Time Travel Rules

Chapter 148: do you believe this

Li Muchuan thought about it, and felt that it was really possible that he went abroad to travel through the world, and the location would change accordingly.

But Li Muchuan didn't want to test.

The three girls on the side were still chatting about some things abroad, which gradually turned into some scenery or something.

Li Muchuan looked at the dish being served, lowered his head and ate slowly, while thinking about how much it would cost to go back and add to the small space.

The small space is already full, so we still need to add a little more.

However, it would be better to keep some more points, and see if you can save 30 million. If you can save 30 million, you can directly upgrade to the sixth rank.

Li Muchuan pondered the distribution of interference points, mainly because the Star Destroyer Cannon in the space was a big killer.

This big killer Li Muchuan was reluctant to throw it away, and there was no place to store it, so he could only take it with him.

Expand the small space a little bit, and save the remaining points.

As long as there are no other accidents along the way, save it.

After eating dinner for more than half an hour, Li Muchuan saw that he had almost eaten.

I picked up my phone and swiped on the dining table, ready to check out and leave.

"You don't need to settle the bill, I'll do it."

Seeing Li Muchuan's actions, Ling Xuan hurriedly said something.

After the three of them joined the table, all the dishes ordered together were placed on this table.

If Li Muchuan settles the bill, it means that the three of them will be settled.

She felt that she and Li Muchuan were not so familiar yet, and she would rather she invite Li Muchuan to have a meal than let Li Muchuan invite the three of them to eat this meal.

At this moment, Li Muchuan just clicked the payment option directly, just a small amount of money.

The other party didn't want him to invite the other party to dinner, and Li Muchuan didn't want to be invited for nothing, so he would feel that he owed others.

"You're welcome, a meal is nothing."

Li Muchuan stood up, "You guys eat slowly, I'm full, and I have something to go first."

Seeing that Li Muchuan was about to leave with such a neat and tidy checkout, the three of them stayed for a while.

Although they don't know much about Li Muchuan, their neat and tidy attitude in doing things makes them feel a little different.

"Where are you going, I'll take it to you."

Seeing this, Ling Xuan got up quickly and said.

She also had almost eaten, and she got up and said quickly, and wanted to send Li Muchuan away.

Li Muchuan waved his hand when he heard the words, "No need, I drove by myself."

Having said that, Li Muchuan had come to the elevator, Ling Xuan could only stand at the elevator door and watched Li Muchuan leave, and waved goodbye at Li Muchuan.

After a while, Ling Xuan returned to her seat and sighed.

"I knew I wouldn't be sitting here. The three of us let him have a meal alone."

She didn't have such a habit, but she felt that it was good for her to suffer a little, and she didn't want to benefit from others.

"I've already asked for it. It's useless to say these things. Maybe the other party just wants this, so I can chase Roan in the future."

Hearing this, Feifei muttered to the side.

Hearing this, Ling Xuan glanced at her good sister, "Do you believe this?"

Chasing Roan? Do not be silly.

After adding friends, he lay dead there, and they never took the initiative to chat with Roan at all.

And after the meal, the other party walked very quickly, and there was no intention of staying at all because of the three women.

What's more, when eating was fine at the beginning, she was able to stimulate the atmosphere.

It's just that after they talked about other topics, Li Muchuan didn't speak. One of the reasons might be that the other party couldn't get in.

Another reason is that the other party is not interested in them at all.

Lingxuan looked at the other two and felt that they were all good looking. Why doesn't this guy look like he's attentive, isn't he?

Feifei did not refute when she heard this.

She knew that what Ling Xuan said was true, so she looked at Li Muchuan's attitude just now, and it was obvious that she had no interest in them at all.

It seems to be relatively kind, but in fact it can be said to be very cold.

Active checkout is more like not wanting to have anything to do with them.


Li Muchuan drove back to the villa, and Li Muchuan thought about it for a while.

Adding a million interference points to the small space increases the space by two cubic meters.

The remaining 7 million interference points are reserved. If he can earn another 23 million, he can be upgraded again.

Two cubic meters is enough for the current situation, just decorate the supplies.

After doing this, Li Muchuan came to the swimming pool.

It's still winter, but Li Muchuan still wants to try how long he can hold his breath after sinking into the water.

After taking off his clothes, Li Muchuan dived directly into the swimming pool.

To Li Muchuan's surprise, after his physique increased, his ability to resist cold even increased a lot.

I originally thought that if I dived into the pool like this, I would feel that the pool is biting.

However, in fact, Li Muchuan didn't feel anything biting in the water.

After diving into the water, Li Muchuan started timing with a watch.

Everything felt the same on the water, but gradually Li Muchuan began to feel a little bored.

It's really boring to just stay underwater and stare at the time.

According to the information he just checked, the longest record for a person underwater is 22 minutes.

Li Muchuan glanced at his record. He had been underwater for half an hour now, and he still didn't feel any discomfort.

When the time came to forty-seven minutes, Li Muchuan gradually began to feel that he was approaching the limit.

After looking at the time, Li Muchuan got out of the pool and took a breath.

Write down this information, if he falls into the water in the future, he can stay in the water for nearly fifty minutes.

If you encounter any danger in the future, you can completely escape.

With his ability to hold his breath and his physical strength, it is estimated that no one can catch up in the water.

The only problem is that he can escape with a fifth-order body~www.readwn.com~ I guess it is really dangerous.

Back in the villa, Li Muchuan washed with water and put on a clean nightgown.

Before the next time of crossing, Li Muchuan glanced at the countdown, which was on the 1st of February.

I don't know where the crossing will be this time.

But until now, Li Muchuan has no way to help the world of w97.

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan couldn't help frowning.

Looking at it now, it seems that the world of w97 can only go back to w727 once to solve the mutant beast.

He could go back in advance, and Li Qingxiao had already found a solution.

The probability of these two is combined, and the probability becomes much lower in an instant. Hope still cannot be completely pinned on w727.


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