Time Travel Rules

Chapter 117: climate controller

I don't know what time it is now, but it's getting brighter.

Li Muchuan looked at the yellow sand outside. In this case, he couldn't even go out, so he could only squat here.

Li Muchuan began to check some supplies he found.

A relatively large metal rod, the outside is extremely smooth, and I don't know what it is.

Li Muchuan couldn't help but play at this moment.

There was a button on the top, Li Muchuan pressed it curiously, and the metal rod suddenly revealed a hole, and then Li Muchuan felt that something was released.

There is also a small display device on the side, showing 100%.

"What? A hair dryer?"

Li Muchuan felt it, it seemed like it was blowing wind just now, but it was very subtle.

No, the wind of the hair dryer should not be so small.

Li Muchuan turned the metal rod over, and finally saw the instructions at the bottom, "Concentrated air rod."

"Oh, isn't that the equivalent of an air bottle?"

Li Muchuan looked at this thing and finally understood what it was for.

This small mouth, which seems to be able to be bitten with the mouth, is used for breathing.

I just don't know how long this thing can make people breathe.

This thing can be kept temporarily, Li Muchuan put the metal rod aside.

Then continue to check the rest of the supplies, and at this moment, even though the sky is full of yellow sand, there are still many people looking for supplies.

Last night's sandstorm polluted many people's water sources, and some supplies were blown away.

If you don't go out to find supplies today, I'm afraid you will be eliminated sooner or later.

In contrast, Li Muchuan's side seemed quite relaxed.

Holding the pot, Li Muchuan fiddled with it and immediately understood how to use it. Put in rice and water, and it would cook automatically.

There is an automatic energy supply inside.

Soon, a small pot of jade rice was cooked, and Li Muchuan's saliva was drooling as he smelled the fragrance.

How is this future planted, and the rice can be grown so fragrant?

Li Muchuan couldn't help but wonder in his heart. The cooked jadeite rice was crystal clear, but it still had a little emerald green color inside, as if the snow-white rice had more green color.

This color just makes me appetizing.

Li Muchuan ate jade rice, then sat by the window and looked at the yellow sand outside.

"This must be a natural disaster, right?"

Li Muchuan pondered for a while and felt that this should be a natural disaster.

When Li Muchuan was watching, he suddenly noticed a white light flashing in the distance, and he hurriedly controlled it in front of the security door.

The scene just now has been recorded. Li Muchuan flipped through the video to find it and zoomed in.

It was a contestant who was eliminated, and the other party was sent away by an instant transport device.

Similar to the teleportation device in Star Trek, Li Muchuan had been teleported once before.

"I don't know how many people are left?"

Looking at this video, Li Muchuan wondered how many people were left.

How long until he wins.

"The supplies we found are enough for us to live for three months."

At this moment, in a residential building far away from Li Muchuan, ten people were looking at the supplies in the room, and their faces were full of confidence.

The leader is Wu Li, who has specially participated in field survival training before.

This time, after landing, he quickly organized a team, and then ordered everyone to find special supplies.

Now, among the supplies found by their ten-person team, there is water and food. After careful calculation, as long as they save a little to eat, they will definitely be able to live for three months.

In three months, the rest should have been eliminated.

In this room, the doors and windows were blocked.

Wu Li is quite confident. With the training he has received, there is no reason why he can't get the first place this time.

Especially since the start was so smooth this time, he found so many supplies.

"These supplies are enough for us to eat. The only problem is that we don't know what else is there for the natural disaster of the program group."

A member of the team said something worried.

Natural disaster, in fact, is that the program team used a weather weapon.

Weather weapons can control a planet to form a variety of climates, causing disasters.

At the beginning, this thing was developed as a weapon, but there has been no war, and it was gradually used in climate regulation.

At this time, the program group began to use this weapon as a gimmick, attracting the audience to watch.

"Rest assured, with the materials we have prepared, we can definitely handle any extreme weather."

Wu Li was full of confidence and did not feel any threat from extreme weather.

He has received systematic training, enough to deal with any emergencies.

When the rest of the team heard this, they felt relieved when they saw Wu Li said so.

At this moment, many people in this city have actually experienced countless cruel trainings for this competition.

They won't give up until the last minute.

To count the amount of materials, Li Muchuan actually couldn't rank in the top 100.

The main reason is that these teams are looking for materials separately, and the more people there are, the more materials they find.

Other teams also robbed the rest of the supplies.

In this way, the people of these teams are quite rich in various materials.

There are even some seasonings.

To say that these materials are used, it is definitely enough.

On Li Muchuan's side, although there were not as many members as these teams, it was only in the small space that he carried the most materials in the audience.

As long as you are careful, Li Muchuan will not be discovered by others.

Outside, the yellow sand filled the sky~www.readwn.com~ Immediately, a tornado wrapped in yellow sand was slowly moving towards the city.

Along the way, some trees were rolled up, and the yellow tornado looked startling.

Li Muchuan didn't know the situation yet, he was still exploring the various functions of the security door.

I always feel that there is too much technical content in this anti-theft door.

If I can remodel my basement after I go back, it would be nice to use the material of this security door.

At that time, Li Muchuan can store some things in the basement at will, and no one can open it without him going to the basement in person.

It's like Iron Man's workshop, full of technology.

Li Muchuan fiddled with the security door, and then began to think about natural disasters.

If the yellow sand is also counted, what will be the next turn? rainstorm?

Submerge the whole city? Or a tsunami?

Otherwise, it will be like the extremely cold weather in the day after tomorrow.

When Li Muchuan thought of this, his heart suddenly twitched. If there is a tsunami, he should be able to hide higher, but if there is the same cold wave in the day after tomorrow, then it will be troublesome.

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