Time Travel Rules

Chapter 173: stolen home

"No, if it's really according to what Li Muchuan said, there is a Red River system in his villa, but this villa has already undergone a wave of washing the ground as early as the moment the system started a new era."

"At the time, I didn't know why the system didn't strike other places, but this place was given priority strikes. Now I finally understand why."

After the director of the Intelligence Division worked on the computer, he called up a video.

In the video, a missile took off directly from a base and hit Li Muchuan's villa with precision.

In an instant, the villa of Shanshui Manor suffered a fatal blow, and now it has turned into a small lake.

When the rest of the people saw this scene, their hearts sank. As a result, their last hope was also shattered?

Li Muchuan looked even more speechless. His home was bombed, and he didn't know whether he was in the villa at that time...

However, this is also explained clearly. TY-11 did not know the reason for his identity. If TY-11 invaded the Red River in his villa at that time, his identity might have been exposed to TY-11.

Then when Li Muchuan crossed over, he was afraid that TY-11 would mercilessly use large-scale weapons to obliterate him.

"It's over..."

Without the Red River system, how can they extract the corresponding code and then restrict it?

Li Muchuan himself said that the code of this Honghe was not written by him.

"I have a backup here."

Looking at the disappointed eyes of everyone around, Li Muchuan took out a USB flash drive from the small space.

All the technologies that Li Muchuan acquired were backed up and placed in a small space, but it was thanks to him that he did so.

Otherwise, it would be really troublesome.

Everyone's originally depressed mood was instantly overjoyed after hearing this.

"Have a backup, that's great, call someone to extract the code immediately!"

"The rest of us started to study like a penetration!"

At this moment, everyone finally had the motivation to act. First, they extracted the Red River from Li Muchuan's USB flash drive, and then began to extract the code.

The rest began to study, how to penetrate into the safe area, and then hack into the server.

Hacking a server is much easier than hacking a server directly, but it is also extremely difficult.

"This TY-11 has two servers. It is very difficult to hack into two servers at the same time, especially in the case of synchronization. If TY-11 detects that we have hacked into the server and imported the relevant code, one server will respond. , If we restart directly, then we will fall short."

"After the restart, the other party will also be prepared."

The other party now has two servers left, and it is absolutely impossible to restart both.

After all, if the two servers are restarted, it means that the other party has directly lost all protective measures. They are a little more ruthless on their side. Without mushroom bombs, large-scale bombing with missiles can blow up the two servers into the sky.

In any case, the opponent will definitely leave one for defense, and as long as the other server restarts, the opponent will be victorious.

"So if you want to have a higher win rate, it's better to kill a server and then hack into a server?"

The other person heard the words and frowned.

Isn't it just as difficult? How much did they pay to kill that server last time?

That was still taking advantage of the other party's unpreparedness, and the other server was abroad, so it was directly destroyed.

Now the remaining two are in China, which is not easy to do.

The opponents in the sea, land and air have carried out strict defenses, and with the lessons of the last time, it is even more difficult to destroy the opponent's server.

"It's too difficult to achieve this level, isn't it?"

"The hacking server also said that we can directly let Honghe play. Hey, let's let two Honghe play and hack into two servers, isn't it enough?"

People were talking about it at the moment.

When it comes to how to deal with TY-11, it seems that the best way is to use artificial intelligence.

It is somewhat difficult to artificially counteract the TY-11.

"I'm afraid it won't work. The two servers are not in the same place, and the network delay also exists. In addition, if TY-11 detects that Honghe is attacking the server, it will definitely start to counteract. If it can't stand the restart, it is inevitable. "

"Once the boundaries identified by TY-11 are exceeded, a war is inevitable."

Hearing this, someone immediately raised their hands to express their opposition.

From the very beginning, TY-11 blew up Li Muchuan's villa in one wave, which showed that the opponent's fear of Honghe was definitely a priority.

Once it is aware that the Red River system is attacking the server, both servers will respond, and it will be troublesome to directly open the missile to wash the ground.

The best way seems to be to hack into the server, so that the other party does not feel the crisis from the beginning.

When TY-11 feels that things are out of control, the other party will restart one server to prevent two servers from being invaded at the same time, and the other server will first withstand the defense deployment to avoid missile attacks.

Wait until the other server restarts, and then take over the defense.

Taking advantage of this gap, as long as they can blow up the restarted server and directly hack the server that has not been restarted, then it will be considered a success.

Everyone was discussing specifically what to do in order to win this battle.

As for the USB flash drive given by Li Muchuan, the other party immediately took it away to extract the code in Honghe.

But soon, after the other party finished downloading Honghe, he hurriedly found Li Muchuan again.

Because they don't have permission, they can view the code of Red River.

After finding Li Muchuan, he was authorized by Li Muchuan, and the other party successfully entered the core code of Honghe.

Li Muchuan listened, but this time he didn't give any advice. The other party had experience in fighting TY-11, but he didn't.

And when Li Muchuan listened, he learned some useful news.

That is TY-11's rules of engagement, what level of attack they use on their side, how much counterattack measures TY-11 will take.

For example, if they did not use weapons such as missiles first, the other party would not use such weapons.

This is also the result of TY-11's deduction. If TY-11 uses such a weapon of mass destruction first, it will also have a fatal threat to itself.

"So, the most troublesome thing is **** the restarted server?"

A group of people analyzed how to win this battle, but after analyzing the results, they still got into a difficult problem.

Both servers are under the bunkers, still protected by energy shields.

The other party will not directly shut down the two servers and restart them. If they dare to use missiles, the other party will not be polite.

Hacking into the server is simpler, just let Honghe go out and help in the final attack at the last critical moment.

Hack the server at the last moment and kill the restarted server at the same time, then they win.

"End this server, maybe I have a way."

Li Muchuan thought for a while, and then said something.

"What can you do?"

After Li Muchuan took out the red river, everyone's trust in Li Muchuan immediately improved several grades, and at this moment, they turned their heads after hearing the words.

"I have a cannon. It's definitely not a problem to blow up the defense of this bunker, but I'm afraid I can't directly blow up the server, because the power of the cannon is too great, and I'm afraid it will affect the earth."

Earth is just a planet. If the Star Destroyer Cannon is aimed directly at the bunker, the planet will be lost.

"you sure?"

Hearing this, the military commander looked at Li Muchuan and asked intently, "This is very important. If something goes wrong, our actions will fall short."

"I'm pretty sure!"

The power of the Star Destroyer Cannon surpasses the energy shield. The energy shield technology that Li Muchuan brought back is only at the level of individual combat, not the level used by spaceships.

The difference between the two made it impossible for the energy shields in the bunker to withstand a single bombardment from the Star Destroyer Cannon.

"Can we see how powerful your cannon is?"

Although seeing Li Muchuan's remarks so confidently gave everyone a little confidence, it was related to success or failure, and they did not dare to be careless, and directly entrusted the key to Li Muchuan.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan took out his mobile phone from the small space. After confirming that the mobile phone was disconnected from the Internet, he retrieved some videos inside.

The video is a video of Li Muchuan using the Star Destroyer Cannon on G625, showing the power of the Star Destroyer Cannon from all angles.

Everyone gathered at this moment, and when they saw the cannon in the video, they were all stunned.

After the beam of light in the pure energy form was launched, it caused a little fluctuation in the surrounding space, and the moment it hit the meteorite.

It is even more that there is nothing left of the meteorite disintegrating in an instant.

With such power, everyone is sure that this energy shield can't stop the bombardment of the star destroyer.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you to break the defense of the bunker!"

The military commander looked at this scene, his face flushed with excitement, and he cheered again and again with excitement.

He probably never thought that Li Muchuan had such a powerful weapon in his hand.

It is estimated that TY-11 would not have expected this thing to be killed.

And what the other party did not expect will become their magic weapon!

"Then it's up to you to choose which server to attack and where to strike. In addition, these are some parameters of the Star Destroyer Cannon, you can use it as a reference."

Li Muchuan took out the paper and wrote down some power parameters of the Star Destroyer Cannon.

The parameters are data such as the diameter of the energy range. With such data, the opponent can make a good calculation, and where to strike would be better.

This one is not good, it would be troublesome to directly punch a hole in the earth.

After Li Muchuan finished speaking, he also left the conference room.

The last shot of the Star Destroyer Cannon was also used in this world.

Although the Star Destroyer Cannon should be used with caution for the last time, this future is also caused by Li Muchuan, and it is necessary to make up for it.

Li Muchuan left the building and was walking on the street, suddenly his eyes were attracted by a small figure in front of him.

It was a little girl wearing a flying fish suit from the Ming Dynasty. She didn't look majestic, but looked very cute.

"Come, come to my brother's side."

At first glance, when almost all the uncles and aunts entered his eyes, Li Muchuan felt a little surprised when he suddenly saw such a little girl.

It was like seeing a small sapling in a desert.

When the little girl heard the sound, she was not afraid of life, and she jumped up and down in front of Li Muchuan with the candied gourd in her hand.

"What's your name?"

The little girl's big eyes are black and white, her little face is a little chubby, and there is a longevity lock around her neck.

"My name is Dragon Boat Festival!"

"It's called Dragon Boat Festival..."

Hearing this, Li Muchuan was stunned for a moment, and then smiled.

"Little Dragon Boat Festival, how many ancient poems did you recite today?"

"Did you skip class and run out to play?"

The people around seemed to know the Dragon Boat Festival in front of them, and when they heard this, they couldn't help laughing and asking.

"I have recited a lot of things. There are Luoxia and Lonely flying together in the preface of King Teng's Pavilion, the autumn water is the same color as the sky, King Teng's high pavilion is adjacent to Jiangzhu, and Peiyu Mingluan stops singing and dancing.

There are also hundreds of fish in the pool in the small stone pool, all of which are like swimming in the air. "

Xiao Duanwu raised his face as he spoke, and when he said this to the crowd, he had an expression of complimenting me.

It caused the people around to laugh.

"The Little Dragon Boat Festival is amazing. When I grow up, I can be a teacher and teach the little Dragon Boat Festival in the future!"

"In the future, we can only rely on the small Dragon Boat Festival. You have to remember this and teach it to people who don't know it in the future. Do you know?"

When everyone said this, there was a hint of indignation on their faces.

"But there are adults all around, and I haven't seen any children younger than me on the Dragon Boat Festival. Who do you teach?"

Xiao Duanwu listened to this, his face was full of confusion.

"Dragon Boat Festival has no children to play with now."

Speaking of the end, Xiao Duanwu looked lost.

When everyone heard this, their hearts sank.

Li Muchuan smiled when he heard the words, "Don't worry, there will be many children who can play in the small Dragon Boat Festival in the future."

When Dragon Boat Festival heard this, he was very happy, "Thank you, big brother!"

Just after finishing speaking, Dragon Boat's expression became a little lower, "But I heard that if Dragon Boat Festival wants children, many uncles will be lost, is that true?"

"Well, when you grow up, you will know why you do this."

Li Muchuan heard the words, thought for a while before replying.

Dragon Boat Festival was still a little puzzled, but he quickly put on a smile and walked away.

Wherever the Dragon Boat Festival goes, it can attract many eyes. Everyone looks at the Dragon Boat Festival as if they have seen the future of Chinese civilization.

Their generation has almost come to an end, and if the thorns cannot be removed, the next generation will also end here.

Li Muchuan looked at the Dragon Boat Festival from a distance, and sighed until the other party disappeared from his sight.

Mistakes made unintentionally have serious consequences. . . .

Li Muchuan wandered around, except for the little girl just now, he really didn't see too many children.

There should be a few, and they still live in other cities.

When the time came to evening, someone contacted Li Muchuan and arranged a place for Li Muchuan.

Some of Red River's codes have been extracted almost, and a simulated attack on TY-11 is still underway.

Independent network for simulation, do not worry about being detected by TY-11.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan also gave the backup TY-11 to the network department for research.

Although the backup TY-11 has not reached the current level, it can be used as a reference.

According to the plan, Honghe could not participate in the action all at once, and being noticed by TY-11, it is likely to provoke TY-11's countermeasures.

So at the beginning, it is still necessary to manually hack into the server, and two servers are hacked at the same time.

Force one of the servers to restart.

Then you can start the second phase of the operation, use the Red River to carry out the final attack, and another restarted server to destroy it.

There is only one shot of the Star Destroyer Cannon. If there are two shots, you can consider sending it to another server.

In addition, to ensure that the restarted server is the one to be destroyed, they also need to attack a server on their side.

In this way, TY-11 will give priority to restarting another server that is not under armed attack.

Everything needs to be calculated to ensure that the task is foolproof.

However, at the beginning of the battle, I was afraid that it would be extremely difficult.

They need to cross the border line with TY-11 and enter the opponent's territory before they can attack one of the opponent's servers.

And only in this way, can Li Muchuan be sent to the attack site, and the rest of the armed personnel can also carry out follow-up destruction operations.

Only in this way, the frontal firefight will definitely sacrifice a lot of soldiers.

Li Muchuan's heart sank as he looked at the preliminary plan.

Night falls.

After Li Muchuan had dinner, he lay down on a reclining chair, still thinking about the planned actions in his mind.

Preliminary plans have been drawn up, but detailed operational procedures are still under discussion.

Li Muchuan also explained to the other party what he saw in Qiaozhou City.

For example, how powerful the robots are to maintain law and order, and the time when the robots arrived after Li Muchuan was found inside.

Let's see if we can avoid the surveillance of TY-11 and carry out infiltration operations~www.readwn.com~ According to the general situation we have learned, it seems that TY-11 has arranged many cameras in various places, and wants to avoid opening. The surveillance and penetration of the other party is really very difficult.

Not to mention that the other party still has helicopters for non-stop patrols, which are found in many mountainous areas.

The infiltration plan of going over mountains and mountains seems to be unworkable, and it is only possible to enter directly.

When Li Muchuan heard this, he was still glad that he had walked the waterway at that time.

Otherwise, I really can't get out of the management area of ​​TY-11.

On the second day, Honghe's security code was completely extracted. According to Honghe's simulation, as long as these codes were programmed into the TY-11, the control of the TY-11 could be restored.

Li Muchuan took a copy of this code in his hand, and he also needed this code after returning to the main world, so as to avoid the birth of a new crisis.

Then Li Muchuan came to the military base. He also needed a set of combat equipment as a soldier. This equipment could provide him with some security protection during the battle.

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