Time Travel Rules

Chapter 106: Wind God Pterodactyl

"Hey, you should be able to move, let me pretend to be paralyzed and eat and drink?"

Li Muchuan frowned, looking at the Velociraptor who was still lying on the ground, and when he saw him coming over, he opened his mouth quickly, indicating that he was already hungry.

Li Muchuan rolled his eyes, stared at this guy and said with extreme dissatisfaction.

Li Muchuan just felt something was wrong. Before this guy couldn't move, he was by his side when he excreted.

But today Li Muchuan found that the other party had not excreted for a long time.

After taking a closer look, he found that the other party had digging soil not far away. Li Muchuan felt that this should be the other party covering up his excrement.

This guy is not an overlord like a Tyrannosaurus, he dares to leave his own scent at will.

Velociraptor naturally couldn't understand what Li Muchuan said at the moment, and still looked at Li Muchuan with his mouth open to please him.

There is such a person who feeds himself every day, but he doesn't want to work hard at all.

Li Muchuan looked at this Velociraptor looking a little rascal, how could he want to get used to each other.

Pick up a branch from the side and hit the ground with a swipe.

Velociraptor didn't know what Li Muchuan was going to do, and subconsciously rolled over quickly and stood up from the ground.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan looked at this guy speechlessly.

Scientists think that this Velociraptor is very smart, um, it is really very smart, and they have begun to deceive food and drink.

Velociraptor also noticed that something was wrong, and quickly lowered his head, his body also began to lie down, a look of ingratiating himself.

The feeling is that I can always get prey to eat here in Li Muchuan, and I still have enough to eat, so I don't want to fight and work hard.

Li Muchuan only felt a little headache when he looked at the guy who looked a little rascal.

At present, it seems that this guy has no intention of resisting him.

Li Muchuan felt angry when he saw this scene.

I stepped forward and touched this guy, but I didn't see Velociraptor's intention to resist.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan went directly to Velociraptor and tried a few more times.

After making sure that the guy didn't mean to resist him, Li Muchuan tried to climb to Velociraptor's back.

"Come on, run up and let me see."

Li Muchuan came to the spirit, what's the point of riding a horse, let's see what it's like to ride a dinosaur.

Li Muchuan took a photo of Velociraptor, and Velociraptor quickly understood what Li Muchuan meant, and immediately stood up and ran outside.

There were no good roads in the Cretaceous period. There were huge branches or rocks blocking the road from time to time.

When the Velociraptor ran, it easily avoided all these obstacles.

The speed of running is also getting faster and faster, and it is considered to be galloping along the way.

Li Muchuan took out his mobile phone and started recording a video. He first gave himself a shot, and then moved the shot away.

"I don't know the exact year of the Cretaceous period. Today is an ordinary day. I rode the Velociraptor and wandered around the earth in the Cretaceous period, enjoying the beautiful scenery of nature."

The surrounding trees were quickly thrown behind him one by one. To be honest, Li Muchuan felt a little uncomfortable at the moment.

Velociraptor's own balance is still very good, but Li Muchuan was somewhat flustered when he sat on the other side.

Then there is no saddle or something, and Li Muchuan is even more uncomfortable now.

If it wasn't for Li Muchuan's physical fitness, he would have been thrown off at this moment.


Li Muchuan slapped Velociraptor, motioning for the other party to slow down, it was too uncomfortable to run.

After Velociraptor understood Li Muchuan's thoughts, the speed gradually slowed down.

As soon as he ran like this, Li Muchuan just saw many other dinosaurs, which he had never seen before.

Velociraptor ran very happily, but after a while, he stopped alert.

Li Muchuan didn't react when he saw this, but he soon felt something was wrong, and saw a huge shadow slide in front of him.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan subconsciously raised his head to look.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan froze for a moment.

I saw a giant pterosaur suddenly appeared in the sky.

"Fengshen Pterodactyl?"

Li Muchuan was stunned when he looked at the huge wings spread by the other party. He only heard that the wings of the Fengshen Pterosaur can reach as much as ten meters.

This is the first time I've seen it, so I don't know if I'm wrong.

You know, he is only 1.8 meters tall, and such huge wings have to be as much as five or six in length.

The huge Fengshen Pterosaur was like a glider, slowly passing through the air. Seeing this, Li Muchuan quickly picked up his mobile phone and took a few pictures of the other party.

A video was recorded.

Li Muchuan is shooting the material here. This Fengshen Pterosaur is still relatively rare. Li Muchuan never saw it before, that is, it was only at this time that he saw it.

Velociraptor seemed to have thought of something at the moment, and started calling out to Li Muchuan.

Li Muchuan put down his phone and looked at Velociraptor who turned his head to look at him, wondering what the other party was calling.

It was not until a herbivorous dinosaur suddenly appeared in front of him that Li Muchuan realized what the other party wanted him to do.

This guy, he didn't hunt when he was hungry, and left it to him.

Li Muchuan was a little speechless, but at this moment he turned over and got off the back of the dinosaur, and then picked up the gun.

Slowly approached a herbivorous dinosaur in the distance.

Li Muchuan's side was only a short distance away, and the herbivorous dinosaurs in the distance had already noticed Li Muchuan's side.

After all, Li Muchuan is not a professional hunter, nor does he have Velociraptor or some carnivorous dinosaurs, so he knows how to camouflage and sneak.

It is normal to be found, but it has entered the effective shooting range now.

Li Muchuan raised his gun~www.readwn.com~ took aim and shot directly.

The loud sound caused Velociraptor to be startled and trot back for a while.

After confirming that everything was fine and Li Muchuan was still standing here, he cautiously stepped forward.

Seeing that the herbivorous dinosaur in front had fallen to the ground, Velociraptor called out and hurried forward to enjoy the food.

Seeing this scene, Li Muchuan just watched quietly, without disturbing the other party.

And today, counting the time, I have been here for more than half a month.

It wasn't long before it was time to leave.

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan couldn't help but ponder. At this moment, his eyes were also on the h1rs potion.

The Velociraptor on the side didn't think much, and was still happily eating its prey.

From the perspective of it, after following this guy, I can eat full every day, and there is not too much danger, which is really good.

Compared with the past, it is a fairy-like day now.

Li Muchuan waited until the Velociraptor finished eating, and then stepped onto the other's body. He was going to look forward to see what the environment of the rest of the Cretaceous was like.

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