The second supernatural power of the mirror of emptiness, unless it is absolutely necessary, Tathagata will not think about using it, because once this supernatural power is used, it will have a great impact on the luck of Buddhism! However, once the Tathagata uses this supernatural power, he doesn't think anyone under the saint can escape.

For the enemy Gu Zheng, Tathagata has no other way but to use the second supernatural power of the mirror of emptiness.

A trace of cruelty flashed through Tathagata's eyes, and he used the second supernatural power of the mirror of emptiness.

The dazzling light was emitted from the mirror of emptiness, and Gu Zheng only felt that the sight in front of him changed, and the environment he was in had changed from the frozen snowfield to another world.

The sound of chanting sutras filled the ears, the boundless clouds and mist were under the feet, and there were countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas above the head. Like ants.

“This space is special!”

Mastering the way of advanced space, Gu Zheng had a certain understanding of space as soon as he entered this space.

"I can't help you to investigate. As soon as I entered this space, my divine sense was sealed in your body. I can only see all this through your eyes."

Qi Ling was very anxious. This was the first time Gu Zheng had spoken to her since he fought Tathagata, but due to the special circumstances, she couldn't help at all.

"It's okay, don't blame yourself,"

"Ancient struggle!"

When the Tathagata spoke at this time, his voice sounded like rolling thunder.

"Do you know where this is?" Tathagata asked.

"Is this the space formed by your magical power of mirror of emptiness?" Gu Zheng said.

"That's right, this is the second supernatural power of my Mirror of Emptiness, and it's also your burial place!"

Tathagata's voice paused, and he said bitterly: "Originally, after I wanted to kill you, I would suppress your corpse in the mirror of emptiness, so as to absorb your luck. But I didn't expect that you surpassed me time and time again." It is expected that I will suffer losses again and again!"

"I really want to know how you want to kill me?" Gu Zheng frowned.


Gu Zheng was very dignified at first, but Tathagata's answer made him couldn't help laughing, and he said, "Chanting, are you trying to influence me? Or is the so-called chanting actually just a mantra or something like that?" ?”

"I'm still smiling when I'm about to die, I'll let you know how awesome it is!"

The Tathagata shouted angrily, ignored him who was fighting in the past, and started chanting sutras instead.

The chanting sound that filled Gu Zheng's ears was just the chanting of the gods and Buddhas. Although this sound made Gu Zheng feel a little annoyed, it had no real effect on him. However, after the sound of Tathagata's chanting sounded, the whole space was filled with pure white light, and Gu Zheng could clearly feel that something inexplicable was about to move in him.

Although it was the first time for Gu Zheng to feel something that was about to move, but at the same time he felt it, he also had a kind of understanding in his heart. This kind of thing that was about to move is actually luck that cannot be seen or touched!

Luck is an elusive thing, but if a person does not have luck, it will be a very terrible thing. The so-called choking to death after drinking saliva is one of the manifestations of extremely bad luck.

"Use the yin-yang celestial ball to absorb his yang energy!"

Qi Ling could feel some changes in Gu Zheng's body, so he knew that Gu Zheng's luck was about to move, but Gu Zheng didn't use the Yin-Yang fairy ball to absorb the pure white light, which made her feel a little anxious.

"This is not the energy of the solar system." Gu Zheng said.

"Isn't it the energy of the solar system? Then what is it?"

Today's Qi Ling can only see this space through the eyes of Gu Zheng, and the decline in recognition ability makes people helpless.

"This is also luck. Tathagata is using the luck of the entire Buddhist sect to deal with me!"

Gu Zheng frowned, he was still feeling this space, and his understanding of this space was constantly deepening.

In this special space, the most direct problem that Gu Zheng will face is the passing of luck.

Needless to say the importance of luck, the luck in Gu Zheng's body is just about to move now, and he can still hold it back. However, this invisible confrontation is like a tug-of-war, and it will soon break the stalemate due to the increasing power of the Tathagata. This process only takes a cup of tea.

Gu Zheng didn't want his luck to be damaged, so he had to escape from this space within the time of a cup of tea.

If you want to break out of a space, there are generally two methods, one is force breaking, and the other is clever breaking.

Force breaking is to break the space with sufficient destructive power, and clever breaking is to break the space in a relatively labor-saving way by attacking the weak points of the space.

However, conventional means simply do not work in this particular space for two reasons.

First, there is a 'space ban' here, and its power has reached the terrifying fairy level! Therefore, Qi Ling was sealed in the Tiexian Order, Gu Zheng could not complete the release of the space, and Die Ling and others in the prehistoric space and the Chaos Tower could not appear because of this! Otherwise, things might not be as bad as they are now.

However, sealing any space within this space is not the scariest part of the fairy-level 'space ban'. The most terrifying thing about it is that it prevents any attack from Gu Zheng from being able to lift into the air! Any attack can't go into the air, so naturally it can't hit the weak point in the air space, so the coincidentally broken path is blocked.

Second, the solidity of the bottom layer of this space is extraordinary. Even with Gu Zheng's current strength, if he wants to break through the space to get out of trouble, it will take at least a stick of incense. This is a time that cannot be delayed by the passage of luck. .


Gu Zheng swung a punch and slammed it into the void, the effect was like hitting something real.

In the eyes of cultivators, they can see or feel the existence of space, and when they need to hit the space, they will have the effect of hitting a real object.

"Bang bang bang..."

After several attacks in succession, Gu Zheng said, "Tathagata, why didn't you stop me?"

Tathagata didn't stop chanting, he just gave Gu Zheng a contemptuous look.

"You must think that I can't break this space, but what if I can break this space?" Gu Zheng laughed.

"You can really laugh!"

It's not that Tathagata can't speak, he just doesn't want to talk to Gu Zheng, but seeing Gu Zheng's smile, he really can't help it.

"If you can really break this space, then you will be the winner in our duel."

Tathagata did not lie, once the second stage of the mirror of emptiness was activated, he became like a statue, unable to do anything except chant sutras. As for the gods and Buddhas, they are nothing more than phantoms in this space. Once Gu Zheng really has the ability to destroy this space, then it will be his failure.

"Unfortunately, there is not much time left for you, unless you can break the 'space ban', otherwise you have no possibility of breaking this space!" Tathagata said bitterly.

"Tathagata, I'm actually talking to you to see if you will stop me, but now it seems that you should be in a state of being unable to move. If that's the case, then you just wait to die!"

The air rippled with Gu Zheng's voice, and he who activated the 'space ban' began to wear down the power of the 'space ban' in this space.

"Using 'space ban' to consume the power of 'space ban' is indeed a feasible method. However, with the power of your way of space, you have to wear down the 'space ban' here to what you want To a certain extent, this is simply impossible!" Tathagata said.

"How do you know what level I want?" Gu Zheng sneered.

Tathagata frowned, the extent that Gu Zheng wanted must be to weaken the power of the forbidden space to the extent that it would not be enough to affect his attack, which is simply impossible in the eyes of Tathagata! However, Gu Zheng's smile, as well as his understanding of Gu Zheng, made him feel that Gu Zheng seemed to have something behind him.

"What exactly is your hole card?"

Tathagata panicked, and things that were very certain at first have become a little uncertain now.

Gu Zheng didn't speak, and his so-called hole card Tathagata will see it soon.

Continuing to use the 'space ban' to consume the banning power in the space, which also consumes the power of Tao very quickly.

After a while, the power of the Dao of Guzheng Space was exhausted, and he was unable to cast the 'Space Ban' again.

"What exactly do you want to do? Even though the 'space ban' has been weakened by you, it's not enough to make you make waves!"

Obviously it was time to breathe a sigh of relief, but Tathagata's heart was tightened. If Gu Zheng really had any trump card, then it should be about to appear.

"Tathagata, do you know what the 'Nine Transformations of Hunyuan' are?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Mixed Yuan Nine Transformations,"

Tathagata frowned, and his eyes widened suddenly: "You, you master the nine transformations of Hunyuan?"

The Tathagata has already stuttered in horror, the fairy-level control of the Dao of Change, also known as the Nine Transformations of Hunyuan, among the ten great sages, only Lao Tzu has this supernatural power, so the Tathagata has to be afraid!

Although the way of change is a small way, as Le Xian said at the beginning, no matter what kind of way, as long as the mastery can reach the immortal level, it is a very terrifying supernatural power. Even if they are as powerful as saints, each of them has at most one or two kinds of immortal control over the Tao.

Lexian gave Gu Zheng the opportunity of "Four Seasons Immortal Sound", and Gu Zheng understood the way of high-level transformation in the mysterious realm of "Four Seasons Immortal Sound", and at the same time planted the seeds of the way of fairy-level transformation. The first time he took Immortal Food Cultivation, Gu Zheng finally allowed the seeds he had planted to germinate in the ensuing mysterious realm, thus gaining immortal control over the Dao of Transformation.

The path of primary transformation is "Seventy-two Transformations of Tiangang", the path of intermediate transformation is "Thirty-six Transformations of Disha", the path of advanced transformation is "Eighteen Transformations of Xuantian", and the path of immortal level transformation is "Nine Transformations of Hunyuan" '.

The numbers in the Dao of Change, before being controlled by the immortal level, have relatively simple meanings, which represent how many things can be transformed into. Although the higher the degree of control, the fewer things that can be changed, but it also becomes more difficult to be seen through.

Compared with the first three levels of the Dao of Change, the name "Hunyuan Nine Changes" controlled by the immortal level is not just a matter of numbers.

After mastering the 'Nine Changes of Hunyuan', there is no limit to the number of ordinary changes. In theory, it can be transformed into anything in the world, and the difficulty of seeing through is naturally extremely high. As for the word 'nine' in the 'Nine Changes of Hunyuan', it refers to nine extraordinary changes.

The first three levels of the Tao of Change can only be said to change the appearance, while the "Nine Changes of Hunyuan" is a "really" changed.

For example, if Gu Zheng wants to use the 'Hunyuan Nine Changes' to turn into a monster, then he will be this monster before the power of the Dao of Transformation is exhausted, this is not just a superficial change , but he knows all the supernatural powers mastered by monsters! However, once he uses the 'Nine Hunyuan Transformations', his 'Nine Hunyuan Transformations' will lose one change.

The number of transformations of the 'Hunyuan Nine Changes' cannot be regenerated. Once the nine times are used up, the changes in the future immortal-level changes will only have superficial appearances, and it will no longer be the inconceivable 'exterior and interior are the same'.

It is precisely because the changed object of the "Hunyuan Nine Changes" has the characteristics of "the appearance and the inside are the same", the number of times it can be used is extremely precious. After all, it involves the secret of the changed thing, the secret of supernatural power and Taoism!

However, the things that can be changed by the "Hunyuan Nine Changes" have a certain degree of restriction, and it does not mean that you can change whatever you want. For example, the changed thing must be seen with one's own eyes, and the strength of the changed thing cannot be higher than that of the changed one. Otherwise, it would really be effortless for Gu Zheng to become any saint and break the situation of Tathagata's mirror of emptiness! After all, when he became a Saint Immortal, he also possessed various magical powers of a Saint Immortal.

In any case, the 'Nine Transformations of Hunyuan' is a relatively precious supernatural power. After Gu Zheng mastered this kind of supernatural power, he has been reluctant to use it. However, facing the situation of the Tathagata's mirror of emptiness, it is impossible not to use the 'Nine Transformations of Hunyuan'.

"Mixed Yuan Nine Changes!"

With the voice of Gu Zheng, the whole space was wrinkled, which was a spectacle that had never happened before Gu Zheng used any power of Tao.

All the wrinkles condensed in an instant and turned into a beam of light entering Gu Zheng's body, and his body also emitted a dazzling light in an instant.

When the light disappeared, there was no trace of Gu Zheng in place, replaced by a strange guy who was only three feet tall, with six tentacles growing on his back, and many tumors on his head, and it was Diyou!

Among the things that can be changed in accordance with the "Nine Changes of Hunyuan", Gu Zheng chose to change into Diyou, which was also after careful consideration.

Diyou has many supernatural powers, and at the same time masters several kinds of Taoism, and he also has mastery of the most useful way of space to break the situation in front of him.

The way of space mastered by Di You is not as high as Gu Zheng's, but he has already reached the intermediate level, and he is able to display the spatial supernatural power of 'Forbidden Space'. Although during the battle with Gu Zheng, Di You didn't use the magical power of banning air due to various reasons, but that doesn't mean it won't! After all, the 'Forbidden Space' supernatural power of the clay spirit was imparted to it by Di You through a special method.

Gu Zheng, who incarnated as Di You, trembled, and after a burst of light flashed across Di You, Di You turned into two, and then turned into four.

Through the transformation of the "Hunyuan Nine Changes", the transformed objects do not have the fairy artifacts that originally belonged to them, and the magical powers they can use can only be the magical powers they mastered when Gu Zheng saw them.

Diyou has three clones, these three clones can be integrated with it, and at the same time can fight alone, each of them also has the "forbidden air" supernatural power of the elementary way of space, which is why Gu Zheng chose to become Emperor Quiet, the most critical reason.

The power of 'Space Forbidden' belonging to this space has been consumed by Gu Zheng. He believes that after he transformed into Di You, one body plus three clones, when they will use the power of 'Forbidden Space', After all the forbidden power is used to consume this space, the deadlock will definitely be broken!

"No!" Tathagata exclaimed.

The Emperor You and its avatar transformed by Gu Zheng have already begun to use the 'Forbidden Space' to consume the power of the ban. Tathagata can be considered to have truly understood Gu Zheng's plan. The fear that he had never felt before appeared for the first time in In his heart, he didn't think that Gu Zheng was doing useless work.

Once fear is born, it spreads in Tathagata's heart like a raging fire.

The turbulent panic was endless, Tathagata's heart suddenly moved, his eyes widened, and at the same time, a drop of cold sweat ran across his forehead.


Tathagata screamed again, despair welling up in his heart in an instant.

It is said that he is the first two among the quasi-sages, but Tathagata thinks that he is the first person under the saints. Coupled with the current Buddha who is a Buddhist, Tathagata has always felt that nothing can threaten him before the chaos really unfolds. The presence. However, just when his heart moved, he realized that he was wrong, and it was very wrong!

The prelude to the Chaos Calamity has already sounded, which means that except for the saint who is still safe, accidents may happen to anyone.

It was originally a small matter for Gu Zheng to enmity Wenshi Bodhisattva with Buddhism, but under his tacit consent, the hatred gradually became bigger and bigger.

Wen Shi and Pu Xiang died in the hands of Gu Zheng, and his disciple E Nan also died on Xingxu Mountain.

Knowing that Gu Zheng was going to the rotten swamp, Tathagata sent Kong Xuan to kill him, but the result was that Kong Xuan's five-color divine light was no longer unique.

Because his disciple Anilud was killed, Tathagata was instructed by the leader of Zhunti, who could not easily leave Lingshan, and came to Icefall Snowfield to settle the enmity between him and Gu Zheng. Tathagata didn't take the ancient dispute seriously, and the result of the deduction before coming to the ice and snow field was auspicious, which made him feel that there would be no problems.

As the saying goes, those in authority are obsessed with bystanders, and when Tathagata panicked and changed his perspective from those in authority to bystanders, he discovered to his horror that in fact, he had already been included in the catastrophe!

After passing through the first chaotic catastrophe and receiving the blessings of heaven and earth, Tathagata didn't think there were many problems with the extra supernatural powers in the two strongest Buddhist artifacts. But now it seems that the supernatural powers gained from the blessings of the Buddha artifacts are no less than the 'mark of chaos' planted on the foreheads of immortal cultivators!

The Wunian Subduing Demon Pestle was born from the heart demon, but the heart demon has been confined in the Wunian Subduing Demon Pestle. Without the blessing of heaven and earth, it will never have a chance to emerge in this life. However, the blessings of heaven and earth have two extra supernatural powers, one is to reproduce the magic sound in the calamity of the heart demon, and the other is to synchronize the strength of the heart demon with the Tathagata.

Although it is said that Tathagata would not be affected by the inner demons without using the supernatural power of the Wu Nian Subduing Demon Pestle, but now it seems that the influence of the inner demons can be said to have always existed after the Wu Nian Subduing Demon Pestle received the blessings of heaven and earth!

The original No. 1 person under the Saint Immortal fell into the Chaos Tribulation, and he himself made great achievements in the Chaos Tribulation. For various reasons, arrogance slowly grew in his heart. Tathagata didn't notice it before, but now it seems that this is not a demon, so what is it? Dao Xin was already in chaos at that time, and the seeds of Ying Jie had already been planted!

Tathagata felt a severe pain in his heart, and he also understood that this was not only a problem for himself to cope with the catastrophe, but a disaster for the entire Buddhist sect!

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