"Great, really great!"

The people in the An family seemed very excited. Everyone hoped that their children could be selected. If their children could be selected, then their lineage would definitely rise in the family in the future.

"Father, why are there so many people called?"

An Pin's eldest son, the next heir to the head of the family, came over and said with some dissatisfaction that he himself had two children under the age of twelve.

"Shut up!"

An Pin glared at him. Fortunately, he knew how to measure and spoke very quietly. If other people heard this, they would definitely be very dissatisfied with him.

"This is for the entire Anjia!"

An Pin looked at the children below, and said slowly, he also hoped that his descendants would be selected, but if none of his descendants were suitable for cultivation, he would be wasting an opportunity, and he would not be able to open his mouth to Gu Zheng for the second time .

So he can't take risks, he has to gather all the children of the family. If there is really no suitable one, then as Gu Zheng said, if their family doesn't have this life, he will give up.

It's a pity that his son didn't think so. He only thought about his own children and didn't have the whole family's mind. This made him very worried. This is the heir of the family. If he still thinks this way in the future, the An family will split up and decline sooner or later.

The eldest son lowered his head, but there was disdain in his eyes.

An Pin didn't notice the look in his eyes, so he asked people to take these children and sent them to the Wu Mansion himself, where he had to ask Gu Zheng to make a selection to see if there were any suitable children for cultivation.

The An family and their party used several carriages to come out of the inner city and head for Wu Mansion.

Such a big movement could not be hidden from the other four families. Not long after, the heads and important members of the four families got together. Anpin didn't tell them about it at all. When they were discussing, he had brought the children Arrived in front of the Wu Mansion.

"There are thirty-nine children under the age of twelve!"

Anpin carefully stood in front of Gu Zheng. This time, Gu Zheng still maintained an illusionary appearance. Now his celestial power is enough to support such a small fairy art, and he can turn into his original appearance, even if it is just a disguise of illusion. Also very happy.

He had already told the people in Wu's mansion that this was his new appearance, and the people in the provincial mansion couldn't recognize him, so there was a misunderstanding.

After everyone saw Gu Zheng like this, a few people still nodded secretly, thinking that this should be Gu Zheng's real appearance. The child's previous appearance was probably a deliberate test of others, but now it has returned to its original appearance after a long time.

These people, if you tell them that Gu Zheng is an illusion now, they will not believe it. This is also because of Gu Zheng's performance all along, which makes them think that Gu Zheng is an adult. Adults are still a lot more mature.

"Let me take a look!"

Gu Zheng walked among the children, not talking, a white light flew out from his palm, flying around every child, the children watched the white light pass through their bodies in shock and curiosity, There is no feeling on the body.

Soon, these white lights concentrated on a child, a child who looked like seven or eight years old.

"Let him stay, and you take everything else back!"

Gu Zheng stretched out his finger and pointed at the child, An Pin nodded quickly, with a little excitement on his face.

Andrew, is the name of the child left behind by Gu Zheng, a name similar to the operating system of the earth in later generations, not a direct descendant of Anpin, but the youngest son of his younger brother.

Seeing that Andrew was selected, people from his father's line were very excited. These people didn't enter the courtyard of the Wu Mansion, but they were particularly curious about which child could be selected, so they all leaned against the wall outside to watch, Wu Youben He planned to drive them away, but was stopped by Gu Zheng with his eyes. It's nothing to look at like this, and it's not something shameful in itself.

"Great Immortal..." An Pin stepped forward excitedly.

"Don't call me Daxian from now on, my name is Tie, call me Tiexian!"

Gu Zheng interrupted An Pin's words. Since he wanted to accept An's disciple as his apprentice, he would naturally tell them his name. Now he is a Tiexian, but he just took a completely different path from the original Tiexian.

He didn't know how the Tie Immortal started to cultivate and how he became a saint, but one thing is certain, the Tie Immortal back then certainly did not cultivate to become an immortal so quickly. The exercises practiced by the immortals are self-created. It is impossible to create a set of exercises within a year or two and still practice successfully.

It is possible that in previous years, both of them lived this savage life.

"Yes, Lord Tiexian!"

An Pin hastily bowed again to salute, Gu Zheng had already waved for the child to come over.

"May I have your name?"


Andrew watched Gu Zheng carefully. He was almost eight years old and knew a lot of things. He also knew that this time he came to let the immortal choose his disciples. Looking at it now, the immortal chose himself.

Cultivating to become a fairy is not only the dream of adults, but also the dream of these children. He also knows that Gu Zheng is a real fairy, so he is very careful and a little scared.

"Android, quickly call Master!"


Gu Zheng interrupted Anpin again, and continued: "Don't be in such a hurry, don't call me master, now you are the same as Wu You and the others, and when he really cultivates to become an immortal and reaches that level, I will formally accept him as a disciple. !"

At the beginning of cultivation, he was just an ordinary cultivator, and the journey of cultivation was full of countless dangers. Gu Zheng didn't want his disciples to perish before they became immortals, so before they became immortals, he would not agree to this master-apprentice status.

In fact, this is very common in later generations. The disciples of Shushan also concentrated their cultivation on the side first, and those who cultivated into immortals would be sent to Shushan and joined the peaks. Before they reached the stage of gas transformation, they were registered disciples, not real disciples of Shushan .

Of course, registered disciples are not something that can be bullied casually, that would also be slapping Shu Shan in the face.

"Yes, sir!"

Andrew said something carefully, Gu Zheng was not talking, and asked Wu You to take him there first, and Andrew would live in Wu's mansion in the future and would not return to Anjia again.

An Pin happily took the other children away, and the status of the people of Andro's lineage in the An family suddenly improved a lot, which made An Pin's eldest son very jealous, but there was nothing he could do.

"Young Master, the Patriarchs of the Four Great Families are here and want to see you, Young Master!"

Ma Duo came over and reported in a low voice that he usually cultivates, but today he is selected by Gu Zheng. Although he and Gu Zheng have not yet decided on the status of master and apprentice, it is also the relationship between master and student, so why? You have to come out and watch, it's impossible to pretend that nothing happened.

"Let them go back!"

Gu Zheng shook his head lightly. He was very clear about the purpose of these families. He saw that Gu Zheng had accepted the people from the An family, and wanted to send his children here too. Back then, when the great immortal from Aunt Cui’s village was preaching, they all They sent their disciples there, and they had long dreamed of cultivating to become immortals, but later the Great Immortal's preaching was broken by Gu Zheng, and they realized that they were sending their children to the tiger's mouth.

Fortunately, when sending off the children before, they were selfish and sent few, and there was no real loss for the four families.

In the past, the An family only sent it once, and they stopped sending it after they were not selected. It was not that the An family was uninformed, but it was an order from the previous head of the An family. The previous head of the An family was an extremely smart person. In the future, the An family would not be allowed to send someone to the Daxian's preaching place. An Pin strictly followed his orders and never sent them away, which saved the An family from losses.

They even try to preach the Great Immortal, not to mention that there is a ready-made Immortal in the city now.

In the past, because of the short time, I was worried that Gu Zheng would reject it. Now that the people in the An family had already acted and succeeded, they immediately came with generous gifts, and wanted to send their children to Gu Zheng's side.

Gu Zheng agreed to An Pin because An's family cooperated very well in the original matter, and they remembered this affection anyway, and they also took care of the Wu Mansion later, so Gu Zheng returned their favor.

The other four masters have nothing to do with him, and Gu Zheng will not accept so many disciples at once, and he doesn't have so much time to teach them now.

Even Andrew, he also planned to let Ma Duo teach him. He only gave him a set of exercises and pointers to help him build a foundation, and he had to rely on himself for the rest.

The members of the four great families were all rejected, this news was soon known by An Pin, and An Pin sneered when he heard about it, the four great families followed closely, it is a pity that they were one step late, and this step would make the They have been staying late, and sooner or later this prefecture city will become exclusive to their Anjia.

Gu Zheng accepted Android, which caused quite a stir in the city.

In the beginning, only people from the An family and the four major families knew about the existence of Gu Zheng and that there was a fairy living in the city, but as more and more people with big mouths among the major families talked about it, more and more people in the city knew about it. The existence of Gu Zheng knows that there is a fairy living in the city.

It was also because of this that Wu's status became higher and higher in the future. No matter what Wu You did when he went out, others would greet him with a smile and would not reject him.

The Yan family back then was destroyed because they wanted to seize Wu You's ivory. This was a living lesson, no one wanted to be the second in the Yan family.

Everyone knew the transcendent status of the Wu Mansion, and there was such a big commotion about the An family, so naturally they all knew about it soon. There were many people who had the same idea. In just three days, Wu You and Ma Duo rejected it. Dozens of people who wanted to come to apprentice, finally got so annoyed that Wang San Wang Wu led people to guard the door, as long as they said they were apprentices, they never received them.

"When it's time to return to the void, the cultivation has obviously slowed down a lot!"

Three months later, Gu Zheng was in his room, checking the immortal power in his body, and sighed softly.

His Xianyuan pill has been used up, but it is still in the early stage of returning to the void, and the current practice is obviously much more difficult than before. Before half a year of retreat, and using the Xianyuan pill, Gu Zheng successfully broke through to the early stage of returning to the void, but now, the three It's been a month, and it's still in the early stage of returning to the void, but the fairy power has improved a little, and there is no hope for breaking through the realm.

"Wu You, bring me all the raw materials collected during this time!"

It’s no longer enough to rely on self-cultivation. Fortunately, Wu You’s collection has never stopped. After such a long time, he should have almost collected the raw materials for making the Zengyuan Food Cultivation. There are two types of raw materials, and there are still alternative raw materials.

Wu You immediately sent all the collections during this period, and Gu Zheng was not disappointed. Zengyuan Food Cultivation can indeed be done, and with the things he got from Xiaoyaozi before, Gu Zheng can make two suitable for him. Zengyuan Food Repair.

The effect of these two food repairs is definitely not inferior to that of Xianyuan Pill.

"Wu You, go and ask Ma Duo, Aunt Cui, and Andrew to wait for me by the river thirty miles south of the city!"

After collecting the raw materials, Gu Zheng gave Wu You another order. There is a long river thirty miles south of the city, and there are several villages there, but the distance between the villages is very large. It is very difficult for Gu Zheng to find a quiet place. Simple.

Zengyuan Food Cultivation cannot be done in the city, otherwise it will attract many people, even if they are not as bold as the people at the big market to attack the Wu Mansion, Gu Zheng is not willing to let this fragrance attract the whole city, He is well aware of the appeal of his cooking.

Who knows if there will be bold people sneaking in at night in the city, even if there is no loss in the mansion, it will be a trouble.

Wu You and the others immediately went to prepare the car, while Gu Zheng took off directly into the air and flew out.

In the realm of returning to the void, the speed of Gu Zheng is much faster than that of Huaqi, and it is much more convenient to fly directly without flying with a sword. After a while, Gu Zheng arrived at the sky above the river, looking at the long winding river below , Gu Zheng's heart moved, and he suddenly fell into the water in a place where no one was there.

The water-avoiding spell separates the water from Gu Zheng. Although using the water-avoiding spell underwater will make the body inflexible, it is better than getting the whole body wet.

I found the place through memory, explored for a while, Gu Zheng quickly found an underwater passage, and entered the underground river from the underwater passage. It is really very wide here, with a river above and a huge lake below. Inside the lake There are also many fish.

"Eel demon, I know you are here, come out, it's me!"

Gu Zheng transmits sound in the water. At the beginning, he and Tao sent the eel monster here together. Speaking of which, they are neighbors, but after coming here, Gu Zheng has never found the eel monster. Now, while Wu You and the others I haven't arrived yet, so I just happened to chat with this eel demon and catch up on the old days.

This eel demon has a good heart, Gu Zheng told him by the way that Xiaoyaozi had been eliminated, he could go back to his original place if he wanted to, and it didn't matter if he didn't want to go back and continue living here.

"Daxian, it really is you!"

After a while, the eel monster's body appeared. This guy's ability to hide is not small, and Gu Zheng didn't find it just now.

However, this is because Gu Zheng didn't investigate carefully. If he did, he would definitely be found. Gu Zheng has plenty of ways to find a hidden monster.

"That's right, we're about to break through, and we'll be able to fly through the clouds and become a real dragon in the future!"

Just seeing the eel monster, Gu Zheng knew that this guy was about to break through the realm, and the strength of the dragon clan was stronger than other monster clans. Even if he had just refined and transformed into qi, he also had the strength of other monsters to transform into gods.

However, the higher the dragon clan cultivates, the more difficult it is, and the higher the level, the smaller the gap. The reason why the yellow dragon was crushed by Xiaoyaozi before is not only because Xiaoyaozi has a magic weapon, but also because of the gap in realm. In terms of realm strength, Huanglong is no match for Xiaoyaozi.

Of course, if Xiaoyaozi didn't have the Buddha dust fairy artifact in his hand, Huanglong would not be afraid of Xiaoyaozi, after all, the dragon clan can be regarded as a rough-skinned and thick-skinned monster clan.

There is a faint dragon aura on the eel monster. Although it has not yet formed, it has already appeared, and its dragon horns have grown again. I believe it can break through and become a real dragon without using it.

"I haven't thanked Daxian yet, if it wasn't for Daxian's Dragon Ball, I wouldn't have this fortune!"

The eel demon raised its dragon claw and said to Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng waved his hand at him: "Dragon Ball is an exchange with you. Speaking of which, I took advantage of your treasure in exchange, and with the help of that treasure, the old man who saved you at the beginning is Xiaoyao My son has been beheaded by me, you don't have to worry about him coming to catch you again in the future!"


The eel demon was obviously stunned for a moment, and then screamed excitedly. It didn't doubt Gu Zheng's words, nor did it doubt it, it was just a momentary surprise, and it blurted out the question.

"Of course it's true. It's also predestined to say that Xiaoyaozi was killed by the treasure I exchanged with you, and the one who killed Xiaoyaozi with me was a real dragon, and also a yellow dragon!"

Gu Zheng said with a smile, the life and death Bo who traded with the eel demon, Xiaoyaozi who was killed with the help of life and death Bo, the rice field eel failed to transform the dragon, and it was Xiaoyaozi's help, but Xiaoyaozi's purpose is not pure, it is purely to enslave this new of dragons.

Xiaoyaozi was scared away by Gu Zheng, and hit another Huanglong, and finally died in the hands of Gu Zheng and Huanglong, which was his fate.

"That baby is so powerful!"

The eel monster's eyes were shining, and it seemed to be a bit regretful. It knew how powerful Xiaoyaozi was, and he was absolutely powerful as a golden fairy. He was still a powerful golden fairy, but he was able to be killed by that treasure. One can imagine how powerful that treasure is.

"Of course it's true, do you regret it?"

Gu Zheng looked at it, and said with a smile, suddenly there was a cold war on the eel demon, and he shook his head quickly: "No, Daxian, I have absolutely no regrets, even if I know that the baby is so powerful, I will use it to exchange dragon balls, for me It is said that being able to transform into a dragon is the most important thing!"

This eel monster is not wrong. To it, transforming into a dragon is indeed more important than ordinary treasures. It can only be said that its pursuit is different.

It's like for a mortal, no matter how powerful a weapon you give him, machine guns and machine guns are useless. When compared to being able to become an immortal, these weapons are not important. Being an immortal means a substantial increase in lifespan, which means that there will be more in the future. bright future.

After the eel monster became a dragon, not only its strength increased, but its lifespan also increased a lot, more than ten times. The lifespan of a dragon is very long, and the lifespan of a golden fairy is comparable to that of a big Luo Jinxian.

"It's true, but anyway, I did get a very powerful treasure from you, so today I'm going to do a food repair that can increase my cultivation base, come with me, and I will help you Jackie Chan!"

Gu Zheng's heart moved slightly when he thought of the food repair that was worth two people, and he said something immediately.

The last exchange was indeed a big advantage for him, it was equivalent to making him owe the eel demon a favor, this favor is not so good, especially his goal is to become a saint, these karma may come later It becomes a trouble to break through to sanctification, so if one thing can be solved, it is one thing.

It's the same for Bang An's family, and it's the same for Bang Eel Demon.

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