"You guys talk about it, what else can be used to deal with this great threat?"

"Don't we still have an artificial satellite that is about to be abandoned?"

"Oh~ Sputnik!"

The rest of the people heard this, and their eyes lit up: "This method is feasible! If it can successfully land and explode, it will have the power comparable to nuclear weapons!"

"No matter how strong that person is, he can't resist the power of nuclear weapons, right?"

"Second! This method is feasible!"



"Okay, since there is no objection, this plan is officially established!"

When everyone else has made a decision, Westcott said unhurriedly: "Before your plan is implemented, can you give me a few days to listen to the report of Captain Liaozi of ast, it seems that there is no difference? I didn't see Ellen being killed, so I want to first check that she seems to be alive, how are you planning to implement after rescuing her?"

The others were silent for a while, looked at each other, and nodded: "I'll give you three days at most. If there is no result after three days, we will still release the artificial satellite..."

"Three days... that's enough!" Westcott got up and left with a dull expression.

After Westcott left, the rest of the people gathered together: "Do you really want to do this? We didn't intend to use this artificial satellite to deal with..." Said, and went to the place where Westcott left. Take a look.

"In extraordinary times, we can only use extraordinary means. Now we have no choice. That elf is the biggest threat to us now!"

"That's the only way. If you can, you can 'help' Westcott MD in a pinch. If there is one of the world's strongest wizards by his side, wouldn't it be good for us?"

There were sinister smiles on the faces of several people.

Two days later.

Tiangong City ast branch, medical room.

Tobiichi Origami tucked his knees with his hands expressionless and sat in front of the window, his heart was already filled with unwillingness and anger, as well as a deep sense of powerlessness.

Now she has nothing left.

Through thorny training, sleepless research, state-of-the-art equipment that burdens the body, and repeated actual battles close to death, she has been accumulating strength until now, and she was ruthlessly destroyed by a 'male elf'. It's turned into a bubble.

"Weak! It's really too weak! I'm really too weak!" Tobiichi Origami kept roaring in her heart. She hated her weakness, hated her powerlessness, and sacrificed everything and strived for perfection. Can't beat the elves.

After a long struggle, there is only this cruel reality waiting at the end.

"I—" Origami's mind suddenly flashed the thought of giving up.

The power of Sun Wukong has made her despair, and she can't win with that kind of existence.

How could she be so cowardly and avenged for her parents?

──However, at this moment...

"──Hey, I said you...do you want power?"

From Origami's ears, a voice that could not be distinguished was male or female.


Hearing the words that came suddenly, Origami widened her eyes, stood up staggeringly, and found a 'something' who did not know the true face of Mount Lu standing at the source of the sound.

It's something that can only be described as "something".

He can clearly recognize that he exists there, but he can't see his actual appearance.Is the resolution too low?There is even an illusion that the whole is shrouded in noise.

"what are you?"

Origami involuntarily uses 'what' rather than 'who' to express.

'Something' seemed to sense Origami's thoughts too, and snickered as if it was very funny.

Chapter [-] Angel Origami

'Something' seemed to sense Origami's thoughts too, and snickered as if it was very funny.

"What exactly am I, it doesn't matter now, right? The point is, what's your answer? You—do you want power? Do you want power that is incomparably powerful, not losing to anyone?"

"...!" Origami frowned, holding her breath.

She thought it was because of her unhealed injury that she had an illusion, but she couldn't control it anymore, because the answer was already obvious, and she was in urgent need of strength.

"Of course I want it." Origami said in a tone of willingness to give up everything: "I... want power! No matter if I want to give up or sacrifice anything, I will do anything! I want to achieve mine. Long-cherished wish, incomparable power! I want the most invincible power!" (This passage is an important passage in the original book where Origami becomes a wizard, so I will not change it.)

"is it?"

"Something" answered briefly.

For some reason, I couldn't see his expression—but I felt "something" sneered for a moment: "—Then, I will give you the power you desire."

"Something," said Origami, and handed an item to Origami.

It was a gem-like object emitting a pure white radiance.That dreamy light instantly captured Origami's gaze.

"This is……"

"If you want power, reach out."


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