The Standard Spells series, written by Miranda Gorshak.

There are always hints in the original work that there are seven standard spells, but the titles that officially appear in the original work only range from elementary to level six, and "Standard Spells - Level Seven" does not appear.

But Rock is now sure that there is indeed this book.

The softening spell, the fire-making spell, the cutting spell, the levitating spell, the locking spell, and the repairing spell were recorded in the book "Standard Spells: Elementary" and were learned by Rock in just one night.

But Rock knew that wasn't how talented he was.

Although his talent has indeed improved a lot after integrating the other three Rock talents, it is obviously unrealistic to achieve enlightenment in Longchang overnight.

The second one is the elementary book. Rock has read it so many times that he basically knows it by heart.

And the most important thing - magic!

The basis of everything is like having a shooting competition with another person. The other person has a pistol, but Rock quietly switches to a sniper rifle.

Rock felt that his current state was very strange. If he had to think of it, he could only think of one person - Credence Barebone.

A man whose power was desired by the original Dark Lord Grindelwald.

He is also the oldest and longest-surviving Obscurial known in the wizarding world.

Most Obscurals never lived beyond the age of ten, but Credence was already an adult.

How Credence controlled the Obscurus was unknown to Rock.

But Rock understands that his current situation is very much like an Obscurus without dark power, and his magic is always active and easy to control.

Rock felt that most spells would become easier to learn in this situation.

Even silent and wandless spellcasting is not difficult at all.

And Rock wants to confirm this now.

It proves that he has become unique in the field of magic.

Among the books surrounding Rock, one was opened by an invisible force. It was not a standard spell of primary level 2, but a standard spell of level 3.

This is a third grade textbook.

Rock didn't want to skip the second level. He did this because there was a spell in the third level book that was special enough - the Patronus Charm.

Patronus Charm, Spell: Invoke Divine Protection, is the most famous spell known to wizards and one of the most powerful defensive spells.

Ancient woodblock prints and scrolls reveal that the Patronus Charm has been used in ancient times. Therefore, it is not clear who invented it or what exactly it came into being.

In the modern magic world, it is mainly used to resist dementors.

But Rock is certain that this spell definitely appeared earlier than the dementors.

To successfully use this spell, the caster must focus on recalling the happiest memory they can think of. The more intense the pleasure the memory brings, the more powerful the spell will be.

In Rock's view, this happiest memory is equivalent to a huge shovel. If you want to successfully cast the Patronus Charm, you must use this huge shovel to shovel out enough magic power.

Rock has always had a guess after the change in magic power.

Just like how well humans utilize their own brains has always been a mystery, wizards may also rarely develop their own magic power.

Only extremely strong emotions can inspire more magic, such as the extremely depressing Obscurus born from negative emotions.

Another example is Harry - the magic called "love" cast by his mother can even rebound Avada Kedavra.

After the fusion and strengthening of Rock's magic power, it can produce the same effect without such extreme emotions.

It was the energy of other Rocks that helped him develop the magic power hidden in his body that he couldn't use.

So Naruto Rock's chakra will skyrocket by 0.7 calories after fusion, uh... yes, skyrocketed.

The Patronus Charm, a spell that requires extreme positive emotions, has become the best test subject to prove this point.

"Huh... let me think about... the emotions of happiness..."

Rock sat on the bed, trying to mobilize his emotions.

The first thing that came into his mind was the memory of himself as a pirate.

It was an afternoon. After training in the pirate world, he was chatting and spanking with other recruits. He covered his head and laughed loudly on the ground: "Ah ha ha ha ha!"

good! The style of painting is suitable! Heartless, it’s just you!

"Call the gods to protect you!"

The magic power was instantly activated, and a silvery white mist flew out from the tip of the battle, and continued to solidify in the air until it turned into a huge silver wolf and sat guard behind Rock.

"Crack! Bang!" The books and bowls and chopsticks in the room made a squeezing sound.

As Rock's emotions poured into him, the silver wolf grew larger and larger, gradually filling the room.

The huge silver wolf just curled up in this small room.

Rock slowly waved his wand, and the silver wolf disappeared.

He looked at the room that was in chaos due to the appearance of the giant wolf, and fell into deep thought: "Does the Patronus Charm have any physical effect?"

Rock had no impression of the physical attack aspect of the original Patronus Charm.

Have it?

But now there are fragments of cups, dishes, and chopsticks everywhere in the room, even the bed has been crushed, and textbooks are scattered all over the floor.

Rock didn't know whether the original Patron Saint Spell could touch objects, but Rock knew that his Patron Saint could definitely do it.

"Restored to the original condition!"

As if going back in time, the room immediately recovered.

Just as he doesn't require a lot of positive emotions, just ordinary happy emotions, and the magic will respond to him.

Moreover, the size of the patron saint summoned by this level of emotion was far beyond Roque's imagination.

If he invokes more positive emotions like others, I'm afraid the patron saint will be further strengthened.

"The next step is the form of the Patronus Charm."

Rock held his chin, thinking about the Patronus Charm that appeared in the original work, and reading the notes about the Patronus Charm in "Standard Spells: Level 3".

The physical patron saint often takes the form of a brilliant silver animal. Each wizard's patronus is different, and its shape reflects the wizard's personality.

Not all wizards' patron saint spells can be condensed into a form, but more of a silvery smoke.

A "corporeal Patronus" is more effective at repelling Dementors than a "non-corporeal Patronus".

Even the form of the patron saint is not eternal. After the caster experiences some degree of mental shock or emotional upheaval, such as falling in love, the form of the patron saint may change.

Like Snape, the big bat, whose patronus is a doe, the same as Harry's mother Lily Evans's patronus.

There is also Nymphadora Tonks, whose patronus took on the form of a wolf after she fell in love with the werewolf Remus Lupin.

What's more, the Patronus Charm even looks like a magical creature.

For example, a certain Lao Deng.

And Hedley Fleetwood, whose patron saint is an extinct animal - a mammoth, which is very rare.

And there is a legendary wizard named Andros the Invincible who only speaks a few words on the chocolate frog picture.

Legend has it that his patron saint was a giant.

Named "Invincible".

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