Time travel at the same time: Is the golden finger actually me?

Chapter 32 [The so-called margin of the strong]

In the bell tower classroom, the wizards were full of people.

Duels are not fought one by one.

Instead, several games were going on at the same time, but the most attractive game among them was undoubtedly Rock's game.

Because he was too eye-catching in this group of competitions, which almost consisted of fourth graders at the lowest and seventh graders at the highest.

At first no one took him seriously.

But when he defeated one senior after another, everyone started talking about it again.

On the other side, Matthews, who had just finished the duel, looked solemnly at Rock in the distance.

Matthews Avery - a seventh-year Slytherin student and this year's Head Boy, manages the prefects.

"Have you asked a Slytherin student of the same age what's going on with him?" Matthews asked Gemma, the female prefect next to him.

"He was born in an orphanage. He demonstrated wandless and silent spellcasting in Charms class. He seems to be very popular among young wizards of the same age, including us Slytherins, of course."

"Really..." Matthews lowered his eyes, seeming to be deep in thought.

Gemma also sighed. The schedule they drew up included several Gryffindor players for Rock, but they were all defeated by the opponent.

This may seem like a good thing, as it seems to weaken Gryffindor's power, but there can only be one champion.

For someone like Matthews, it is meaningless no matter what opponent he encounters, because he must win the final victory.

Since his first grade, the House Cup has always belonged to Slytherin, and he, the descendant of the Holy Twenty-Eight Clan, the Avery family, has always flaunted himself with perfect results.

This year, his goal is to win the Academy Cup, win his own Slytherin Academy robe, and bring a perfect end to his academy life.

"Can you bribe him?" Matthews suddenly looked up and said.

"He seems to be short of money, but..." Gemma frowned: "How should I put it... Maybe it's a woman's intuition. I always feel that he has a kind of arrogance in his bones. With our relationship with him, we want to bribe him. I’m afraid that’s not very realistic.”

"Then change the schedule and let Kurus fight him. We must give them two a break."


"Crurus, seventh-year Gryffindor prefect!"

"Dueling first-year Rock Anderson!"

"Both salute!"

Kurus took a deep breath and made final preparations before the duel.

The freshman across from him had already killed several prefects in a row, so he couldn't let him underestimate him.

However, Kurus, who had already finished his salute, was unusually not in a hurry to recite a spell to attack. Instead, he was minding his own business and said:

"I'm really sorry before, and I said such stupid nonsense that you defeated Shepard with a sneak attack."

He bowed slightly, but paused again, as if he found that Rock did not take the opportunity to attack him. Kurus finally smiled, as if to confirm some of his judgment.

"Sure enough, you know Legilimency, right?"

"I have observed all your duels before. You are very good at attacking from behind and using unspelling to offset the opponent's spell. So this is why you can react to Shepard's sneak attack, right?"

"But!" Kurus smiled and pointed to his head, "Maybe your age limits you, and you may not know that there is a knowledge called Occlumency in the world."

"Your wandless and silent casting, I guess you only practiced the levitation spell, right?"

"I have to say that you are really amazing. You can defeat so many prefects who are older than me at this age. You will definitely become the chairman in the future. I can't think of anyone who can be better than you."

"And you were able to listen to what I said and didn't take the opportunity to sneak attack on me. I also recognize your dueling spirit!"

"But I'm sorry you met me."

"This is an unfair battle for you, and your duel journey will end here."

Kurus looked serious and waved the wand at a rapid speed.

"Four and a half——"

Before the Kurus curse could be uttered, the whole person crashed into the far wall like a kite with a broken string.


The duel was over in an instant!

Kurus shares the same fate as Shepard.

The sky was full of dust flying in the duel field, making everyone stunned.

Matthews, who was secretly observing Rock's game, looked even more unbelievable.

He didn't believe that Gryffindor's Kurus could lose so casually. The other party had always been his opponent!

"What on earth...is going on?"

"Kurus should be much stronger than Percy and the others, right?"

How come it ended faster?

Percy can still fight Roark back and forth a few times!

Just now, when no one could react, Rock used ancient magic to throw.

But now, Rock's palm was slightly bent, and Kurus, who was smashed into pieces in the dust, was instantly pulled into the air by an invisible force, and the whole person was lifted in front of Rock in the air.

"Ahem..." Kurus coughed loudly. Before he could realize what happened, he was once again lifted in front of Rock by force.

"Rely on mind reading? Strike later?" Rock shook his head for the first time in the duel: "I do know Legilimency, but in fact this is not the reason why I like strike later."

He looked at Hermione and his roommate in the audience, and continued: "Whether you call it humility or arrogance - in fact, I like to give my opponents a chance to show themselves every time."

Whether it's a class or a duel.

During class, every time Rock would deliberately wait until Hermione and the others succeeded before casting his own spells or transformation spells.

In the duel, Rock will also give Percy and the others a chance to show their strength and try to show off their tricks as much as possible.

"Because I don't like competing with people who are inferior to me. For the weak, my participation is an injustice to them."

"My presence will take away the little brilliance they have."

Roque raised his head slightly, and his blue pupils reflected the golden clock above his head, like the full moon reflected on the surface of a dark deep lake.

"Just like what you just did, because your opponent was a kid younger than you, you said sorry to me and said it was an unfair match."

"We have the same mentality. It was my fault to participate in this duel this time. I participated in a competition that was not of my own weight."

"It's just the opposite of what you think. I'm the heavier one."

The black wizard robe fluttered on Roque's body, and the dust in the sky dispersed.

The seventh-grade prefect's instant defeat caused everyone present to hold their breath and listen carefully to the "crazy words" read by Rock.

Then under everyone's gaze, Rock moved and slowly walked up to Slytherin Chairman Matthews.

Matthews' hands were shaking slightly. He had never felt such tremendous pressure.

"It was you who arranged the schedule to keep me playing against Gryffindor students."

It sounds like a question, but it's a statement.

"No need to test anymore, just come and fight me."

"But it's not you alone." Rock looked around, "but everyone you can mobilize, everyone who is willing to help you, can come together to fight me."

"Family and connections are also part of your strength."

"Of course, it also includes your resourcefulness, strategy, knowledge, and resources."

"Whether it's using more or less, sneak attacks, potions, curses, magic plants, alchemical products, or even black magic that is originally restricted, or even the three unforgivable curses, please use them."

"Matthews, let the 'weight' between us be as close as possible."

"If I don't put everything on you, I'm afraid the battle between you and me will just be my boring humility again."

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