"Rock Anderson! If I asked you to help find a bezoar stone, where would you look for it?"

Rock was a little helpless. He didn't expect that he would be the lucky one.

"In the goat's stomach, Professor."

Snape nodded, and then looked at the little wizards around him.

Feeling Snape's cold gaze, the little Ravenclaw wizard on the side immediately picked up a pen and started to memorize, and the little Hufflepuff badger immediately followed suit.

But Snape did not stop asking questions:

"If I were to make an uplifting potion, what would be the main ingredients I would need to buy?"

"Hokrapu juice and white leaves, Professor."

Snape was slightly surprised, but continued to ask:

"What are the seven ways to brew potions?"

"Decoction, brew, maceration, ointment, poultice, tincture, lotion. From page 7 of Magic Potions and Potions. Professor."

These questions are not difficult, they are all first-grade knowledge, and there is nothing beyond the syllabus.

Snape smiled softly. He did not expect that this little wizard seemed to be talented in more than just charms.

He immediately jumped up the difficulty and vowed to make a mark in Potions class: "If I want to make polyjuice potion, what should I do?"

Hermione's eyes widened immediately.

She began to feel grateful that she had learned a little bit about this knowledge after Rock mentioned it.

The teacher really knows how to ask questions! She guessed it!

Snape had already closed his eyes and began to expect the other party to ask: "Professor, what is Polyjuice Potion?"

But no.

Rock answered the question calmly.

"The raw materials required include lacewings, leeches, sapweed, amphorae, bicorn horns ground into powder and fragments of African tree snake skin. When making, three parts of the sap picked during the full moon must be first Liquid grass is added to the crucible..."

Snape was stunned. He didn't expect Rock to be able to answer this question.

At this time, he thought of what Dean Flitwick said in the lounge. He said that Rock had taught himself all the standard spells from the first to the seventh grade, and was also proficient in wandless and silent casting.

This is ridiculous, you might as well say he can graduate early.

Snape continued to ask without giving up: "What are the properties of the albizia flower, the main material of the joy potion?"

"Albizia julibrissin prefers a warm, humid and sunny environment. It has a slightly fragrant smell and a light taste. It also has a calming effect and is mainly used to treat depression, chest tightness, insomnia and forgetfulness, eye diseases, neurasthenia, etc."

All right! Snape was a little more convinced now.

"How many parts of Bantimango should be added to Humeizi killer?"

"Five copies, Professor."

"How many parts of vanilla peel are needed for the invisibility potion?"

"You don't need any. The invisibility potion only requires parachute bacteria, two-eared grass twigs and troll's snot, Professor."

The students on one side couldn't keep up with Snape and Rock's questions and answers, and the pens in their hands were almost smoking!

You two, please speak slower!

In this cold potion room, as the questions and answers continued, Snape actually felt a little hot.

The other person specially added "Professor" at the end of each question. He seemed very good-natured, but his plain expression made him feel particularly uncomfortable, as if he came to ask him because he didn't understand.

"Last question, Anderson!"

"What is the formula of the Elixir of Fortune?" Snape felt a little shameless.

"Ashes eggshells, horseradish, sea onion bulbs, sea anemone stems, motley rat bile, thyme tincture. Professor."

Rock still answered the question calmly and respectfully.


Snape was speechless.

He could only wave his robe and let out a heavy "hum", then turned and returned to the podium.

The little Hufflepuff badger on the side was dumbfounded. Answering so many questions made my hand sore from taking notes, and you didn’t even get any points?

If this were left to our dean, the first question would have already been added five points.

Snape seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, so he could only say slowly, under the gaze of all the young wizards: "One point for Ravenclaw."

"Potions class is a class that pays more attention to practical operations. Just knowing the theory is not enough!"

Snape's eyes gradually became sharp: "Next, I will teach you a simple potion to treat scabies."

"I don't want anyone to do anything stupid in the process."

Snape looked around at everyone, but this time his eyes deliberately skipped Rock.

Then Snape began to calmly talk about the process and precautions.

But the little wizards' expectations were somewhat disappointed, weren't they? The bunch of Polyjuice Potions, Joy Potions, and Felicity Potions we just forgot about our feelings were in vain.

Although they are quite complaining, the little wizards actually like to practice in their hearts, at least it is better than writing with smoke just now.

The crucible, the scale, the stirring rod... were arranged as the professor said.

Putting aside the teacher's ethics, there is really nothing wrong with Snape's strength and potions.

A simple scabies treatment potion, the points that should be paid attention to are basically mentioned in advance, and the actual operation of the potion is not difficult, just follow the steps taught by the professor.

The only thing worth noting is that potions are also a type of magic. Only wizards can make potions. Even if Muggles follow the instructions, the potions they make will not have any magic power.

In turn, potions made by powerful wizards are sometimes more effective.

Therefore, every potion master, such as Snape or Slughorn, is very good in their own abilities.

In the original book, the explosion maniac Seamus often caused explosions when making medicine in the crucible because of his unstable magic power.

Rock, on the other hand, is just the opposite. With the help of his own unique magical power in actual potion combat, there is naturally no reason to fail.

After class, Snape floated away quietly like a big bat.

The students also walked to the auditorium together.

"Oh my God! His class is so tiring. I feel like I can't breathe when I stay next to him." Michael didn't dare to breathe loudly until he saw Snape walking away.

"Rock, you are so good. You can answer all the tricky questions. But Professor Snape is really..." Hermione also expressed her opinion angrily. She didn't expect Rock to answer so many questions. Snape Pu actually only added so many points.

When they reached the auditorium, several people were still talking around Rock, when suddenly two red-haired boys hugged him. They looked exactly the same, they were the Weasley twins.

"Hey! We just heard that a handsome little wizard severely humiliated that big bat in Potions class!"

They leaned against Rock, one on the left and the other on the right, and immediately began to introduce themselves:

"I'm George and his name is Freddie."

Not a George, a Peppa Pig?

"Hello, I'm Rock." Rock crossed his arms and shook hands with the Weasleys on the left and right. "I heard Harry and Ron mention it before."

George naturally also knows Roque. To be precise, many people now know Roque.

However, with Ron's relationship, George and Rock still got closer.

"As a reward for humiliating Big Bat, we decided to tell you a secret news." George whispered in a very mysterious voice.

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