Naturally, Kana Mingbo had known Lin Yi's information for a long time.

You must know that the old Duo Erfu is still lurking beside Kaner Mingbo now, serving as an assistant. Otherwise, the bodies of Kaneki Ken and Shindai Rishi would not have been sent here.

Lin Yi's words only expressed a little information, and he didn't want to tear his face.

Garnamimbo fell into deep thought, and the atmosphere was strangely silent for a moment.


After a while, Kana Minbo suddenly spoke, and he was about to continue to give Lin Yi some warnings, but was interrupted by the other party in advance.

"Needless to say, as the search officer of the CCG, I colluded with you and made a deal in secret, didn't I already give you the handle?"

Lin Yi asked rhetorically.

Kana Minhiro stopped talking, stood up without thinking, turned and pressed a picture frame on the wall, triggering some kind of mechanism.

The frame moved down, and a safe appeared.

Kana Mingbo opened the safe and took out a file bag and a USB flash drive.

"The human experimental data on the one-eyed species and the experience I have summarized now are all here."

"Thank you."

Lin Yi took it unceremoniously.

"Mind if I probe the patient?"

Kana Minhiro immediately stared at Lin Yi with a wary look.

"Don't look at me like that, just out of curiosity."

Lin Yi shrugged.

Garner Minbo was better at speaking than expected, leading the way directly in front.

Kaneki Ken's ward is specially remodeled, facing the bed, and there is a mirror. And this mirror is specially made, you can see the situation inside from the outside, and there is no abnormality inside.

On the back of this mirror is a separate chamber.

"He's my perfect piece."

Kana Minbo stroked the figure in the mirror, and his eyes showed relief and excitement.

Kaneki Ken is still asleep.

This is the first time Lin Yi has seen the protagonist of this world, and in the original work, Kaneki Ken can be regarded as being abused to death.

However, every time, I can rely on the vitality of Xiaoqiang and become stronger step by step.

Kaneki Ken, who had been in a coma for a long time, woke up at this time, and he sat up abruptly from the hospital bed, sweating profusely, as if he had just had a nightmare.

But what is particularly striking is Kaneki Ken's left eye, black eye white, pupils scarlet, surrounded by clear bloodshots.

The right eye, on the other hand, is normal, and only from this normal eye can you see Kaneki Ken's current confusion and fear.

"Look, how beautiful he is."

Mingbo Kaner is like showing off a work of art.

"I suddenly regretted it, I always felt that I was the most at a loss in this deal."

Lin Yi looked at Kaneki Yan's eyes, "But don't worry, I'm a person with credit, since I made a deal with you, I won't move him now." "

"Hehe, in fact, we are the same kind of people." Kaner Minbo was not frightened by Lin Yi's words, he admired his work with his own care, "Our purpose is the same, but I hide in the shadows, you stand in the light, you are more hypocritical than me." "

Lin Yi smiled.

He did change his mind, originally he thought about making sure that the document information was true, so he found an opportunity to get Kaneki Ken's Hezi and let Yemeng be upgraded.

But after seeing Kaneki Ken's eyes, he pushed all his thoughts down.

Don't get me wrong, he is not kind-hearted, and after seeing Kaneki Ken's eyes, he was moved to pity. He just suddenly felt that it was really better to give it to Kaneki Ken for temporary safekeeping by taking Hezi of the God Dynasty into his hands now.

Only by handing it to him can this hezi be infinitely enhanced, and when the time is right, he will take it.

So Kaina Minhiro is right, their purpose is the same.

Kaina Meihiro regards Kaneki Ken as a research object, Old Tajifu wants Kaneki Ken to become a 'dragon' to solve the short-lived problem of the Shuichi family, and Lin Yi wants him to become a qualified petri dish.

In the ward, Kaneki Ken, who had not yet figured out the situation, was still stunned, and suddenly there was a sound of nurse's footsteps, and he instinctively lay back on the hospital bed and wrapped himself tightly with a quilt.

"Enjoy it yourself, I won't accompany you."

Lin Yi patted Kana Minghiro on the shoulder and left the secret room.

Kana Mingbo glanced at Lin Yi's back, his expression moved slightly, and he hesitated for a long time, but he still didn't have the courage to make a move.

Able to suppress the whole process of God's life and beat him alive into serious injuries.

Even an ordinary special search officer may not be able to do this.

If the trouble is too big, Garner Hospital will not be able to keep it, and without his identity on the surface, his future experiments will also receive many obstacles.

After Lin Yi left, he checked the information given to him by Kana Mingbo, and although he couldn't understand a lot of professional knowledge, he could see that there were indeed many records of human experiments, which must be true.

It's just that whether Garna Minhiro has hidden his secrets, he doesn't know.

He went straight back to his residence, found Nishino Takamo, handed her the file bag and USB stick, and instructed her about the knowledge of the document, preferably not to let anyone know.

Nishino Takamo was not frightened by the many human experiments in the document, she acted calmly, but worked hard that night.

This is the shining point of Nishino Takamo, which is completely reassuring.

"It's just that because of my intervention, Shen Daili died so long earlier than in the original book, and I don't know if the gecko will appear."

Lin Yi remembers that in the original work, it was because Shendaili threw the wrench of the gecko, which caused the gecko to find the Dikou Youngster, which not only alarmed the antique store, but also provoked the real Wu Xu, triggering a series of things later.

I don't know how much the plot will be affected by the butterfly wings this time.

"Forget it, the soldiers will block the water to cover the soil, it's useless to think so much now, maybe I find a time, it's time to contact the antique shop."

Being in District 20 yourself, it is impossible to avoid contact with antique shops now.

Lin Yi shook his head, shook the thoughts in his mind, and when he came back to his senses, he saw that Nishino Guimo was still at the desk, concentrating on studying the thick document.

Nishino Taksumi also wore a pair of black-bordered eyes, and the whole person suddenly had a little more intellectual beauty.

Lin Yi's heart moved, and he couldn't help but walk over and wrap his arms around Nishino Guimo's waist from behind, but before he had time to make any further movements, he was slapped off by Nishino Guimo's palm.

"Don't bother me yet, wait until I'm done reading this."

Is this falling out of favor?

Lin Yi still underestimated himself, and being able to help himself was the weight in Nishino Guimo's heart.

The two are not equal identities, one is a high-class search officer of the CCG, and the other is just an ordinary college female student, Nishino Takamo actually has a lot of inferiority in his heart.


Recently, the time difference is chaotic, and it has become a netherworld, the first change, and there will be two more.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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