Wu You's ability to handle affairs is still good. Within a few days, he found an old carriage in good condition. The sealing performance is good and the space is not large, but it is no problem for three or four of them to sit.

Especially he and Tao, who are still children, don't take up much space, and Wu You has to drive again, so the carriage is still very empty.

It took more than one hundred miles to arrive in three days. Gu Zheng and the others arrived three days earlier, and the big market will start three days later.

There is a town below Mount Mang, and the big market is held in this town. Those who came early have already rented the farmhouses in the town, and many people just sleep on the ground. At this time, most of the people who come here are Those who sell things, come early, because they want to occupy a good position in advance.

After the start of the big market, a street stretching for four or five miles is full of vendors. The streets in the town are not enough at all, and the two sides have extended a lot. Those who have experience know that the closer the location is to the middle, the better. There are enough people there. , the greater the possibility of being exchanged or sold.

At this time, someone has already started trading. Gu Zheng didn't show up, but just asked Wu You to come out to have a look. They live in a place ten miles outside the village. This place is not a forest, but a small mound. You will find someone living here.

Gu Zheng made two tents, one for Aunt Cui, one for him and Tao, and one for Wu You, and let him sleep in the carriage. Cloth is not cheap these days, it is very valuable and can even be used as currency To use it, Gu Zheng didn't need good cloth and silk, so Wu You changed some coarse cloth to make these two tents.

That's it, and a lot of things were used. Before coming, Gu Zheng rode out to hunt a lot of things. Now there are eight porcupine skins, tiger skins, leopard skins, cowhide and so on. There are all kinds of bones and dried meat, as well as two silver ingots, which are all the wealth accumulated by Gu Zheng during this period of time.

These wealth are used to exchange for what he needs in the big bazaar.

As long as he likes it, he must take it, even if others don't sell it, he will still want it. Now is not the time to talk about benevolence and righteousness, especially when there is a big monster behind him as a hidden danger. At this time, in order to improve his strength, he must do whatever it takes.

Of course, it is okay to forcefully buy and forcefully sell, but he will not do murderous ancient battles. He still has his own bottom line. At worst, if he succeeds in cultivation in the future, he will compensate them. In short, in order to improve his cultivation this time, he must find enough things.

Until now, Gu Zheng has not been able to break through to the third level. It is not a matter of immortal power. His immortal power has already been reached, and it is not a matter of state of mind. He has cultivated to the state of mind of a quasi-sage, and there is no such aspect obstacles.

After much deliberation, Gu Zheng only thought of one possibility, and that was chance. Chance is invisible and intangible. He is stuck here inexplicably. If there is no such chance, he may not be able to break through for two or three months. If you find this opportunity, you will be able to break through in no time.

Chance is really uncertain, Gu Zheng can't bet his treasures on this, he can only take a stupid way, that is to force a breakthrough.

Forcibly breaking through, forcibly raising the celestial power up, and forcibly breaking through this barrier, there is a limit to the celestial power that Gu Zheng can bear in his body. However, Gu Zheng didn't care about this influence at all. He had plenty of ways to recuperate his body and recover.

The most important thing for him right now is to improve his strength. As long as there is a way to improve his strength, it doesn't matter if he pays a little price.

Living here, you will not be noticed by others, and it is not far from the big market. After finding this place, Gu Zheng still practices every day. When Gu Zheng is watching, Tao will also practice. He would be lazy and run out to play, Wu You and Aunt Cui couldn't control him at all, and they didn't dare to control him.

They have seen with their own eyes that when Tao was playing, he was accidentally knocked down by a stone, and then he slapped the stone angrily, and the stone instantly shattered. -

Since then, Wu You has always been cautious when facing Tao, for fear of accidentally offending him, so if he gives himself eight chapters, he will definitely die in that case.

From the bottom of his heart, he is afraid of gluttony.

He was also afraid of Gu Zheng, but this kind of fear was completely different. He said it was fear, rather it was reverence, and it was real fear for Tao. But thoughtful, communicating with Gu Zheng is completely like facing an adult, and he is still a very powerful adult.

Tao is different, he is a real, pure child, you can't figure out a child's mind the most, and he is moody, so he is afraid of Tao, even fear, if he can't be with Tao, he won't be together, always Just try to avoid him.

Aunt Cui is okay, after all, she has taken care of them for a while, and she also knows Tao's temperament, as long as you follow him, Tao is still a good child, easy to coax, but not as mature as Gu Zheng.

Aunt Cui also couldn't figure out why the two identical children had such a bad temper. She would never have imagined that one of the two children would have a consciousness from the future and be a powerful quasi-sage.

Three days later, the big bazaar started on time. Before dawn, the whole town has become a sea of ​​people. This is just the beginning. There are more people coming, and some latecomers, waiting for the busiest time of the big bazaar , That is, on the fifth and sixth days, the number of people will be at least half more than it is now.

"It's so lively!"

Seeing so many people, Tao looked very excited. Aunt Cui and Wu You kept looking around, only Gu Zheng was calm. There are many people in this kind of market, but he has seen better markets. It has failed to arouse his great interest.

He goes to the Grand Bazaar just to collect what he needs.

"I want to eat this!"

Just two steps away, Tao pointed at something similar to candied haws and yelled, similar to candied haws, in clusters, but the color was black and there was no sugar, and they were not stuck on the round haystacks, but placed directly on them There.

"Worriless fruit, very delicious, do you want some!"

The person who set up the stall saw them, and immediately said something with a smile, his eyes were almost invisible.

Observing Gu Zheng's wink, Wu You immediately stepped forward and asked about the price of this fruit, and a deal was quickly concluded. In this early prehistoric period, although gold, silver and copper coins had already appeared in places where humans lived, the quantity was not large. Many, most of them are used in the city. Eighty percent of this kind of rural fairs are barter. Wu You is very experienced in this area, and Gu Zheng is very relieved.

Wu You exchanged two bunches of fruit, both of which were in Tao's hands. Gu Zheng was not very interested in this kind of fruit, but the taste of this fruit was not bad, and the quality was up to ordinary, so it was perfectly fine to eat as a snack.

Unlike the earth, in the early days of the prehistoric period, common-grade ingredients can be seen everywhere, and there are quite a few medium-grade ones. There are only few good and high-grade ingredients, and there are relatively few inferior, low-grade, garbage and poisonous ingredients. The environment here is very good, without any pollution, unless it is deliberately destroyed by humans, it is difficult to produce garbage ingredients.

Tao was very happy to eat, while Gu Zheng led them, walking slowly among the crowd.

There are a wide variety of items on both sides, including food, such as eggs, various meats, and now there are some livestock and poultry raised by the villagers. There are many of these things in the big market. their other needs.

In addition to food, most of them are various tools.

For farming, hunting, breeding, and even building houses, there are many, many tools for household use here, as well as various raw materials, such as those made of iron, wood, and even stone. Rich, and all kinds of seeds can also be classified as tools. After all, no one will eat the seeds after buying them, and they have to wait for a good harvest.

Aunt Cui reads these things the most. She has only heard of many things, but has never seen them. This time she has learned a lot.

These two categories account for more than half of the goods, and the rest are all kinds of things.

There are also cloths, but very few. Cloths can be used as currency in this place, so there are not many people who exchange them alone. Most of them are taken to see what they want. There are even fewer finished clothes. Yes, but Wu You has heard before that some people sell clothes, but they are not new ones, but old ones.

In addition to clothes, there are also various jewelry, which will also appear here, but the price is very high, generally in the center, not on the edge, because of the high value, in order to prevent people from murdering, most of the sellers of such things are Several people, not just one person came out to set up a stall.

Apart from these categories, the rest are all kinds of small things. There are good-looking stones obtained from the wild, and some people bring some things with low residual value after hunting, hoping that someone will like them and exchange them for useful things. , is better than throwing it there.

There is a small number, and there is another category, that is, various herbs.

Although the medical skills in the early days of the prehistoric period were not very high, herbs had already appeared, but most of them did not know the properties of these herbs, and the few that everyone knew were very common things, but there were still people who sold them. As long as there was one piece of these herbs I have saved people, no matter what disease other people have, I will think about using it. At this time, my understanding of the properties of medicine is not so deep.

This situation reminded Gu Zheng of a person, Shennong in the Chinese mythology, I don’t know if Shennong has appeared, it seems that he hasn’t, even if it has appeared, it has not been spread here, after Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs, he confirmed various medicines After that, herbal medicine is considered to be a reasonable application, and the profession of doctors gradually appeared.

These herbs are one of the targets of the ancient dispute.

Among the herbal medicines, there are some things that he can use. Many of them are actually herbal medicines in the food cultivation. Whenever he sees some herbal medicines for sale, he will pay attention to them and observe whether they are what he needs.

Apart from herbs, what Gu Zheng sees most is all kinds of food, not meat and food, but those small things, such as the worry-free fruit that Tao ate before, and there may be things he needs in these things. So watch more.

Finally, there are those strange and strange things. Among these things, there may be something that can be used. Even if you don’t do food repair, it’s good to make a magic weapon. It’s best to be a fairy weapon. , It is still impossible to forge a fairy weapon. A good fairy weapon can increase a person's strength a lot, and even kill people by leapfrogging.

There were quite a few treasures before the ancient war, and I knew the importance of having good weapons.

"No, I want more!"

Tao, who had been walking hand in hand by Gu Zheng, broke away suddenly, and raised his hands, indicating that he had finished eating the two bunches of fruit just now, that he didn't enjoy eating, and wanted to continue eating.

"Go to the front, I'll find you something more delicious in a while!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, no matter what happens to Tao in the future, at least he is a child now, and he is still a child connected with him by blood. like his own children.

Gu Zheng's love for Tao is more than a little bit.

Aunt Cui and Wu You said in private that sometimes they don't look like brothers, but like father and son. Also, Gu Zheng never said which of them is older, but in private, they both think that Gu Zheng is the elder. Elder brother, Tao is younger brother, this is entirely based on the performance of the two.

"Okay, it must be delicious!"

Tao immediately nodded, looking very excited, he had never seen so many people, so many vendors, and it felt very novel everywhere he looked.

Walking slowly, the sky soon brightened, and there were more people, almost all of them crowded. Aunt Cui and Wu You followed Gu Zheng closely behind them, for fear of being scattered by the crowd.

In fact, every year in the big market, many adults take away their children. If you are lucky, someone will take care of them and find them afterwards. If you are unlucky, the children will disappear forever. No one knows where they went. At this time, no one is abducting and selling children, but you can't stand someone who likes your child, so you just take it back and raise it yourself.

Of course poor people would not do this, but those with a little background may have this possibility. The survival rate of children nowadays is not high.

"Wu You, go get that back!"

After walking for a short distance, seeing Aunt Cui staring at a needlework vendor, Gu Zheng smiled and asked Wu You to change into another set.

Aunt Cui has her own needle and thread, and he sews and mends the things at home, but last time she walked quickly and quickly, she didn't bring these things with her, and now she doesn't have them. This is also Gu Zheng's responsibility.

Wu You quickly changed back to a set of high-quality bone needles. At this time, bone needles were the mainstream, and iron needles were also available, but not many. Only wealthy families in the city would use them. Although they were only made of bones, these bones It is stiff and the quality of the needle is equally as good.

Aunt Cui’s previous bone needles were also bone needles, and there were differences among the bone needles. This set is obviously better than the previous ones, with more quantity and more complete types. After a while, I took another one and looked at it again, and it didn't stop.

Aunt Cui didn’t have any wishes. She used to be fine. There was a husband and parents-in-law at home. Although the two children she had before failed, her family never blamed her. At that time, she felt very happy and just wanted to have another child. Better to have a boy and keep the family happy.

It's a pity that a disaster completely changed her home.

Especially after the mother-in-law passed away, some members of the parents-in-law's family still wanted to drive her away. If it weren't for the young people who came back to protect her, she might have been driven away. Those people thanked her father-in-law for giving up his life to protect her Well, no matter what, he won't let others bully him, a widow.

It is precisely because of these people that Aunt Cui, a widow, can live in the village all the time.

In the past few years, some people also asked her to remarry, but she rejected them all. She thought her heart was dead, but she didn't expect that after the villagers brought Gu Zheng and Tao, her heart seemed to be alive again. After coming over, she didn't know who and where the family members of the two children were, but at that time, she only thought about taking care of the two children. Perhaps, the two children awakened her mother's love.

Sometimes she wondered if it was because her first two children failed, God took pity on her and sent two more children.

Because of this, when Daxian preached, she gave these two children the qualification to exchange for a lot of wealth without hesitation, hoping that they would have a better future in the future, but in the end, she did not expect that this Daxian's preaching turned out to be a scam, which almost killed the two children.

But also because of this incident, she knew that these two children were not ordinary people at all, but powerful immortals.

In her eyes, Gu Zheng is already an immortal. She doesn't know the meaning of cultivating to become an immortal at all. She doesn't know that only at the stage of refining and transforming Qi can one be called an immortal. Before that, she was only an immortal.

Aunt Cui is easy to be satisfied. No matter what Gu Zheng's status is, it is enough for her to take care of these two children. Watching these two children grow up is enough, just like she is very happy when she gets a good set of bone needles now. .

"This, this, I want to eat this!"

Tao suddenly pointed to the side of the road again, this time it was not a skewered fruit, but someone was frying a kind of food, exuding a faint fragrance.

Because of the strong fragrance, many people gathered here, especially many children, biting their lips, eagerly looking at their family members and the food they were cooking, and Tao was also attracted.

Gu Zheng just glanced at it, then shook his head with a smile and said: "This smells delicious, but it tastes ordinary. The oil he uses is crude oil, and it has been aged for a long time, so it tastes ordinary. You should smell it carefully. Smell, is there a bitterness in the fragrance, bitterness!"

Here are ordinary people, how can there be any good oil, the oil used must not be willing to throw away, the oil has been used for a few days, and the taste has already gone bad.

Although Gu Zheng is not a tool spirit and cannot directly identify the ingredients from a long distance, he can guess roughly that the food made with this oil will not be higher than inferior, the biggest possibility is inferior, the taste of such things is limited, gluttonous But it's strange to be used to being able to eat it because it was raised by the ancients, and now it's just curiosity.

Sure enough, after hearing what Gu Zheng said, Tao frowned immediately after smelling it carefully, and no longer asked to eat this thing.

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