Coming to the passage connecting the four stomach sacs of Ni Ling, Gu Zheng stimulated Ni Ling's body with immortal power, and a platform that had been hidden emerged.

The platform is square, the size of a room, and is divided into two parts. One part hides the space pattern, which constitutes the teleportation fairy array, and the other part is a container with some purple liquid in it.

This teleportation array cannot transmit people, only objects. Gu Zheng obtained the position and distance information of the other side of the teleportation array through observation of the teleportation array. Then, Gu Zheng poured all the liquid in the container into a fairy bottle and put it in the prehistoric space.

The purple liquid is naturally medicinal wine that can improve the cultivation of monsters, but it cannot be used to improve the cultivation of Meow Miao and the others.

However, since Gu Zheng has put away the medicinal wine, it shows that the medicinal wine also has its merits, and Gu Zheng plans to study it later.

After leaving the passage, Gu Zheng went to take the inner alchemy of the mud spirit, ended its life, and left its body with Miaomiao and others.

After finally leaving the monster's body, even though the outside environment is densely covered with poisonous fog, Gu Zheng and the others couldn't help but feel better.

Without staying in the rotten swamp, Gu Zheng and others flew out of the rotten swamp.

The angry man needs to take the 'Wan Yao Pill'. The rotten swamp is not an ideal place, so he needs to change it. Fortunately, everyone is still on the outskirts of the rotten swamp, and it doesn't take too much time to leave here.

After leaving the rotten swamp, Gu Zheng collected Die Ling into the primordial space, Miao Miao and Angry Man into the Chaos Tower, and used "Meteor Chasing the Moon" to hurry.

Angry Han may advance to the Demon Emperor after taking the 'Wan Yao Pill' this time. Once he advances to the Demon Emperor, he will face crossing the catastrophe and the subsequent blessings of heaven and earth. Therefore, Gu Zheng wants to bring Angry Han back to Xingxu Mountain. place.

After returning to Xingxu Mountain, the angry man took the 'Wan Yao Pill' and fell into a deep sleep. Gu Zheng, who had nothing to do for the time being, began to study the medicinal wine obtained from the body of the mud spirit.

Although in Ni Ling's body, Gu Zheng didn't have time to study medicinal wine, but he had the eyes and heart of Tao after all, so he could understand the value of this medicinal wine at a glance. However, the value of medicinal wine still needs careful research.

Medicinal wine has a very powerful effect on quickly improving the cultivation level of monsters, and its effect is no less than that of the top-grade "Beast Spirit Food Cultivation" cooked by Gu Zheng. This is its saving grace. However, the disadvantages of medicinal wine cannot be ignored, it will stagnate the spiritual intelligence of monsters.

What Gu Zheng needs to do to study medicinal wine is how to use it in the future "beast spirit food cultivation" and how to "remove the chaff and save the chaff".

Some of the substances that make up the medicinal wine belong to the category of the eyes of the Tao, and some belong to the category of the heart of the Tao. Gu Zheng observed carefully for a while, and a smile appeared on his face. He gained something in the process.

This is the first time Gu Zheng has seen some substances in medicinal wine. These substances may be innate, or they may be produced by the collision of certain ingredients. However, no matter how these substances come from, for Gu Zheng who has the eyes of the Tao and the heart of the Tao, what he has to do is to deduce the ingredients he has seen according to the characteristics of these substances, so as to obtain the ingredients that can be used. The food repair formula of 'removing the chaff and saving the chai'.

In the time of a cup of tea, Gu Zheng closed his eyes and opened his eyes. He has already deduced the food repair formula that can use medicinal wine! At that time, with the medicinal wine he obtained, he can cook nine times of extraordinary high-grade beast spirit food cultivation! However, some of the high-end and out-of-circle ingredients needed for cooking beast spirit food cultivation were all in the eight boxes he had lost.

"I hope Jiao Wang won't use up those ingredients immediately after he gets them!"

Gu Zheng said in his heart, and then took out the demon pill of the mud spirit and played with it.

Under normal circumstances, the demon core is just an energy body, so in the food cultivation that Gu Zheng cooks for himself, the demon core is rarely used.

Clay Spirit's demon core is different, his demon core is not only an energy body, but also stores some information about its supernatural powers.

However, Gu Zheng didn't know how to discover the information in the clay spirit demon pill. He didn't even understand how to see the information after playing with it for a while.

"Die Ling, help me take a look at this demon pill. It contains some information about the magical power of the clay spirit. See if you can decipher it."

Gu Zheng gave the demon pill of the mud spirit to the butterfly spirit in the prehistoric space.

After playing with it for a while, Die Ling said helplessly: "Master, I don't even realize that there is information in it!"

Gu Zheng frowned, but then his eyes lit up again. It wasn't that he remembered something, but that Qi Ling came out of the closed state at this time.

Due to the previous bet, Qi Ling has honestly retreated during this time, no matter what happens outside, she doesn't know anything about it. However, Qi Ling was still thinking about Gu Zheng in his heart, so the time for this word retreat was not long.

As soon as she finished the retreat state, she saw Gu Zheng looking at her, and Qi Ling smiled and said, "Why, miss me?"

"Yeah yeah!"

Gu Zheng laughed, and Qi Ling also laughed.

"Tell me quickly, what happened these days."

Faced with Qi Ling's inquiry, Gu Zheng did not hide anything, and he told Qi Ling what happened in the poisonous swamp.

After listening to what Gu Zheng said, Qi Ling looked at him very seriously: "Don't let me practice. I want to practice until you really have nothing to do. After all, my first task is to assist you! Although I also I really want to become a real person, but this matter is not important compared to your safety! If I wasn't practicing in closed doors this time, when you saw the 'mud hole', I think I should be able to see Come out, it's actually not a 'mud hole', but a monster!"

Gu Zheng has no doubts about what Qi Ling said, and Qi Ling does have her uniqueness in some aspects, such as exploration.

"Okay, then wait for me to be free in the future, and you can go to retreat to practice!"

Gu Zheng is not a rigid person. What happened in the rotten swamp is actually really dangerous. No matter how you say it, the sixth sense has given an early warning. Moreover, this is only on the periphery of the rotten swamp. As for the danger in the depths and core of the rotten swamp, no one knows.

Gu Zheng promised Qi Ling to wait for him to be free before retreating, and the seriousness on Qi Ling's face also disappeared, and she said, "You really have a lot of luck, to be able to get such an inner alchemy!"

"Such an inner alchemy? What do you mean?"

Gu Zheng was overjoyed, and couldn't help feeling that it felt so good to have the spirit of the weapon. She seemed to be able to solve the doubts about Neidan.

"Under normal circumstances, the inner pills of monsters are just energy bodies. Monster pills like this that store supernatural power information are extremely rare even in legends!"

Qi Ling glanced at Gu Zheng proudly, and then said: "To obtain the information in the demon pill, it is actually not as complicated as you think, you just need to melt this inner pill with a bowl of 'Jade Meteor Spring' water At that time, the information in the inner alchemy will naturally appear. However, whether you can grasp the information and understand it depends on your fortune."

"Jade Meteor Spring." Gu Zheng murmured.

I have heard of Yuyuquan Guzheng. Its spring water ingredients are poisonous, and it is highly poisonous. It can be used for quenching when forging poisonous fairy-like artifacts.

"Even though I can't go to Jade Meteor Spring for the time being, at least I know what to do with this inner alchemy." Gu Zheng laughed.

"Yes, right now, it's better to go back to the rotten swamp as soon as possible, and look for the missing ingredients!" Qi Ling said.

Gu Zheng chatted with Qi Ling for a while, and then started cooking food repair. The food repair for cooking this time is of course given to Sun Cheng. Sun Cheng, who is in a special state, needs a very short interval to take the food repair.

After doing food training for Sun Cheng, another hour later, a strange phenomenon began to appear on Xingxu Mountain, which was a sign that the angry man had advanced to the Demon Emperor Realm.

The vision is the condensation of Jieyun. After Gu Zheng opened the shield of Xingxu Mountain, a coercion suddenly landed on Xingxu Mountain.

Gu Zheng's brows were tightly frowned. He had seen Jieyun many times before, but like now, it was the first time he had encountered such a situation before Jieyun was fully formed before a powerful coercion descended!

Although he frowned, it is not surprising that Gu Zheng will have abnormal appearances when the angry man crosses the catastrophe. The angry man with nineteen inner alchemy is not a normal demon cultivator. Zheng has seen it before, it is the powerful 'Dead Leaf Thunder Tribulation', he has never seen the six or nine heavenly tribulations, but he knows that what he experienced was the 'Heavenly Punishment Thunder Tribulation', and now he is going to go through the ninety-nine heavenly tribulations , Lei Jie would be weird if it was normal.

"Do you know what thunder calamity the angry man is going to face this time?" Gu Zheng looked at the solemn Qi Ling.

"This lightning calamity is extremely unusual. I can't see what it is yet. If the angry man appears, there will be white light surging in the robbery cloud, then you should be prepared for the angry man to die!" Qi Ling said seriously.


Almost as soon as Qi Ling's words fell to the ground, the excited voice of the angry man also sounded.

The angry man who rushed out of the palace looked at Gu Zheng and said excitedly: "Master, I not only broke through, but also refined the centipede king's centipede bead into my twentieth inner alchemy!"

Gu Zheng's eyes widened, while Qi Ling sighed and shook his head: "The existence of nineteen inner alchemy is already forbidden by the law of heaven, and he turned into twenty again, no wonder there is such a catastrophe." Clouds appear!"

At this time, white light flickered in the black robbery cloud, and the frowning Gu Zheng asked Qi Ling: "What's going on? Why are you sure that the angry man will die?"

"The Angry Man possesses nineteen inner alchemy. Although it is already forbidden by the law of heaven, as long as he survives the three or nine days of calamity and the six or nine days of calamity, it is equivalent to finding a glimmer of life in the rules of the law of heaven! He In the next fight against the Heavenly Tribulation, there will be a piece of luck. This is different. It does not mean that the angry man is a special case, but all the existences that are not allowed by the Heavenly Dao. After Nine Heavens Tribulation, there will always be such a trace of luck! With such a trace of luck, Nine Nine Heavens Tribulation will still be very powerful, but it will not be the kind of limit. However, the original nineteen inner alchemy , turned into the current twenty, the trace of luck of the angry man has dissipated, and the law of heaven forbids him!"

Qi Ling sighed, and said again: "There are tens of thousands of types of thunder calamity, like the 'Destroying Immortal Thunder Tribulation' you have experienced, it is the most powerful type of thunder calamity. However, there are more special thunder calamities. A kind of targeted thunder calamity, this kind of thunder calamity is not as powerful as the 'Mie Xian Thunder Tribulation', but because it is targeted, it seems that no one or demon cultivator can resist it in the past! The name of this thunder calamity is It's called 'Heaven's Dao Can't Forbid', and it only targets a very small part of demon cultivators and demon cultivators!"


The angry man yelled at Gu Zheng again, he had the 20th inner alchemy, Gu Zheng should have praised him, and at worst he would have smiled, but now Gu Zheng's brows are frowned.

Gu Zheng's eyes finally looked at the angry man, he didn't speak, just looked at him like that, he didn't know what to say to the angry man.

The expression of the angry man changed, and he tried to squeeze out a smile: "Master, with the twentieth inner alchemy, I feel that all my inner alchemy have become different. They seem to have been sublimated, and there seems to be something in them." Wait for me to discover!"

Gu Zheng still didn't speak, he felt uncomfortable, the angry man was about to die, but there was nothing he could do.

Although the angry man is stupid, but as a responder, he has already discovered something from the coercion and Gu Zheng's reaction, but he didn't say it.

There was silence, and there was a faint sound of thunder surging in the robbery cloud.

"Master, praise me!"

The angry man's eyes were red, like a child about to cry.

"You are fine, very nice!"

Gu Zheng turned away from looking at the angry man, his heart was beating very uncomfortable.

The angry man knelt down to Gu Zheng's back, and respectfully kowtowed three times.

"Master, if I can hold on this time, I want to eat the bone fish you made." The angry man said.

Gu Zheng's back trembled: "Okay!"

"Master, I'm going!"

Angry man's 'Master' yelled very solemnly. Although Gu Zheng had already made angry man call 'Mister' like Meow Meow, Angry man still wanted to call him master. Because of this, there are countless emotions in it.

The angry man flew high into the sky, and went to meet his "heavenly law is not tolerated", but the bone fish he mentioned just now made Gu Zheng feel extremely uncomfortable.

The quality of bone fish ingredients is only medium, it is a specialty of Kirikaze Island, and Kirikaze Island is the place where Gu Zheng and Angry Han concluded a contract.

There are three bone fish kept by Gu Zheng in the pond in the prehistoric space. If the angry man hadn't mentioned it, Gu Zheng would have forgotten the existence of these bone fish.

Now that the angry man mentioned the bone fish, something stirred up in Gu Zheng's heart.

Swearing to the death to protect Wufeng Island, fighting together with Blood Tide Island, doing everything possible to protect the Emei Sect, and searching after ascension, when these things circulated in Gu Zheng's heart over and over again, he was also overwhelmed by unhappiness and unwillingness.

Gu Zheng and the angry man are not just in a master-slave contract, he has already regarded the angry man as his family.


Gu Zheng turned around and shouted to the sky, something in his heart that he didn't want to be touched by others was touched, and he didn't want that result.


Die Ling read Gu Zheng's thoughts and was also infected by Gu Zheng's emotions. She couldn't help but her eyes were red.

Gu Zheng is a little irrational now, which can be seen from his call to heaven! But Die Ling can't be irrational, she has to remind Gu Zheng that his shouting like this may interfere with others' surviving the tribulation!


Gu Zheng yelled again, he hoped that Tiandao could hear his cry, he hoped that his extraordinaryness could make Tiandao change Thunder Calamity.


Gu Zheng's cry was answered, and what responded to him was the robbery thunder in the robbery cloud, and the first catastrophe of the angry man was about to land.

"The way of heaven is merciless, the way of heaven is irreversible!" Qi Ling sighed.


The angry man's first catastrophe fell.

The white Heavenly Tribulation doesn't look fancy at all, but it carries a different kind of coercion, which makes people feel heavy as if they saw the white cloth in the mourning hall.

Passing through the monster mist spit out by the angry man, although the white sky has changed color, it still easily smashed the demon power protection on the angry man's body surface, and fell him from a high altitude.


The angry man spurted blood from his mouth. Although he quickly stabilized his body during the fall, he was injured by the first catastrophe.


The angry man shook his head and smiled bitterly at Gu Zheng, signaling him not to shout anymore.

"Sir, don't! Angry men don't want to see you like this!"

Miao Miao, whose eyes were also red, took Gu Zheng's hand and shook it.

Gu Zheng closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then opened them again.

"never mind!"

Gu Zheng smiled wryly, and reached out to stroke Miaomiao's hair.

"Cultivation is in the mid-stage quasi-sage, but they still have emotions. Is this a flaw in their mood?" Gu Zheng said to the women.



Die Ling didn't answer, she just held Gu Zheng's other hand.

Miaomiao and Qi Ling answered, two completely different answers.

"Mr. is not practicing the way of ruthlessness. He can act on his emotions. This cannot be regarded as a flaw in his state of mind! If you can even become indifferent to some things you care about, you will not be a husband!" Miaomiao said.

"No matter what happens to us, when we encounter similar situations in the future, I hope you will not be impulsive! If you are in a dangerous situation in order to save us, anyway, even if I am saved, it will only be more serious. Blame yourself!" Qi Ling stared at Gu Zheng.

"Me too!"

Miaomiao and Die Ling spoke in unison.

Gu Zheng wanted to say something, but in a flash of sky, the angry man's second catastrophe came.

"Well done!"

The angry man let out a roar, and the ferocity and unwillingness in his bones exploded, and he cast a demonic method to attack the second catastrophe.

"Bang bang bang..."

The angry man's demon technique collided with the second catastrophe, causing explosions in the air! But the catastrophe still fell on the angry man, causing the corner of his mouth to bleed again, and his body swayed for a while.

The power of Heavenly Tribulation is greater one by one, when the angry man dealt with the first Heavenly Tribulation, he really wanted to see the power of Heavenly Tribulation! Therefore, during the first catastrophe, the angry man was hacked miserably. In the second catastrophe, the angry man fought back desperately, and the power of the catastrophe was weakened a lot, so it didn't look as embarrassing as it was in the first catastrophe.

Having dealt with two catastrophes in succession, the angry man already knew how many catastrophes he could survive.

Looking at Gu Zheng and the others below, the angry man tried his best to smile, even if he was going to die, he would die vigorously!

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