"He...who...why?!..." The girl's face was dumbfounded, and she muttered to herself, the momentary scene made her tremble!Why?Why the sprite will be resurrected...why...there are people in this world who despise sprite so much and dare to challenge it...

Chapter [-]: Sinners of the World

The sky gradually brightened, but the place where the witch Shion lived was ushered in the ruthless massacre of four ninjas!For the four ninjas, the rain of arrows in the sky could not stop even the slightest footsteps of them!Large numbers of armies are also imaginary.

Along with the screams, the soldiers fell into a pool of blood, but they were not afraid of death, because the witch had already predicted their death, and dying for the witch was what they wanted, because this was their mission!

In the rumbling sound, four ninjas broke through the wall and came to the Miko Shion.A shuriken with a chain wrapped around her hand flew out. Facing this fatal crisis, Shion still looked blank and never moved, because she had already predicted what the outcome would be like long before that...

"Pfft!" The sound of the shuriken piercing into the flesh sounded, and with the blood splashing, a guard used his body to block Shion in front of him: "Foot ear, Miss Shion, please..."

"Haha~~ This witch's life..."

"It's up to me to wait..."

The four ninjas stepped forward together and looked at the witch in front of them with a calm expression, as if they were looking at a lamb to be slaughtered. The terrifying killing intent made the last remaining guard's feet tremble. However, he Still holding the weapon in his hand, he stood in front of Ziyuan: "Miss Ziyuan! Run away! I'm here to block..."

"Hehe... weak, what can you do in front of me?"

"Today, the witch's life will be taken by us!"

The four ninjas looked at the spikes standing in front of them, looking so indifferent. Obviously, they didn't pay attention to the spikes at all.Because in their opinion, in the eyes of the strong, there is no weak!

A ninja shot three shuriken flying from the hand, and in an instant, it had already pierced the chest of the foot. Facing the four ninjas, he was as weak as him, and was unable to resist...

"Zi Yuan...Miss...run away..." Foot Sui lay down in a pool of blood, looked at Zi Yuan behind her, and said with difficulty.Immediately, there was darkness in front of him.

Zi Yuan's little hands were tightly squeezed. Although her face was blank, who could know the pain in her heart at the moment?

Facing the murderous four people, Zi Yuan still didn't show the slightest movement, but just sat there...

"Hehe... It seems that you have given up hope... Then, just disappear!" The man in the middle took out his shuriken, and his bloodthirsty aura became colder.

"The person who's going to die...it's not me...because you're going to die soon..." Ziyuan suddenly raised her head and looked at the person on the far left of the four. There was a dead silence in her pupils, as if she had seen the death of others!

The four ninjas were all shocked, because they knew very well that this witch predicted the terrible death!

"What nonsense! The person who is going to die now! It's you!" An inexplicable panic flashed in the heart of the ninja who was predicted to die. Immediately, he became angry, and the shuriken in his hand shot out straight to Shion's heart...

The shuriken that shot out still caused a trace of panic in Shion's eyes, but she was immediately hidden, because as predicted, the shuriken suddenly appeared in front of her. Already unable to move forward, with a ding sound, it fell to the ground...

"She's right, you're going to die soon!" A faint voice suddenly sounded beside the ninja, making him startled and just about to make a move, when he suddenly felt a tingling in his heart and lowered his head for a moment. Look, I don't know when, my heart has been pierced by a shuriken...

"You..." His eyes were full of disbelief. He couldn't believe that he had died so inexplicably.

"You are... the strongest ninja! Sun Wukong!" The remaining three people were shocked when they saw the sudden appearance!

"Yo! It seems that I'm quite famous! I was recognized by you at a glance!" Sun Wukong looked at the three of them, but smiled faintly.

"Withdraw!" The leader seemed very decisive, the figure flashed, and the three disappeared directly here.

Sun Wukong didn't care about them. He glanced at the spikes of feet lying in a pool of blood. He was a little surprised. This guy was injured so badly, and he still didn't die. Could it be that the supporting role still has a supporting role halo?

Well, a character like soy sauce can't get into his eyes, Sun Wukong ignored him directly, turned to look at Shion, looked at her up and down, smiled: "You are the witch Shion, right! "

"It's... it's you!" Zi Yuan looked at Sun Wukong, and suddenly her face became fearful, and she shrank back in fear.

"Well? What happened?" Naruto also ran in at this time, looking at the witch's appearance, but it made them a little puzzled.

"Master Wukong, you must have done something to others, right?" Xiao Ying suddenly looked at Sun Wukong with a suspicious look on her face.Even Neji and the others had strange expressions on their faces.That's right, they have heard about Sun Wukong's morals!

"Hey! What kind of eyes do you guys look at, is your brother that kind of person?" Sun Wukong glared at the little kids in dissatisfaction.It's a pity that what you get is the unanimous expression of 'you are such a person'!

"You...you devil...you leave here immediately...you are not welcome here..." At this moment, Ziyuan suddenly glared at Sun Wukong and said words that shocked Ningji and the others.

"Hey! Be careful what you say! If you dare to be rude to Brother Wukong again, even if you are the protection target of the mission, I will beat you up..." Naruto was angry at the moment, and Sun Wukong was the one he respected the most. How can he allow others to slander him, even if the other party is a girl, he really can beat him if he wants to.

"He... he resurrected the sprite... he is the sinner of the world..." Shi Yuan looked at Sun Wukong with some fear, but still mustered up the courage to say something that shocked Naruto and the others.

"No...it can't be...really?!" Ningji looked at Sun Wukong in shock, the expression on his face was really wonderful.If they were killed in normal times, they would not believe it, but their first task was to prevent Sun Wukong from resurrecting the sprite...

"Big Brother Wukong...you...you don't really plan to revive the sprite...then go to challenge it?" Naruto's mouth opened, the boss was so shocked that he was almost speechless.

"You...how can you do this...this is about the comfort of the world!" Xiao Sakura said in a panic.

Sun Wukong didn't bother to pay attention to them, instead he looked towards Ziyuan with great interest, and said lightly: "Oh~ is this what you see in the future... I thought you saw the death of sprite... …”

Zi Yuan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered the heroic figure who stood proudly in front of the shadow of the sky, fearless of heaven and earth, gathered up the courage to look at Sun Wukong, and said very seriously: "Although... you are very strong, but... Please don't resurrect the sprite..."

Chapter [-] Change the fate, only in one thought

"Are you so sure that I resurrected the sprite?" Sun Wukong looked at Zi Yuan with interest.

"Miss Zi Yuan... can predict the life and death of others... At that moment, you can also see other situations... Although I don't know whether she foresaw your death or the death of sprites at that time... When since Zi Yuan The lady said... the sprite was resurrected by you...then it must be...you were resurrected..."

At this moment, Shiho, who had been in a coma, suddenly woke up again. After listening to Shion's prophecy, he looked at Sun Wukong with vigilance: "Although he is your companion... But for the comfort of the world... ...and please ... arrest him ... don't let him ... do whatever he wants ... "

Ningci all rolled their eyes at him, how dare you say it!Try grabbing someone yourself, and see if Lord Wukong will slap you to death!

"You're talking too much nonsense... If you don't want to die, just shut up!" Sakura immediately punched Zuo on the forehead, and the terrifying force almost knocked him to death.Chakra emerged from his hand and began to treat his injuries.Now ask Sun Wukong to treat him?Forget it, they might have shot him to death in a flash.How dare you call him to save people!

"Did I say something wrong? The sprite is resurrected, but it will destroy the world!" Shiho seemed very excited about the attitude of Neji and the others.Obviously the culprit is here, why don't you do it, do you really want to watch the world destroy?

"You idiot...you tell this thing and see who dares to do something to Lord Wukong..." Neji snorted coldly as he looked at Zuo.In their opinion, the terrifying Monkey King is even more terrifying than ten sprites!

No matter how strong the sprite is, it has still been defeated and sealed, but Sun Wukong is synonymous with invincibility, and a powerful tailed beast can be jumped with one finger!Who would dare to provoke such an existence?They would rather the sprite be resurrected and then wiped out than be the enemy of Sun Wukong!

If the sprite destroys the world, it can still be saved. How can Sun Wukong destroy the world, who can stop it?Thinking about it is terrifying!In his bones, Sun Wukong's terrifyingness is already terrifying.

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