Time Travel Rules

Chapter 119: trade

Li Muchuan hurried to the place where he was selling.

After a while, Li Muchuan found the peddler.

The other party is holding a few buckets of water at the moment, and is putting it aside for sale.

The clear water swayed in the bucket, making people feel inexplicably happy.

Li Muchuan swallowed a mouthful of water, feeling that the shaking of the water made people thirsty.

Not long after Li Muchuan arrived here, other people approached immediately.

Everyone looked at the water, and they all showed eager expressions.

About one by one, they all felt the preciousness of this water.

"How is this water traded?"

Li Muchuan asked, his eyes swept over the people around him.

The other party is also very vigilant, with seven or eight people around to avoid being robbed.

"In exchange for food, 30 catties of rice for a bucket of water."

"Otherwise, thirty boxes of nutritional supplements will be exchanged for a bucket of water, and fruit or something, fifty kilograms."

so expensive?

This time, not only Li Muchuan but the rest of the people on the side frowned.

What a joke, only 30 pounds of rice is changed for a bucket of water, how long is 30 pounds enough for a person to eat?

Save a little to eat, 30 catties for a month is more than enough.

Food is in short supply now, and although water is very important, rice is also very important.

"Five catties, I will exchange five catties of emerald rice for a bucket of water for you, or not."

Li Muchuan frowned and looked at the man in front of him.

The rice the other party said was not jade rice. Although Li Muchuan didn't know how valuable jade rice was, five jins of rice and a bucket of water should be enough.

As far as food is concerned, Li Muchuan can secretly take some food from the small space every day, and then eat some nutritional supplements or something, and outsiders can't find it.

You need a bucket of water. When it comes time to use water, add a little more water to the bucket every time, and outsiders should not notice it.

In his small space, some water is also reserved.

Emerald rice?

Hearing this, the eyes of several people who were about to trade all lit up, Jade Rice!

It was something they couldn't afford before.

"Five catties is too little, ten catties!"

The trader slapped his mouth at this moment and looked at Li Muchuan greedily.

"It's only five pounds, if you want it or not, I can find someone else to trade."

Li Muchuan rolled his eyes and didn't mean to back down.

The trader listened to Li Muchuan's unrelenting appearance, and was a little anxious. "Now there is yellow sand everywhere, and it has become like a desert. What's the use of emerald rice without water? You can live a few more days with water!"

"I'm short of food right now, so I just exchange a little water, that's all, it's gone if I don't exchange it."

Hearing this, the people on the side suddenly became a little commotion.

If there is only this amount of water, then there is really nothing to change.

Hearing this, Li Muchuan didn't believe it, and sneered, "If I guessed correctly, you should have a pure water generator in your hand, right? It's impossible to say that there is a shortage of water."

Li Muchuan was very impressed when he saw all those things before.

Seeing the other party take out so much water at this moment, I guessed it at once.


The few people who traded in front of them were stunned for a while when they understood this. They also wanted to show how precious their water was, but they never thought that they would be punctured by Li Muchuan.

Li Muchuan guessed right, they did get this material.

With this thing, they basically don't have to worry about running out of water.

However, in order to exchange food, and also to prevent more water sources outside, it is not conducive to eliminating other competitors, and they will not let too much water flow out.

It's the equivalent of having a well in their hands, but not pulling too much water to sell.

"It's only five pounds. If you don't want me, I'll leave."

After Li Muchuan finished speaking, he was about to leave.

Seeing Li Muchuan like this, the man in front of him suddenly became anxious and quickly said yes.

Emerald rice, it's not easy to come across, just take a bucket out and it's not in the way.

The other teammates thought about it and nodded to each other.

Seeing that the other party agreed, Li Muchuan left a sentence and waited, turned around and went back.

After a while, Li Muchuan walked back with a bag of about five catties of jade rice.

When I came back, I could see that there were two buckets of water missing in front of me, which should have been replaced by someone.

Li Muchuan handed the jade rice to the other party, got a bucket of water smoothly, and then picked it up easily and walked back.

The people around him looked at Li Muchuan and wanted to play Li Muchuan's idea.

It was only after hearing that Li Muchuan had easily beaten eight people by himself, he put out a little thought in his heart.

This guy is not easy to deal with, so don't go to the trouble.

After successfully walking back with a bucket of water, Li Muchuan walked out again, this time Li Muchuan was going to collect some firewood.

It's just that the ground is covered with yellow sand, and there are very few things like wood in the residential buildings. It's really hard to find it like this.

Seeing such a situation, Li Muchuan was a little anxious.

It's okay to be a little hot, but what if it gets cold?

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan immediately picked up half a box of nutritional supplements and came to the trading location just now.

"Half a box of nutrients, exchange a heater."

Li Muchuan stood in the shadows to avoid being exposed to the sun, and then began to shout.

Li Muchuan's words had just fallen, and someone immediately heard it.

"Is there something wrong with this guy? Trading heaters on such a hot day?"

The shirtless man beside him frowned.

"What about him, since he wants to change it, we are short of food now."

Before we found much food, the dust tornado came, and it was even more difficult to find supplies now.

"Will this thing be of great use in the future?"

The teammates were a little puzzled, and always felt that there must be a demon when something abnormal happened.

However, just as they were pondering, other people approached Li Muchuan~www.readwn.com~ and asked if they really wanted to use a heater. After getting this nutrient, someone immediately ran back to get the heater.

The heater here is different from the one in the main world. A single battery inside can heat for half a year, and the power is very large.

It can make a room of 300 square meters feel warm.

After Li Muchuan heard this value, he immediately decided to change it.

Soon, the person who traded with Li Muchuan hurriedly carried the heater to Li Muchuan.

Li Muchuan checked and found that there was no problem, and reached a deal with the other party.

After bringing the things back to the base, Li Muchuan called for the monitoring of the door, and made sure that no one came to the door after he left, so he felt relieved.

The sun outside is getting bigger and bigger, the temperature is rising at this moment, and a sultry feeling keeps coming.

Li Muchuan only felt that he had just left for a moment, and already felt that the temperature in the room had risen several degrees.

It's not worth going out in this weather.

Li Muchuan didn't go out after thinking about it.

Hiko's name

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