Time Travel Rules

Chapter 102: I....!


Li Muchuan stared at the dinosaur who suddenly squeezed out of the woods, feeling that his brain crashed for a moment.

Coming to the Jurassic? Cretaceous?

Li Muchuan felt a little confused.

For the dinosaur in the distance, Li Muchuan couldn't call the other party's name. The skin of this dinosaur was a bit rough.

However, it is not the same color as leather, but it has a bit of depth.

I won't be intoxicated with oxygen later, will I?

Li Muchuan suddenly thought of another a bit not very good thing.

In this period, the earth has extremely high oxygen content. Are you going to get drunk?

I don't know the altitude here. If it is higher, the symptoms may be relatively mild.

Then there are germs in this period, is there any threat to yourself?

Li Muchuan was a little worried about this. As for whether he would carry the germs here when he traveled back, Li Muchuan was not worried at all.

When he crossed, he was directly disassembled and brought back. This system is stingy.

He didn't allow him to bring more things during the time-travel at all. The germ wanted to experience the time-travel, but there was no door.

The dinosaur in the distance didn't know what prey it had bitten, and with a bang, he lifted his head up and chewed with a big mouth.

It looks very delicious to see each other eat.

Li Muchuan couldn't help but want to ask how big brother tastes.

If this was an extraterrestrial meteorite, the germs it carried would have been smashed during this period.

Li Muchuan looked at the several-meter-tall dinosaurs, and suddenly such an idea appeared in his heart. After thinking about these dinosaurs evolving again, he shuddered.

Just when Li Muchuan was full of thoughts, there was a sound behind him.

Li Muchuan heard the voice and looked back suddenly.

His expression became extremely alert at this moment.

And behind Li Muchuan, three dinosaurs had already touched his back.

Looking at the distance, the three dinosaurs flew directly, and they could knock him down, and then their mouths bigger than Li Muchuan's head could bite Li Muchuan's head off in one bite.

The three dinosaurs didn't look particularly big, they were taller than Li Muchuan, and they were extremely slender, about two meters tall.

Looking at this appearance, it looks like Velociraptor, also called Velociraptor.

Very different from the movie Li Muchuan saw, this dinosaur has feathers! And it is quite lush.

The three dinosaurs tilted their heads and looked at Li Muchuan, as if they were curious about what species Li Muchuan was. They had never seen it before.

There is no genetic knowledge in genes.

The appearance of the three Longkong tilting his head looked a little cute, but the other side opened his mouth slightly, revealing a mouth full of teeth, Li Muchuan had no doubt that the other side could bite him into two pieces.

From time to time also made a demonstration, as an offensive gesture.

Li Muchuan guessed that when he was in the forest, this guy was already staring at him, but Li Muchuan had never noticed it before.

Velociraptor's speed is about 60 kilometers per hour. If it is hungry, it should be able to reach 80 kilometers.

At this speed, Li Muchuan would definitely not be an opponent if he ran.

How many kilometers does he have in an hour, 30 kilometers.

Velociraptor looked at Li Muchuan, and he couldn't see where Li Muchuan was threatening.

Immediately opened his mouth, he roared at Li Muchuan, his mouth gestured to take a bite at Li Muchuan.

The three Velociraptors roared directly at Li Muchuan and began to surround Li Muchuan.

This made Li Muchuan's hands and feet a little cold at the moment, and his heartbeat began to speed up.

Li Muchuan clearly felt his own state, and he didn't like it very much.

Standing in front of this dinosaur, it was as if he could only be slaughtered, as if his blood was suppressed.

Blood pressure?

Li Muchuan, who remembered this word in his heart, was immediately upset, and a burst of anger rose directly in his heart.

"Go to your sister's bloodline suppression!"

Li Muchuan took out his gun from the small space and shot the Velociraptor on the right.


A huge gunshot sounded, and many dinosaurs fled in fright after hearing the sound.

The Velociraptor on the right fell to the ground, but its tenacious life made it not die immediately, but instead kept twitching.

The remaining two Velociraptors were also taken aback, one was provoked and rushed towards Li Muchuan.

The huge open mouth was bigger than Li Muchuan's head.

Li Muchuan shot at the opponent's mouth, killing the Velociraptor who was still in the air.

The remaining Velociraptor was immediately frightened, and it spread its legs and ran fast.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan didn't chase after him. Velociraptor's IQ was still very high, so he let go of one.

When the time comes, the Velociraptors around will know that there is such a guy that they can't provoke, and when they see Li Muchuan, they will hide away.

Looking at the fallen Velociraptor, Li Muchuan had no intention of dealing with it.

He has to quickly find a place to rest for the night.

It seemed that a fire had to be raised to avoid danger at night.

Li Muchuan didn't plan to eat dinosaur meat, although he was curious about the taste, but after thinking about it, no one had ever eaten this stuff.

If you eat this, who knows if you will get sick or not.

Just to be on the safe side, eat your own food.

Not long after Li Muchuan left, the rest of the carnivores came here one after another to carve up the two dinosaurs.

Today is a surprise day!

This is the voice of dinosaurs who suddenly have food.

Li Muchuan didn't enter the forest, and after looking outside for a while, he didn't find a cave or anything.

Seeing such a situation, Li Muchuan chose the back of a large stone, and planned to rest here for a night rest~www.readwn.com~ and then set the fire up.

The distant calls of dinosaurs kept coming, and some of them sounded like some weak dinosaur calls.

However, Li Muchuan knew in his heart that it was absolutely impossible to judge whether the dinosaur was dangerous or not based on the sound. Some animals that looked huge in size didn't have the slightest domineering sound.

There were woods all around, so it was easy for Li Muchuan to pick up some wood, and it was easy to start a fire.

Li Muchuan expanded the space a bit this time, and still brought some emergency items.

Thinking of the idea of ​​greenery here just now, Li Muchuan couldn't help but want to complain.

In this case, talk about greening?

The fire quickly started, and Li Muchuan burned the fire quite vigorously. After all, the guys here were all a few meters tall, and with just a little fire, Li Muchuan was worried that it would not work.

However, be careful not to burn the woods when lighting a fire.

Although it was casually burned in this era, no one came to arrest him. The problem was that after the fire, the fire would easily burn Li Muchuan together.

Looking at the rising fire, Li Muchuan felt a little comfort in his heart.

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