Time Traveler

Vol 3 Chapter 43: Picker

It’s a pity that Liu Yanzhi didn’t understand the pulse of Chinese medicine. He thought that Feng Ru’s heartbeat was accelerated by his shyness and excitement. He walked forward for a certain distance. The rain was getting heavier and heavier. The two of them had to shelter under the corridor. Unfortunately, this is Rujia The entrance of the hotel.

   "The rain is so heavy." Feng Ru said, "I'm afraid the taxi is not easy to call at this time."

When he said this, Feng Ru's face was a little red, but the lights were dim. Liu Yanzhi did not realize that his thinking about love and affection had stopped twenty years ago. He definitely didn't have the idea of ​​opening a house in his mind. Listen to Feng When Ru mentioned the taxi, he immediately said, "It's okay, I'm coming by car, you'll be there soon after a while." After that, he ran into the rain.

   It didn't take much time, Liu Yan drove his Great Wall SUV straight and showed up, driving Feng Ru home. The rain in the early spring was very artistic. Feng Ru was speechless for a long time, and she was so worried that Liu Yanzhi never turned on the lights.

   Feng Ru's house is in a high-end community by the river, and Liu Yan stopped the car at the door of the unit.

   "It's late today, so I won't invite you up." Feng Ru said, fearing that Liu Yan would misunderstand him, and added, "My grandma is at home."

   "Okay, goodbye." Liu Yanzhi responded politely, drove away, and the phone rang as soon as he got home. It was a WeChat message from Feng Ru: Is it safe to get home?

The girl is very careful. She can calculate the location of Liu Yanzhi’s house and the speed at which he drove, and pinch the time to greet. In fact, they don’t talk much when they are together. After separation, they chatted on WeChat quite speculatively, but Liu Yan knew straightforwardly. He didn't like Feng Ru, let alone love. He wanted to find an opportunity to tell each other that he could be a friend.

On the third day when Liu Yanzhi was resting at home, the matchmaker came to the door. He was mysterious and happy. He laughed when he saw his mother: "Sister, congratulations, great joy." Then he gave Liu Yanzhi a meaningful look and went into the house to talk. Now, with Liu Yanzhi’s ears, it’s not difficult to hear the specific content. The matchmaker said that Xiao Feng is very satisfied with your son. He asked the matchmaker to convey his opinions and choose a day to meet with the elderly and settle the matter.

"Sister, look, you were so worried that you couldn't sleep a week ago. Now you have a daughter-in-law. By this time next year, you will have your big fat grandchildren. Let me tell you, your son is really a gentleman and a young man. Feng tested him. He was better than Liu Xiahui. When they saw him, it was him!"

   My mother doesn’t understand: "Who is Ryuxiahui?"

You can imagine the look of the matchmaker at this moment. She is dancing square dance. She is an amateur to introduce people to others. The person is not bad, but she is too enthusiastic. Liu Yan wanted to refuse now, but she couldn't save face. She didn't want to disappoint her mother and could only watch. Watching the matchmaker leave with a smile.

   Mother sent away the guests and said cheerfully: "When will Xiao Feng take home for a meal? Mom prepared a meeting ceremony for her."

   Liu Yan said straightly: "I have no feeling for her."

   The mother persuaded: "I feel it everywhere. This child is nice, but he is a little older. Aren't we also forty years old. If you don't get married and have children, Mom can't wait."

   Liu Yanzhi was speechless, he couldn't use Lin Su to prevaricate his mother.

   The phone rang. It was sent by Feng Ru:  The company has sent a lot of benefits, and I can’t take it. Can you come and pick me up?

   Liu Yan thought for a long time, and finally decided to clarify the matter while meeting today, and cut off people's thoughts as soon as possible, so he replied with a word: OK.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, Liu Yan drove directly to Feng Ru’s unit, Qingshi Hi-Tech New Energy Industrial Park. While waiting under the office building, he noticed that there were people sitting in several cars in the parking lot. Waiting for someone.

Feng Ru sent a message to ask Liu Yan to go upstairs to pick him up. Liu Yanzhi thought about it or went there. In the finance department of Feng Ru’s department, a large group of ladies gathered around Liu Yan, laughing and talking about each other. In the end, Feng Ru helped him out. I got off the elevator. Qingshi Hi-Tech is a large-scale battery manufacturer. The benefits are very good. The employee benefits are particularly good. They send things every three to five, shampoo, toilet paper, and fruit bacon movie tickets. There are all kinds of things. Today, they are delivered in boxes. Sanitary napkins made Liu Yanzhi very embarrassed.

   came to the parking lot. When they were loading things into the car, a few people gathered around. Feng Ru timidly grabbed Liu Yanzhi's corner of his clothes and whispered, "I'm afraid."

There are five people in their twenties and thirties. They are very angry. God knows that a good girl like Feng Ru will get into gangster society. Faced with such a scene, Liu Yanzhi is not serious at all, but he doesn't want to deal with it immediately, because he Somewhat puzzled, why these five guys waited for themselves to pick up Feng Ru when they got off work.

   Liu Yan put the things in his hands straight, and said calmly: "Who are you looking for?"

   "Are you Feng Ru's boyfriend?" the first elder brother asked, with a local accent.

   "That's right." Liu Yan said straight, "Why, is it an economic dispute or a relationship dispute?"

   "She owes us money, five million." The eldest brother increased his tone on the five million.

   "Oh." Liu Yan nodded and looked at Feng Ru.

   "It's my guarantee." Feng Ru's face was pale, "Now they have come to me. I sold my car and house, and even the interest is not enough. I'm sorry, but you shouldn't be involved."

"It's loan sharks." Liu Yanzhi had already guessed something, and faced a few big guys, "You don't know if it is illegal for you to loan sharks, but it's not easy for you to mix in society. Take this thing first and use it as interest. "

   A box of sanitary napkins was thrown in front of the older brother, his complexion turned into pig liver.

   "What nonsense with him, buckle the car!" A younger brother walked to the cab and pulled out the car key.

   Liu Yan could see from the expectation in Feng Ru's eyes that this was premeditated and he didn't want to care about it, but he couldn't let others drive his car away, so he took out his mobile phone and chose to call the police.

They were not afraid of him calling the police at all. They drove away. Liu Yanzhi noticed that they were driving a decked Cayenne with a license plate number of four. Although they were arrogant, they looked like decks. The local tyrants like to drive four. An 8 car, this number plate alone has been seen on at least three cars, namely Cayenne, X5, and Audi A8.

   Calm was restored in the parking lot. Liu Yanzhi’s Great Wall SUV was corrupted and left. There was only a box of sanitary napkins on the ground. The security guard glanced at them and left.

   Feng Ru couldn't hide his disappointment, bit his lip and said, "I'm sorry, I am the one who caused you."

"You planned all this, right." Liu Yan asked directly, "You are in a hurry to go to the doctor. I think I am a senior assistant of the Antai Consortium and can help you get 5 million, so I rushed to determine the relationship. Then I lied to help you deal with loan sharks, as a flower protector or something, right."

   Feng Ru's gray face flew with two blushes. Liu Yanzhi's unceremonious question made her ashamed. With tears in her eyes, she defended, "I admit that I want to use you, but I also fall in love with you."

   "When?" Liu Yan said straight, "When I was Liu Xiahui?"

"No, it was when you caught the plate in the restaurant. From that moment on, I think I fell in love with you." Feng Ru went out and confessed completely, "I used to have a boyfriend who was a total scumbag. He likes gambling. He lost all the money we were planning to get married. He also got a dozen credit cards, overdrafted more than 1 million yuan, borrowed more than 3 million yuan from usury, and lost all of them. ..."

"I'm just a catcher." Liu Yan smiled straight to himself, "Forget it, you coaxed my mother very happily, and chatting with me is full of speculation. I will help you a little bit. This car will not drive. In half a year, it's worth more than 100,000 yuan, and it's time to pay interest."

   "How can this be possible?" Feng Ru was shocked, "That is your car. We are just ordinary friends. I will make it clear to them and let them return the car to you."

   Liu Yanzhi suddenly thought of something: "By the way, you are a guarantee for this loan shark, right? Just now you said that you owed more than three million yuan, so why did they say that it was five million yuan."

Feng Ru said: "In the beginning, it was more than 3 million. The interest rate of usury was too high. The interest rate was so high that it kept rising. It has already risen to 5 million. If you can't pay it back, they will go. Harassing my grandma."

   "Can't you call the police?" Liu Yan said straight.

Feng Ru was about to answer. There was a sirens and the police car came. They came to the police after receiving a call from Liu Yanzhi. The two police officers asked about the reason for the alarm and said that this is an economic dispute, not a robbery, and it is better to resolve it by yourself. .

The police left these words and left. Feng Ru said, "The police said the same to me. The scum ran away and was nowhere to be seen. They came to me because it was my guarantee. Block me downstairs, come to the company next time to find me."

Liu Yan nodded straightly: "Well, loan sharks, people eat this bowl of rice, but that man is too scumbag. What is his name and his ID number? Tell me, and I will help you find him out. "

   Feng Ru looked awkward and sighed and said, "The police and loan sharks can’t find him, and you can’t help it. Forget it, it’s the wicked debt I owed in my previous life."

   The phone rang, it was Feng Ru's call. After she answered, she was anxious: "It's broken, my grandma has a heart attack!"

Liu Yanzhi wanted to leave, but he felt that he was an indomitable man after all. How could he not save him, so he went out and took a taxi to take Feng Ru home. It was still the high-end community by the river, and the unit gate stopped all the way downstairs. After a few cars, a few idle middle-aged women neighbors led the dogs, and they were chatting in cotton pajamas. They shut up tacitly when they saw Feng Ru coming over.

Feng Ru's family lives on the twelfth floor, with one elevator and two households. Exiting from the elevator, her house is on the left~www.readwn.com~ At this moment, the door is open, the living room is filled with smoke, and a gray-haired old man is sitting on the grand teacher’s chair. Facing a bunch of big-waisted, fat-headed guys, their eyes are full of gold chains and sandalwood bracelets, and they are loan sharks.

   The grandmother is okay, Feng Ru breathed a sigh of relief, and said to the leader: "Feng Ru, when will you pay the eight million you owe us?"

   Feng Ru was hysterical: "Angel owes you! It's not me! I just promise him that if you want to make trouble, don't come to my grandma's house."

The big man said: "What you said is wrong. Repayment of debts is justified. We have checked. This house is in your name. Take out the house certificate and transfer the house with me. Otherwise, you don’t want this house. Living."

   The old lady was calm and composed and spoke clearly: "Young people, you don't understand the law. Loan usury is illegal. This contract itself is not protected by law."

   The big man said: "Old people, if the law is effective, what do we need to do? We are all professionals who specialize in collecting debts."

   Liu Yanzhi didn't care about their dispute at all. His eyes were attracted by a photo on the wall. The photo was embedded in an exquisite glass frame, six inches in size. It was a bright dress girl holding a bouquet and standing in front of the Douglas DC3 airliner.

   The shiny new silver passenger plane, a girl who seemed to be familiar with, Liu Yan directly remembered the speed of life and death on the runway of Longhua Airport on the last day of 1948.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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