"Take care of your eyes first, the last wave of monsters is about to come out, let's slow down the suction of the fairy formation later, and give the immortal generals time to kill those monsters."

When Master Taiyi's voice fell, the sixth wave of monsters also rushed out of the black hole. There were more than two hundred monsters in this wave, and two of them were equivalent to quasi-sage realm.

All the monsters have already entered the funnel-shaped fairy formation, Master Taiyi and the others are also controlling the suction of the fairy formation, hoping to buy more time for the fairy generals below.

However, a loud noise suddenly sounded from below, at least 30 of the 300 immortal generals in the formation were blown to pieces, and the space of the formation was also broken! Moreover, although one of the six monsters that reappeared due to the destruction of the fairy array had died, the remaining five did not suffer much damage at all.


"Naughty animal!"

The sound of cursing sounded, and several quasi-sages resolutely gave up maintaining the funnel-shaped fairy formation. Anyway, the lower fairy formation was broken, and the upper fairy formation was no longer necessary.

A melee started, and fairy and demon magic continued in the air.

Facing the attack from the Xianying side, most of the monsters outside the circle chose to fight head-on, but a small number also took the opportunity to flee.

The full-strength confrontation started suddenly and ended very quickly. There are a lot of monsters, but as long as their cultivation base is not equivalent to the quasi-sage realm, then under the attack of the nine quasi-sages, they are basically cannon fodder general presence.

As for the escaped monsters, the Xianying side naturally pursued them. In the end, ten monsters managed to escape, and three of them had the strength of quasi-sages.

Although several quasi-sage-level monsters were beheaded in total, fortunately none of the quasi-sages on the Xianying side fell, and at most they were slightly injured. However, the number of immortal generals participating in this battle has reached as many as eighty!

The eighty immortal generals were all in the realm of Daluo Jinxian. The loss in this battle was unprecedented for the immortal camp in the frozen snowfield.

A dignified atmosphere lingered in the fairy camp, and Daoist Taiyi had already reported what happened to the Heavenly Court. As for Gu Zheng's side, his location information still didn't appear on the positioning jade talisman.

Gu Zheng and Fairy Huanyin didn't know what happened in the fairy camp. The reason why their location information was not on the positioning jade talisman was because they were in a special environment.

Since Gu Zheng has obtained the control of the seventh consciousness, his sensory ability is beyond the sensitivity of ordinary people. When he and Fairy Huanyin patrolled the periphery of the Frozen Snowfield, he discovered a huge wormhole hidden deep in the ground. .

Among the monsters who fled into the frozen snowfield, there was a monster that looked like a bug, and it was the number one wanted object in the fairy camp.

Gu Zheng and Fairy Huanyin entered the wormhole to investigate, but due to the special environment of the wormhole, their positioning jade charms were invalid.

After going a thousand meters deep into the wormhole, mucus began to appear on the ground, and spider web-like silks began to appear on the wall of the cave! Fortunately, the wormhole is very huge, and Gu Zheng and Fairy Huanyin have been flying in it all the time.

"Junior brother, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Gu Zheng beside him frowning, Fairy Huanyin asked.

"The things outside the circle are really weird. These worm threads don't seem to have anything special, but they can kill my divine sense!"

In this labyrinth-like wormhole with many forks, Gu Zheng has been using his divine sense to explore the way. But just now, the divine sense he used to explore the way was absorbed by the worm silk on the cave wall, and then disappeared without a trace.

"No way?"

Fairy Huanyin revealed her spiritual thoughts while speaking, and after touching the worm threads on the cave wall, the worm threads immediately melted like snowflakes meeting sunlight.

"There is still five miles away from us, and the worm silk looks exactly the same as here, but it is really like one thing to another for the divine sense." Gu Zheng shrugged.

"There will be that kind of abnormal worm thread, maybe it is close to where the worm is!"

As soon as Fairy Huanyin finished speaking, there was a sound from the depths of the wormhole, like some kind of music, but due to the special environment, the sound didn't sound real.


On the top of the cave, fine rocks began to fall, and this happened on a large scale, as if the wormhole was about to collapse.

However, the wormhole is not really going to collapse, some bugs that originally existed in the cracks in the stone crawled out.

"It seems that the strange silk is not only found in the depths of the wormhole, maybe it existed from the beginning, but we didn't notice it."

Gu Zheng frowned. With his sensory ability, he couldn't find these bugs in advance. The only explanation was that the worm silk that sealed the gap between the stones was working.

There are many bugs crawling out from the cracks in the stones, the black one is like a swarm of bugs, they are not big, only the length of a finger, the whole body is black and shiny, they look like millipedes, but they are like snakes Average head.

Thousands of black worms shot at Gu Zheng and Fairy Huanyin, but before they got close to a certain range, they were smashed by the protective shock of the two people's bodies.

Although the black worms can't threaten Gu Zheng and Fairy Huanyin, both of them have ugly faces. The strength of these little black worms can pose a threat to the immortal cultivators in the early stage of gasification, and the venom they spew, even Immortal cultivators in the middle stage of gas transformation can kill them! Thousands of such things, if they enter the prehistoric world, it will definitely be a disaster!

Gu Zheng frowned, and a huge fire dragon appeared out of nowhere, burning black worms, worm threads, and mucus on the ground wherever it passed.

With another thought, Gu Zheng released Die Ling, Angry Man and Meow Miao, and asked them to clean up the bugs that were missed on the way.

Die Ling and the others led away, and Gu Zheng's expression became serious: "The last thing you want is the kind with super reproductive ability, and now it seems that it is indeed!"

"Let's go, let's try not to let one go on the rest of the way!"

Fairy Huanyin's expression was also very serious. Honghuang once suffered from insect infestation during the first chaotic catastrophe, so she understood better the destructive power of this kind of insect with super reproductive ability! It is also because of this that this missing bug has become an important wanted object in Xianying.

Continue to the depths of the wormhole, and the ancient struggle is still the fire dragon clearing the way, trying to burn everything along the way that does not belong to the prehistoric.

With the deepening of Gu Zheng and Fairy Huanyin, Huolong burned to death an unknown number of insects, and there were as many as six types of these insects, and each of them was stronger than the other.

The seventh kind of worms appeared. This kind of worms looked like bean pills with bird wings. Although the sonic attacks they produced during the flapping of their wings were not harsh, they could cause hallucinations in the immortal cultivators who returned to the Void Realm!

"It's really impossible to let these things out. This is a disaster! It has only been here for a long time, and the number of insects burned to death by the fire dragon alone has exceeded one million. Know what it's like."

Fairy Huanyin paused, and then said seriously: "Brother, we don't know how big the wormhole is, and we don't know how many forks there are. It's too slow for two people to walk together. I think it's better for us to search separately. I really don't want that worm to live another moment!"

"I don't want to, but the strength of the bug should not be weak, I am more worried about the senior sister!" Gu Zheng said.

Fairy Huanyin glared at Gu Zheng: "Smelly boy, although the strength of senior sister is not as good as yours, it's not that bad, right? Even if I can't deal with the bug alone, but I want to escape, it shouldn't be easy for it to kill me. Catch up!"

Gu Zheng wanted to talk about what happened in the ice lake last time, but he could only frown and smile wryly because he was concerned about Fairy Huanyin's face.


Fairy Huanyin blushed. Although Gu Zheng didn't say it clearly, she still remembered what happened in the ice lake last time from Gu Zheng's frown.

"We have a positioning jade talisman. If the senior sister finds a bug, the senior sister can send a message to you through the positioning jade talisman!" Fairy Huanyin said.

"Senior Sister, our positioning jade talisman no longer works!"

Gu Zheng shook his head. After he entered the wormhole, he once saw the positioning jade talisman on his body. At that time, he had already discovered that the positioning jade talisman had lost its effect. However, Gu Zheng didn't take this matter to heart before, so he didn't mention it to Fairy Huanyin.

"Sure enough!"

Looking at the useless positioning jade talisman, Fairy Huanyin didn't take it too seriously.

"It's not necessary to locate the jade talisman, anyway, you just trust the senior sister! Let's split up and speed up the process of exploration. There is no need to pay too much attention to those small fish that slipped through the net. You can tell your servants to let them Check it out again carefully."

Seeing Fairy Huanyin's resolute attitude, Gu Zheng didn't say anything more, and the two immediately split up in the fork in front of them.

The fire dragon is still used to clear the way, but the efficiency of the two separate actions is faster.

A moment later, Gu Zheng in flight frowned, and he heard the music-like sound from before again. But this time, the music-like sound was clearer, and he was able to determine how far away the sound was from him.

However, the music-like sound actually came from two different places. Gu Zheng felt that if the original plan remained the same, he and Fairy Huanyin should arrive at the two sources of the sound one after another.

From Gu Zheng's point of view, the thing making the sound should be the bug. After all, the first wave of insect swarms was produced when the sound sounded, and this sound obviously had a commanding effect on the insects. However, there was only one bug, but there were two sources of sound, which made him somewhat worried about Fairy Huan Yin.

Wherever Fairy Huanyin passed by, there would also be no worm silk. Some worried about her ancient struggle, she immediately separated her divine sense and caught up with her on the way she passed.

Originally, Gu Zheng was worried that Fairy Huanyin would blame him, but in fact Fairy Huanyin saw him distracted and came over, not to mention how nice it was to smile.

"Junior Brother still cares about Senior Sister!" Fairy Huanyin said.

"Of course I care, who told you to be my senior sister!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"There are two voices. The situation may change. I will be more careful later. Although the younger brother's divine sense is strong, it probably won't be of much help."

What Fairy Huanyin said about Gu Zheng certainly understands that insects can produce worm threads that have a miraculous effect on spiritual thoughts, so when they are really confronted with it, spiritual thoughts should not have much effect.

However, Gu Zheng didn't ask for the divine mind to hurt the enemy, he only asked for the divine mind to let him know the situation of Fairy Huanyin at any time! Anyway, his divine sense has long been disconnected from the main body, and whatever the divine mind does, it will not affect the main body.

After killing a few more waves of worms that looked like Doudan, the light on the wall in front of the cave flickered on and off. This phenomenon was very eye-catching in the originally dark wormhole. And the location where the sound came from before was in the fork in the front where the light was shining.

"Get out now, and I can spare you!"

Suddenly, such a voice came from the brightly lit fork.

Gu Zheng frowned, this voice was not a voice from divine thoughts, but a genuinely used prehistoric language.

"You can use the prophecy of Honghuang to show that you have the ability to search for souls, which makes you look even more damned!"

Gu Zheng sneered, but did not stop approaching the fork.

In common sense, bugs are things with very low spiritual intelligence, which is one of their biggest disadvantages. However, if they have good spiritual intelligence, this will definitely be a nightmare existence for most people.

"Jie Jie!"

Strange laughter came from the fork, not one, but a group.

The next moment, the scene that made Gu Zheng stare wide-eyed appeared, and a group of immortal cultivators rushed out of the cave. There were as many as fifteen of them, and they all looked exactly the same.

"The cultivation base is equivalent to the peak of Daluo Jinxian, these guys are actually 'one person'!"

Qi Ling's shocked voice sounded, actually, she didn't need to say it, Gu Zheng could tell that these immortal cultivators were 'one person'.

The so-called "one person", to put it bluntly, means that all aspects of their bodies are exactly the same, which is different from the people created by the "Tao of Life". guy! This is an ability, an ability similar to 'cloning'!

"Go to hell!"

Fifteen guys whose strength is equivalent to the peak of Da Luo Jinxian shot at Gu Zheng at the same time, and the violent heaven and earth ability turned into a huge white tiger, roaring and rushing towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng does not dodge or evade, he is carefully checking the physical condition of the enemies, although the strength of the enemies is already at the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, and they still attack at the same time! However, the gap between the peak of Daluo Jinxian and the later stage of Zhunsheng is more than a chasm! As long as they don't use some special things to attack, and they just work together to mobilize the energies of the world to do the magic of transformation, then such destructive power, Gu Zheng doesn't pay attention at all.

The huge white tiger bumped into Gu Zheng, as if it had plunged into a black hole with strong suction, and the sneer on Gu Zheng's face became even stronger at this time.

The sneer on Gu Zheng's face was not because he had absorbed the white tiger into his own energy, but because his probing of the enemy's body had yielded satisfactory results. These guys who were 'cloned' by the worms with their special abilities actually belonged to the same category of being restrained by the 'Way of Death' just like refining corpses!


Gu Zheng shouted, the eyes of the fifteen Daluo Jinxian peak cultivators suddenly widened, and there was a lingering breath of death immediately above their heads, and they fell to the ground as if they had lost their skeletons.

At the same time, there was a bang in Gu Zheng's head, and the feeling of wanting to enter the mysterious realm appeared at this time!

"Damn it!"

Gu Zheng roared, this is the first time he has strangled the appearance of the mysterious realm in the bud, he is unwilling, he is angry!

The mysterious realm that will appear at this time is 100% definitely related to the 'Way of Death'. After all, when he was investigating the bodies of those Da Luo Jinxians, he learned more about the 'Way of Death'.

If it were normal, if he could enter the mysterious realm related to the 'Way of Death', Gu Zheng would definitely be as excited as a child celebrating the New Year. However, if a chance appears at this time, it is not a chance, but a fatal crisis! After all, the worms in the fork were also screaming strangely, and he had already heard the sound of a giant moving from there. If he entered the mysterious realm and didn't even have a guardian around him, then he would be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Anger is anger, but Gu Zheng is also very fortunate, fortunately, he has already opened the primary control of the seventh consciousness. If it was before, when the mysterious realm came, he had to accept this path, and he had no ability to control it. It's nipped in the bud.


Qi Ling also roared angrily, and she had also noticed that Gu Zheng was unable to enter the mysterious realm.

"Kill this damn bug!" Qi Ling gritted his teeth.


Gu Zheng's heart moved, and a huge fire dragon appeared under his feet. He rushed towards the side of the side road, and he wanted to understand what was going on there.

Gu Zheng came to the entrance of the fork in an instant, and the moment he jumped off the fire dragon, the fire dragon flew towards the fork.

The ground in the side road has thicker slime, and also has more worm silk.

Gu Zheng discovered at a glance that this fork is actually a dead end that can be seen to the end, and in the middle of this dead end, a huge bug is dripping with mucus.

The appearance of the worm is very strange. It has a huge stomach like an ant queen, and it is covered with bird feathers. Its body is as multi-legged as a centipede, but its head is like a longhorn in a beetle.

After the huge fire dragon collided with the worm, it turned into a sea of ​​flames and filled the entire fork, and the worm let out an extremely sharp sonic attack.

The calming spell operated automatically, offsetting part of the effect of the sonic attack, but Gu Zheng still couldn't help feeling dizzy.

The 'Five Elements Shield' appeared on Gu Zheng's body, and the feeling of dizziness disappeared immediately. However, the worms surrounded by flames have also rushed out of the fork, and they are very close to Gu Zheng!

Gu Zheng's body suddenly disappeared, and he moved behind the worm through teleportation, and slashed towards the bloated belly of the worm with the "Crazy Demon Knife".

The worm's abdomen was very bloated, but its reaction was extremely fast. It used its abdomen as a tail to throw at Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng disappeared again, and the worm let out a cry of pain. Its abdomen failed to hit Gu Zheng, but it hit Gu Zheng's 'Crazy Knife', leaving deep scars on it by the knife energy .

"Chi Chi!"

The green venom sprayed out from the small holes all over the bug's body, and it seemed to want to extinguish the flames on its body.

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