After resting for a few days, Gu Zheng started to sacrifice the avatar again. When he stops this time, there will be a five-element celestial ball in the avatar, which will take about seven years.

In the eyes of Miao Miao and others, Gu Zheng who fell into the state of cultivating his avatar seemed to be asleep, but in fact Gu Zheng did not dare to be careless about the sacrifice of his avatar. He could not see it in Miao Miao and others busy in the world.

Time flies like a white horse, and seven years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Gu Zheng opened his eyes again, and his avatar already had the Five Elements Celestial Ball in his body.



Seeing Gu Zheng wake up, Die Ling and Meow called out.

During the seven years, nothing special happened, and Miao Miao and the others did not make much progress in their cultivation. The only thing worth mentioning is that they went out many times and collected a lot of ingredients for Gu Zheng.

"Ancient struggle!"

Sensing that Gu Zheng woke up, Qi Ling, who had not entered a deep cultivation state this time, also made a happy voice.

Gu Zheng was also very happy to see Qi Ling. In a blink of an eye, he hadn't communicated with Qi Ling for more than ten years. This is something that has never happened since he got Qi Ling.

Compared with Miaomiao and Die Ling, Qi Ling's cultivation progress is more significant. According to Qi Ling, if she can concentrate on cultivating for another hundred years, she will be able to enter a state where everything is ready, just waiting for Gu Zheng to master more. The profound way of space, and then try to bring her out of the prehistoric space.

"Master, how many days are you going to rest this time?"

After a chat, Die Ling asked Gu Zheng.

"Is there something wrong?"

Gu Zheng didn't read Die Ling's mind either, but could see from her eyes that she seemed to have something to say.

"I want to accept Master's preaching of 'Space Hidden'." Die Ling said.

'Spatial Concealment' is a very useful spatial supernatural power. When Gu Zheng searched for Soul Ningcui, he comprehended this supernatural power by chance. Later, in the crack canyon, he also avoided a lot of troubles by using 'Spatial Concealment'.

After comprehending the supernatural power of "space concealment", Gu Zheng wanted to use the situation of discussing Taoism to present in Die Ling's mind the scene he saw when searching for the soul of Ning Cui, to see if Die Ling could also comprehend this by chance. Supernatural powers. After all, Die Ling is good at sneak attacks, and she also has the foundation to master the elementary way of space. The possibility of her being able to comprehend the magical power of "space hidden" is relatively high.

However, when Gu Zheng wanted to preach to Die Ling to "hidden in space", Die Ling felt out of shape, and this matter has been put until now.

"Now you want to accept the preaching of 'Space Hidden', do you think you can understand it, or do you need to use this supernatural power?" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Firstly, I feel it, and secondly, I want to use this supernatural power."

Die Ling smiled slightly, and then told Gu Zheng one thing.

Gu Zheng knew before that the world outside this circle may have a larger area than Honghuang, after all, it is a more advanced plane than Honghuang.

In the past few years in this world outside the circle, Die Ling and Angry Man have traveled a long way. They found a relic, but felt that there was something dangerous inside. Die Ling also wanted to see if he could comprehend the "space hidden" , and then go in alone to observe.

After hearing Die Ling's description, Gu Zheng felt a little itchy. There are many monsters in this plane, but to be precise, these so-called monsters can basically only be called fierce beasts, and they don't have much wisdom at all, let alone A highly intelligent life that can build ruins. It's a pity that Gu Zheng has an appointment with Fairy Qixuan, and he still has to refine the avatar of the Dacheng stage to perfection, and the time is not very plentiful, so he can only endure his curiosity and stay in the cave to continue the sacrifice Doppelgänger.

"If it's just a beast, even if this is a higher plane than Honghuang, I'm not too worried about you. But since it's a relic, you must be careful!"

Gu Zheng told Die Ling, and then sat cross-legged with her face to face, recreating in her mind the scene that Ning Cui had seen that day.

Whether Die Ling can realize Taoism or not, Gu Zheng can only say that she has a higher possibility, but the final result still depends on her own luck.

The angry man and the others all held their breath, the surrounding environment was a bit scary for a moment, no one knew how Die Ling felt in the mysterious realm, even Gu Zheng was the same.

Time passed by little by little, and the quiet atmosphere made people feel a little flustered.

Suddenly, Gu Zheng's brows moved, and he opened his eyes, which was originally closed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. As a person who preached to Die Ling, although he could not know that Die Ling saw each other in the mysterious realm. What do you think about the things, but he can know the first time whether Die Ling has enlightened or not.

"Great, I realized 'Space Hidden'!"

Die Ling opened her eyes and cheered, realizing that 'diversity in space' is really a powerful thing for her.

Congratulations to Die Ling were unavoidable. After half a day of gathering, Die Ling and Angry Man went to explore the ruins. Gu Zheng rested for another seven days, and then began to sacrifice the avatar again.

Entering the state of sacrificial training, Gu Zheng could not feel the passage of time, all he could feel was physical fatigue.

The body is getting more and more tired, and the avatar is becoming more and more perfect. All the preparations are in place. Next, as long as Gu Zheng puts his spiritual thoughts into the body of the avatar, the avatar will be completely perfect.

How much divine sense is put into the avatar will affect how much spiritual power the avatar can display. Of course, there is no limit to how much you put in, it has to be determined according to the overall situation of the avatar.

The divine sense that Gu Zheng wants to put into the avatar is equivalent to the divine sense that he had when he became an immortal cultivator, and this is also the amount that is most suitable for the comprehensive conditions of the avatar so far.

It is a process that needs to be careful, and there are many things that need to be paid attention to during this process. After all, this is the final stage of cultivating the avatar. As long as the divine thoughts can be perfectly introduced into the avatar, then the spiritual thoughts will exist like springs. As such, there is an auto-recovery feature. At the same time, the avatar will also have the ability to think, truly becoming the second Gu Zheng!

Finally, all the spiritual thoughts stripped from Gu Zheng's body have entered the clone's body, and the aura of the clone is completely different at this moment. He has the same aura as Gu Zheng, and he looks no different from ordinary people.

It took a total of twenty-nine years from the beginning of the ancient battle to sacrifice the avatar to the present, and the avatar who had closed his eyes for twenty-nine years finally opened his eyes at this moment.

As soon as the clear and bright eyes opened, the avatar looked around first, and then his eyes fell on Gu Zheng, and he smiled and said, "This deity."

With a simple call, Gu Zheng felt countless emotions in his heart. Looking at him in the clone, it really felt like he was looking at himself in the mirror.

Gu Zheng didn't speak, he reached out to the clone, and the clone also reached out to him, and the two held hands together.

"Congratulations sir!"

Miao Miao cheered at the side, and the two identical Gu Zheng felt really strange to her.

"What should I call Mr.'s avatar in the future?"

Kneading Gu Zheng's shoulders with small hands, Miaomiao looked at the avatar moving in the cave and asked Gu Zheng curiously.

"He is another me, you can call him Mr." Gu Zheng said.

"Sir, is there really no possibility of a clone?" Miao Miao's eyes were slightly worried.

"Don't worry, he won't!"

Gu Zheng understands that Miaomiao's worry is that "the clone turns against the master". There are indeed such examples among the clones sacrificed by immortal cultivators throughout the ages, that is, after the clone has the ability to think independently, as time goes by, he does not Then focus on the main body, and even want to kill the main body and replace it. However, such examples are very few after all, and every immortal cultivator who sacrificed his avatar also arranged some means during the sacrifice to prevent such a situation from happening.

Different from traditional avatars, the earth-born avatar does not have the situation of rebelling against the master, because the source of his spiritual thoughts is provided by Gu Zheng, and his mission is to be a backup of the main body. He has a little unusual thinking, even if the main body is not with him. Space can also be sensed! It can be said that the safety of the earth-born avatar is higher than that of the master contract.

Seeing Gu Zheng's seriousness, Miao Miao let go of her worries.

"Sir, what realm is the avatar equivalent to an immortal cultivator?" Meow asked curiously.

"Even though he already has the five elements celestial ball and the yin and yang celestial ball in his body, he can only be regarded as an immortal cultivator in the early stage of qi transformation. It takes a lot of opportunity to cultivate him." Gu Zheng said with emotion. road.

"Where are Die Ling and Angry Man?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Sir, the two of them haven't come back since they left that time." Miaomiao said worriedly.

"That time? The time when he realized the 'hidden space'?" Gu Zheng frowned.

"Yes!" Meow smiled wryly.

Eleven years have passed since Die Ling comprehended the 'space hidden'.

The ruins where Die Ling and Angry Man went, Gu Zheng asked Die Ling for the "Spiritual Sense Map" after preaching to Die Ling about "Space Hidden", just in case, I didn't expect to use it now on.

From the map, at the speed of Die Ling and Angry Man, as long as the exploration of the ruins goes smoothly, six years is enough time to travel back and forth, and most of the time is still spent on the road.

Now, ten years have passed, but Die Ling and Angry Man still haven't come back, which means something must have happened to them! Fortunately, Angry Man, Die Ling and Gu Zheng are not related in a normal way, and Gu Zheng can feel their life and death, both of them are still alive now.

"Let's go, go out and do some activities." Gu Zheng said.

"Fellow Daoist, shall I go with you too?" Sun Cheng asked.

"Forget it, you can still practice here!" Gu Zheng said.

Even though he used 'Command the Starlight', several decades were not enough for Sun Cheng's cultivation to improve significantly. Now he is still in the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian, and he can trap Die Ling and Angry Man. It is useless to take him there.

The predicament that Die Ling and the others encountered was not clear to Gu Zheng, but what he knew was that he had to come back within five months, because five months later was the time when the space rift would open, and he had to I have to go back to Honghuang to complete the agreement with Fairy Qixuan.

After bringing Miaomiao into the Chaos Tower, after Gu Zheng left the cave, he directly cast 'Meteor Chasing the Moon' and ran towards the ruins.

Using the 'meteor to chase the moon' forward, Gu Zheng soon came to the vicinity of the ruins.

The ruins are in a huge mountain range, and the surroundings look relatively barren, with traces of fighting techniques left over from years ago.

The architectural style on the surface is different from that of Hong Huang. Gu Zheng knew that Die Ling and Angry Man discovered something hidden under the ruins, and then returned to learn "space hiding".

According to Die Ling's description, Gu Zheng found an entrance in the underground of the ruins and entered a huge dungeon-like building.

Feeling no danger, Gu Zheng just walked forward, paying attention to the surrounding environment to let him understand that the person who can build such a ruin is already the best in the quasi-sage realm according to the standards of immortal cultivators! Some formations and restrictions left in the ruins can still affect ordinary quasi-sages.

The area of ​​the underground city is very large, and it took some time for Gu Zheng to go to the most luxurious hall.

The main hall, which was originally the most luxurious architectural style, is almost dilapidated now. Gu Zheng found the traces left by the Die Ling Dark Moon dagger on the brutal wall.

Stretching out his hand to brush across the void, the air in the hall rippled like ripples, and time retreated under the control of Gu Zheng.

one day.


one year.

five years.

After a cup of tea, Gu Zheng brought the time in the hall back to the day when the incident happened, and he saw what happened in the hall.

Die Ling and Angry Man fought with a group of monsters outside the circle. There were eight monsters in number, and they were all in the quasi-sage realm. Die Ling and Angry Man were defeated by all the monsters, and finally they cast a spell together, causing a disc similar to a fairy array to appear in the air, and Die Ling and Angry Man were sucked into it.

With a thought in Gu Zheng's mind, time came to a standstill, and the scene in the hall was fixed at the moment after the CD was sucked into Die Ling and the angry man.

"The Way of Space."

After staring at the CD in the air for a moment, Gu Zheng murmured.

"Sir, what is the function of this way of space?" Meow asked.

"There are two possibilities, either directly through this technique, Die Ling and Angry Man are sent to other planes, or through this technique, Die Ling and Angry Man are sent into a space similar to a fairy .” Gu Zheng said.

"Sir, what should we do now?" Miaomiao asked again.

"Now? Let's make a delicious meal first." Gu Zheng said.

Now that he knew what kind of enemy Die Ling and Angry Man encountered, the next thing Gu Zheng had to do was to find out where the enemy was. Although there is a way of time that can make time go back, it is obviously unrealistic to use the way of time to find someone in this matter! Therefore, Gu Zheng decided to make a delicious meal to see if he could attract any monsters, and then try to get relevant information from the monsters.

Gu Zheng killed one of the fairy bears raised in the prehistoric space, and added some ingredients to make a roasted whole bear.

As the roasted whole bear sizzled and sizzled, the fragrance also drifted farther and farther in all directions.

After Gu Zheng roasted a fairy bear, many ferocious beasts had already gathered around. They looked at the roasted whole bear with a browned skin, and their greedy saliva wet the ground.

Ordinary ferocious beasts are useless to Gu Zheng. Even if they have memories, as long as it is not a major event, their memory will not be kept for too long, and Gu Zheng is too lazy to waste time searching for their souls. Therefore, Gu Zheng had already set up several rings of restrictions on the ground, and he would only search for the souls of ferocious beasts that could break through a certain number of rings.

There are a total of five rings under the prohibition set by Gu Zheng. Now most of the beasts are isolated from the fifth ring. More than a dozen beasts have entered the fourth ring, and one beast has entered the third ring.

According to Gu Zheng's original idea, he wanted to search for the soul of the beast that entered the second ring. This kind of beast already has the strength equivalent to the Da Luo Jinxian. The possibility of finding useful information is also greater. But it's a pity that he has already eaten, and the beast that can enter the second ring still hasn't appeared.

"Sir, why don't I search for the soul of that beast in the third ring first?" Meow said.

"No hurry, let's eat first!" Gu Zheng said.

After eating another piece of roasted bear meat that was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, Gu Zheng drank a sip of fairy wine and stood up. Although there were still no beasts in the second ring, he found a small thing hovering outside the fifth ring. .

The little thing looks like a puppy. It didn't rush forward recklessly attracted by the scent like other ferocious beasts. It seemed a little restrained and turned around outside the circle several times in a hurry. Although it was already drooling Not a lot, but there is still alertness in the eyes.

It’s a simple roasted whole bear, but it has Gu Zheng’s understanding of the way of eating in it, and its fragrance carries the power of the way! A ferocious beast that can resist this kind of Dao power must have reached the level of a Da Luo Jinxian in its own strength, and its spiritual wisdom must not be low.

"I'm not going to kill you, I just want to find some useful information from you, and then the rest of the roasted bear meat will be yours."

Using divine thoughts to transmit voice, language is not a problem at all, as long as the other party is smart enough, even if the language is different, they can understand the meaning of the words.

Gu Zheng's divine sense carried a sense of coercion, and the puppy beast's intelligence was sufficient, so it could understand the intention expressed by Gu Zheng.

The little dog was very frightened, but it didn't run away wisely, and whimpered at Gu Zheng, expressing its willingness to cooperate.


Gu Zheng smiled, stretched out his hand to take the puppy beast to his side, and then searched for its soul.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng didn't find any particularly useful information in the memory of the puppy beast. This guy only came to settle nearby three years ago, so naturally he doesn't know much about what happened in the ruins. However, the indirect information of ancient disputes still found one. There is a so-called "beast king" in this place, and it has survived here for hundreds of years.

After Gu Zheng didn't kill the puppy and fierce beast, leaving the whole roasted bear for it, a "meteor chasing the moon" appeared outside the cave where the beast king was.

The cave where the Beastmaster is located is only a few hundred miles away from the ruins. In the memory of the dog and beast, the Beastmaster, who looks like a toad, governs a radius of thousands of miles.

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