Time Travel Rules

Chapter 133: reunion dinner

"Why hasn't your brother come back yet?"

In a daze, Li Muchuan heard a familiar voice outside the door.

"I don't know. Brother said he came back today, but he didn't say what time he came back."

Hearing this, Li Lingqin was also a little puzzled.

"Why don't you call your brother and ask him, will you be back at noon?"

Fang Zhimo heard the words and urged her daughter to make a phone call.

It's already the first day of the first year, why haven't you come back yet.

Li Lingqin responded, and quickly picked up the phone and happily called Li Muchuan.

It was just that the phone had just been dialed, and a ringing sound came from the bedroom on the side.

Li Lingqin was stunned, why is there a phone ringing in my brother's bedroom?

Fang Zhimo also looked at the bedroom with some doubts.

At this time, Li Muchuan had already rubbed his eyes, opened the door and walked out of the bedroom.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

I came back too late last night, and after the tense nerves suddenly relaxed, Li Muchuan was still half asleep.

"elder brother!"

Li Lingqin watched Li Muchuan come out of the bedroom, and immediately called out in surprise, and rushed to give Li Muchuan a hug.

However, Li Muchuan stretched out a hand at this time and grabbed Li Lingqin's head directly.

Block Li Lingqin in front of him.

Didn't I just tell my sister just now, why are you still so ignorant.

Li Muchuan opened his eyes, looked at Li Lingqin who was full of dissatisfaction, and stared at him.

Li Muchuan rolled his eyes, but did not take the other party's cruelty to heart.

"Mom, I'm back."

Li Muchuan turned his head and grinned at his mother beside him.

Fang Zhimo couldn't be too happy now, "Just come back, when will you come back? Didn't you tell me in advance when you came back?"

Li Lingqin waved his arm and hit Li Muchuan's arm.

He signaled that Li Muchuan could put his hands down and stop bullying her short stature like this.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan put down his hand, "I came back last night, so I didn't wake you up later."

While talking, Li Muchuan walked towards the bathroom. It was almost noon and he hadn't washed yet.

"Then what do you want to eat for lunch, Mom will make it!"

Fang Zhimo looked at her son with joy in her eyes, chasing after Li Muchuan and asking.

Li Lingqin pouted, she didn't see her mother so happy when she came back.

The last time they came back, the two went out for a trip, and she didn't know about it at all.

Back home alone.

"It's all right, I like all the dishes my mother cooks."

Li Muchuan responded and went straight to wash up.

When Fang Zhimo heard this, she immediately became happy and walked to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

After Li Muchuan took a shower, when he came out, he saw his father sitting on the sofa and immediately called out.

Li Chengnian still looked calm, but it could still be seen that the other party was very happy.

"Just come back."

Li Muchuan's father never said much, and he stopped talking after he finished speaking.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan sat down on the sofa beside him, then picked up the tea set beside him and started making tea.

After the Chinese New Year, some relatives will also come to the house, so tea and other things will be prepared.

"Dad, didn't you transfer some money to the family before? Why didn't you change the house? Our house is too small."

I didn't think the house was too small before, but Li Muchuan was used to living in the villa, and when he came back, he felt much smaller.

There are also four people in the family, which is indeed much smaller.

"We're all old, what else do we do with changing houses?"

Li Chengnian shook his head and did not agree with Li Muchuan's point of view.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan quickly persuaded, "You can't say that, Dad, it's not comfortable to live in a bigger house, and the money you earn is for enjoyment."

Listening to this, Li Chengnian still shook his head, "You can save your money for your wife to buy a house. What is it that we spend that money, and it's hard to earn money now."

He is not old enough to spend Li Muchuan's money to give himself old age.

"It doesn't matter to me, I have already bought a suite in Jiangliu City."

When Li Muchuan heard the words, he immediately said something.

"What, you bought a house in Jiangliu City? Don't you not come back after that?"

Hearing this, before Li Chengnian could say anything, Fang Zhimo in the kitchen hurriedly came out with a shovel.

At this moment, she looked at Li Muchuan with a puzzled face.

If he didn't buy a house in his hometown, Li Muchuan bought a house in other places. Will he not come back in the future?

When Li Muchuan heard this, he couldn't help crying, "Mom, what are you thinking, it would be more convenient for me to buy a house when I work in Jiangliu City, otherwise the rent will cost more than 10,000 yuan every year."

Fang Zhimo heard this and thought about it.

It’s not easy for my son to make money outside. He has to pay rent every month, which makes it even harder to save money.

Thinking about it, she understood.

Li Lingqin pouted as he listened, his brother bought a house, but he didn't take her to the house to have a look.

Up to now, she doesn't even know where her brother's house is, it's mysterious.

"When I came back, the company gave out year-end bonuses. There are quite a few. Go back and buy a house. It's more spacious and comfortable to live in."

Li Muchuan continued to persuade.

The house is too small, and many things can't be put away.

The present Li Muchuan also wanted his parents to be able to live a little more comfortably, as a little bit of his filial piety.

Hearing this, Li Chengnian hesitated.

Listening to what my son said, it seems that his son is doing well now.

If this is the case, it seems that buying a house is not a big deal.

The scent in the kitchen began to dissipate at this moment, and Li Muchuan could smell a very familiar scent.

I grew up smelling it, and this scent is very familiar.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan picked up his phone and looked at it.

The Star Destroyer Cannon was fired last night, and I don't know if it was in the news or not, but I think it was not.

From a technical point of view, there is currently no way to detect the energy cannon of the Star Destroyer Cannon.

What's more, the speed of ~www.readwn.com~ energy cannon is too fast.

Li Muchuan looked at his phone and searched for a few keywords.

The faint blue light, lasers, etc., are not displayed on the website.

Li Muchuan raised his brows slightly when he saw this scene, and finally found a few posts from people.

It is said that I saw a faint blue fireworks last night, very beautiful.

Asking everywhere, does anyone know where the fireworks are bought, the color is really beautiful.

When Li Muchuan saw this post, his cheeks twitched. The dude didn't know where he saw it, so he directly regarded it as fireworks.

It is estimated that the distance is relatively far, and it is not so clear to see.

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