As he said that, he threw himself into Sun Wukong's arms and burst into tears...

"No... Yakumo, that's not you!" Yuhi Hong immediately shouted, "That monster can't be compared to you!"

"No...the same...because it lives in my heart!" Kurama Yakumo's face turned ashen, and at some point, a shovel appeared in his hand: "I'm sorry, Teacher Hong, it's me who has been I misunderstood you...and I hate you so much...but you don't care at all...I'm sorry..."

"What are you doing?" Sun Wukong slapped the painting shovel from Yakumo's hand and shouted, "I remind you of your past memories, but I don't want you to seek short-sightedness! Hong is right, you are you. , it is it, it is the monster that grows out of your heart, your parents are killed by it, not you, all you have to do now is to take responsibility to destroy it, for your parents Revenge is..."

"But...but..." Yakumo wanted to say something about Sun Wukong, but was interrupted by Sun Wukong rudely: "There's nothing good about it, now, you have to be strong!" He waved his hand in front of him. The space suddenly fluctuated, and a black shadow slowly emerged, with green faces and fangs, looking very terrifying.

The evil breath spread out, giving people a very ominous feeling.The air around him became gloomy and cold, and people couldn't help but feel a trace of terror.

"I didn't expect that you could force me out of the crevice in her heart..." Yakumo's inner demon looked at Sun Wukong, his eyes emitting an extremely dangerous icy cold glow.

"You... who are you?..." Looking at the monster that suddenly appeared, Kurama Yakumo paled in shock.

"I was born in your heart, nurtured by your heart... My name is Idu!"

"Have you finally awakened..." Looking at the monster in front of him, Yuhi's face was red with dignified expression: "Yakumo, it's not you that Sandai said to kill, but this monster called Idu..." He said , looked at Sun Wukong: "Wukong, hurry, kill it!"

"No... the one who killed it shouldn't be me!" Sun Wukong shook his head lightly, and said to Yakumo who was trembling in his arms from time to time: "Don't be afraid, Yakumo, there is actually a monster in everyone's heart, it's just Yours is just a little special, because your powerful potential power has made it materialized, so take courage! Don't be afraid, solve this monster in front of you with your own hands! Your illness has been healed by me Well, now, as long as you kill it, you can be reborn... Then, I will train you to be the most amazing ninja... Isn't your dream to be the most amazing ninja?"

"I... can I really become a ninja?" Yakumo looked up at Sun Wukong, his eyes full of hope.

"Of course! So let's fight! Yakumo!" Sun Wukong said, handing her a shuriken.

"I see!" There was no confusion in Yakumo's eyes, and he took the shuriken with determination in his eyes.

"What's wrong, Yakumo, just because of his few words, do you want to go against your heart and get rid of me? Be awake! Your enemy is not me, but them... Now, let me put the order Destroy all your wavering bastards!"

Idu's eyes suddenly burst into a terrifying red light, and the terrifying killing intent of evil thoughts made people fall into an ice cellar. piercing his heart...

"I won't let you hurt Hong Ye!" Yakumo snorted softly, and the seal in his hand moved: "Depress! The darkness in your heart!" The shuriken stabbed Idu between the eyebrows...

" want to shoot at me! Aren't we one? It's my fault for thinking of you so much!" Idu was furious, because Yakumo's raid didn't succeed because he had prepared in advance. Idu was angry. In the roar, the claws that were stabbing down towards Hong Ji suddenly changed direction, but they were stabbing down towards Yakumo...

Yakumo's complexion changed slightly...

"Well?" Sun Wukong's face moved slightly, and with a finger, Yidu's figure suddenly stopped, and he was imprisoned in the void...

And Yakumo's body turned slightly, avoiding Idu's outstretched claws, and the shuriken in his hand had already pierced into Idu's eyebrows...

Because his body was imprisoned, Idu was unable to move at all, and could only disappear into a cloud of black smoke in an incredible roar... At the same time, Yuhika's disappearing feet also returned to normal...

Well, this Idu is a bit tragic. As soon as he came out to make a soy sauce, he was immediately killed.

In the Hokage office, Tsunade looked at Yakumo Kurama in front of him with a strange look, and seemed a little helpless: "Are you really going to learn ninjutsu with Wukong?"

"Yes! Brother Wukong also promised me. He said that he would train me to become the most powerful illusion ninja... I believe him..." Kurama Yakumo nodded with a firm look on his face.

"You guy..." Tsunade looked at Sun Wukong beside him, very helpless, shook his head, and sighed: "Forget it, since you have already decided, then it's up to you!"

"Thank you, Lord Hokage!" Yakumo bowed and saluted, came to Sun Wukong's side, and said with a reddish face: "Brother Wukong, please take care of me in the future!"

"Haha~" Sun Wukong rubbed her head with a smile on his face.Hong Yuhi, who was beside him, had the same bitter expression as Tsunade.

Back home, Xiaoxue and other women were watching TV in the living room.

"Come over here and introduce you to a new companion!"

"Brother Wukong!" After seeing Sun Wukong, Hongye Xiaoluoli immediately jumped over with a happy face, like a little monkey, she climbed onto his shoulders and sat down.

"You are Kurama Yakumo, right? We've met before!" Xiaoxue and several women gathered around and chatted away.

Looking at the girls beside her, a happy smile appeared on Yakumo's face. She had always been alone, and it was the first time she had so many companions...

At Satomi Hill Villa, several masked ninjas sneaked into a room, but the empty room made several ninjas obviously stunned in place.

"Where's the people? Didn't Yakumo live here all the time? Not good! Could it be that he was tricked?!"

"My lord! Don't worry! It's not like that. I just caught a medical ninja, and I heard from his confession that Yakumo had already moved into Konoha yesterday. It seems that her problems have been solved, and now You can practice freely..."

"What? Has Yakumo's problem been solved?" The old man's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked very excited: "Great! Does this mean that there is hope for our pommel horse family? Haha! Great! Let's go, let's go. Immediately go to Konoha, I want to have a good talk with Hokage-sama..."

Chapter [-] Get a Royal Sister

The fact that the Kurama family came to Konoha because of Yakumo was just a small episode for Sun Wukong, and he had no interest in it at all.When the Kurama family learned that the teacher of Yakumo was actually Sun Wukong, who is known as the 'strongest in the ninja world', they no longer had any opinion.

On this day, Xiaoxue and the other women were working hard to carry out the training that Sun Wukong gave them. Sun Wukong, who had nothing to do, came to Hokage's office. He wanted to ask Tsunade to go out with Mute for a drink, but he was preempted by Tsunade. Called.

"Wukong, you're here just in time, and there's a mission to trouble you!" Looking at Sun Wukong who suddenly entered from the window, Tsunade took a step ahead before he could speak.

"Well? What task? I won't go to the task of the girl's paper..." Sun Wukong, a curious good Tsunade, looked over and said.

"You will definitely be interested in this mission!" Tsunade said with a slight smile, "Just now, Sandyin Village asked us for help, and a group of enemies captured their students from the Sandyin Village Ninja School, who are heading from the Land of Rain to the school. They fled in the direction of the country of fire, and behind them, Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro are chasing after them..."

Having said that, Tsunade clearly emphasized the word 'Temari': "I hope you can take a few people to surround the enemy. Anyway, you are the most leisurely person in the village, so it should be fine, right?"

"Oh! Temari? This is a rare task to gain goodwill, Tsunade, you are really my confidant! Come on, kiss me!"

"Go away!" Seeing Sun Wukong's big mouth, Tsunade let out a coquettish cry, his figure flashed, and he avoided the dangerous guy Sun Wukong far away.

"Oh! It's a pity..." Sun Wukong shook his head pretending to be disappointed, and said, "Okay! I have taken over this task. In the past few days, Yakumo has also taken control of his own abilities, so I will Take her with you..."

"Is Kurama Yakumo... I have already been selected, and I asked you to lead the team just in case, but since you recommend Yakumo, let her go with you... Shikamaru and the others, I'm arranging other tasks!" Tsunade thought for a while, but nodded in agreement.

"That's it! Let's have a drink when I get back!" Sun Wukong smiled slightly.

"Go back quickly..." Tsunade nodded with a smile on his face.

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