Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 98 Giant Wolf

The three of them looked at each other, then suddenly accelerated together and ran towards the small slope.

After approaching, I could see more clearly that the broken surface was indeed full of mature jade tuckahoe, emerald green and crystal clear, surrounded by a faint mist, and the light from the searchlight in the mist shone beautifully on it, and the entire slope was covered with It's jade tuckahoe, which is really beautiful.

"Here's a fortune!"

Zhao Min's eyes were straightened. These jade tuckahoes are all whole, basically each has three or four taels. Ten thousand.

There are hundreds of them here, or even more, which must be a huge fortune.

One two taels is 100,000, the minimum of three or four taels is 300,000, 100 is 30 million, and more than 300 is 100 million. Although the price will be lower when the quantity is larger, this is The top medicinal materials, even if there are more in quantity, the value will not decrease much.

It is conservatively estimated that these jade tuckahoes are worth at least hundreds of millions.

Jade Poria worth hundreds of millions, even if three people share it, one person can share tens of millions. He has worked hard outside for so many years, so he just wants to make more money. If he has this money, he can go back, go back Start a company and live a stable life, no longer have to run hard in the mountains.

Zhao Min was very excited, but Gu Zheng was also stunned.

"Jade Poria, normal level!"

Qi Ling has already given Gu Zheng the appraisal results, ordinary grade, all of them are ordinary grade, these are ordinary grade jade tuckahoe, not to mention so many, just a random piece of big one is enough for him to use and integrate rice marrow in this test Yes, there are so many, it is completely beyond his imagination.

"Master Gu, are these okay?"

Chang Feng asked in a low voice, he didn't know the value of these things, even if he knew he wouldn't care, all he cared about was whether this thing could be used and whether it could help his grandfather.

"Okay, all of these are fine!"

Gu Zheng nodded quickly, and his breathing quickened a little. He didn't know the value of these things, but with so many ordinary ingredients in his hands, how many delicious things he could make.

Qiao Fei’s stewed meat just added a little jade tuckahoe, and the taste is so fragrant. If such raw materials are put in his hands, if combined with Tiexian’s cooking skills, how delicious and tempting the food will be. , is simply unimaginable.

"It's fine, let's pick it!"

Hearing Gu Zheng said it was okay, Chang Feng was very happy, this trip was not in vain, it really allowed them to find something available, and they found it on the first day of their visit, which went very smoothly.


Gu Zheng nodded, these jade tuckahoes are already mature, just pick the roots directly, Zhao Min is not idle, he takes out his knife, ready to dig these jade tuckahoes.


Just after digging a few pieces, Gu Zheng's heart skipped a beat, he yelled, and threw himself to the side, taking both Chang Feng and Zhao Min out.

The three of them rolled to the ground together, and where they were before, there were two tall beasts standing there. If Gu Zheng hadn't rushed them away in time, at least two of the three had been killed by these two giant beasts just now. The beast also pounced.

"Wolf, such a big wolf!"

Chang Feng also noticed the beast in front of him, and he took a deep breath. Two gray wolves pounced on them, gray-skinned wolves, but different from ordinary wolves, these two wolves were very big, like a small wolf. The calf is at least twice the size of a normal wolf, even bigger than a normal Siberian tiger.

With such a big wolf in front of their eyes, the three of them did not dare to move, and all watched carefully.

"I know, these jade tuckahoes belong to these two wolves. They eat the jade tuckahoes and grow so big. Uncle Ha's jade tuckahoes should be picked up, not picked. I was a little surprised at the beginning. The tooth marks, I thought it was Uncle Ha who took a bite and tasted it, but I didn't expect it was left by them!"

Zhao Min was trembling and stammering, the two giant wolves were too close to them, he could even smell the stench of the two giant wolves.

Now Zhao Min's heart is full of regrets, regretting why he took this job, why he saw so many jade tuckahoes but didn't think about anything else, a treasure like yu tuckahoes is already considered a treasure of heaven and earth, how could it be possible to have so many jade tuckahoes Nothing guards it.

If there is no protection, these jade tuckahoes will not reach maturity at all, and they will be gone long ago.

It's a pity that it's useless to regret. Before, he was blinded by greed. This time, he was going to die here and become the food of wolves. He didn't have the confidence to escape beside these two giant wolves.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Zhao Min shivered violently. He was startled by the continuous loud noise. He turned his head, only to find that Chang Feng was actually holding a pistol in his hand, and the pistol was still smoking.

Chang Feng's pistol also surprised Gu Zheng. Chang Feng was still carrying a gun. He didn't know this before. This time, Chang Feng arranged a private plane to bring them here. Airport security check It's just a form, they are directly entering the plane on the airport.

After firing five shots in a row, Chang Feng felt more at ease.

He was also frightened by these two giant wolves. If it weren't for Gu Zheng's quick reaction, he would definitely be thrown down by the giant wolves. Maybe it was over just now. He could see clearly that a giant wolf was right where he was just now. .

Fortunately, he had been in the army for a long time, and after finding the two giant wolves, he immediately sneaked out the pistol on his body.

This time he was going into the mountains. He prepared a gun before he came. It was easy to get a gun given his background, not to mention that he often went to and from the army, and he had to train in the army for a month every year. His marksmanship Also very good.

Five shots, two shots for one wolf, and three shots for the other wolf. Fortunately, these two wolves did not continue to attack just now, otherwise he would have no chance to shoot at all.

With such a close distance and the size of these two wolves, Chang Feng believed in his marksmanship, and all five shots must have hit him.

After the gunshot, Gu Zheng hurriedly looked forward. He didn't know that Chang Feng was carrying a gun, but it was not a bad thing. It would be better if these two big wolves could be solved with a gun, otherwise they would be in danger today.

Gu Zheng is only twenty-three years old, and now he has become an immortal cultivator. He doesn't want to just become food for wolves.

Just glanced at it, and Gu Zheng was stunned again. Two wolves, one wolf fell down, but the other jumped to the side of the fallen wolf. There seemed to be something under the fallen wolf. Bright red blood is flowing out.


"Bang bang!"

The wolf that was still standing raised its head and howled. Chang Feng raised his hand and fired three more shots at the wolf's head at close range. This time he was carrying an ordinary pistol with only Eight rounds of bullets, he finished the eight rounds, and had to change the magazines, and his magazines were all in the backpack.


Gu Zheng hurriedly pulled Chang Feng and called Zhao Min. When Chang Feng shot, he kept paying attention to the standing giant wolf. He found that when Chang Feng shot, the giant wolf suddenly lay down there. After the gunshot, he got up again. Gu Zheng couldn't see the bullet, but he could see the wolf. There was nothing wrong with the wolf.

He also heard the empty shell of Chang Feng's bullets. He had seen this sound on TV too many times, and it was really familiar.

The first update, is this bloody, can this be guessed?

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