Miao Miao and Nu Han made a lot of money in the quasi-sacred relics, but they were also jealous of a late Da Luo Jinxian cultivator, who chased and killed Miao Miao and Nu Han.

Later, Miaomiao and Angry Man successfully got rid of the enemies who were chasing them, and they have been secluded in that special space fairy for several months. Meow and the angry man went out to find the big Luo Jinxian who was chasing them, and they jointly killed him.

After finishing off the enemy, Miaomiao and Angry Han went to Shushan to find Guzheng, but Guzheng was not in Shushan at that time, and he had already returned to the earth to do the task of "culinary mastery".

Unable to find Gu Zheng, Miaomiao and Angry Man traveled together for a period of time in the prehistoric wilderness, and then they separated to go where they wanted to go, and at the same time agreed on a time to meet again.

Eight months ago, Miaomiao came to Chaotic Sea to find the angry man according to the agreement, but because of the enmity with someone on the way, Miaomiao was hunted down and entered the "death cloud", and by chance, she boarded the star. Xushan.

Similar to Gu Zheng's experience, Miaomiao first passed the test of the two spiritual palaces in Xingxu Mountain, then passed the test of the preaching palace, and finally entered this cave.

As a divine beast, Miaomiao has something unusual about her. She feels that becoming the master of Xingxu Mountain is not such a simple matter, and after entering the cave, she finds that there are strange fluctuations that want to change her.

The flow of time in the cave is different from that in Honghuang. It takes fifty days to practice here, but only one day has passed in Honghuang. Therefore, Miaomiao planned to practice here for the time being, and then go back when her cultivation level is higher, so as to avoid any accidents.

At first, Miaomiao was indeed practicing in the cave, but before Gu Zheng and the others came, there was another person in the cave. That person also had the mission to kill Miaomiao, but he was not strong enough. , but let meow meow kill.

After searching the soul of that person, Miaomiao became more aware of how angry her non-return made Xingxu Mountain's consciousness. So, Miao Miao, who did not dare to stay in the cave, left the cave and went to the outside world to find a place to continue practicing.

There are many dangers in the outside world, but if you don't run around and have space to hide, it is relatively safe. And Miaomiao has been concentrating on cultivation for the next time, until a familiar wave was caught by her, and she ended the state of retreat.

The familiar fluctuations captured by Miaomiao are actually the fluctuations of the opening of space cracks in the cave, which is the day when Gu Zheng and the others came to the cave.

If calculated according to the time in the prehistoric period, Miaomiao entered this world for almost eight months. But if calculated according to the time of this world, Miaomiao has been in this world for more than thirty years.

For more than 30 years, Miao Miao has almost stayed in the special space fairy to practice. Her special space fairy has a time flow rate five times slower than that of the outer space. The time is only the past day. In fact, it's not just Miaomiao's special space artifact that has such characteristics, but all time-type space artifacts have such characteristics, and the same is true for Gu Zheng's statue space! It's just that when Gu Zheng was practicing in the cave, he had to beware of Fairy Bibo, so he didn't use the space of the statue.

Precisely because of the existence of time-like space-like artifacts, Miao Miao has actually practiced for almost one hundred and sixty-four years during the eight months in the prehistoric world! ! !

She is a descendant of a divine beast and has sufficient cultivation resources. In the past 160 years, Miaomiao has cultivated from the early stage of the demon king when she entered this world to the peak of the demon king. Feeling that her cultivation was almost done, and just in time to feel the fluctuation when the space crack appeared, Miao Miao came straight to the cave after leaving the level.

It's a pity that the place where Miaomiao retreats is quite far from the cave, and when he rushed to the cave, Gu Zheng had already left the cave.

The space rift closed soon after Gu Zheng and the others entered the cave. After Miao Miao returned to the cave, she didn't see a space rift that could pass through, but met Fairy Bibo who was angry and had nowhere to go.

Miaomiao is a descendant of a divine beast, so she is naturally very extraordinary, but Fairy Bibo is a quasi-sage. If she hadn't met an opponent like Gu Zheng who couldn't be compared with ordinary theories, she would actually be considered very good among the immortal cultivators in the early stage of quasi-sages. It's amazing, its overall strength should be higher than that of the Golden Winged Giant Eagle and Venerable Blood Fiend.

Miaomiao suffered a lot in the first fight with Fairy Bibo, but it was not easy for Fairy Bibo to kill Miaomiao. The escaped Miaomiao found a place outside the cave to recuperate. Then I went to find Fairy Bibo's bad luck.

During the period when Gu Zheng left the cave, Miao Miao fought Fairy Bibo seven times and was injured seven times. The last time, Miaomiao was seriously injured, and he has been recovering from his injuries until today. He entered the cave again and fought Fairy Bibo once again, and the wave of space crack opening was born again!

Originally, Miao Miao wanted to return to Xingxu Mountain, but after many fights with Fairy Bibo, she had also deeply realized that although her strength was already at the peak of the Demon King, she was still far from returning to Xingxu Mountain. It's very far! Therefore, without thinking of going back to Xingxu Mountain, she entangled Fairy Bibo who wanted to go back to Xingxu Mountain, and thus had the fight when Gu Zheng heard her voice.

After listening to Miaomiao's narration, Gu Zheng asked: "Miaomiao, are you sure you can advance to the Demon Emperor?"

"Sir, I need to wait for the opportunity."

Meow meow paused, took Die Ling's hand and said: "Not all beasts can be as extraordinary as Die Ling's sister, this Demon Emperor Realm will be a big hurdle for me!"

When Gu Zheng was chasing and killing Fairy Bibo, Miao Miao had exchanged with Die Ling, and they lined up as elders and younger, so naturally they also asked about their respective realms.

"It's okay, when I go to the heaven to meet the master, I'll ask him to see if there is any way!"

Gu Zheng touched Miaomiao's hair, and said again: "If you want to become the real master of Xingxu Mountain, you can't do without the cultivation base of a quasi-sage. You have offended the consciousness of Xingxu Mountain. If you come back with me this time, Xingxu Mountain is not a good thing for us. This is a rare place for cultivation, you should practice hard here, and I will pick you up after you become the real master of Xingxu Mountain, okay?"

"Everything is listened to sir."

Miaomiao smiled sweetly, but her eyes were reddened uncontrollably: "It's just that I just met Mr., and we're going to separate again!"

"The separation is also for goodbye!"

Gu Zheng hugged Miaomiao and patted her on the back: "You stay here and wait for me to pick you up!"

Without saying anything more, Gu Zheng took Die Ling into the primordial space, and then returned to the great hall on Xingxu Mountain through the space crack.

"Lucky ones, welcome back!"

Seeing the appearance of Gu Zheng, the Palace Master of the Ling Palace, who had been waiting for a long time, laughed.

"Did you kill the beast to get the token?" asked the Palace Master of the Spiritual Palace.

"No, I didn't encounter any beasts in that cave." Gu Zheng said.

"Wait a little longer, after the passage is closed, if the other lucky person has not come back, then you will be the last person in this test." The Palace Master said.

Gu Zheng didn't say that Fairy Bibo was dead, anyway, even if he did, the Lord of the Spirit Palace would definitely have to wait until the crack closed.

"Where are my other two companions?"

Fifteen days have passed in the world outside the circle, and only one day has passed in Xingxu Mountain. The difference between Gu Zheng and Xiong San was only yesterday.

"That female companion of yours died in the test and became a Palace Master of the Spirit Palace!" said the Palace Master of the Spirit Palace.


Even though he had a premonition that something would happen to Fairy Feiyu, Gu Zheng actually didn't know whether she would die or not. Now that he heard the news, he could only sigh.

"Your senior brother successfully passed the test, but he was unhappy with Xingxu Mountain's consciousness before, so he must accept punishment." The Palace Master of the Spirit Palace said again.

"What kind of punishment?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Served on Xingxu Mountain for ten years!"

When the voice of the Palace Master of the Spirit Palace fell to the ground, the space crack closed, and he said again: "Okay, since the other lucky person didn't come back, then you can rest for half a day, and I will take you to see Xingxu Mountain in the evening consciousness!"

"Why don't you see me now? I don't want to rest!"

"Xingxu Mountain's consciousness is still sleeping, and it will wake up tomorrow."

Gu Zheng got the answer he wanted by insinuating.

"I want to see my senior brother."

"He is serving in the military and it is not convenient to see people."

The Lord of the Spirit Palace paused, and then said: "If you really want to see him, tell him when you see the consciousness of Xingxu Mountain!"

Gu Zheng's heart moved, and he didn't say anything.

Afterwards, the Palace Master of Linggong brought Gu Zheng back to his residence, and then left.

"It feels like something is wrong!" Qi Ling's voice sounded.

"Indeed! The Lord of the Linggong Palace said that my senior brother is serving, but he doesn't let me see him. It always makes me feel that my senior brother is not simply serving." Gu Zheng said.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Facing Qi Ling's inquiry, Gu Zheng was silent for a moment, and then said: "I don't know about my senior brother's situation, which makes me very worried. It seems that I have to go to Xingxu Mountain to take two It’s all about doing things together!”

According to the rules, Gu Zheng's scope of activities is only on the mountain where he lives, but what he said about wandering means going to other places, which is not allowed by the rules.

"There are two things you want to do, one is to prepare for returning to Xingxu Mountain in the future, and the other is to find Xiong San, right?" Qi Ling asked.

"That's right!" Gu Zheng said.

"Xingxu Mountain's consciousness is dormant. This is indeed a good opportunity. You can prepare for your return to Xingxu Mountain in the future. However, I don't recommend that you go to Xiong San. This matter is different from the first thing, because Xingxu Mountain Once Xu Shan's consciousness wakes up, it should be able to know that you went to find Xiong San! You fight against the rules set by it, this is not a wise decision in an environment where the enemy is strong and we are weak!" Qi Ling worried.

"I have to know the situation of my senior brother."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said again: "If you don't know my brother's situation, everything must go according to the original plan. However, the consciousness of Xingxu Mountain does not allow me to see my brother, which makes me feel that things are no longer like me. It was so simple at first understanding. After all, after Lexian completed the final test, although the Xingxu Mountain consciousness did not see her immediately, she was relatively free. She asked to visit Xingxu Mountain, and the Xingxu Mountain consciousness did not No rejection! It’s not like I am now, even if I go back to my residence, the Palace Master of the Spirit Palace will follow me, it’s like guarding a prisoner!"

"Well, I didn't think about it that much."

Qi Ling frowned, and then said: "Since the Master of the Spirit Palace will see you off when you go back to your residence, I'm afraid he will also watch you in the dark, right?"

"That's not necessarily the case. The consciousness of Xingxu Mountain is not human after all, and it doesn't have the complicated thoughts of human beings."

Having said that, but for the sake of safety, Gu Zheng did not act immediately after leaving the palace, he walked slowly around the hill.

The understanding of the way of space enables Gu Zheng to easily discover things hidden in the void. However, during this circle around the mountain, he didn't find any surveillance by the master of the Spirit Palace.

With a frown, Gu Zheng used the supernatural power of space "meteor to chase the moon", and instantly arrived at the bottom of a long step, which is the place where he first landed on Xingxu Mountain.

"I have to say, this trip to the outside world is really worth it!" Gu Zheng said heartily.

Appearing dozens of miles away in an instant, no matter the speed of the phoenix eagle's wings, or the weirdness of the instantaneous movement, it cannot be as fast as the 'meteor chasing the moon'.

Le Xian told Gu Zheng that the reason why it is impossible to climb Xingxu Mountain again after leaving Xingxu Mountain is because people who have been to Xingxu Mountain have left special marks on Xingxu Mountain. It is precisely because of the existence of this special mark that Xingxu Mountain can easily sense people who have been to Xingxu Mountain! Therefore, as long as people who have been to Xingxu Mountain appear in the "death cloud", Xingxu Mountain will sense it, and it will use its methods to avoid people who have come to Xingxu Mountain, resulting in People in Xingxu Mountain cannot see or sense its existence.

Those who have been to Xingxu Mountain leave their imprints on Xingxu Mountain at the place where they first landed, which is why Gu Zheng appeared here.

It is not difficult to find the imprint left by him when his cultivation has reached the realm of Guzheng. To put it bluntly, that imprint is an aura that was banned by Xingxu Mountain to prevent it from dissipating.

It is not difficult to destroy the imprint of the forbidden air machine, but the difficulty lies in not only destroying it, but also not being discovered by the consciousness of Xingxu Mountain.

According to the method taught by Le Xian, Gu Zheng used the principles of the Five Elements to create a new block around the block of Xingxu Mountain. With the existence of the ban of the five elements, the original ban will gradually become invalid as time goes by. Le Xian believes that such invalidation can avoid the perception of Xingxu Mountain's consciousness.

After finishing the first thing to do, Gu Zheng once again cast the 'meteor chasing the moon', and appeared on a mountain in an instant.

Although the consciousness of Xingxu Mountain prevents Gu Zheng from meeting Xiong San, there is a positioning jade talisman between Gu Zheng and Xiong San, so he knows where Xiong San is.

There is only one palace on the top of the mountain, the gate of the palace is open, and Xiong San is in this palace.

Gu Zheng saw Xiong San, and he sat cross-legged in the center of the hall, as if he had fallen asleep. Twelve beams of light were connected to his body, and his immortal power was passing along with the light. , Yesterday he was still black-haired, but now his hair is snow-white.


Gu Zheng cursed secretly in his heart, although he didn't know where Xiong San's extracted immortal power was used, but he knew that such extraction of immortal power would lower a person's cultivation base.

Resisting the urge to cut off those rays of light, Gu Zheng, who felt uncomfortable in his heart, called Xiong San with his spiritual thoughts. He called three times in succession, and then Xiong San opened his eyes.

"Little brother!"

Xiong San's voice transmission was crying.

Gu Zheng clenched his fists, and asked through sound transmission: "Senior brother, what happened during the time I was away?"

Facing Gu Zheng's inquiry, Xiong San began to tell.

Through Xiong San's narration, Gu Zheng was able to know what happened after he left.

The so-called test of Xiong San, Fairy Feiyu and the other two immortal cultivators also went to a world outside the circle!

In the dangerous world outside the circle, Xiong San and the others need to help the consciousness of Xingxu Mountain get something back. During this process, the other two immortal cultivators died one after another, and Fairy Feiyu was seriously injured trying to save Xiong San, but fortunately they completed the task and returned to Xingxu Mountain through the space crack.

After returning to Xingxu Mountain, something that made Xiong San heartbroken happened immediately, Fairy Feiyu's body floated up uncontrollably, Xiong San could feel that the power of Xingxu Mountain was acting on her body! Xiong San resisted, but there were so many protoss that made him unable to resist, he could only watch Fairy Feiyu die in front of him, and the celestial ball in his body flew into the distance.

When some people are around, they may feel nothing, but when she is no longer, they will realize how precious she is.

Xiong San was full of remorse, he regretted deliberately keeping a distance from Fairy Feiyu, he hated that he didn't say what he should say, did what he should do, and his hair also turned white overnight in the torment of remorse.

Xiong San is a person with the most affection and nature, and he couldn't stop crying when he told Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng could feel the pain in Xiong San's heart, as well as his regret and his hatred for Xingxu Mountain.

There was a surge of anger in Gu Zheng's heart, and this anger made him desperately want to vent it by killing. However, he can't do this, he must stay awake!

"My senior brother's drawn celestial power, and Fairy Feiyu's body died, but the celestial power ball flew to the distance strangely, do you know what these represent?" Gu Zheng asked Qi Ling.

"Under normal circumstances, once the immortal cultivator dies, the celestial power ball will definitely collapse. Fairy Feiyu's celestial power ball flew away, and your senior brother's celestial power was taken away. In my opinion, this is the consciousness of Xingxu Mountain. The maintenance of Xingxu Mountain! We already know that the consciousness of Xingxu Mountain is almost exhausted, and a consciousness that is close to exhaustion, its control over the main body of Xingxu Mountain may have reached the point where it is about to lose control , This is the only speculation that can explain why it needs Xianli!" Qi Ling said.

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