"Self-feeding... In this state, if you use self-feeding, the consequences will be very serious. If you don't do it right, I'm afraid you will die..." Jiro looked at the back of Stajiu's rapid departure, and shook his head: "But judging from the current situation, there is only such a choice..."

"Huh? He even let him run away..." Jenny Bonney tilted her head and frowned as she looked at the back of Starjiu's departure, and she didn't plan to chase after her. Such a character was something she couldn't find at all. No.He just looked at Jiro and said with an unhappy expression: "Baby-5, teach this old man a hard lesson, it's really not the right time!"

"You can't blame me, right?" Jiro looked at Jenny Bonney with a flat face.It's just that baby-5 has already stepped forward, Jiro shook his head helplessly, and sighed softly: "Young people today, you really can't hold your breath... You don't want to use such an excuse to monopolize this place. the puffer whale?"

Saying that, after drinking the fine wine in the pot, his arms and body swelled up rapidly, and in a moment, he changed from a bad old man to a strong man with strong muscles!His eyes were sharp, his breath was terrifying, and there was no way he looked so weak just now.

"Old man, I came here on purpose, how can I come back empty-handed!" Jiro looked at Baby-5 with a grandmaster-like demeanor and a terrifying aura: "Good things, but you have to know how to share them with others, like this It's not right!"

"This old man... so strong!" Jenny Bonney looked at Chaojiro in surprise, a hint of surprise on his face.

"It's not our turn to teach you a lesson! I thought it was a little embarrassing to bully you, a bad old man, but now it seems that I'm over-hearted!" baby-5 looked at Jiro, ignoring his fierce and terrifying aura, Still looking bland.

"This little girl is not easy!" Jiro looked at Baby-5's calm face, and his heart became somewhat dignified.

"Hey! Old man, I kindly remind you! Baby-5 is stronger than me! If you are careless, be careful that she will cut you in half with one sword!" Jennie Bonney bit the barbecue in her hand and looked at Jiro Road.

She didn't say anything big, because baby-5 was a fusion of the magic sword!Although the magic sword can only be regarded as a sword that Sun Wukong played with when he was bored, but with the sword next to him, it could not be handled with common sense.

"Stronger than you?" Jiro frowned, and his heart became even more solemn.He couldn't understand Jenny Bonny's strength. He might even be tricked by that weird ability, but such a person actually said that the girl in front of her was stronger than her?He didn't think it was a joke.

"Forget it, let's go to the bottom of things first!" Although he said that he didn't pay attention to playing the Caijing Pterosaur, he still had a desire in his heart!

After making up his mind, Jiro said to Baby-5, "Naughty girl, you have to worry! The old man is about to attack..."

Saying that, the figure flashed, and the speed actually appeared in front of baby-5 like a teleportation. His hands turned into afterimages, and he pointed towards the various acupoints of baby-5...

The so-called acupuncture expert, his unique skill is naturally acupuncture!

The speed of the acupuncture point is so fast that it is dazzling and makes people unable to react!

But unfortunately, what Jiro faced was Baby-5, a weapon man who ate the fruit of weapons and weapons!Use the acupuncture technique to point a weapon man's acupuncture point?is it possible?

But in an instant, the acupuncture gun in Jiro's hand was on the Erjian acupoint of baby-5 and the acupuncture point on the back!Then he crossed it, put on a winner's pose and smiled lightly: "After all, it's still too young..."

However, as soon as his words fell, he felt a strong wind blowing from behind him. He saw a beautiful white thigh kicked fiercely between Jiro's back. He heard a loud 'bang', and Jiro's tall body Just hit the ground...

Although he was not injured, he was full of question marks at the moment!

Embarrassedly standing up from the ground, Jiro looked at the baby-5 in front of him and was full of shock: "Why... are you going to be fine? I clearly hit your acupuncture point... Failed? Impossible!"

Jiro, who is known as acupuncture expert, is [-]% confident in his acupuncture technique!However, at this moment it was a failure, which naturally shocked him extremely.

Chapter [-] The Big Point

The acupuncture expert's acupuncture failed. If this rumor goes out, I am afraid no one will believe it!Unless it is faced with an existence like a dragon.

Jiro, patted his head.Looking at baby-5, with a look of surprise: "Aiya~~ I was a little bit on your acupuncture point just now, how can it be okay? I didn't expect that even I would make mistakes! Or, what do you have? What about special abilities?"

"If I answered your question, wouldn't I be the idiot that Wukong said? That's why I won't tell you!" Baby-5 smiled lightly and looked at Jiro, which was quite heroic.

"That's really a pity... It seems that only I can figure it out!" Jiro put away the acupuncture gun, and a sharp breath emanated from his body again.At this moment, he seemed a little serious, but he still didn't put baby-5 on the same level, because he had that confidence in his own strength.

"Did you just look at me a little bit? If you fight with me with this mentality, if you die, don't complain!" Baby-5 smiled, his right hand was wrapped in demonic energy, instantly turning into a demonic sword!

The fierce sword energy and the bloodthirsty murderous aura made Jiro frown slightly: "This kind of demonic energy that makes people feel trembling in the soul, it seems that I underestimate you!"

As soon as the magic sword came out, Jiro finally became serious!That is the magic sword that has been contaminated with the power of Sun Wukong!It is no longer ordinary.You must know that even ordinary items, if they are contaminated with a little bit of divine blood, divine power, etc., will produce divinity!And the magic sword is no exception!

And the baby-5 fused with the magic sword is not stronger than Jenny Bonny, but is too much stronger!

"Did you use the magic sword as soon as you came here... It seems that baby-5 is also serious! Now there is a good show to watch!" Jenny Bonney was excited, and sat on the chair, eating Barbecue, a posture ready to watch a play.

"Wukong, is there any problem? That old man looks very strong!" Keya stopped what she was doing and looked at Monkey King worriedly.

"Don't worry, if Jenny goes, I'm a little worried, baby-5! The magic sword I've used is not something that anyone can handle!"

"That's it!" Keya nodded reassuringly, and continued to remove the poisonous bites of the puffer whale and cook the puffer whale!The intoxicating fragrance made Jenny Bonney gulped.

"Young people today! Are they all so arrogant? They even treated the old man as a prank... That's not good!" Monkey King and the others still looked like they were watching the show, which made Jiro frown slightly. Wrinkled, he is also a legendary figure after all, and this is the first time he has been treated like this. No matter how good his mood is, he is still a little unhappy.Not to mention that Jiro's bones are very violent!

"Looks like this old man has to teach you how to respect the old and love the young!" Jiro's calm aura suddenly became extremely violent!The muscles of the whole body have more than doubled again, and the sturdy body looks like a giant, full of intimidating momentum.

The muscled right hand slammed down against the ground beneath his feet!

"Big hole!"

With a roar of 'bang', although the ground was not shattered by Jiro's punch!However, a terrifying wave spread at an astonishing speed, and it didn't take long to even reach the core of the earth!

The whole earth seemed to stand still for a moment!

And those gourmet hunters who are still working hard for puffer whales, all at this moment, their pupils shrunk, unable to move!

"Fa... what happened? We were acupuncture?"

In the cave, Alu and Coco, who were still fighting with the demon serpent, could not move for a moment!The sudden change shocked them!

But fortunately, their opponent, the demon serpent, was also thrown to the ground by the acupuncture point.

"This kind of terrifying acupuncture technique... Only the legendary acupuncture expert Jiro can do it! Could it be that he can't fight someone here?"

"Acupuncture expert... Jiro? Is he so terrifying? Can he hit us at such a distance?" Alu's eyes widened, full of shock.


"You guys are too noisy, so please just leave it to me!" Jiro squinted his eyes slightly, the momentum at the moment was fierce and pressing.

"Uh..." Keya, who was still getting rid of the toxin of the pufferfish whale, suddenly froze because of Jiro's 'big acupuncture point' and cut the poisonous hole, and the whole puffer whale whale was instantly spread by toxins!

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