Time Travel Rules

Chapter 98: Offensive research

Li Qingxiao shifted his direction and decided to try to study the germs that kill organisms.

One month is too limited, and she doesn't know if she can study it.

There is really no way out of the extraterrestrial bacteria. After Li Muchuan leaves, she will continue to study.

In case Li Muchuan comes back again one day and needs this research result, she can also get it.

Thinking of this, Li Qingxiao directly asked all the people in the laboratory to work together to conquer one direction.

When it was midnight, Li Qingxiao left the studio with some reluctance.

"Don't work so hard."

Seeing that Li Qingxiao was so busy, Li Muchuan couldn't help but say something.

Li Qingxiao shook his head, "The time is so short, if you don't work hard, it will be troublesome when you leave and the germs are not taken out."

Seeing Li Qingxiao say this, Li Muchuan thought about it and felt that what the other party said made sense.

in the next time.

Li Qingxiao went to bed very late. When Li Muchuan got up in the morning, Li Qingxiao had already disappeared.

Depending on the situation, we should go to study early, how can we increase the infectivity and lethality of the bacteria.

The incubation period of this germ needs to be longer.

Seeing Li Qingxiao working so hard to research germs, Li Muchuan thought about it and led someone to search for some nearby warehouses.

For some relatively basic daily necessities, hoard more for the other party.

The other is to see if there are any other survivors, and the number of people here at the base is not enough.

With this in mind, Li Muchuan was not idle for the rest of the time.

I took Lou Yuelan to search for supplies and started a zero-yuan purchase.

Not to mention, in this case, zero yuan purchase is indeed a bit cool.

Since Li Qingxiao now has a base, Li Muchuan also found some gold shops and brought back a lot of gold for the other party.

Pieces of gold bricks piled directly into a small warehouse like bricks.

More than ten days passed, and Li Muchuan led people to find one hundred and thirty-five survivors.

The food delivered is enough for the people in the base to consume for a year.

There are many kinds of living materials.

In addition, Li Muchuan also brought people to deal with the water plant, and successfully restored the water plant to work.

According to the current situation, as long as the mecha is produced, Li Qingxiao's position is stable.

The only problem is that this mecha is not so easy to manufacture, there is a shortage of manpower in various factories, materials, assembly personnel and so on.

These are more troublesome.

in the laboratory.

Hundreds of researchers are still working on it.

Li Qingxiao was looking at the germs under the microscope, and his face was a little tired.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan didn't bother the other party, and sat quietly behind.

After Li Qingxiao finished busy, he stretched out his slender hand to tuck the hair in front of his forehead, and then noticed Li Muchuan behind him.

"How long have you been waiting?"

Li Qingxiao came to Li Muchuan and smiled sweetly at Li Muchuan.

Li Muchuan's heart moved slightly when he saw that Li Qingxiao seemed a little happy at the moment.

"It didn't take long, I see that you look very happy. Could it be that there is progress?"

Li Muchuan looked at the screen in front of him, as if the intelligent system was checking something.

"Well, I have an idea initially!"

Speaking of this, Li Qingxiao immediately became interested, "I also made a reference based on some characteristics of the extraterrestrial bacteria. The extraterrestrial bacteria do not infect humans. I took advantage of this. The other is that the infectivity is extremely powerful."

"In terms of these two points, it should be possible to exterminate terrestrial organisms."

Li Muchuan was instantly overjoyed when he heard the words, if it could be developed, it would have a little bit of security.

"How long will it take to develop it?"

Li Muchuan was a little anxious and asked quickly.

Li Qingxiao looked back, pondered for a moment, and said, "I'm afraid it's not that fast, and the system isn't that fast either."

"But don't worry, before you leave, some of this germ will be cultivated for you."

Hearing what Li Qingxiao said, Li Muchuan immediately believed.

The system was still checking and calculating, and Li Muchuan and Li Qingxiao also left the laboratory.

On the street, there are many people coming and going, and there are also many vehicles, all of which are transporting some supplies and materials.

Some factories in the city have already started, and production has started according to the parts of the mecha.

But before Li Muchuan left, it was definitely impossible to make it. After all, this thing is not so easy to make.

Li Muchuan held Li Qingxiao's hand, and the two seemed to be lovers in love.

The two of them didn't say anything, they just walked around.

When Li Qingxiao was a little tired, the two of them found a place at will and sat down.

In this world, because of biochemical leaks, factories have been on strike one after another, and the night is now exceptionally clear.

Li Muchuan held Li Qingxiao's little hand and talked about his own world.

The corners of Li Qingxiao's mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't say anything, just listened to what Li Muchuan said, but raised his head from time to time to look at Li Muchuan's profile.

I often look at it this way, ignoring what Li Muchuan said.

"In the world of w97, you are still dead in that timeline?"

Finally, when he heard Li Muchuan talking about the world of w97, Li Qingxiao frowned slightly, looking a little serious.

"Yeah, I don't know what happened. From the information left by the other party, he died after crossing over and never came back."

When Li Muchuan talked about this, he also felt a little headache.

I don't know what kind of world the other party has crossed into, and he died like that.

Li Qingxiao grabbed Li Muchuan with his small hand~www.readwn.com~ and tightened his slender hand slightly, probably because he was afraid that Li Muchuan would have such a day.

Aware of Li Qingxiao's movements, Li Muchuan smiled at Li Qingxiao, "Don't worry, as long as I stay a little longer, I won't die."

"The world of w97 doesn't see how cowardly you are."

Li Qingxiao rolled his eyes, and knew that Li Muchuan was looking at people who were also Huaxia at that time, and they died in front of them one by one, so his blood was on the top.

Li Muchuan smiled embarrassedly when he heard the words. He felt that his physical strength had surpassed that of ordinary people by a lot, and the mecha protection should not die.

Li Muchuan continued to talk to Li Qingxiao softly, but Li Qingxiao rarely spoke.

At this moment, she has more reason to listen to Li Muchuan, she can just listen more.

Li Muchuan didn't notice that Li Qingxiao had a voice recorder in his pocket for a long time.

This voice recorder has been recording since Li Muchuan spoke.

After Li Muchuan left, she could listen to Li Muchuan's voice more.

"Well, let's take some more pictures together!"

Thinking of this, Li Qingxiao was going to turn around and get a camera, even a mobile phone.

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