Time travel at the same time: Is the golden finger actually me?

Chapter 74 [As Hokage, it is natural to fight against piracy]

The sealed book is kept by the Hokage of all generations.

It was originally a scroll used to record various forbidden books.

But now, his historical responsibilities have changed.

Gradually, it turned from a forbidden scroll into a treasure of the village and a symbol of the village's heritage.

It can even be said...it is actually no longer a scroll.

Rock was taken into a secret room by an ANBU member.

"This sealed library is the real sealed book in the village." Anbu explained.

Rock had met this ANBU once in an ANBU and heard that he was the third generation's right-hand man.

Rumor has it that he is the eldest son of the Sarutobi family and Konohamaru's father.

"Except for the ANBU core and the Sannin in the past, few people have been here." He continued to explain to Rock, "Outside of the village, even some jounin in the village only regard that scroll as a seal in the village. Book."

"Although that is correct, that scroll is indeed a scroll commonly used by the second generation... but in fact, this is the real place where secret techniques are recorded."

This ANBU member seemed to be very optimistic about Rock. He reminded Rock: "There are only three days, so you have to hurry up. The Flying Thunder God Technique is in the third column of the second cabinet over there."

"As for the scroll placed in the middle, it is the earliest original of the Book of Sealings according to outsiders. There are only forbidden spells on it, but Flying Thunder God is not a forbidden spell. You can't find it on it... I used to When I was chatting with the Yondaime, I heard him complain about this matter."

Rock nodded, then looked around.

He had seen this secret room in the anime. There was Orochimaru in this room looking at a close-up of a scroll. There was also a big snake with eight heads painted on the scroll.

"Where are the techniques from the Nidaime era basically stored?" Rock asked curiously.

There are a lot of ninjutsu here, and some of them were added later. Rock wanted to save the effort of sorting them out.

"Most of them have been sorted into the second cabinet, put together with the Flying Thunder God's Technique."


After Rock thanked the other party, he immediately went to the second cabinet.

The ANBU watched Rock go away with some relief. As the Hokage's guard, he often saw Rock.

He still remembered the beginning, which was a sunny afternoon. He forgot the front, the middle, and the back.

In short, this is the future of the village.

And this secret room exists for the future of the village.

Rock silently rummaged through the bookshelves.

The Nidaime period was a period of technological explosion in Konoha.

No, to be precise, the Nidaime was not only a period of technological explosion in Konoha, but also a period of technological explosion in major ninja villages.

The first generation of each ninja village combined the ninja clans to form the ninja village, so the knowledge of the major ninja clans began to merge, and the integration of resources was completed.

Therefore, during the second generation period of Ninja Village, thanks to the integration of resources, a technological explosion began.

During the Nidaime period of the Iwa Ninja Village, the Dust Release that shocked the ninja world appeared; Sunagakure Village gave birth to the Puppet Master during that period, completing the rule of the Chu-Genin War; Raikakure Village developed the amazing Thunder Release Ninja Taijutsu.

Only Kirigakure Village was not innovative enough and only inherited the Ninja Sword. This may have something to do with Kirigakure's blood successor family. The subsequent blood successor family's demise can only be said to be a problem left over from history.

Konoha was relatively lucky. The genius Senju Tobirama was born. The right time, place and people allowed Senju Tobirama to develop countless ninjutsu.

Until the Fourth Ninja War, Senju Tobirama's jutsu was still in effect.

It's just that Senju Tobirama himself is not very happy.

He almost lost his temper during the Great Ninja War.

The ninjas participating in the battle always say one by one: "Naruto's shadow clone!" "The fourth generation Flying Thunder God!" "Orochimaru's dirty earth reincarnation!"

Senju Tobirama: That's enough! You bunch of inherently evil brats!

Rock expressed his sympathy. As a righteous kid of the Senju family, he must inherit the ninjutsu of his ancestors and rebuild the original glory!

Now is the time to believe in the wisdom of our predecessors.

Rock focused on the scrolls in front of him.

There is not only the Flying Thunder God Technique, but also the Chakra Burst Technique of the Senju Clan, which was used by both the First and Second Generations.

It even includes secret techniques such as Eight Gates Dunjia.

"Only three days..."

Rock's expression gradually became serious, and it looked like he was about to roll it up hard.

Three days later.

On the streets of Konoha.

"Sister, I really didn't expect Konoha's genin to be so weak!" Kankuro laughed on the street.

Just now he met a yellow man on the street, and he easily tripped him with a chakra wire.

This was the first time he had seen such a rough-and-tumble ninja.

Such a ninja would simply fail the Sand Ninjas!

Only Konoha...

Only Konoha, which lives in comfort, would give birth to such ninjas.

Kankuro looked at Konoha, which was far more prosperous than Suna Ninja Village, with complicated eyes.

"But that Uchiha Sasuke is quite handsome..." Temari thought back to the trio she had just seen.

"Hey, sister, don't forget why we came here." Kankuro immediately carefully looked at Gaara who was carrying the sand gourd in front of him.

Gaara just now was standing on the tree trunk behind Sasuke, warning them...

Thinking of the purpose of coming here, Temari immediately frowned and became more serious than ever before: "Of course I know, we are not here to have fun..."

This time, they came as the vanguard of Konoha's collapse plan. Even Gaara from the village was brought here, so it was no joke.

Seeing that Gaara didn't blame the two of them, Kankuro was relieved. After all, they came to Konoha with bad intentions, so Kankuro had actually been in a high-pressure environment and was very nervous.

He swallowed, trying to relieve his pressure by belittling his opponent: "However, I was serious just now. It seems that there are really not many genin in Konoha who can fight."

"Just a mere Konoha genin."

"Maybe, we will be very relaxed this time..."


The sound stopped suddenly!

Kankuro felt the terrifying murderous aura in Gaara!

"Hug...I'm sorry! I'm sorry...I'm really sorry..." Kankuro was shocked and immediately apologized to Gaara.

Today I have offended Gaara twice.


I will really die today...

Kankuro apologized in a panic, but after a moment, he didn't see any movement from Gaara and was slightly confused.

Wait, something seems wrong?

What? !

It's not me?

But Gaara was clearly looking in my direction.

Could it be——

Kankuro slowly turned around...

I don’t know when, but there was a Konoha ninja standing behind me!

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