
Fairy Linglong screamed angrily, it's not that she didn't want to help, it's just that she couldn't move at all! When the palm shadow was pressing Zitong Xian and Wuchang Daoist down, a force acted on her body like a golden hoop, making it difficult for her divine sense to be separated and her demonic power to be unable to arouse!


With a roar that didn't sound like a human voice, Fairy Linglong finally broke through the shackles of the 'golden hoop' and revealed her real body in the void.

There was a faint fire flickering in the khaki body, and Linglong Fairy, whose body was a 'Fire Crystal Pangolin', turned into a ball and slammed into the Centipede King fiercely.


Centipede King opened his mouth and spewed out green mist.

Seemingly under a strong pressure, Fairy Linglong, who flew into the green mist, suddenly slowed down.

Fairy Linglong stopped, and the dark flames in her body shot up into the sky, and countless "Fire Crystal Pangolin" phantoms curled up into balls, smashed towards the centipede king like hail. However, the continuous spray of green mist has made the visibility in the stomach sac space extremely poor, and there is no centipede king in the position where the phantom of the 'Fire Crystal Pangolin' hits.

"call out!"

A strange whistling sound came from beside Fairy Linglong, and Fairy Linglong hurriedly turned around, but something strange happened from her body surface! It was as if a vortex had been born there, and the green mist that originally permeated the air was all condensing towards the 'vortex'.

"Go away!"

Fairy Linglong screamed, but the flames spouting from her body had been extinguished by the condensation of green mist.

Finally, all the green mist gathered on Fairy Linglong's body, turning into a slender blood-red centipede, wrapping Fairy Linglong tightly like a ball of thread! So far, Fairy Linglong has been restrained by Centipede King.

The unknown monster has a total of four stomach pouches, Linglong Fairy and the others are in the first stomach pouch, and Dao Xinzi is in the second stomach pouch.

At this moment, the second stomach sac glowed red.

Dao Xinzi was surrounded by a heart-shaped red phantom. This phantom was very big, as big as a room. Daochen Daoist and Xuanhuang Venerable were also within the phantom envelope.

The phantom expanded and contracted with Dao Xinzi's breathing, and all attacks that touched the phantom became very weak.

The attack on Dao Xinzi and others was not just the stomach pouch itself, but also two monsters at the level of the Demon Emperor.

The two monsters at the level of the Demon King are also in a semi-transfigured state. One of them looks like a crocodile, and the other looks like a lizard.

Although they are already at the level of the demon emperor, the strength and intelligence of the two monsters are not as high as expected. This is also the disadvantage of the centipede king's rapid promotion of the demon realm.

"Damn it, basically all the fairy artifacts bestowed by Master have been stolen, otherwise I wouldn't be so passive!"

Venerable Xuanhuang, who has always been smiling, can no longer laugh. After they separated from Gu Zheng and others, they encountered another looting by monkey monsters. became empty.

"It can't go on like this, it's not the way to go on like this!"

Master Chuchen gritted his teeth fiercely. As a late quasi-sage, he couldn't remember how long he hadn't suffered from this kind of death crisis, and the situation was really difficult for them to break through.

Being trapped in the body of a monster is equivalent to being trapped in the fairyland. If you want to break through the situation as quickly as possible, using the fairyland to burst the monster's stomach is the best choice. However, the monster's stomach is too powerful. Using the Immortal Domain in this environment is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg.

"Senior brothers, I can't last long!"

Dao Xinzi opened his eyes, the heart-shaped phantom protecting them is his natal supernatural power, but this natal supernatural power can't always work, especially under the attack of the other two demon emperors.

It's not that Dao Xinzi and the others don't want to break out and go out to fight. If it's just two demon emperors, even if the fairy artifact is stolen, even if it's in the stomach bag that can't display the fairyland, the three of Dao Xinzi will definitely not be afraid. However, once they dare to leave the range of the heart-shaped phantom, the stomach wall will attack and suppress them. This is what they are most afraid of!

"Brother, hold on for a while longer, and when the law appears next time, we will immediately launch a counterattack!"

The situation is very unfavorable to Chuchen Daoist and the others, but Chuchen Daoist and the others have tried to break through several times, and discovered a rule in the attempt! The color of the stomach wall changes from time to time, and when its color turns into a terrifying blood red, the oppressive force of the whole space on everyone is actually the smallest!

"Based on experience, the color of the stomach wall will turn blood red in about a minute. At that time, the three of us will activate the Immortal Domain at the same time to try!" Venerable Xuanhuang gritted his teeth.

"That's what I planned too! Leaving aside whether or not Zi Tongxian and the others entered the demon's belly, Gu Zheng and the others should have experienced the same thing as us. The reason why the color of the stomach wall changes is probably suppressing them! At the same time trapping With so many quasi-sages, I still don't believe it can digest us all!"

At the same time, using Immortal Realm is indeed a very powerful way to break through, and it is definitely a powerful impact on the stomach space. However, can this really break through? Although the Daoist Master Chuchen is not very sure in his heart, he must at least show some confidence in his mouth.

"Senior brothers, besides the method of Immortal Domain, Divine Sense may also be a breakthrough!" Dao Xinzi said.

"Divine will?"

Venerable Xuanhuang and Master Chuchen murmured at the same time.

Since they fell into the stomach, Venerable Xuanhuang and Chuchen Daoist were either engaged in dangerous battles outside the heart-shaped phantom, unable to separate their spiritual thoughts to do other things, or they were protected by the heart-shaped phantom. Nian can't detect the phantom, and it is for these reasons that when they heard Dao Xinzi say that the divine mind might be a breakthrough, they all showed expressions of thought.

The time was getting closer to the time when the stomach wall turned blood red, and Dao Xinzi's face became more and more red. He really couldn't hold it anymore! And during this time, the two demon emperors attacked the phantom heart shape almost non-stop, which was also a great drain on him.

"Hurry up and give up resistance, you won't last long!"

"That's right, how good it is to give up resistance and become part of the digestive system!"

Looking at the heart-shaped phantom whose color gradually faded, the two demon emperors were already excited.

"You wait for this venerable!"

Venerable Xuanhuang gritted his teeth, and the wall of his stomach turned blood red at this moment.

"It's now!"

Chuchen Daoist sent a sound transmission to the two juniors, he first rushed out of the protection of the heart-shaped phantom, and displayed his fairyland.

Almost immediately after Chuchen Daoist's Immortal Realm, Venerable Xuanhuang and Dao Xinzi also performed Immortal Realm.

The three quasi-sages cast Immortal Realm at the same time, and even though the stomach space of the monster was extremely strong, it couldn't help shaking.

However, what is powerful is powerful after all. Centipede King dared to use the stomach space of monsters to target so many quasi-sages at the same time. It is impossible for Centipede King to ignore the powerful supernatural powers that quasi-sages like Xianyu must possess!

"court death!"

In the first stomach sac, the centipede king who was still coiling Fairy Linglong naturally felt the shock of the stomach sac. While cursing secretly, he immediately ordered the unknown monster to fight back.

"It's not a good sign that they cast Immortal Realm at the same time. Counterattacking them will definitely make me weak. You must hurry up to resolve the battle here." The voice of the unknown monster sounded in Centipede King's head.

"Ni Ling, do you think this king doesn't want to go early?" Centipede King replied irritably.

After all, Fairy Linglong is a disciple of Tongtian Crossing Tribulation. Most of her fairy artifacts were stolen, but there is still a fairy artifact in her body that can provide her with strong protection. Although he had already wrapped her around, he still couldn't get his hands at this time.

"Damn fairy artifact!"

The irritable Centipede King continued to attack Fairy Linglong's fairy weapon with all his strength, and a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind.

"It's not the No. 2 stomach pouch that really makes me feel dangerous, but the No. 3 stomach pouch!" Ni Ling's voice sounded again.

"Gastric pouch No. 3?"

Centipede King murmured, and then sneered: "Reduce my occupation of your power here, you concentrate on the mud crocodile and rot lizard, and settle the troubles in the No. 2 stomach first!"

The flash of inspiration in Centipede King's mind just now is that he thought of a way to deal with the current situation.


Almost following the response of the mud spirit, the color of the stomach wall of the No. 1 stomach pouch instantly deepened, and the power that Centipede King could borrow suddenly became smaller, and Fairy Linglong, who was originally entangled by him and was motionless, immediately struggled. However, Fairy Linglong's struggle didn't have any effect. Although the centipede king was able to use the power of the stomach pouch to become smaller, she was not enough to get rid of the centipede king's control.

"Why didn't you use all your strength to break through? Are you convinced?" Fairy Linglong mocked.

"Your body has basically been controlled by this king, and your mind is forced to survive only with the protection of a fairy weapon. I really don't know what else you can be proud of! Don't think that I don't know your mind, you just want to let me I vigorously break through the protection of your fairy weapon, so as to speed up the consumption of power? Let me tell you, this king has figured out your fairy weapon, and blindly using brute force to break through it will only speed up the consumption of my power. It needs only two effective conditions, one is the power of the saint, and the other is time! I don't have the power of the saint, but I have time to play with you!" Centipede King laughed.

The centipede king saw through the secret of the fairy artifact, and Fairy Linglong became even more frightened.

"Why don't you talk? Are you scared?"

The Centipede King grinned, and when his eight legs that had already been inserted into Fairy Linglong's body exerted strength, Fairy Linglong's cry of pain changed suddenly.

"Tell you, if you kill me, you will also die, my master will not let you go!"

Although Fairy Linglong didn't say who her master was, she went to the point of moving her master out, which is enough to show her fear and despair.

"Master? Saint Immortal, right?"

The centipede king's smirk turned into a loud laugh: "Do you think that if you scare me with a holy fairy, I will be afraid? There are a few places in this world that even a holy fairy can't set foot on, and the poisonous swamp It's one of them, no matter what happens here, the saints can't shoot directly, do you know why? Because this is part of the Tao, part of the rules, part of the game! Wait, just need Two minutes is enough, after two minutes your immortal weapon protection is broken, this king will put you to sleep first, and after all the troubles are solved, this king will slowly enjoy you!"

Centipede King smiled proudly, but suddenly a huge iron rod protruded from the digesta below, and hit him fiercely.

Electric lights and sparks were produced when the giant stick hit Centipede King's body, but they did not cause much damage to Centipede King.

"The end of the crossbow!"

Centipede King's tone was contemptuous, but looking at the giant stick that fell into the digested matter again, his eyes became serious. The giant stick is actually a crab claw of Daoist Wuchang, but the crab claw that looked very scary at first has been digested like a mallet now.

Centipede King's eyes were serious. It's not that Master Wuchang's claws were digested into clubs, but he was still able to attack, but that he suddenly had an ominous premonition, which also came from the sixth consciousness.

Meanwhile, the battle in Stomach Two is drawing to a close.

The fairyland was destroyed by the mud spirit, and Dao Xinzi and others were naturally backlashed. The mud crocodile and the carrion lizard took the opportunity to launch a counterattack. The real Xuanhuang was the first to fall. He was bitten into two by the mud crocodile, and his body sank into the stomach in the digesta. Immediately afterwards, Chuchen Daoist was injured by the sharp claws of the carrion lizard. In the special environment of the stomach space, his left arm decayed rapidly, and now only rotten flesh and white bones remained. Dao Xinzi's condition is also not good, he has turned into a blood man, and is desperately waving the fly whisk in his hand.

"You can't all die here, junior brother, you go!"

The situation was hopeless, and the real Chuchen who seized the opportunity stuffed the only jade dragonfly into Dao Xinzi's hands.

Among the holy immortals, Lao Tzu is the one with the best refining skills. Many famous immortal weapons in the heavens are made by Lao Tzu. Only Lao Tzu can refine such a rare life-saving weapon like the jade dragonfly.

This time Dao Xinzi and others came to practice in the rotten swamp, even though the jade dragonfly was refined extremely, but I still gave them three brothers and one for each of them. But it is a pity that when encountering the monkey monster, the jade dragonfly of Dao Xinzi and Master Xuanhuang were both stolen. If Master Chuchen hadn't reacted fast enough, his jade dragonfly would also be lost.


Holding the jade dragonfly in his hand, Dao Xinzi's heart was bleeding.

"Let's go!"

Chuchen Daoist urged him to do his best to fight against the rot lizard and mud crocodile, buying time for Dao Xinzi.


A call contained a thousand words, and Dao Xinzi crushed the jade dragonfly.

Even though the space in the stomach pouch is very strong, it still can't stop the effect of the jade dragonfly. Dao Xinzi's whole body flashed with light, and the next moment he appeared in the Bajing Palace thirty-three days away.


As soon as he appeared in the Bajing Palace, Dao Xinzi knelt down to Lao Tzu with a 'plop'.

Without waiting for Dao Xinzi to speak again, Lao Tzu said, "No need to say more, just go down and take care of yourself!"

Although there are a lot of things to say, but since Lao Tzu has said so, and has not even opened his eyes from the beginning to the end, Dao Xinzi must suppress no matter how unwilling he is, and can only bid farewell to Lao Tzu.

Ni Ling's No. 3 stomach sac.

The stomach space of the mud spirit is very powerful, it is like a fairyland displayed by a cultivator.

Although the mud spirit can also specifically make the environment in a stomach sac worse, it can't concentrate all its power to obliterate a person trapped in a stomach sac first, or the battle will already be over.

At the beginning of the siege of the three parties in Guzheng, stomach pouch No. 1 took up more power, and stomach pouch No. 3 took up the second. Later, in order to get rid of Dao Xinzi and others in the No. 2 stomach pouch first, the power occupied by the No. 2 stomach pouch became the largest, and the power occupied by the No. 1 stomach pouch became the least. As for the No. 2 stomach pouch, it always occupies the second position in power, this is because the mud spirit attaches great importance to Gu Zheng! Ni Ling felt that Gu Zheng had discovered something as early as Centipede King hadn't collected the net, so he was extra vigilant against him.

All kinds of inconceivable things allowed Gu Zheng to discover the clues before King Centipede closed the net, and thus made timely deployments.

The reason why Gu Zheng was able to discover the clues was entirely because of the suspicious points on the monkey monster.

There is no space fairy to store stolen goods in the monkey monster's body, nor does it have inner alchemy, and it doesn't even have aura! Faced with such a strange thing, the only reasonable explanation is that the items stolen by the monkey monster were directly given to this 'space' itself, it is not a monster, it is just a part of this 'space'! A 'space' that can separate a flesh-and-blood monster, and this monster doesn't have the slightest aura, so this so-called metal 'space' is probably just an appearance!

The premonition of danger made Gu Zheng very cautious. After making some guesses about the 'space', he immediately asked the angry man to spray a monster mist that could hide the peeping of the 'space', otherwise he would be in the 'space' , There is no secret to do anything.

Gu Zheng once obtained some things related to the formations outside the circle in the mysterious space of the Turbulent Sea. These things included secret books and formations. Since there have always been many things, Gu Zheng didn't spend too much time studying these things, and his understanding of these things is only superficial. However, these furs played an unexpected role when Gu Zheng went to Xingxu Mountain for the second time. It allowed Gu Zheng to break through the barrier of Xingxu Mountain as soon as possible. put effort.

After obtaining Xingxu Mountain, Gu Zheng had a plan to come to the Rot Swamp, so he set aside as much time as possible to study the formations and artifacts outside the circle. After all, the rotting swamp is a battleground between outsiders and prehistoric forces. Knowing more about formations and utensils outside the circle may be helpful for this trip.

Facts have proved that Gu Zheng's research on things outside the circle has indeed played a great role. Among the things he got outside the circle, there is something similar to a formation plate. Gu Zheng calls it an 'energy gathering plate'.

According to the cognition of immortal cultivators, the 'energy gathering plate' can be regarded as an immortal weapon that breaks space.

However, the 'energy gathering disk' is different from the hidden fairy artifacts that can break space in the prehistoric world. Take both! However, the 'energy gathering disk' is more troublesome to use, and it cannot achieve the immediate space-breaking effect, which is also one of its disadvantages.

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