Principal's room. 6̾̾

Rock felt Dumbledore's gratified gaze on him, and goosebumps suddenly appeared all over his body.

Fortunately, Old Dengtou was also measured and quickly withdrew his gaze. He calmed down his emotions and turned back into the greatest white wizard again.

"Chocolate frogs?" Dumbledore waved his hand, and the pile of cockroaches on the table disappeared, and boxes of brand new chocolate frogs reappeared on the table.

"You know, I have been a Chocolate Frog member ten years ago. The proudest thing in my life is to be recorded on the Chocolate Frog wizard card."

Dumbledore unwrapped the chocolate frog and handed it to Rock. Rock was not polite and just showed off after taking it.

"But the password to enter your office is cockroach pile..."

The Cockroach Pile is also chocolate, but it is not very popular because of its appearance. However, there are still a lot of people flocking to the Cockroach Pile because of its high sweetness.

Dumbledore smiled and did not accept the topic shamelessly. Instead, he said into the air: "Fox, come out and meet your old friend."

Phoenix Fawkes was sent to protect Harry before, to be precise to observe whether Voldemort would show up again, but unfortunately nothing was found, and Voldemort quietly hid.

But at that time, Fox was discovered by Rock and fed by Rock.

Hearing Dumbledore's call, Rock subconsciously looked up, but the phoenix had already appeared on Rock's shoulder.

Fox nuzzled Rock's cheek affectionately with his head.

This made Rock very touched: "It's not in vain that I scrimped and went to the Magical Creatures Store to buy bird feed to feed Harry, but I wasn't even willing to buy a chocolate frog and kept rubbing against Harry's."

He doesn't have a pet so far, he just keeps waiting for Dumbledore to explode the phoenix to him.

Dumbledore on the side was a little surprised. He only knew that Roark had fed Fawkes in the Leaky Cauldron, but he didn't expect that the relationship between the two of them was so good. Phoenix would not just recognize a wizard.

This reminded Dumbledore of another person - the magical zoologist, Newt Scamander, one of Dumbledore's students. He was very talented and liked magical animals. Magical animals usually also will respond to his love.

He once helped Dumbledore defeat the first Dark Lord Grindelwald.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, a wizard who could be recognized by Phoenix would appear again.

It happened that at this time he had to face the second generation Dark Lord Voldemort, which made Dumbledore have to lament the coincidence of fate.

"Dean Flitwick told me that you have taught yourself a series of standard spells and want to try to understand ancient magic?" Dumbledore began to mention the business.

The Standard Spell Series is a textbook for the first to seventh years of Hogwarts. There are many spells in it. If you really read it thoroughly, you will have no problem claiming to be a wizard in your own right.

But the standard spell series is just a teaching material after all. Learning the basic teaching materials is only the starting point for elite wizards, and wizards cannot be compared with each other.

Many wizards neglect to exercise after graduation. The peak of their wizarding career is basically set at graduation, just like most Muggles whose physical peak is concentrated in high school and college.

Dumbledore had some praise for Rock. In fact, he has always appreciated good people, or he has always appreciated people who are as good as him. Just like when he met the equally smart Grindelwald when he was young, he quickly became close friends with him.

This is the curse of talent. His extraordinary excellence makes him stand out from the crowd. Dumbledore looks at everyone equally, but others will not look at him equally, but will only pursue him.

In fact, there are not many characters in recent years who can truly compete with Dumbledore in terms of talent.

Grindelwald and Nicolas Flamel aside, there's only been one Tom Riddle over the years.

Others, like Snape and Sirius, are still a little short of the mark.

Only Voldemort, this gifted wizard, traveled around the world for ten years after graduation and returned to Hogwarts to apply for a job. At that time, he was only 27 or 28 years old.

But Dumbledore knew that although Voldemort was not as powerful as him at that time, he dared to apply for a job because he must be full of confidence and no longer afraid of himself, the person who could see through his true face.

The answer lies on Voldemort's face. His originally delicate face became distorted, and Dumbledore saw that this was the result of magical transformation.

Although Dumbledore did not agree with this transformation, he had to admit that this allowed the young Voldemort to quickly erase part of the strength gap between him and Dumbledore due to age.

If Voldemort still has the patience and pretense he had when he was in school, then Dumbledore will have nothing to do with him, and sooner or later he will try his best to catch up with him.

Fortunately, after traveling for ten years, Voldemort not only lost his face but also his brain, leaving him with no strength.

However, it was precisely because of his lack of brains that Voldemort had no principles for doing things. He was like a pure terrorist, losing his rationality step by step.

Thinking of his former traitor Voldemort, Dumbledore couldn't help but sigh: If Harry could be as self-disciplined and talented as Rock, then he wouldn't have to worry about Voldemort and could just be the headmaster and protect Harry as he grows up.

There is no need to go to any lengths to develop a training plan.

It's a pity that in reality Harry is only a slightly talented wizard, the type who has to be pushed by others before he is willing to learn.

God is fake. There is no savior who is born invincible. It is just a news made up to calm the minds of wizards.

If Voldemort suddenly becomes as cunning as he was in school, Dumbledore is not sure whether Voldemort, who has a brain, will believe the prophecy again and step into the whirlpool of this prophecy.

So Dumbledore hoped that if one day he really passed away, someone would still have the strength to stand up and stop Voldemort's atrocities.

Harry and Neville are the first choice. Putting them aside, what is needed now is a righteous wizard who can stop Voldemort in strength in the future even without the prophecy of fate.

Nicolas Flamel was dying, and Snape was still far away...

Dumbledore put aside the thoughts in his mind, focused all his attention on the little wizard in front of him, and said slowly:

"Mr. Anderson, unfortunately, your principal is not omnipotent, and I don't know much about ancient magic..."

"But... there is one thing that may be what you need now."

Dumbledore stretched out his palm, and an ancient book appeared in Dumbledore's hand. The cover of the book had a big "H" written on it.

It's too weird to write an "H" on the book. Now it's an H book, Rock subconsciously complained in his mind.

Oh no!

Isn't this the "Wizard's Practical Guide"?

"This book is called "A Practical Guide to Wizards." It was produced by Hogwarts professors and the education department more than a hundred years ago for a fifth-year transfer student."

"It may not allow you to directly learn ancient magic."

"But it can record your learning progress and is a very useful learning tool for little wizards."

Dumbledore waved slightly, and the dust on the book dispersed.

This book seems to have been untouched for a long time.

"It is rumored that the transfer student who held this book became the guardian of ancient magic. Maybe you can follow the path that the other person took and try to learn ancient magic."

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