"How could this be? Fengtou, you have already successfully forged the 'Time Formation Disc' once. It stands to reason that when you forge it again, as long as the 'Time Formation Disc' is still at the same level as the previous forging, even if the success rate is not 100%, It should be more than 80%!" Hearing what Bai Fengtou said, Gu Zheng said in surprise.

"I'm also very depressed. The forged 'time array disk' is indeed the same as last time, but it just can't be forged anymore. I don't know where the problem is!" Bai Feng frowned, with that expression on his face. It's almost as if he's about to cry.

"The Taoist friend who mastered the way of time that was sent to me a few days ago has also left, and the resources given to me by the above are almost exhausted. If I can't create the 'time array disk' again, it is estimated that my new Jin's super master craftsman will also be completely reduced to a laughing stock, and will lose the attention of the higher authorities." Bai Fengtou sighed.

"Don't worry about Fengtou, let's try forging first, maybe we can find out where the problem is!"

For this kind of strange thing, Gu Zheng itself has no good way, and can only forge to see if he can find out the problem.

"That's what I mean too, I'm really sorry to bother you, Fellow Daoist!" Bai Fengtou said.

He didn't even bother to drink the tea, and at Gu Zheng's request, Bai Fengtou took him to the secret room of the refining device.

After a while.

The materials are the same and the steps are the same, but it is a pity that Bai Fengtou's first forging of the 'time array disk' with the help of Gu Zheng still ended in failure.


The forging fell short in the final stage, and Bai Fengtou, annoyed, threw the product of the failed forging to the ground.

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry, I think I know what the problem is."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said again: "The last time I helped fellow daoist to forge the 'time array disk', I had the feeling that I was about to enter the mysterious realm. This time, the materials and techniques used by fellow daoist are all right. There is no problem with the power of time sent by fellow daoist, the only thing missing is the feeling of wanting to enter the mysterious realm! So I think that the failure of the forging of fellow daoist 'time array disk' should be because of my desire to enter the mysterious realm It’s about how you feel!”

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, Bai Fengtou couldn't laugh or cry! If it is true as what Gu Zheng said, then the reason why he was able to advance to become a super refining master is inseparable from Gu Zheng's feeling at that time! Now Gu Zheng doesn't have the same feeling as before, and he, the super master craftsman, was completely beaten back to his original shape when refining the 'time array disk'! What made him even more depressed was that if he had to completely rely on Gu Zheng, then would he, a super master craftsman, really be a super master craftsman?

Bai Fengtou couldn't laugh or cry, Gu Zheng understood it very well, he didn't expect that Bai Fengtou's ability to become a super master craftsman was related to his original feeling.

"Don't be too depressed at Fengtou. It's not that there is no way to change the status quo. My special feeling will definitely not be silent forever. Since your ability to become a super master craftsman is related to my feeling, then when that kind of After the feeling reappears and triggers the mysterious realm, if I can gain something in the mysterious realm, you should also benefit! Perhaps by that time, even without my help, you will be a qualified super master craftsman !"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Bai Feng nodded his head: "Fellow Daoist said something reasonable, so what should we do now? Continue to refine the 'time array disc'? I don't have many materials here, so I can only refine it." Three times."

"It doesn't matter, you don't have the materials over there, but I still have them here, enough for three more refinements." Gu Zheng said.

"How dare you use materials from fellow daoists!" Bai Fengtou smiled wryly.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, and I don't want Fellow Daoists to be unable to refine the 'Time Array Disk' anymore because of me."

Gu Zheng was very serious, and gave Bai Fengtou all three sets of materials for refining the 'time array disk'.

Bai Fengtou didn't say anything more, and immediately started the second refinement of the 'Time Array Disk'.

The second refinement of the 'time array plate' still ended in failure, but it was a good start for Gu Zheng, and the feeling of wanting to enter the mysterious realm reappeared!

The familiar feeling reappeared, which is not unexpected! Since that kind of mysterious feeling was able to be produced at the beginning, it will be buried deep in the heart like a seed, and when it will take root, it is just a matter of how many times it is stimulated.

The third refining of the 'time array disk' still ended in failure, but the feeling of Gu Zheng became stronger because of this.

The three refinements of the 'time array plate' consumed a lot of Bai Fengtou, which also made him have to stop and take a rest.

At night, the energetic Bai Fengtou was preparing to refine the 'time array disk' again.

"Fellow Daoist, I feel very good about this refinement!" Bai Fengtou looked at Gu Zheng and said.

"Also, I feel good too!"

Gu Zheng laughed out loud. He didn't lie because he wanted to comfort Bai Fengtou. After resting for a few hours, he felt really good. Appeared in Time Array Disk' Refining.

Gu Zheng's words made Bai Fengtou laugh out loud, and without saying anything more, he bowed his finger and fired a bullet at the Heaven and Earth Furnace, and the space inside the furnace was immediately filled with purple flames.

Bai Fengtou threw several kinds of metals for refining the 'time array disk' into the heaven and earth furnace one after another. After these metals were mixed and melted, Bai Fengtou used immortal power as a hammer to continuously beat the solution that had become solid. temper.

A moment later, Bai Fengtou threw the tempered metal into the quenching tank, and the billowing white mist suddenly became angry.

After the rising billowing white mist fell, Bai Fengtou threw the changed color metal into the heaven and earth furnace again and began to beat it.

After Bai Fengtou's repeated tempering, the metal in the furnace finally became the embryonic form of the 'time array'.

"Fellow Daoist, send the power of time five times faster!" Bai Feng said.

Gu Zheng stretched his hand across the void, causing the flames in the furnace to ripple. After he used the power of time five times faster, whether it was the burning of the furnace fire or the falling hammer of Baifengtou, all of them became very fast. .

Looking at the rising and burning fire, watching Bai Feng's head drop the hammer quickly, a wonderful feeling emerged from Gu Zheng's heart again. However, for the first time at this time, Gu Zheng also felt dizzy, and the feeling of wanting to enter the mysterious realm became more and more intense, but it seemed to be a little bit worse, the door of the mysterious realm was not as ancient The battle was opened, and the ancient battle seemed to be wandering outside the door.

"Fellow Daoist, the transmission of the power of time is three times slower!"

In Gu Zheng's feeling, it didn't take long for his mind to be dizzy, but the real situation is that the 'time array plate' that was still being tempered in the furnace has been released on the carving table, and it has been taken by Bai Fengtou. Carved more than half.

Bai Fengtou's voice was like enlightenment, Gu Zheng's original drowsiness ended in an instant, and he, who was depressed because of the disappearance of his senses, immediately sent the power of time that was three times slower to the carving table.

However, just when Gu Zheng applied the power of time that was three times slower to the carving table, there was a bang in his head, and the mysterious realm appeared when he thought it was the most unlikely to appear.

"It turned out to be here!"

Gu Zheng, who entered the mysterious realm, was unprecedentedly sober, so that when he saw the scene in the mysterious realm, he couldn't help but exclaim in his heart.

When Gu Zheng understood the way of time for the first time, he had lived with the Qi Ling in the mysterious realm for decades. At that time, he sighed under a big tree outside the yard, what exactly was he looking for! Now entering this mysterious realm again, Gu Zheng's location is still under the big tree outside the courtyard, but there is no spirit in the courtyard who wants to call him for dinner.

Gu Zheng wanted to go into the yard to take a look, but two thoughts flew out of his head, one black and one white in color, and after landing, they turned into the black and white self whom he hadn't seen in the mysterious realm for a long time.

"Alternating ups and downs, reincarnation, life and death, life and death."

Both black and white spoke at the same time, and said the same words.

When the words fell to the ground, the black and white themselves waved to each other at the same time.

The air rippled with the waving of black and white, which is the power of Tao being used.

Hei's self began to age visible to the naked eye, and he quickly changed from youth to middle age.

Bai's self began to regress in age visible to the naked eye, and he quickly changed from a youth to a teenager.

"Alternating ups and downs, reincarnation, life and death, life and death."

The same words were spoken by black and white again, and they once again waved at each other with the power of Tao.

This time, not only the air was rippled, but there was also a strong wind blowing around.

The black self has changed from middle age to old age, from old age to dry bones, and from dry bones to nothingness.

Bai's self changed from a teenager to a baby, from a baby to an embryo, and from an embryo to nothingness.

Gu Zheng quietly looked at the nothingness in front of him, the expression on his face was calm, he had already entered the state of enlightenment.

Time passed little by little, Gu Zheng's body remained motionless, and the surrounding environment also changed at this time.

The surrounding trees, buildings, and landforms all changed with the rapid regression of time until they became nothingness. Then, time began to fast-forward again, and some things were born in the original nothingness, and gradually turned into trees and buildings, until finally turned into nothingness again.

In Gu Zheng's feeling, the surroundings were very quiet, so quiet that there was not even a breath of wind. There was a smile on his mouth, a confident smile.

After a while, Gu Zheng, who had his eyes closed, opened his eyes. After reaching out and brushing across the void, the original nothingness quickly retreated in time until it became the familiar house and the old tree in front of the gate.

Gu Zheng waved his hand for the second time, time fast-forwarded in a local area, and the white self finally changed from nothingness to his original appearance.

Gu Zheng waved his hand for the third time, time receded in a local area, and the black self finally changed from nothingness to his original appearance.

Gu Zheng smiled at the black and white self, and after he waved his hand for the fourth time, the black and white self became two thoughts, which returned to his mind again! At this moment, the surrounding environment became exactly the same as when Gu Zheng first entered the mysterious realm. Under Gu Zheng's gaze, cracks appeared and eventually shattered into pieces.

Gu Zheng broke away from the mysterious realm, and a lot of information poured into his mind. When he sat down cross-legged to absorb the information, he saw Bai Fengtou, who was carving the 'time array disk', moving as if he had been fixed. Also do not move.

Gu Zheng understood that Bai Fengtou had also fallen into the mysterious realm because of his enlightenment.

What kind of Taoism Bai Fengtou can comprehend in the mysterious realm? Gu Zheng is not sure about this, but what he is sure of is that since everything started because of him, it will end because of him. With some understanding, he will not have to worry about refining the 'time array disk' at least in the future.

Gu Zheng took some time to digest the information of Enlightenment. When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the very excited Bai Fengtou.

"Fellow Daoist, I have just entered the Mysterious Realm, and I have enlightened in it!" Bai Fengtou said excitedly.

"Unfortunately, you failed to comprehend the way of time because of me!"

Gu Zheng smiled. The reason why he knew that Bai Fengtou failed to comprehend the Way of Time was because the Dao of Time, like the Way of Time, would have blessings from heaven and earth appear when he comprehends it for the first time.

"Although it is not a great way like the way of time, it is very meaningful to me to be able to comprehend the 'way of refining weapons'! I believe that when I cooperate with someone who masters the way of time to refine weapons, I will never You won't even be able to refine the 'Time Array Disk'."

Bai Fengtou's excited voice paused, and then he said longingly: "Fellow Daoist, what kind of Dao do you comprehend? Did you raise the power of time to an intermediate level? If so, I want to try to refine a new 'time array disk' !"

Gu Zheng had guessed before that if he could realize the Dao in the process of refining the 'Time Array' by Bai Fengtou, then the Dao he comprehended should be the Tao of Intermediate Time, which Bai Fengtou has heard from him.

"That's right, my control over the power of time has been upgraded to an intermediate level! I also want to see if the two of us can forge a better 'time array disk' with the cooperation of the two of us after we both realize the Tao!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"I am confident that I can forge a better 'time array'!" Bai Fengtou said seriously.

After the two rested for a while, they started refining the 'time array disk' again.

As expected of comprehending the 'Way of Refining Artifacts', Bai Fengtou's refinement of 'Time Formation Disk' this time is obviously different in terms of techniques, and he is obviously more careful than before when dealing with some steps. Handy.

Finally, Bai Fengtou's second 'Time Array Disk' was successfully refined, and the excited Bai Fengtou thanked Gu Zheng again and again, holding his second 'Time Array Disk' and kissing again and again.

Compared with the first 'Time Array Disk', Bai Fengtou's second 'Time Array Disk' has stronger performance. The excited Bai Fengtou decided that he would take the second 'Time Array Disk' to the Heavenly Court tomorrow. , Find the people above who want to refine resources and who have mastered the way of time to help.

The next day, Gu Zheng and Bai Fengtou left Yuheng Peak together, Bai Fengtou went to the Heavenly Court, and Gu Zheng went to find Lanyue.

Lan Yue had already greeted people, and he left the fairy camp with Gu Zheng.

The Tao that Gu Zheng is going to let Lanyue try to comprehend is the "Tao of Speed", which belongs to a branch of the "Tao of Real Wood" among the five elements.

The reason why Gu Zheng's five elements can be completed is not only due to the phantom of Le Xian's spiritual thoughts left in the preaching palace, but also thanks to Tie Xian's cultivation of him, and he is willing to give those extremely precious five elements Yuan Dan and Ling Dan were given to him as rewards when he was still very weak, so that he could lay the foundation of the five elements in advance.

Things like Five Elements Pills and Spirit Pills are very precious. Even if he competes with the current Taoism in the past, there is no way for him to refine such things. And those things are all from Lao Tzu's hand, even if Tie Xian is also a saint, it is extremely difficult for him to get these things from Lao Tzu! So among the disciples of Tiexian, except for Gu Zheng who had eaten the five elements elixir, the other disciples didn't even eat all the five elements elixir! For example, Lanyue, he has eaten three kinds of five element pills, fire yuan pill, water yuan pill and earth yuan pill, but he has never eaten the more precious wood yuan pill and gold yuan pill.

Although she has never eaten Mu Yuan Dan or Jin Yuan Dan, Lan Yue still cultivated the 'natural wood' through her own practice and mastered the power of wood.

Among the five elements, the wind belongs to wood, and if you master the power of wood, you will be more likely to comprehend the 'Way of Speed'. This is why Gu Zheng arranged for Lan Yue to enter this preaching palace.

After arriving at Xingxu Mountain, after telling Lanyue which fairy palace he was going to enter, Gu Zheng said, "Senior brother, how do you feel?"

"It feels good, but for things like enlightenment, it doesn't mean that you will be able to enlighten yourself if you feel good."

Lanyue paused, and reached out to pat Gu Zheng's shoulder: "Just don't worry, little brother, even if you can't enlighten in this preaching palace, brother's state of mind will not be affected by it!"

"Senior Brother can say that, and Junior Brother will be relieved."

Gu Zheng wanted to comfort Lan Yue, even if he couldn't realize the Tao this time, he still had a chance next time! But since Lanyue can see it openly, he also believes that there are some things that he doesn't need to say, and Lanyue also wants to get it, so he didn't say anything more.

Lan Yue entered the preaching palace to accept preaching, while Gu Zheng looked down at Xingxu Mountain, with a smile on his lips.

"What's the matter, are you satisfied with Xingxu Mountain?" Qi Ling asked.

"Satisfied! The usefulness of Xingxu Mountain is really too great. Just talking about the Evangelism Palace, how many kinds of Taoism my brothers and sisters will master in the future, this is really something they didn't dare to imagine before. !” Gu Zheng said.

Qi Ling nodded: "The magical power of the preaching palace is indeed too powerful. After this magical power is fully restored in the future, it will simply be a copy of Taoism. Your brothers and sisters will also benefit from it!"

"Seven days. After seven days, I will go to the 'Rotten Swamp' to try my luck. If I am lucky enough, after I return from the 'Rotten Swamp', it will be time for me to start repairing Xingxu Mountain." Gu Zheng The fighting spirit of the smile is high.

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