There are quite a few things in the Immortal Artifacts of Jiaowang Space, but most of these things are metals and crystals outside the circle, and the rest are scattered items such as immortal artifacts and medicinal wine.

According to the prior agreement, Gu Zheng divided these things according to the ratio of 37%.

Looking at the things that belonged to Gu Zheng, Xiao Qi's brows twitched.

Gu Zheng knew what happened to Xiao Qi, because among the pile of things he distributed to his side, there was a very good resource that hurt Xiao Qi's heart, and its name was 'Earth Blood'.

Earth blood is actually a kind of extremely rare underground water, it can't be used for cooking, it can be used for refining weapons, or for practicing special exercises.

The reason why the blood of the earth hurt Xiao Qi was because Xiao Qi's avatar was destroyed by Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng got the extremely rare material 'earth tire' that he sacrificed to avatar.

Since the ground tire has been refined into a clone by Xiao Qi, even if Gu Zheng gets the ground tire, it is still a damaged ground tire that cannot be used much. However, now Gu Zheng has obtained Earth Blood again, which is the 'magic medicine' for repairing the earth tire! With a complete ground tire, Gu Zheng will definitely have a clone in the future, Xiao Qi's heart aches when he thinks of this place.

"Senior Sister, what should we do now? He got that spar! How about we buy it?" Fairy Chenxi sent a voice transmission to Fairy Ice.

"Do you think he won't be suspicious when he buys things with unknown uses? Besides, he will definitely go to Jiaowang Palace, and he will know what the uses of the spar are after he goes there. Instead of doing this, it's better to be a favor and know more things!" The Ice Fairy replied via voice transmission.

"Junior Brother Gu, that diamond-shaped spar you put away has an extraordinary use!" Fairy Ice said.

"Oh? What's so unusual?" Gu Zheng asked.

"If I tell Junior Brother Gu, would you like to share the information that Junior Brother Gu got?"

The Ice Fairy, who was as solid as ice, rarely showed a smile, and she was still the kind who was slightly flattering.

"Okay, let's talk!" Gu Zheng said.

"When we were in Jiaowang Palace, we found a teleportation array. That spar was taken from the teleportation array by Jiaowang desperately. Without it, the teleportation array would be completely useless. With it, we can know where the other end of the teleportation array is!" said the Ice Fairy.

"Let's go, Jiaowang Palace." Gu Zheng said.

The Jiaowang Palace is a sunken soaring boat. Under the leadership of Fairy Han Bing and others, Gu Zheng saw the immortal teleportation formation.

Gu Zheng inserted the spar into the groove on the fairy formation, and all the dim spars on the fairy formation glowed brightly.

"Junior Brother Gu, none of us have comprehended the way of space, so we have to tell us the direction deduced through the teleportation fairy array." Fairy Ice said.

"None of you have mastered the way of space?" Gu Zheng frowned.


Fairy Ice smiled wryly and said: "The way of space is the supreme avenue, and those who can master the way of space are those with deep fortunes. We don't have the opportunity like Junior Brother Gu!"

"Spatial cracks are easy to appear in the depths of the rotten swamp. You don't have the way to space. You'd better be careful when exploring here." Gu Zheng said.

"Junior brother, don't worry, although we haven't mastered the way of space, we are not afraid of black holes." Fairy Ice said.

Gu Zheng nodded, and didn't say anything more. He deduced the general location of the other end of the teleportation array through the pattern on the teleportation array, and then made the information into a jade slip and gave it to Fairy Ice.

"What is junior brother going to do next?" Fairy Ice asked.

"Next, I want to investigate Ao Tianzhou, how about you?" Gu Zheng asked.

"We are going to go to the core of the rotten swamp first, so let's just leave here!"

Fairy Ice had already seen the jade slips, and she also knew that the other end of the teleportation array was somewhere in the core of the rotten swamp. However, this teleportation array is the same as the teleportation array in the clay spirit's body, it can only transfer items and cannot be passed on to people.

"Take care!" Gu Zheng said.

"Senior Sister, let's leave like this? We haven't finished investigating the Jiao Palace yet!" Fairy Chen Xi said via voice transmission.

"That's right, there should be some useful resources here!" Xiao Qi also transmitted voice.

"Although the investigation has not been completed, it can be regarded as having been investigated, and the things that can be taken have been taken away, which is considered enough. As for the very good things, I don't think there are any here. If there are, they must be brought by Jiao Wang .”

The Ice Fairy paused, and said solemnly: "The most important thing is, just now I had a premonition that if we can enter the core of the rotten swamp before Gu Zheng and others, there will be huge gains waiting we!"

After Fairy Ice and the others left, Gu Zheng began to investigate Jiaowang Palace.

There is indeed nothing worth mentioning in the palace. After some investigations, Gu Zheng came to a corner of the palace, cast a spell on the wall, and a secret door that was originally hidden slowly opened. .

There is no treasure hidden in the space behind the secret door, what is hidden in it is the huge fairy formation that Gu Zheng saw when he was searching for soul Ningcui.

"Qi Ling, can you see the function of this fairy formation?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Don't worry, let me study it carefully." Qi Ling said solemnly.

After a while, Qi Ling said: "This fairy formation is somewhat similar to the fairy formation in the fairy camp. Although I don't know much about it yet, in my opinion, its function should be similar to that of the fairy camp. The Immortal Formation in it has the opposite effect!"

"Sure enough!" Gu Zheng murmured.

Although Gu Zheng had only seen this huge fairy formation from Ning Cui's memory before, but this fairy formation needs to be guarded by the Jiao King, and in recent decades, there have been many strange things in the rotten swamp, and the chaos robbery will appear at any time. It is possible to really unfold, and the ancient battle had a feeling at that time that this fairy formation should be involved in some kind of conspiracy.

The role of the fairy array in the fairy camp is to provide energy for the normal operation of the heavens. The purpose of the existence of the heavens is to delay the arrival of the chaos. Then the function of this fairy formation is opposite to that of the fairy formation in the fairy camp, and naturally it is to speed up the arrival of the chaos calamity.

"Is there any parent in the fairy formation in the fairy camp?" Gu Zheng asked Qi Ling.

Through searching soul Ningcui, Gu Zheng actually knew something about the core of the rotten swamp. He knew that there was also a ruler in the core of the rotten swamp. The name of that ruler was 'Di You'. Jiao Wang has a certain connection, and both Jiao Wang and Centipede King are his subordinates. Therefore, from Gu Zheng's point of view, there should be at least two such fairy formations. It makes no sense that there is such a one in the depths of the rotten swamp, which is not too dangerous, but not in the core of the rotten swamp. However, since it wasn't because of the teleportation fairy formation, Gu Zheng couldn't use the sub-formation to deduce the position of the mother formation, so he could only ask Qi Ling for his opinion.

"It should be a mother and a son, and the mother formation should be at the core of the rotten swamp." Qi Ling said.

After chatting with Qi Ling again, Gu Zheng decided to destroy the fairy formation, and immediately went to the core of the rotten swamp.

The fairy array itself is very fragile, and it was blown to pieces under Gu Zheng's spell.


After the Immortal Formation was destroyed by Gu Zheng, there was a thunderous sound over the rotten swamp, and the concentration of the poisonous mist in the entire rotten swamp became weaker.

Thirty-three days away, the Palace of Delicacy.

Tiexian, who was cooking, paused in the movement of his hands, and a smile appeared on his face.

Although he is a sage, but after all, he is a Taoist with food. As long as he has enough time, Tiexian also enjoys the wonderful feeling of cooking delicious food.

"Master, what happened?"

*** waiting in the kitchen was a little curious, he had never seen such a sudden smile on Tiexian.

"***, I will tell you a story!" Tiexian laughed.

"Speak, master!" *** hurriedly said.

"Once upon a time, a group of rogues entered a deep mountain and old forest called Huangjun. This incident made the sheriff of Huangjun restless. He knew what the gang of rogues were planning in the deep mountain and old forest, but he couldn't enter the mountain. Kill the rogues, because there are mountain gods on the mountain, and it is against the rules for the county guard to enter the mountain. Moreover, the county guard cannot tell others about the existence of the rogues, or the mountain god will be furious!"

"Reluctantly, the county guard had no choice but to send groups of people with good strength into the mountain on the grounds of collecting mountain treasures, trying to find the rogues through them and destroy the lairs of the rogues. However, those who were sent into the deep mountains and old forests by the county guard People, either have nothing, or never come back, and the sheriff's heart disease has always existed."

"Until one day, a very extraordinary young man appeared. The sheriff felt that he was the one who could find the rogues, so the young man also entered the deep mountains and old forests. The young man lived up to the high expectations of the sheriff. He entered by mistake. found a lair of rogues, and successfully destroyed it! Although there is still a lair of rogues, the young man has already got clues! The sheriff was very happy after knowing this, because a lair of rogues was Destruction means that the barren county can enjoy 30 years of absolute peace, which is very precious!"

After the story of Tiexian was finished, and the delicious food was already out of the pot, he looked at her in a daze and said, "Don't just stand there, serve the food!"

Somewhere in the core of the rotten swamp, because the sub-array was destroyed by Gu Zheng, the mother array was also affected, so that the four guys who were originally maintaining the mother array suddenly became busier.

The four guys looked exactly the same, they were suspended in the air, only three feet tall, with six octopus-like tentacles growing on their backs, and many tumors growing on their heads, they looked very weird.

"Damn it, the sub-array is destroyed, and the Chaos Calamity will also be delayed."

"It's just a delay of thirty years, that's not too much time!"

"That's right, thirty years is a flick of a finger for Xiuxian, how can they develop?"

"The most leisurely year for maintaining the 'Stars and Stars Formation' is also the busiest year for our 'Mother and Mother Formation'. Variables appear at this time, both expected and unexpected!"

Four guys with exactly the same appearance spoke different words with the same voice, they were Di You and his three avatars.

"If you have the strength to destroy the sub-array guarded by the Jiao King, I'm afraid you can find it here, and you have to take precautions against it."

"What are you afraid of? Although we can't go out now, it's not easy for them to find this place! Their only clue is the teleportation array in Jiaowang Palace, but the guidance given by the teleportation array is just a trap. "

"Yes, as long as we can last another eight months, we can ignore anyone who can enter the rotten swamp by then. Eight months doesn't sound like a short time, but I think we can still last have to!"

"No, we still need to make good arrangements! We failed in the last Chaos Tribulation, and this is the only chance for us to get out of this cage and start again! Therefore, we must win in this game of heaven, if we can't If we win, all that awaits us is complete perdition!"

"The deployment that should be done must be done, but there is no need to worry too much. Even if it fails this time, it is not without the opportunity to start again. After all, the backhand has already been laid."

Like four chatterers, Diyou and his three avatars chattered non-stop.

It took more than half a month for Gu Zheng to bring Miaomiao and Angry Man from Jiaowang Palace to the junction between the depths and the core of the rotten swamp.

The poisonous mist in the core is many times denser than that in the depths. If it is the Daluo Jinxian realm, the poisonous mist in the core can already pose a considerable threat to them, and even their sight will be affected by it. big impact. However, Gu Zheng and the others are extraordinary quasi-sages, and the influence of the poisonous mist on them can still be ignored.

The area of ​​the core of the rotten swamp is relatively small. According to Gu Zheng's estimate, it may take nearly a month to get from the border to the location of the teleportation array.

In the following time, Gu Zheng and others hurried on their way wholeheartedly, rarely stopping for things other than rest. In nearly a month, Gu Zheng and the others neither encountered any monsters nor encountered any danger, and their lives were called a dull one.

Finally, Gu Zheng and others came to the approximate location of the teleportation fairy array.

The scene in front of him was still a swamp, and he couldn't see anything that looked like a teleportation array.

"Sir, do you think the teleportation array is under the swamp? If it is under the swamp, then there is no way to explore it with divine sense." Meow said.

"Let's separate out the divine sense and look for it on the swamp! Maybe the place where the teleportation array is located is just like the Jiaowang Palace, just an entrance left on the swamp." Gu Zheng said.

"Master, there seems to be a problem! It stands to reason that the teleportation array should be in the demon cave, but if we have already arrived near the demon cave, why can't we see a single monster?" Die Ling said.

"Your thinking is influenced by the last teleportation fairy array. The teleportation fairy array must exist in the demon cave."

Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, and his brows frowned slightly. His divine sense found a hole in the mud a hundred miles away.


Gu Zheng greeted everyone and flew towards the entrance of the cave.

"Master, how about I go in and check the situation first!"

The angry man begged Gu Zheng for his life. The entrance in this swamp looks very similar to that of Jiaowang Palace, maybe it is really a demon cave underneath.

"You don't need to go in, just start fighting. This is not an ordinary entrance, this is another mud spirit's mouth!" Qi Ling suddenly transmitted voice to everyone.

"Are you sure?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Of course I'm sure!" Qi Ling said seriously.

"I have searched the memory of the clay spirit. The birth process of something like it is extremely coincidental. There is no reason why the same second one will appear!" Gu Zheng said.

"You searched Ning Cui's memory, although you didn't get much information about Di You, you can still feel that even the Jiao King respects Di You like a god! An existence that even the Jiao King respects Di You like a god , Some unexpected means are normal. The memory of the clay spirit you searched for is only from the time when the clay spirit had memory. During the period when it had no memory, or the opportunities it experienced, if it was all artificial Setting, if it fails to see, it will mislead you." Qi Ling said.

Gu Zheng smiled at Die Ling: "It's better to keep you awake, otherwise we will enter the belly of the mud spirit again."

"of course!"

Gu Zheng's praise made Die Ling smile smugly.

"Come on, kill this guy who wants to swallow us!"

Gu Zheng sent a voice transmission to everyone, ready to attack Ni Ling at the same time.

However, the mud spirit seemed to have discovered that the disguise had been seen through. At the same time as it let out a strange cry, its upper body jumped out of the mud, like a fallen Buzhou Mountain, and threw it towards Gu Zheng and others with an extremely heavy momentum. At the same time, the power of the forbidden air was activated by the mud spirit, and the bodies of Gu Zheng and others sank uncontrollably.

If it is only aimed at a single person, Juli's oppression coupled with the air ban can indeed make people suffer. However, the mud spirit's heart is too big, it is dealing with four quasi-sages at once!

Gu Zheng didn't hold back his hands, and directly cast the 'Five Elements Fairy Lotus' during the fall, and Die Ling and the others also used their powerful blows one after another.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

There was a loud noise in the air, and the huge body of the clay spirit was deflected and smashed heavily into the mud on one side. The splashed mud almost flew straight into the sky.

"This monster is still too powerful!"

The mud spirit couldn't come out after being stuck in the quagmire, which made Miaomiao couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

If it is not swallowed by the mud spirit, its strength is roughly the same as that of the demon emperor in the middle stage. After all, it has more than enough defense, but not enough attack. But it is precisely because of its huge size and super strong defense that the 'Five Elements Fairy Lotus', which has always been invincible in ancient struggles, does not have a very good effect on it. Just like the all-out attack of the four of them just now, if it was an ordinary demon queen, it would definitely be bombarded to death, but when it fell on the mud spirit, it just lost a piece of flesh the size of a square.

"It seems that this teleportation fairy array is in the belly of the mud spirit." Die Ling said.

"Unfortunately, the clay spirit is too big, and it is in the mud, we can only let it slip away."

The angry man licked his lips, the taste of the clay spirit inner pill was great tonic, this is something he is obsessed with.

"Since the teleportation array is within the body of the mud spirit, then our clue to find Diyou in the core of the rotten swamp will be broken. Sir, what should we do now?" Meow asked.

"The mud spirit cannot escape. If I want to kill it wholeheartedly, I can also chase it into the mud."

Gu Zheng paused, and smiled slightly: "However, depending on the situation, I don't need to chase it. There should be someone in its stomach. When we launched an attack, that person also seized the opportunity to give Ni Ling a hard time." One blow, judging from the screams of the mud spirit at that time, it is afraid that it can't trap the person in its stomach."

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