The two entangled monsters didn't stop tossing just because someone approached. Gu Zheng shot like the wind, and subdued the two monsters without making any noise.

Searching for the soul is a supernatural power in the aspect of divine sense. Gu Zheng boasted that his supernatural power in the aspect of divine sense is definitely top-notch among immortal cultivators of the same level! What's more, after successfully receiving the 'Star Lore', Gu Zheng's supernatural powers are also astonishing. There is no reason why his cultivation base is not as good as his Dao Xinzi, who can successfully search for the soul of monsters, but he found nothing. no.

The unwillingness to admit defeat led Gu Zheng to search for the souls of the two monsters. The situation of the male fox was still the same as that of the monsters he searched for before. The blockade of the monster power made Gu Zheng unable to read its memory. However, when Gu Zheng searched for the mother fox's soul, she found that the demon power blockade of the mother fox was loose! It only takes a moment for Gu Zheng to break through this loose situation, and then the mother fox's memory will be completely open to him.

"Don't let people disturb me!"

Gu Zheng sent voice transmissions to Miaomiao and Angry Man, and he had to devote himself wholeheartedly to what he was going to do next.

Gu Zheng began to conquer the monster power in the mother fox's head, and the voice of the monster appeared in the fork in front of the passage.

The angry man spit out a mouthful of evil spirit, which permeated the surroundings. After the strong evil spirit spread and faded in an instant, no one could be seen in the passage.

There were indeed monsters coming over in the side road, and they staggered as if they were drunk. Although they had glanced at Gu Zheng, they didn't find anything, so they naturally didn't stop.

After a while, Gu Zheng ended his soul search for the female fox.

"The situation is consistent with what Dao Xinzi said, and we have a deeper understanding of the details. Judging from the memory of the mother fox, this demon cave should be a 'soaring boat', and the demon king in the demon cave is A monster similar to a centipede, as for the realm of cultivation, it should already be in the middle or late stage of the Demon Emperor! The improvement of the strength of the monsters in the periphery of the rotten swamp is inseparable from it. Every five years, the monsters will come to this monster. Cave, donate a little blood to this centipede king, and then exchange for some medicinal wine that can increase cultivation."

Gu Zheng's voice stopped, he picked up two empty wine bottles on the ground, and observed the inside of the bottles with the eyes of Tao.

The wine bottle contained the medicinal wine given to the male and female foxes by the centipede king, and it was after drinking the medicinal wine that they began to behave promiscuously. It's just that the medicinal wine is very precious, and the two foxes have drank not a single drop of the medicinal wine in the bottle. Even if Gu Zheng observed it with the eyes of Tao, he didn't see much useful things. He can only conclude that the demon king seems to have a lot of good ingredients in his hands.

"Master, what does Centipede King want the blood essence of these monsters?" asked the angry man.

"It may be related to changing the environment of the rotten swamp. Centipede King seems to want to turn the rotten swamp into an area that is difficult for cultivators to set foot on, and a paradise for monsters like them!"

Gu Zheng paused, and then asked: "Is that feeling still there?"

"Master, that feeling is still there, it still attracts me in the depths of the cave." The angry man said.

"Although there are many monsters in the demon cave at this time, they are in a state of madness after drinking medicinal wine. The centipede king should also be busy using the blood essence. For us, it can be regarded as a person who can quietly investigate Great opportunity for caves."

Gu Zheng reached out and drew in the void, and a topographic map of the cave emerged.

"Where do you think the feeling that attracts you is in this picture?" Gu Zheng asked the angry man.

"it's here."

The angry man thought for a while, and then clicked on a location on the topographic map.

The place Gu Zheng didn't want to go to, but had to go was the hall. The hall was in the center of the 'Ao Tian Zhou', and it connected the head and tail of the 'Ao Tian Zhou'. The place where Gu Zheng and others are now The location is the tail of the 'Sky Boat'.

The female fox has been to most of the places in "Ao Tian Zhou". In her memory, there are five special places in "Ao Tian Zhou", four of which are secret rooms that it has never entered. One is at the tail of 'Ao Tian Zhou', two are on the head of 'Ao Tian Zhou', and the other one is a utensil that flows out medicinal wine, it is in the hall of 'Ao Tian Zhou'.

The location the angry man pointed to was facing a secret room at the head of the "Aotianzhou" in the memory of the mother fox. To go to that place, one had to pass through the hall where many monsters gathered at this time. Gu Zheng didn't worry about the 'way of change' being discovered, but he didn't have the memory of the changed thing. If there were monsters saying hello or something, it would be a little troublesome.

"Sir, did you search for the soul of the female fox, did you find the source of your premonition of danger?" Meow asked.

"No." Gu Zheng shook his head.

Although I know from the mother fox's memory, among the monsters in the hall, two of them have reached the level of the demon emperor! But Gu Zheng still felt that what could really bring him a crisis in the 'Ao Tian Zhou' was not the two demon kings in the hall, nor the centipede king, the owner of the 'Ao Tian Zhou', but what he didn't know. know something.

"Sir, what should we do now?" Miaomiao asked again.

"Since the feeling of the angry man is in the head of the 'Sky Boat', then no matter how dangerous it is, we have to go there. However, since we are now at the tail of the 'Sky Boat', let's go to the secret room in the memory of the female fox first. See if you can gain anything! There is another advantage of doing this, that is, if the corridor Xinzi and others come in, they should reach the hall first, and face the group of monsters in the hall first, so as to play a leading role Function." Gu Zheng said.

"Master, why don't you go!"

The angry man seemed a little hesitant. He wasn't afraid of death, but he didn't want Gu Zheng to be in danger because of his feelings.

"This is the third time you have said such a thing! If you say such a thing again, I will betroth that female fox on the ground to you!" Gu Zheng said seriously.

"Master, I was wrong!"

The angry man was startled, he felt like vomiting when he saw the female fox, let alone further imagining it.


Gu Zheng smiled, and led Angry Man and Meow Miao through the comprehensive and staggered passages, walking towards the first secret room.

In the process of going to the first secret room, Gu Zheng and the others also encountered several drunken monsters, and one of them even greeted Gu Zheng. It should be the wolf monster who knew Gu Zheng's changes. In this regard, Gu Zheng gave the monster a look to let him experience it, and successfully prevented the subsequent communication from happening.

At this time, Gu Zheng had brought Miao Miao and Angry Man to the place where he could see the secret room, where two monsters responsible for guarding the door were sitting cross-legged.

Needless to say, Gu Zheng, Miaomiao and Angry Man walked towards the two monsters first.

"What are you two doing here? Get out!"

A pig-like monster berates Meow and Angry.

"Received the order from Centipede King, the two of us will replace you." Meow Meow said.

The two monsters looked at each other, and the pig monster asked suspiciously: "Why didn't the centipede king directly tell us through sound transmission?"

"Because you are going to die, so there is no need for sound transmission notification!"

Angry man and Miaomiao shot at the same time, and the two realms were equivalent to the gatekeeper monsters in the early stage of Daluo Jinxian, and they were quickly settled by them. Although there were some noises during the period, Gu Zheng had already set up restrictions with the way of space, and the sound of fighting could not spread normally.

After smoothing over the monster guarding the door, Gu Zheng came to the door of the secret room, and seeing the restriction on the secret room, he immediately knew how to break it.

"You two stay with us, I'll go in and have a look."

Gu Zheng broke the restriction and walked into the secret room, and found that there was nothing else in the secret room except two boxes.

There is still a prohibition on the box, but it is also not difficult for Gu Zheng.

Both boxes were opened by Gu Zheng. One box contained resources belonging to outside the circle, and the other box contained prehistoric resources. Most of these resources were related to refining weapons and formations. A small part of it is food.

"Sir, how is it?" Seeing Gu Zheng coming out, Miao Miao asked.

"Not bad, I harvested two boxes, including fifty high-grade ingredients and two fairy ingredients." Gu Zheng said.

"The food resources alone are pretty good, but why are you still frowning?" Miao Miao asked again.

"Everything went too smoothly, and it was too unusual. The two monsters guarding the secret room are already at the early stage of the Demon King, but they are really stupid! Your simple excuses can distract them, so what? Why do you want them to guard this secret room?" Gu Zheng said.

"These two guys seem to be stupid by nature! What's more, the master also knows that the strength of the monsters here has been improved by the centipede king. It's not a strange thing that they don't have the mind to match their strength. "Meow meow said.

"Let's go to the next secret room!"

Gu Zheng didn't refute Miaomiao's words, but that doesn't mean he agrees! That sense of danger has always existed, and all kinds of unusual things happened one after another, which made him really unable to simply believe what he saw.

At the same time, in a secret room at the head of 'Ao Tian Zhou'.

The centipede king is not ugly, on the contrary, he looks like a heavenly king with eight arms in Buddhism.

The centipede king was not busy processing blood as the mother fox guessed, on the contrary he was drinking very leisurely.

"Two groups of people have come in, and one of them has taken something from one secret room and is heading towards another secret room."

A mysterious voice suddenly sounded in Centipede King's mind.

"Where is the group of people we care about the most?" Centipede King asked movingly.

"They are still outside the cave, and they seem to want the other two groups to take the lead."

The mysterious voice paused, and then continued: "The guy with the purple eyes is really annoying. If it weren't for his existence, the remaining two would have already entered."

"Wait! When he spies next time, let's prepare for him!" Centipede King sneered.

"When their group of people also come in, is it time to close the net?" The mysterious voice asked.

"That's right! If it wasn't for fear of disturbing them, I would have already dealt with the first two groups."

Centipede King's voice paused, and then he sneered and said: "People from outside may come in at any time, now is the time for the first two groups to take their places!"

After a while.

Gu Zheng, who was moving forward, stopped, they were about to pass a side road, and there were very noisy voices in the side road, like a group of drunks walking and laughing.

Glancing at Miaomiao and the angry man, Gu Zheng and the three flew to the top of the passage, casting spells to hide their figures.

The laughter in the fork road was getting closer and closer, more than a dozen monsters were making noise as they walked, all of them looked drunk.

Suddenly, among the walking monsters, a small monster stopped in its tracks.

The small monster looks like a pitch-black ginseng doll. It used to have a bunch of flowers on its head, but now the flower only has a stem and no flower part.

The stopped black ginseng baby raised its nose back and forth, and looked at the top of the passage. The drunken monsters, after seeing the abnormality of the black ginseng doll, became vigilant one by one.


A long scarlet head shot out from the black ginseng doll's mouth, like a whip towards the invisible angry man.

Invisibility is just a way to hide the eyes, the body does not really disappear, facing such a situation, it is no longer possible not to show up.

Gu Zheng, Miao Miao and Angry Man appeared at the same time, attacking more than a dozen monsters on the ground at the same time!

Although there are many monsters, the realm is not bad, but compared with Gu Zheng and the others, they are simply mobs.

It took Gu Zheng and others to kill more than a dozen monsters in a very short time, and even under the blockade of the Dao of Space, even the sound did not leak out.

However, just as Gu Zheng and the others wiped out the monster, the three figures of Dao Xinzi also rushed out from another fork.

"Senior brothers, what's the matter?" Gu Zheng asked, seeing the anxious eyes of the three Xinzi.

"Junior brother, did you see this monster just now?"

Dao Xinzi did have special skills in spiritual thoughts, and at the same time he transmitted the sound to Gu Zheng with his thoughts, he also made a picture appear in Gu Zheng's mind.

Although Gu Zheng also has a lot of supernatural powers in terms of divine thoughts, he doesn't use this method of directly transmitting images as cleanly as Dao Xinzi, so he hardly ever uses it on people.

The monster in the picture passed by Dao Xinzi looks like a skinny monkey, and Gu Zheng has indeed seen it before.

"About three minutes ago, the monster that senior brother was looking for went in that direction!"

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand to guide Dao Xinzi.

When Gu Zheng and the others saw this monster before, based on the idea that more things are worse than less things, they avoided meeting it by hiding their bodies. At that time, Gu Zheng still felt emotional, this monkey-like monster is really strange, and he has no vitality at all!

"Thank you for your guidance, junior brother. If you see a similar monster again, you must be more careful. It can actually steal things from the space fairy!"

Dao Xinzi thanked Gu Zheng, but he had already rushed out like a gust of wind.

Gu Zheng's heart was moved, and he hurriedly sent a sound transmission to Dao Xinzi: "Brother, stop!"

"Senior brother, there seems to be more monsters with this special supernatural power than the ones you have seen in this ghost place!"

Even for Gu Zheng, it is troublesome to directly transmit the picture to others without passing through the jade slips, but in this situation, rather than slowly describing the appearance of a monster, it is more convenient to directly transmit its appearance to Dao Xinzi .

"There are still more!"

Gu Zheng not only conveyed the picture to Dao Xinzi, but also briefly told him what happened to the man in black and others.

"damn it!"

Dao Xinzi gritted his teeth, pointed to the dead black ginseng doll on the ground and said, "The reason why the younger brother killed these things was because this monster found him invisible?"

"Exactly, senior brother, how do you know?" Gu Zheng frowned.

"Junior brother fell in love with Linglong when he was talking with Linglong outside the cave. She tampered with your servant without a trace. She let the pollen on the monster's head stick to your servant!" Dao Xinzi said.


As soon as the angry man gritted his teeth, ring after ring of water waves appeared on his body surface, and he was cleaning his body.

"No wonder Linglong feels weird!"

Gu Zheng smiled coldly, and looked at Dao Xinzi: "Thank you, brother, for reminding me!"

Dao Xinzi nodded: "Junior brother, be more careful, I'm going to chase that monster!"

Dao Xinzi was really in a hurry. The three of them lost a lot of things in the storage space, including the fairy artifact that survived the first chaotic calamity! Because of this, when Dao Xinzi stopped to communicate with Gu Zheng, only Venerable Xuanhuang was with him, and Daochen Daoist had already gone after that monkey monster.

"It's getting more and more interesting, so be careful!"

Gu Zheng gritted his teeth, there was hatred for Fairy Linglong, and there was also a dignified feeling for the weirdness.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Centipede King in the secret room smiled. He who could see Gu Zheng and others smiled as if he had heard an absolutely funny joke.

"According to your plan, the two groups of people will soon be in their positions."

The mysterious voice sounded again in Centipede King's mind.

"Yes, they are about to take their positions, but why are those people outside so patient?" Centipede King gritted his teeth.

At this moment, above the high sky outside the mud cave, although the three of Fairy Linglong were sitting cross-legged, none of them closed their eyes, which was enough to show that their hearts were not at peace.

"Brother, what do you think will happen in the cave at this time?" Fairy Linglong asked.

"I don't know, I want to wait and see."

The supernatural power Zi Tongxian is good at is 'clairvoyance', but don't underestimate the supernatural power of 'clairvoyance', it actually belongs to the category of the way of space.

Immortal Zitong also wanted to know what happened in the cave, but his 'clairvoyance' could not be activated casually, which made him have to be patient.

"Senior brothers and sisters, what do you think is the danger in the cave?" Master Wuchang frowned.

The reason why Fairy Linglong and others know more about caves is because of Immortal Zitong's clairvoyance, but their fear of caves actually comes from Fairy Linglong's premonition of the sixth sense, which is different from ancient times. Competing for the same is also the same as Dao Xinzi!

"I don't know, anyway, this feeling has always been very strong, and I am also very puzzled!"

Fairy Linglong was really puzzled. Immortal Zitong used her magical powers twice to check the situation in the cave, but she still couldn't find any danger. And the reason why they stayed was because Immortal Zitong saw a treasure that Centipede King was cultivating. This treasure had a great effect on improving Fairy Linglong's cultivation.

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