As for the vegetable field in the sky, the girls looked a little regretful when they saw this scene, and Jenny Bonney was even more unhappy: "It didn't even start a fight, this group of people is really incompetent!"

"It's just a matter of time!" Luna said calmly: "Just delay the time a little, and when I see Caifeng, I will tear my face instantly..."

"This is the nature of human beings. One side is only for his own selfish desires. One side has a great mind to share with others, but if he can't eat it, he will naturally grab it. , one is for selfish desires, the other is for righteousness, but their reasons are different!"

"It's amazing! Moon God, you really have the potential to be a god!" Sun Wukong gave the Moon God a thumbs up of admiration.

He himself holds the same attitude towards his own selfish desires or righteousness. Naturally, he wants to occupy what he likes. Sometimes he will do the same, but if he shares it with the person he likes, he will not be stingy. There is a distinction between good and evil. It has nothing to do with him, he just wants to do whatever he wants.You are you, I am me, don't impose your ideas on others.

"Three tigers, this thundercloud is a bit weird, why don't we go to the vegetable field from the vines together!" Yilong looked at the three tigers with a smile on his face.

It's very strange that the two people who fought in the original book, when they got here, surprisingly did not fight. In the final analysis, they were all just jealous of the mysterious Sun Wukong and his party.

They were all afraid that the two of them would be beaten to death but it would be cheaper for Sun Wukong and others.

It's just that they don't know that the people they are so afraid of are looking at them like a joke at the moment!

"Thundercloud is weird?" Sanhu frowned, and even Yilong gave up on entering the vegetable field directly from here, which made him have a little curiosity about this 'weird', but he didn't do anything else, but his feet Tap lightly, like an arrow from the string going towards the vegetable field in the air along the vines...

"Quick! Keep up!" Star Jiu shouted, all of them flickering and heading towards the vegetable field in the air...

"You guys are following, we'll take a step ahead!" Yilong said, speeding up in an instant, chasing after Sanhu... Jiro and Jieno also followed closely...

In the original book, it took Alu and Xiaosong several days to travel from the vines to the vegetable field in the sky, but Yilong and Sanhu took only ten minutes to reach the end of the vines!

When they were about to dash into the clouds, they suddenly stopped!

Yilong touched the front of the empty space, but was blocked by an invisible barrier, and immediately showed a look of surprise: "What a clever barrier... Even I almost hit it with my head... It seems that The thing I attacked before was to know the barrier..."

"When did the sky have such a powerful barrier set up in the sky? Could it be that someone got there ahead of us?" Jiro frowned, looked at Yilong, and guessed the same person in his heart: "Could it be that they... have already come. Are you here?"

At the same time, Sun Wukong smiled at Cailin and the other girls in the vegetable field in the sky: "The game has started, Caifeng, you should also prepare!"

"Master Chuangshen, please rest assured, the maid will definitely complete the task!" Caifeng said, and leaped into the air!

Chapter [-] The Strongest Combination

Yilong looked at the transparent barrier in front of him and tried it with a little force, but he didn't move: "It seems that it takes a lot of time to break this barrier..."

"It seems that the group of people has indeed arrived here first... I have seen such a brilliant barrier when capturing puffer whales, and even Starkyu suffered a secret loss at that time!" Jiro touched He was wearing the barrier in front of him, which reminded him of when he was in the beach cave, when he saw Stajiu slammed into the invisible barrier.The enchantment at that time was very similar to this enchantment.

"I'm trying, if it doesn't work, only the four of us can do it at the same time!" Ichilong said, pulling back, and the three of Jiro also hurriedly dodged aside.

I saw Yilong's right hand raised, and a pair of giant golden chopsticks of dozens of meters flashed out again. With a wave of his hand, the pair of golden chopsticks suddenly bombarded the invisible transparent enchantment at an astonishing speed!The roar continued until the pair of huge chopsticks cracked, and there was no ripple on the enchantment!

"What a strong barrier! It seems that I can't break it alone!" Yilong looked at the barrier in front of him, full of shock.

"You can't even break it open? The owner of the Caijing Pterosaur is so powerful?" Granny Jiunai put her hands behind her, showing a hint of surprise.

"It looks like that person is very troublesome! How about it, Sanhu, do you want to join us to capture that mysterious ingredient?" Yilong suddenly turned his head to look at Sanhu, not forgetting to seize the opportunity to come win over the three tigers.

Because he has seen that it seems like a rare opportunity to draw their relationship together because of this incident.

"I didn't plan to share it with you!" Sanhu's face was still cold, and his tone was full of indifference, "Also, now is not the time for nonsense!"

As he said that, he immediately clenched his fists, his muscles surging all over, showing extremely terrifying strength, staring at the invisible barrier in front of him, he was already ready to attack!

"Haha~~ This may not be the case... What will happen in the future, who knows!" Yilong laughed nonchalantly, his muscles bulging, and he was ready to attack: "I really miss it! How long has it been? We still have the opportunity to cooperate at the same time!"

"You old ghost is really talking nonsense..." Sanhu was obviously very unhappy with Yilong's tone. If it weren't for the scruples of the master who set up this enchantment, he really wanted to kill him here.

Jiro and Jieno are also ready to attack, obviously they want to break through this barrier with the power of the four!

The four of them stepped forward, and the terrifying breath turned into a stream of air and exploded, and at the same time, they punched forward!The roar was like thunder, and the terrifying fluctuations bloomed one after another, and a continuous roar broke out!It caused the entire vine to vibrate violently!

But it caused countless gourmet hunters who were still rushing to the air vegetable field to fall to the ground one after another!It can be described as a heavy casualty!

The power of the four contains the power of collapsing mountains!The loud noise that erupted was like a thunderstorm, causing the eardrums to roar!

However, the attack of gathering four people only caused a little ripples in the enchantment!At the same time, an anti-shock force swayed from the arm, but it directly bounced the four away!Back and forth!If they weren't so good at all, I'm afraid they would have fallen directly from the vines!

"It's so strong! How did this barrier come into being? Let's look around to see if there are any flaws..." Yilong frowned slightly, finding that the forcible breaking of the barrier didn't seem to work, so he planned to look for it. Flaws in the enchantment.

It was just that the four of them broke into the thundercloud and carefully checked around the enchantment, but they found nothing!

"It seems that there is no other way than to force it open!" Yilong said with a look of amazement: "This person who set up the barrier is really amazing! He actually stumped the four of us at the same time!"

"It seems to be more serious, the longer we delay, the more disadvantageous it will be!" Jiro said, and took out his weapon, the wolf king's tooth, from his pocket!

Jienuo also took out his own 'dragon saliva'!

And the three tigers also opened their big mouths, and their long tongues stuck out and hung down. Although it looked a little disgusting, it was attached with a layer of dazzling light, which revealed an unparalleled terrifying power!

Yilong also used his chopsticks attack again, and the four of them joined forces again to unleash their strongest blow with a full blow!At the same time, they bombarded the barrier!

The terrifying aftermath shook the void, that is, even the surrounding thunderclouds and gusts were torn apart in an instant, making the sky covered by dark clouds suddenly brightened!

"This is... Could it be that Dad and the others have already fought?"

Such a terrifying movement made Alu and the others, who were still trying to climb up, moved, and the violently shaking vines made them even more shocked!With such a violent movement, don't break this vine!Everyone who stayed on the vine at that time had to suffer.

Although they all rode up the big bird of Cocoa, there were many other gourmet hunters on the vines. For the kind-hearted people, it was inevitable that they would be a little worried.

"Don't worry about this for now, hurry up, those people at the food party are riding those big bugs and dumping us a lot!" Sani said anxiously.

In fact, it's not that they don't want to speed up, it's just that after reaching a certain altitude, it is really difficult for the current Four Heavenly Kings to adapt. After arriving, even the big bird of Coco has difficulty adapting, so they have to practice on their own. Climbing up!

At this speed, it seems that there is not much time left to reach the end of the vine!

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