Another close collision.

The gecko still had to exert strength, but Lin Yi's figure suddenly disappeared, and his strength had already been used, and the whole person instantly lost his balance and fell forward.

And the next moment, Lin Yi's figure appeared in mid-air, and a whip leg was pumped towards the neck of the gecko.

The latter's mountain-like body was pumped out, rolled all the way on the ground, and crashed directly into the carriage.

"Senior Lin Yi!"

Kotaro Yamen looked excited as if he saw a savior.

"Can you still stand up?"

Lin Yi glanced at Kotaro Yamen next to him and asked.

"No, no problem."

Kotaro Yamen gritted his teeth and stood up tremblingly.

"Take Wu Xu to the hospital, and leave the matter here to me." Lin Yi withdrew his gaze, twisted his neck, and looked at the carriage not far away.


Yamen Kotaro answered, and with great difficulty carried Mado Wuxu, and ran outside.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! "

One sound after another came from the carriage, and two scales extended from the mouth of the cave, grabbed both sides, and then with a loud bang, the entire carriage was torn to shreds.

A black shadow jumped high, the gecko landed on the ground, his forehead was bloody, and his gaze was full of anger when he looked at Lin Yi.

However, he did not act rashly, from the brief exchange just now, he knew that this guy was completely different from the two search officers just now.

It is a real strong enemy.


A burst of mobile phone ringing suddenly rang.

The gecko froze, straightened up, took out his mobile phone from his arms, and saw the caller ID, his expression changed.

And Lin Yi's figure had already rushed over, and the Yemenggarde in his hand waved, and his form changed in the air, and countless sharp hezi extended out, like thousands of swords stabbed over.

The gecko controlled the scales to cross the block, and with a loud collision, he flew out backwards with this force and landed on the tall building wall in the distance.


The gecko crushed the phone in his hand with a palm.

"I remember you."

When the words fell, he jumped up with both feet, and the scales behind him were very flexible, like hands and feet, easily embedded in the wall, and led him towards the top of the tall building.

No matter how high Lin Yi's physical fitness is, it is impossible to climb a hundred-meter-high building empty-handed.

He shook his head slightly, and did not pursue, but looked at the flute towards the tree lying on the ground.

"Do you want to continue to play dead?"

Lin Yi recently felt that his perception was getting stronger and stronger, and even in an extremely quiet environment, he could hear the faint heartbeat of the flute towards the tree.

The Jermongard in his hand shrank back and turned into the form of a sword again, and he raised it slightly and aimed it at the other party.

"No... Woooo

Behind the wall not far away, Kaneki gasped and covered Kirishima Dongka's mouth.

Kaneki Ken himself was nervous and did not dare to breathe, and Kirishima Dongxiang angrily tore his flesh and blood with his mouth, but he still did not dare to let go and used all his strength.

He knew how terrifying Lin Yi was, this man, Kirishima Dongxiang could not win, rushing out was just one more death.


Lin Yi chuckled.

The flute who was lying on the ground trembled and stood up towards the tree, and the wound on his chest had not even recovered, and it seemed that even Kaoru was almost at its limit.

"I must go back."

The flute gritted his teeth towards the tree, and even the wound could not be recovered, and he actually used Hezi, two tentacles-like Hezi extended out, this Hezi had a rough appearance, and it was very similar to a centipede.

"It's a pity for this Hezi."

Lin Yi sighed, the talent of the Dikou family is terrifying.

This kind of top-level Hezi, if Dikou Asaki is an ambitious person, I am afraid that he will not be weaker than a gecko.

Not to mention that Dikou Chaoshu was seriously injured, even if he was in his heyday, he could not be Lin Yi's opponent, this was a battle without suspense.

But the flute head towards the tree still rushed towards Lin Yi, but fell in Lin Yi's eyes, the speed was slow, he dodged sideways, turned the sword in his hand, and slapped the flute towards the tree's cheek sideways, and the latter was instantly slapped out and fell to the ground.

Lin Yi approached, swung his sword, neat and decisive, and saw Hezi separated from him from a distance.


Kaneki Ken's palm was bitten off by Kirishima Dong Xiangsheng, and finally he couldn't help it and screamed miserably.


But Kirishima Dong Xiang couldn't manage so much, her back Yuhe extended, her eyes instantly turned red, and she rushed over.


The one who stopped Kirishima Dongxiang turned out to be Dikou Asaki.

Kirishima Dong Xiang was stunned, she had just seen the flute head tree being slashed by a sword, and as a result, there were no new injuries behind her at all.

Lin Yi was not surprised and smiled.

Kirishima Dong Xiang now knows that he seems to have made a mistake, but at the moment, he has a feeling that it is difficult to ride a tiger.

"Wow, it's pretty Yuhe, it's the first time I've seen Heko like fire." Lin Yi praised.

Kirishima Dong Xiang did not reply, fortunately he was wearing a mask.

And Kaneki Ken behind her, wearing only a simple mask, covered half of his face with his clothes and hats, and kept his head down.

"The flute is dead from today." Lin Yi opened the door and touched Hezi on the ground with his foot, which can be regarded as his explanation to CCG.

"I know more about your 20th district than you think, the entire 20 district of the kaoru, seems to be managed by some kind of xuan organization, although you are very strange, never attack humans, like a group of outliers, but you have saved me a lot of trouble."

Lin Yi said to himself, he believed that as long as he showed goodwill first, the antiques would be forced to take the initiative to contact him later.

And he has more far-reaching plans.

"Honestly, I like this look, as long as you maintain your principles, I can allow you to survive in the area under my jurisdiction."

Lin Yi said so, and the sound of sirens in the distance became louder and louder from far to near.

It seems that after Yamen Kotaro went to the hospital, he also reported the affairs here to the 20th district branch.

Kirishima Dong Xiang couldn't manage so much, not to mention that Dikou Asaki was seriously injured first, and now he has lost Hebao, and he is already extremely weak.

Signaling Kaneki Ken to carry the flute towards the tree, the three quickly fled here.

"Gee, this is the second time I've helped you, don't even say thank you, Kaneki-kun."

Lin Yi suddenly chanted.

Kaneki Ken, who ran halfway, was startled in his steps, and he heard it.


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