Time Travel Rules

Chapter 168: listed

Li Muchuan and Li Qingxiao lived their own time at the villa, almost like they were on their honeymoon.

It's just that ten days passed quietly in the blink of an eye.

Li Qingxiao was a little reluctant. Looking at the villa she was leaving, she knew that it would be faster for Li Muchuan to return after she left.

But even so, she did not choose to stay.

After the two returned by plane, they then came to Li Qingxiao's laboratory.

Li Muchuan took out the USB flash drive and handed it to Li Qingxiao.

Li Qingxiao took the U disk and started downloading the technology.

"Speaking of which, your previous bionic cockpit technology was very good, and I even used it on fighter jets."

Li Qingxiao looked at the technology in the data, and suddenly turned around and said something.


Li Muchuan was stunned for a moment, "Isn't this technology already used in fighter jets?"

Li Qingxiao shook his head, "It's not what you think. After the bionic cockpit is equipped, the Red River is used to control the aircraft, which can reduce the need for pilots."

"In addition, there is Honghe for control, which can also offset the load and increase the maneuverability of the fighter."

Li Muchuan was suddenly stunned when he heard the words, and at the same time his heart moved slightly.

That being said, it's a really good combination.

Red River can control these weapons, which can indeed reduce the demand for pilots, while increasing mobility and so on.

Do you want to go back and let the main world try it?

Li Muchuan was thinking about this, but Li Qingxiao had already started downloading the above information at this time.

With these technologies, the development of this world should be much faster.

However, I heard that the zombies in the rest of the continent have not been solved yet. When this side is freed, Li Qingxiao should be able to deal with the zombies in the rest of the land.

After Li Qingxiao finished these things, he turned his head and ignored it.

She can wait for Li Muchuan to leave these things, so she also has busy things.

For the rest of the time, she just wanted to be able to get tired of being with Li Muchuan.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

The sun was gradually setting in the distance, Li Muchuan and Li Qingxiao were sitting on the chairs by the roadside, embracing each other and watching the sun gradually set in the distance.

Li Qingxiao didn't ask Li Muchuan how much time he had, but just held on to Li Muchuan tightly.

"Wait for my next visit."

Li Muchuan looked at Li Qingxiao sideways, and said softly in the other's ear.

"Well," Li Qingxiao responded, holding Li Muchuan's hand even tighter.

Just the next moment, Li Qingxiao only felt that his hand was empty, and he continued to grab it subconsciously.

Just grabbed a handful of starlights, and then these starlights slowly dissipated.


"Hey, I'm back..."

Looking at the familiar room, Li Muchuan felt that this time it was like a holiday for himself.

Taking a look at the interference point, I actually added a little to myself.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan sighed, this interference point was too stingy.

Still need some new worlds, or worlds like g625, and there will be more interference points.

He picked up the phone on the side and glanced at the time, it was already March 2.

The time for the next crossing is....

Li Muchuan looked at the countdown to restart the timer. After calculating, it started on March 11th.

After disarming Honghe's defense mechanism, Li Muchuan came directly to the first floor.

The overworld is raining right now.

Today is March, and the rain is pattering with a little drizzle, but it is not small.

"It's raining..."

Looking at this rainy day, Li Muchuan suddenly felt in a bad mood.

After rolling his eyes, Li Muchuan felt that the temperature was a little low, so he turned on the heating directly.

As far as his body is concerned, he doesn't care about the temperature at all, but he is habitually preferring a more comfortable temperature.

This will make Li Muchuan feel more comfortable.

On a trip beside the sofa, Li Muchuan picked up his mobile phone and looked through to see if anything major happened in the main world after he left.

Learn about these things, so as not to be directly out of touch with the main world.

"Genetic immune serum, is it on the market?"

Li Muchuan flipped through the recent news, and when he saw the news that was still very popular, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

According to the guidance of the hospital, the injection of genetic immune serum is also recommended to be injected in stages.

Children's resistance will be weaker when they are young, so it is recommended to inject several times at this time, and the other is when they are teenagers, and then they are injected when they are old.

There are three stages in total.

The genetic immune serum has just been launched, and after publicizing the effect, it immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

After confirming that the effect of this serum is really so powerful, various hospitals directly ran out of stock.

Many people feel that it doesn't matter if they don't fight, they have to fight their children.

To be able to reduce the chance of the disease in your child, this serum must be played.

Especially some infants and young children, their own resistance is not very strong, and a little sickness will break the hearts of their parents.

In this state, hospitals in various places during these times were full of people.

If you have to, you can only open an appointment to inject serum.

Li Muchuan saw the news, and after flipping through the circle of friends, he saw that the circle of friends was full of blood serum content and copywriting.

It can be seen that countless people are still very concerned about whether they can get serum.

Even Li Lingqin sent him several text messages asking him if he had taken serum.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan replied that he had already fought.

Li Lingqin is still making an appointment here.

The effect of the serum is still extremely powerful, and the storm has gradually subsided until now.

Overall, everything is fine.

Then, under the hot search, there are various things such as some stars.

Li Muchuan wasn't very interested in the star sector~www.readwn.com~ After a casual look, he put away his phone.

It was pouring rain outside, which made Li Muchuan give up the idea of ​​going out. He took out some food from the refrigerator. Li Muchuan took a pile of food and came to the movie hall, opened it and found a movie.

It was a movie from a few years ago, and Li Muchuan watched it with relish.

In the dimly lit movie hall, Li Muchuan habitually moved his hand to the side, but it was empty.

Feeling that his hand was empty, Li Muchuan couldn't help but look back, Li Qingxiao was suddenly not around, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

Shaking his head, he threw away some thoughts in his mind, and Li Muchuan concentrated on watching the movie.

In another ten days, I will enter the next world, and I don't know where the next world will be.

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan couldn't help frowning. When the system can be upgraded, it would be good to predict the next world that can be entered.


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