Time Travel Rules

Chapter 158: locking

Wang Yichang couldn't help but have a headache listening to the complaints of his good girlfriends.

This good best friend has been complaining about her for several days because of this.

I feel that if this matter is not resolved, they will not be able to be good girlfriends in the future.

"I know my ancestors were wrong!"

Wang Yichang begged for mercy, but there was nothing he could do.

If she kept listening, her ears would grow calluses.

However, Mu Jingjing pursed her lips when she heard it. Can this be done with an apology?

In the small circle of Jiangliu City, there are countless people now offering rewards for Li Muchuan!

Seeing this, Wang Yichang was about to continue to appease Mu Jingjing, but the next moment she saw a familiar figure in the crowd in front of her.

Continuing to take a closer look, Wang Yichang was instantly overjoyed.

"Look at the one in blue in front of you, isn't that the one?"

Wang Yichang didn't know what the other party was called, but looking at the other party's appearance, it should be the person who was brought back by his best friend that night.

When Mu Jingjing heard the words, she quickly looked up.

When he saw Li Muchuan in front of him, he couldn't hold back the surprise in his heart. He even ignored the girlfriends on the side and hurriedly ran towards Li Muchuan.

After a while, Mu Jingjing came to Li Muchuan panting.

"That... hello..."

When Mu Jingjing came to Li Muchuan, she was at a loss for a while, not knowing how to greet Li Muchuan.

After all, that night, she was able to drive Li Muchuan out of the house.

Li Muchuan listened to the voice and looked, and after seeing Mu Jingjing beside him, he immediately showed a smile.

"It's you, what a coincidence."

He had just crossed into this world that day, and Li Muchuan was still paying the bill when he ate that night.

For this, Li Muchuan remembered it quite clearly.

Seeing that there was no disgust on Li Muchuan's face, Mu Jingjing immediately felt happy.

"I'm so sorry, we didn't mean that night, we already promised you, and then let you leave."

Although Li Muchuan left by herself, it was also because of her conversation with her best friend, which made Mu Jingjing blame herself directly.

Li Muchuan didn't have much feeling about this matter. He had only just met the other party, and then went to the other party's house to stay.

Thinking about it carefully, he was also reckless.

"It's okay, in fact, it's fine for me to live outside. I'm not familiar with life, so I'm taking the liberty."

Li Muchuan smiled gently and directly exposed the matter.

When Mu Jingjing heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Wang Yichang also followed, and secretly gave his good girlfriend a blank eye, this guy.

After seeing the male god, it is too much to leave yourself behind!

But when she turned her head to Li Muchuan, she showed a smile again.

"I was a little offended that night, I'm so sorry..."

Wang Yichang also gave himself a good girlfriend face and apologized directly.

It is really not so good to maliciously speculate on the character of others for no reason.

Li Muchuan frowned, "It's okay, she has already apologized."

What's the matter with these two, they came to apologize together?

"You should still have a few places in Jiangliu City that you haven't been to. I'll show you around!"

Seeing Li Muchuan frowning, Mu Jingjing knew that the other party didn't want to continue on this matter, and immediately said something.

She still remembered that Li Muchuan said earlier that she had just come here.

In this case, she can continue to be Li Muchuan's guide.

"Uh, I shouldn't be playing for long."

Hearing this, Li Muchuan glanced at the countdown beside him.

"It won't be a waste of time. There are hundreds of gardens outside the city where we can go to see the flowers!"

Although it is autumn, the Baiyuan Garden is well taken care of and it is a very good place.

"I can't go outside the city."

Wang Yichang heard the words, took the mobile phone and said, "I just notified it temporarily that people are temporarily prohibited from entering and leaving."

People are prohibited from entering and leaving?

Hearing this, Li Muchuan couldn't help but glance at the other party's mobile phone, why did he start to prohibit people from entering and leaving.

Li Muchuan was a little strange, but then he didn't take it seriously.

He was leaving soon after all.

"Is that so..." Mu Jingjing also glanced at the notice, and was a little disappointed after confirming the correctness of the matter.


"Have you found anyone?"

In the action team, all parties are a little anxious.

All aspects have been blocked, and a delay of one second will cause huge losses and impacts.

"It's been confirmed, it's this person!"

On the screen, Li Muchuan's figure immediately appeared on it, after various monitoring and investigations.

After this guy came around the villa, he disappeared immediately, and suddenly appeared after a few days, which could completely target the suspect on this person.

But when everyone looked at the face on the screen, they were stunned.

Why does this guy look like Li Muchuan?

"Which country's cosmetic technology is so developed?"

The action team leader on the side couldn't help frowning, so the similarity of the faces is not more than 99%!

"It must be a spy from another country who deliberately had plastic surgery to sneak in like this. It is very likely that this face deceived the Honghe system."

Looking at this face, someone immediately analyzed it.

"Whether he is or not, find the person first and lock his position immediately!"

Now is not the time to think about this, first find out the person and see if the other person has left the city.

It's just that when the surveillance system on their side was locked, the suspect appeared on Huashan Street.

Seeing that the target was locked, the operatives were dispatched immediately.

An arrest operation against Li Muchuan immediately unfolded in a mighty manner.


"Where should I go then?"

I saw several places that I liked, but now I can't go.

Mu Jingjing was a little upset.

"Let's find a shop and take a break."

It doesn't matter to Li Muchuan, after all, he really can't play for long.

Because these girls are so crazy, Li Muchuan stayed until he was about to leave, UU reading www. uukanshu.com just came out.

When parting, it is enough to see the prosperity of this future.

Mu Jingjing nodded helplessly, but she felt a little unwilling in her heart.

Li Muchuan didn't think too much about it, he looked at the small shop beside him and was ready to go in and sit.

Just the next moment, Li Muchuan frowned.

He seemed to feel someone staring at him?

I don't know if it's an illusion, but it does seem like someone is staring at him across the street.

Li Muchuan looked up, but could not find the source of his sight.

Is it because of his appearance that he has attracted the attention of many people?

Li Muchuan thought about it, and felt that this was the only explanation.


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