"That... used to..." Jenny Bonney scratched her head embarrassedly.

It didn't take long for them to walk, but there were countless Lotte King Kong on the rock in front of them, densely packed, with hideous roars on their faces, which seemed to be full of deterrence!

And behind the Lot Kings, there is a huge plant growing!It bears ten fruits that exude a beautiful halo.That is the fruit tree of rainbow fruit.

"It seems to have arrived..." Sun Wukong looked at the fruit tree not far away and smiled.

"But there are quite a lot of Lot King Kong! If I move my hand, I'm afraid I will hurt the fruit tree..." Jenny Bonney said.

"Why don't I come!" baby-5 looked at Sun Wukong.

"No need, let me do it." Sun Wukong said, invisible fluctuations emanated from his body, and in an instant, the group of Lot King Kong fell silently to the ground!

"It's really convenient to be domineering and domineering, but unfortunately we don't have such qualifications!" Baby-5 looked at Sun Wukong with envy.

"You have mastered the domineering and domineering colors of seeing and hearing, and it's time to convince you of the domineering colors of the overlords!" Sun Wukong looked at the girls, but smiled.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up!" Jenny Bonney's eyes suddenly lit up, and she couldn't wait. They knew the identity of Sun Wukong very well, and it was really simple to confer the qualifications of their king.

Sun Wukong nodded, caressing the top of their heads with one hand, and an inexplicable feeling instantly appeared in their hearts, that feeling was amazing!

Of course, Bai Xing doesn't need it. She is the king of all the sea kings, so she is born with the domineering look of a king, but she has not awakened yet.And with her character, even if she wakes up, it doesn't matter.

"That's it? It's really amazing!" Invisible fluctuations emanated from Jenny Bonnie's body. Although she was mentally prepared, she was still a little excited.

Sun Wukong and the others rode on the back of Caijing Winglong again and flew towards the fruit tree of Rainbow Fruit...

"Is this the fruit of the rainbow... it's really pretty..."

All the girls are attracted by the halo emanating from the rainbow fruit!

It's just that the sky suddenly became overcast and darkened, and the showers were about to come...

"It's going to rain! Hurry up and pick the rainbow fruit and leave!" Keya glanced at the dim sky and said.

Jenny Bonney leaned forward to smell it, and felt that the whole person became more comfortable: "It makes people unbearable to smell it! This rainbow fruit must be a good thing, or take the whole rainbow fruit tree with you. Huh! Huh?"

As she spoke, Jenny Bonney seemed to have a feeling, and turned her head to look in the direction she came from...

I saw a gt robot from far to near...

"Hoho~~ I'm really surprised. I already set off ahead of schedule, but I didn't expect you to be the first... It seems that the speed of Caijing Pterosaur is really fast..."

The gt robot stopped at a distance of less than [-] meters, and a mechanical voice came from it. The tone was a little surprised. He glanced at Sun Wukong and a few people, and finally fixed his eyes on Caijing Pterosaur.

"This guy...has a strong aura...what race is it from? It looks too strange, right?" baby-5 looked at the gt robot and asked Sun Wukong curiously.

"This is not a race, but a gt robot, someone is remotely controlling it! The strength is so-so..."

"Hehe~~ So-so..." The gt robot laughed strangely and looked at Sun Wukong: "The rainbow fruit can be given to you... However, I am very interested in the strange bird under you... I might as well give it to you. give it to me!"

Sun Wukong underestimated him, and he underestimated Sun Wukong even more, because he did not feel the threat from Sun Wukong and the others.

Although Lot King Kong was lying on the ground all around, he could easily do it himself.

But it is more about self-confidence.There are also a few people from Sun Wukong who are unknown, so what is there to be afraid of?

Chapter 5 baby-[-] vs gt robot

"This is the legendary Caijing Pterosaur! If you say let it go, let it go to you? The tone is really not small!" Jenny Bonny bit the barbecue in his hand and looked at the gt robot with a playful face.

"It seems that I was wrong... I originally thought you didn't know its true identity before you walked around the streets with it... Now, it doesn't seem to be the case... I'm curious... Now that I know Its true identity, why do you still dare to take it everywhere... Aren't you afraid that someone with a heart will recognize it and be unruly?"

"Are you talking about yourself?" Keya looked at the gt robot and rolled her eyes.

"If you are willing to hand it over..." The gt robot nodded unexpectedly: "This kind of ancient food that has long been extinct, whether it was cloned from genetic cells or not, is not something you can have... or hand it over early. Me! I can save a little life!"

"Haha~~ I'm dying of laughter! Wukong, this guy is actually threatening us?" Jenny Bonny suddenly leaned on Sun Wukong's body and laughed out of nowhere.

"Such an attitude can't be done! No wonder you all swaggered around and brought Caijing Pterosaurs out to wander around. This confidence and arrogance can lead to fatalities!" The gt robot's tone was very gloomy and pointed. The sharp beak suddenly separated from it, and a beam of light shot out in an instant... The speed was so fast that it almost arrived in the blink of an eye!

"Let me come!" Jenny Bonney was just about to make a move, when baby-5 had already shot, her left hand instantly turned into a huge sword and shield and blocked it in front of her. With a loud 'bang' sound, the beam shot at Above the sword and shield, a violent roar erupted!

The huge impact force directly caused the baby-5 to slide back three or four meters before it stabilized.

"Well? You have some skills! It seems that he can not only talk big..." The gt robot was slightly surprised when he saw that his own blow was actually received.

"You've always been the one who talked big, right?" baby-5 looked at the gt robot, and said coquettishly: "You, who didn't even know the truth of the other party, have been talking out there all the time, isn't it too arrogant!" , the sword and shield immediately turned into a bazooka, and it bombarded the gt robot!

A loud bang hit the target, and even the ground shook slightly!It can be seen that the power of the explosion is terrifying.

However, the smoke cleared, but the gt robot was unscathed. It looked up and down baby-5, looking very surprised: "You can change weapons with both hands? Are you a robot? When did the robot become so realistic?"

"The old lady is not a robot! You are a bastard who has never seen the world!" Baby-5 let out a coquettish cry, her left hand instantly returned to its original state, and her right hand waved lightly, but it turned into a sharp ancient sword with a flickering cold light!

A little bit of the ground under your feet, a breeze blows out, and the delicate body is instantly ejected, and a merciless slash at the neck of the gt robot, but it is a spark!Only a small sword mark remained.

"What a hard turtle shell!" baby-5 was very surprised.Just as she was about to step back, the right hand of the gt robot pierced her heart!

The speed is extremely fast, like an afterimage!

A strange expression suddenly appeared on baby-5's face, and her delicate body changed, instantly turning into a huge cannonball!

Just as the gt robot's arm touched the cannonball, there was a 'boom', and a terrifying roar erupted!The terrifying mushroom cloud shot straight into the sky in an instant, and the gt robot was instantly lifted into the sky by the terrifying explosion, its limbs scattered on the ground, and then turned into a parabola and fell hundreds of meters away!Lightning flashes all over his body, apparently scrapped.

After the smoke cleared, baby-5 walked out of the huge circular pothole that was blasted out, patted the dust on his body, looked at the disabled gt robot that had been smashed in the distance, and smiled: "Look. After the fusion of the magic sword, the power of this explosion has also become stronger!"

"You turned into a magic sword, and if you slash him with a single sword, you won't be able to get it, why make it like a self-destruction! Even we have been affected..." Jenny Bonney rolled her baby-5 eyes.

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