light.

There is a portrait on the black tablet, and that portrait is none other than the red-clothed demon cultivator who was worshiped by the real Wu Ya before.


Almost at the same time that Master Wu Ya shouted "Old Ancestor, save me", the red-clothed demon cultivator roared angrily, and the chills that he didn't understand before came again, and he finally understood that he had followed the Tao of Master Wu Ya!

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