Not only Wu You, but everyone else was stunned when Gu Zheng was about to go out suddenly, and he brought Tao with him.

The good days in Fucheng had just begun for them, and everyone was shrouded in a wave of happiness. Not only did their lives become better, but their status also improved.

In the past, whether Wu You, Ma Duo, or Aunt Cui, how could they go out like this so many people showed favor, flattered, and some even flattered them, even the top five families in the city, everyone saw them the same, no matter Whoever it is, everyone greets them with smiles.

This feeling of being valued and flattered by others is something they have never experienced in their entire lives.

They also understand who brought all of this. Without Gu Zheng, there would be no present for them. Now that Gu Zheng is about to go out suddenly, and even Tao is going with him, they suddenly feel uneasy. The two are not coming back, and the lives of the few people may soon return to their original shape.

Even though Gu Zheng said that it would be half a year if it was slow, or a month if it was fast, the unreliability in their hearts would always exist, because Gu Zheng was no longer by their side after all.

"Don't worry if you stay here, nothing will happen."

Gu Zheng saw their worry, and said with a smile, after Wu You's incident, he checked all these people in the life and death book, and their lifespans were all considered sufficient, the least of which was Wang San, and there were also people with life and death books. Sixty-nine years old, the most is Aunt Cui, who has lived for more than eighty years.

In this era, not to mention eighty, sixty-nine is already a long life. Everyone looks like this, and I believe it has something to do with their life changes.

This is the lifespan recorded in the life and death book. The lifespan in the life and death book is not completely unchanged. If their fate changes in the future, for example, if they succeed in cultivating immortals, their lifespan will naturally increase. Jumping out of the five elements, their names will no longer appear in the book of life and death.

As the saying goes, three points are destined, seven points depend on oneself, fate is not inevitable, and it may change.

Gu Zheng did not erase them from the life and death book. If they were erased, they could survive forever, but their ordinary human bodies could not bear such a long time, and they would only become living dead in the end.

"Young master, you must come back early!"

Wu You knew Gu Zheng best. No one could stop Gu Zheng from making a decision. Since Gu Zheng was about to leave, they couldn't stop him, and there was no reason to stop him. They could only say more words of blessing.

Ma Duo took out the little white dragon for Gu Zheng and sent him outside the city. The two children in the city rode on horseback, which was too conspicuous, so Ma Duo and Wu You could just send them outside the city.

Xiao Bailong was wearing the small double saddle, and Gu Zheng didn't bring anything, he just took some dry food, put on his glutinous rice balls, and set off directly.

Going out this time is different from every time before. The first time Gu Zheng went out, he wanted to leave Aunt Cui's side and live in seclusion in Fucheng. Because he learned that he would be punished if he did not sign up to preach, he returned to Aunt Cui's place. Bring back Wu You.

The second time, I saw the deception of the preaching, killed the monster's subordinates, and escaped. At that time, I had no purpose, but at least I had a direction and knew where to go.

The third time, I got the gourd of cutting immortals, and returned to Aunt Cui's house from the big market. Goal, directionless travel.

Before coming out, Gu Zheng also asked Wu You to inquire about whether there are iron mines nearby, and where there are iron mines, there may be black iron, but it is only possible, not sure.

It's a pity that there are iron mines, but they are not big, and there are more than one, and there are in all directions. Gu Zheng can only choose a direction at will, and go there to explore first.

A piece of black iron made Gu Zheng go through such a lot of trouble, which made him very impressed.

In the prehistoric future, not to mention a piece of black iron, he also has a lot of things better than black iron, but black iron is also a good thing on the earth, because the earth's resources are scarce, and it is more difficult to practice there.

Xuantie, Honghuang must have it, and there are many, but Honghuang is too big, whether he can find it or not depends on his luck.

One day later, Gu Zheng came to a small town. The town is not big, only about 300 households, and most of them are blacksmiths. There is an open-pit iron mine here, and many people in the village are blacksmithing.

There are many tools in Fucheng, all of which come from here.

But the waist knife is not, the waist knife is Fucheng's own purchase of raw materials, and it is made by itself. They did not entrust anyone with the making of the waist knife.

There are quite a lot of ironware here, but the quality of the iron is very ordinary, basically pig iron, and a few are not even as good as ordinary pig iron.

The quality of the iron is average, so Gu Zheng would stop looking at it after seeing it, so he got off his horse and asked. It's a pity that the people here don't know what black iron is, and they haven't seen it at all.

For them, pig iron is everything, and the best pig iron here has not reached the level of wrought iron.

As for the mines, they are all this kind of iron ore, and there is no such dark and shiny black iron ore as Gu Zheng said.

Without Xuantie, Gu Zheng didn't stay here, and went to another place. For seven consecutive days, he ran around several iron-producing places around Fucheng, but he couldn't find any usable Xuantie.

Gu Zheng was fine, but Tao was clearly disappointed.

He has tried several times, wanting to fly directly in the air without using tools. Unfortunately, his current celestial power is not enough to support him to fly in the air for a long time. state of flight.

"Don't worry, there will definitely be one, we're looking for it!"

Gu Zheng comforted Tao, but in desperation, he could only make a tortoise shell and make a divination with a calculation technique he was not familiar with.

Hexagrams were indeed popular for a period of time in the early days of the Great Desolation, and gradually faded away after the conferment of the gods. After the conferment of the gods, many people covered up or pretended to prevent others from calculating themselves. Unlike before the conferred gods, they wanted to If you know someone's origin, or even where, you can calculate it directly.

After the conferment of the gods, there are some people who learn divination, but not so many. Everyone pays more attention to cultivation. Except for those big bosses, few people deliberately learn this. Divination sounds simple, but it is very complicated and very complicated. Consume mind.

But folks, after hearing such rumors, divination prevails, but most of them are charlatans.

Gu Zheng knew something at the beginning, but he didn't study it carefully. Now that he wants to learn and has no place to learn, he can only use his half-hearted kung fu to try it out. The first hexagram Gu Zheng divination pointed him to a place. East.

The east has no distance and no time, it is the east, which makes the second monk Gu Zhengzhang puzzled.

The east is too far away, Gu Zheng doesn't even know which continent he is in now, he has been walking east, who knows where he can go, even if he is in Dongsheng Shenzhou now, there is still a very, very long distance to go east, Only then can he reach the endless sea, but he promised Wu You that he would come back in half a year at the latest.

"Dongfang, can we just try first?"

Although I don't know why, but I have a direction, which is much better than blindly touching it by myself. Bring Tao, the two ride horses together, and head east directly. There is no destination, just go east all the way, all the way forward.

This walk is one month.

In a month, they encountered many places with people, but there were no iron mines there, let alone black iron, and they also encountered some barren hills, but Gu Zheng had no magic weapon and could not explore them. Xuan Tie was buried in the ground, and he couldn't find it either.

"The hexagram technique is not good, it really hurts people!"

After walking for another month, Gu Zheng couldn't help sighing that he couldn't continue to move forward. If they walked any further, they wouldn't be able to return within half a year. Now it has been nearly 10,000 miles away from the Fucheng, and the people here no longer know where the Fucheng is.

But they did know another big city called Wencheng, but it was far away, and Gu Zheng didn't have time to go there, and that Wencheng was not in the due east.

"Tao, let's go back first, and I'll bring you to look for me next time, okay?"

After deciding to go back, during the meal, Gu Zheng whispered something to Tao. Tao seemed very reluctant, but finally nodded.

These two months have not been in vain. Gu Zheng didn't spend as much time in cultivation as before, but his cultivation level has gone a step further, reaching the 70th percentile of the third level, which seems to be no slower than practicing at home.

This made Gu Zheng a little puzzled. Could it be that Tie Xian Xian Jue can only be faster if he has been practicing outside, or in other words, he has to go out and travel constantly to practice faster.

This result is somewhat unbelievable, but it is not impossible.

The Immortal Tiexian formula was originally created by the Immortal Tiexian. At the beginning, the Immortal Tiexian just kept going out, traveling in prehistoric regions, and then tasted all kinds of delicacies.

This time, in order to improve his cultivation as soon as possible, he will practice every day if he has the opportunity to stop, but looking at it now, the speed of practicing at home is indeed not as fast as when he was outside. When he ran away before, the speed was not slow. On the other hand, during the time when Fucheng was quiet, things changed very slowly.

I don't know the specific reason, but it's always a good thing to speed up your cultivation. If it still slows down after returning home, then you may have to travel frequently in the future.

Go back, speed up your practice, and this trip is not fruitless.

"Monster, the monster is coming, run!"

On the second day after returning, Gu Zheng and Tao were resting in a small village. The two children rode a horse to travel, which was always strange. Every time Gu Zheng would say that the adults were behind and they came first. suspicion.

There is no agent to follow, that's the trouble.


Gu Zheng and Tao stood up together. This village is even smaller, with less than a hundred households, and they are all running out now, not knowing where to go, and running in all directions.

They ran again, Gu Zheng pulled Tao, and ran in the opposite direction.

If there are monsters, powerful monsters, they can't run away, and weak monsters, they are not afraid, so it's better to go and see directly.

After arriving at the village, Gu Zheng discovered that a tornado was blowing on a mountain behind the village, yes, it was a tornado, without any evil spirit, pure wind.

Seeing this scene, Gu Zheng couldn't laugh or cry, but people in the early days of Honghuang had little experience and didn't understand that this was a normal natural phenomenon. They thought it was a monster coming, which was purely normal.

There are no monsters, just the wind. Although the tornado is big, it will not last long. Sure enough, after a quarter of an hour, the tornado became much smaller and finally disappeared.

It's a pity that all the villagers have already run away. Gu Zheng has no choice but to explain. Even if he tries to explain, these people probably won't listen. Seeing is believing, after all, they saw a real tornado.

Gu Zheng looked at the surrounding terrain, and shook his head secretly. There are mountains here, not flat land. The possibility of a tornado in such a place is indeed very small. I don't know how unlucky they were, but they saw it once.

"Tie, the monster is gone?"

Tao suddenly asked, let alone other people, even Tao thought it was a monster, and he still doesn't know what kind of monster it is.

"That's not a monster, it's the wind!" Gu Zheng explained.


Tao was puzzled, obviously didn't believe it, Gu Zheng was helpless, now Tao is more difficult to coax than before, he has always been a curious baby, he has to figure out everything.

"Go, I'll take you up there to have a look!"

I can't explain clearly, so I can only take him there. The tornado is on the mountain, and the distance is not too close, but this distance is nothing to the two of them. Xiao Bailong stayed outside the village, and the two ran all the way. to the mountains.

After the tornado, the mountain was in a mess, many leaves were swept away, and the gravel on the ground was also blown away, but it looked very smooth.

"This is all the power of the wind, the power of nature. If you observe carefully, there is no evil spirit here, and there is no fluctuation of immortal power?"

Gu Zheng explained to him, and then used Xianli to make a small tornado himself, and asked him to compare the difference between this tornado and the natural tornado just now.

Tao seemed to understand, but he also knew that the tornado just now was indeed different from Gu Zheng's.

"Okay, let's go back!"

After Gu Zheng explained, he was about to take him back, but Tao didn't move, but stared straight ahead. Gu Zheng followed his gaze and only saw a cave.

The caves are normal, and many caves are still inhabited by wild beasts, which stinks inside.

There was nothing unusual about the cave, there wasn't any evil spirit coming out, but there wasn't any bad smell either, it was probably just an empty cave.

"Tao, what's wrong with you?"

"I want to go and see!"

After Tao finished answering, he broke away from Gu Zheng and walked towards the cave by himself, Gu Zheng could only keep up with him.

The cave was empty and there was nothing there, but it was quite deep. Tao kept moving forward, and Gu Zheng followed him closely until he reached the depths of the cave.

There is something here, but it is a haystack, and there seems to be human hair on the haystack. Gu Zheng only took one look, and he knew where it was.

It is estimated that some young individual in the village was unwilling to be lonely and made a soft nest. You can imagine what they are using for this haystack.

Tao walked to the side of the mountain wall by himself, touched the mountain wall lightly, and soon, he raised his hand violently, and slashed at the mountain wall with his palm.

It was too late for Gu Zheng to stop it. Tao was already in the state of transforming Qi, and his strength was much stronger than him. Under this palm, the cave was shaken, and the mountain wall was even split open by him, revealing There is a passage inside.

This passage was obviously man-made, and this time it was Gu Zheng's turn to widen his eyes.

He didn't even know there was a passage here, how could Tao know, could it be because his cultivation level is higher than his own? But it shouldn't be, judging by his appearance, it seems that he knew it outside the cave, which is even more strange.

Even if his cultivation base is higher than his own, it is impossible for him to know that there is a passage there.

After opening the passage, Tao himself was about to go down, but Gu Zheng grabbed him, and Tao looked back at Gu Zheng, shook his head slightly, and insisted on going down.

Although he didn't speak, Gu Zheng had already seen his determination, so he could only take out the Life and Death Book and Samsara Pen, and walked carefully in front of Tao.

They don't know what's here, that is to say, there may be many potential dangers. Life and death book is an innate treasure, which has a certain defensive ability. Unfortunately, it is not the book from the ground, which has the strongest defense. With the book from the ground, he will Not afraid to go into such a dangerous place.

Of course, Gu Zheng is just thinking about it. It is a great fortune to get one of the three books of heaven, earth and man, so you can't be so greedy and think about other things.

After opening the stone wall, there was a long step. They walked for about ten minutes before reaching the bottom. The bottom was an empty stone pavilion, and there was an ever-burning lamp beside it, but it was out.

Gu Zheng ignited the fire, and both of them had good eyesight, and everything in the stone pavilion could be seen clearly in an instant.

The stone pavilion is more than 300 square meters, neither too big nor too small. There is a stone platform in the center, and on the stone platform is stuck a black thing, which looks like a knife.

There are also some things around the stone pavilion, such as jade bottles, jade boxes, and other things.

He didn't even look at the things around him, he went straight to the center, walked to the knife in the middle, and stretched out his hand to touch it.


Gu Zheng hurriedly stopped him, this knife was dark and not small, visually, it was taller than their height, the most important thing was that this knife was in a sealed state, even Gu Zheng couldn't see it What kind of knife is it.

"I feel like it's calling me?"

Tao raised his head and said something to Gu Zheng, summoning, Gu Zheng was stunned for a moment, this knife can actually summon, and it is summoning Tao.

A weapon that can summon others is definitely not an ordinary thing. The lowest level is a top-grade fairy weapon, like the Tiexian Token, or the Chaos Tower, and it is a top-grade fairy weapon with a generator spirit, so that this can be done.

The ultimate fairy weapon with a spirit, Summon Tao, what does it want to do?

"Wait a minute, let me see!"

Gu Zheng didn't dare to be careless. He is not afraid of a single weapon without a master, but if there is a master, this is a top-grade fairy-level weapon. To have such a weapon, it must be a powerful character.

After placing the fairy-killing gourd, Gu Zheng walked to the knife and examined it carefully.

The knife is indeed sealed, no one knows who sealed it, and how it was sealed, but the seal is not strong, and it can be untied at once. Even an ordinary person can untie it as long as he pulls the ring.

This made Gu Zheng even more puzzled. If so, this knife should have been able to lure the villagers to come, and pull the ring to give him freedom, but it didn't. It waited until they arrived before calling Tao. ?

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