Lin Yi secretly scolded an old fox in his heart.

When and Shukichi, this is obviously not at ease with himself, so he will let Shinohara Yuki follow, after all, with Shinohara Yuki's personality, everything important will definitely be reported to the headquarters.


But on the surface, Lin Yi still respectfully answered.

"In addition, we must also prevent the next target of the bronze tree in advance, if they are allowed to succeed, the people will no longer believe us."

He said solemnly, "According to the current information, the route of the Bronze Tree, their next target may be Area 3 or Area 13. "

"These locations are close to the west, are they ready to break through our defense line from one side?" Kiyoko Yasuura guessed.

"Well, quite possibly, but these are all guesses." He nodded with Xiuji, "So all departments must increase their manpower now, and everyone must be careful and stick to their posts." "

"Chief, what about the shelter?"

Ash Qi, who had not interjected, asked deeply.

"The Kaoru shelter is also under consideration, after all, this is the top priority, Fukame, after you go back, you must also be more defensive."

"Got it."

Lin Yi on the side raised his eyebrows, I don't know if he had information or had a keen sense of smell, because after reading the original book, he already knew that the next target of the bronze tree was the Kaoru Seed Shelter.

The special session was dissolved.

For Lin Yi, it is a pity that he still has not seen General Arima Gui.

"Today's young people are really surprising, more and more energetic." Everyone dispersed, but Yasuo Kiyoko quipped before leaving.

"Senior Qingzi, why should you be presumptuous, when you were young, weren't you also a flower of CCG?" Lin Yi was willing to chat with beautiful women.

The two sat very close, but Anpu Qingzi didn't expect Lin Yi to be so familiar, turned his head slightly, looked at Lin Yi, and looked up and down.

"I heard that you injured one of the arms of the scourge in the 11th Crusade Battle, really?"

"It's just a fluke, my Cook is special, the other party was yin, the next battle, it is estimated that it will not be so lucky."

Lin Yi said.

"That's remarkable, too."

Yasuo Kiyoko was not very surprised, about the matter of Yemengad, CCG can hide from the people below, but as a special search officer, there are still many channels to understand.

The two chatted for a while, but after all, they were not very familiar, and after Yasupu Kiyoko praised two more words of youth and promising, he took his leave and left.

Lin Yi found Yuki Shinohara.

"This picture, the first time I met you, I thought about it, but I didn't expect it to be so fast, only half a year, you have surpassed me."

Shinohara Yuki couldn't help but sigh that when he first saw Lin Yi and learned that Lin Yi had killed an A-grade dog with his bare hands, he knew that Lin Yi was a natural search officer.

It will definitely become a special class in the future.

"This is not a good thing, it shows that you have a unique vision." Lin Yi shrugged.

"When will you also sneak around and pat the horse, it's not like you, Lin Yi." Shinohara Yuki laughed and patted Lin Yi's shoulder, "Let's go, take you to meet a few acquaintances, we will work together in the future." "

Lin Yi nodded.

When he asked Shinohara Koki to cooperate with him, naturally it could not be just the two of them, and several second-class and high-class search officers were also sent.

These things naturally put Shinohara Koki in charge.


Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, and for a moment he didn't expect that he could have any acquaintances in CCG.

Following the other party on the elevator and into the conference room, he understood the so-called acquaintance.

Akira Mato and Kotaro Yamen.

However, unlike the original, Kotaro Yamen and Akira Mado did not know each other, and only thought that Kotaro Yamen was once a subordinate of Mato Wuxu, so after Akira Mato said hello to him, he ignored it.

Zhenhu Xiao's outfit today made Lin Yi's eyes shine.

A short silky yellow hair, a hair ring tied behind his head, straight eyebrows, and a little light makeup, it seems that the whole person is more heroic and beautiful.

That black uniform, but also a crimson short tie, the figure is bumpy, especially a pair of black silk long legs, the charm is unstoppable.

"Xiao, today's dress is very beautiful."

Lin Yi praised without hesitation.

Not to mention that the entire hall was shocked, Mahu Xiao himself did not expect that the thousand-year-old iceberg beauty would blush her cheeks and bow her head slightly.

A young man with orange hair next to him opened his mouth even wider.

He is Masamichi Takizawa, a second-class search officer, and a student of the same time as Mato, but since he was in school to now become a search officer, he has always been crushed by Mato.

I thought that he would be able to get ahead with this mission, but it turned out that Zhenhuxiao knew such a big person as Lin Yite.

"Thank you for the compliment, Lin Yite and so on."

"Ah, I thought I needed to introduce you, it seems that you are very familiar." Shinohara said with a smile.

"Lin Yi and my father used to be partners."

Matoko explained without salt.

At this time, Yamen Gangtaro also stood up and saluted Lin Yi.

"Lin Yite wait, Xingjite wait!"

Everyone reacted and greeted one after another.

Lin Yi waved his hand, signaling that there was no need to restrain these rituals.

In addition to Kotaro Amen, Akira Mato, Masamichi Takizawa, there are also Yuki Shinohara's subordinates, and Shizo Neighborya is also here.

"I'm not very good at summarizing, so let Mr. Yuki explain this mission to you."

Lin Yi directly dumped the trouble on Yuki Shinohara.

The latter did not refuse, and began to tell about this mission, as well as summarize the existing intelligence in District 20.

Matoko did have the talent of a search officer.

Based on some of the existing one-sided data and intelligence of CCG, she deduced that Shendaili was dead, and guessed that there should be some kind of organization in the 20th district.

It's just that she didn't deduce that Shen Daili was actually plotted to die by another organization, and the organization in District 20 was not a bronze tree.

But after all, the intelligence is limited, and it is already very limited to be able to infer to this extent.



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