Time Traveler

Vol 3 Chapter 45: Finance Company

Liu Yanzhi shook hands with the private investigator, and made an assessment in one second. This man is 1.85 meters tall and weighs about 180 kilograms. He is vigorous and flexible, with sharp eyes, and he is a good guy. .

Liu Handong asked Liu Yan to sit straight on the couch, and asked him to smoke. A pack of cheap cigarettes for eight yuan. The ashtray on the coffee table was piled up like a mountain. The waste paper basket was full of disposable foamed lunch boxes and empty cigarette boxes. This shows the detective. Life was very embarrassing and nervous.

"The office was closed by a buddy and I." Liu Handong introduced himself, "He has worked as a criminal police, I have worked as an anti-drug, and our relationship at the police station is very hard. It's not the kind of catching the junior and catching the old man next door. Wang’s amateur detectives, we only deal with big cases. Do you know the illegal fund-raising case last time? I caught him."

   Liu Yan nodded straight: "Yes, qualified."

   Liu Handong said: "Let’s talk about who you are looking for. It’s best to have an ID number. It doesn’t matter if you don’t. You can find it on the public security intranet every minute."

   "An Jie, this person is An Jie, an employee of Qingshi Hi-Tech." Liu Yan said straight.

   Liu Handong patted the table: "You can find the right person."


"This An Jie owes a debt of at least ten million. There are more people looking for him. According to analysis, this guy has already left the country. Fox hunting plans to catch corrupt officials who are fleeing away. It is not necessary for this small role. On the other hand, the creditors do not have the ability to leave the country to find someone. Even if they find it, they can't be returned. Therefore, they can only rely on professionals like us." Liu Handong analyzed with joy.

   "Very good, bring him back in the shortest possible time, to live." Liu Yan said straight, "The cost is good, you can make a price."

"Fifty thousand." Liu Handong said, "It's just information costs. If you bring people back, it will cost a lot. For round-trip air tickets, accommodation and meals, it will take at least a week for reconnaissance. There are also various management, at least 300,000. ."

   "Give me an account." Liu Yan took out his mobile phone and clicked on the APP of Antai Bank.

   Liu Handong took out his bank card, and Liu Yan directly transferred 300,000 yuan against the card number.

   "The boss is bright!" Liu Handong was overjoyed, "I will investigate immediately, and I will notify you as soon as I have news."

   After Liu Yan left straight away, Liu Handong immediately called his partner Wang Xing to report the great news to him. The client had rich financial resources and paid the full amount directly.

"My lion opened my mouth and offered a price of 300,000 yuan. When he counter-offered, they paid the full price without even signing the contract. I don't know if it is stupid or confident." Liu Handong said with joy, "The case is very simple. Jay."

"My brother, this case is not easy. An Jie and his family have gone abroad. No one knows where they are hiding. It took a whole year for our brothers to find him. Moreover, there is a lot of shady inside and the water is deep. I advise You'd better return the money, we can't take this business."

Liu Handong was anxious: "Wang Xing, aren't you short of money? Don't spend money for the two children to go to the noble kindergarten. You have a solid foundation. Ma Ling still has to spend money to see a doctor and plastic surgery. I know what you worry about, An Jie's case. With a political background, you are afraid, I am not afraid. I took this case and I will handle it myself."

   "Well, I'm so **** afraid that you can't do it. Go back and discuss it." Wang Xing hung up.


   Liu Yanzhi didn’t know the story behind searching for An Jie. He had other things to do. First, he had to get his car back.

He first found Feng Ru and said that he was going to the loan sharker to have a good talk. Feng Ru was very worried about his safety, and only agreed with his repeated assurances, saying that it was a loan shark institution named Kunpeng Finance Company, and the owner’s name Zhang, named Zhang Kunpeng, was quite famous in Omi. He entered the palace three times and talked about loyalty. It is said that there are still lives in his hands.

   "I like dealing with people like this the most." Liu Yan said straight, "Nothing else, it's fun."

Feng Ru cautiously took him there. Kunpeng Finance Co., Ltd. is located in the city center of the original material building downstairs facade room, the rolling door is a glass door, on the wall is hanging a bronze sign, written on the entrance of Omi City Kunpeng Finance Co., Ltd. Parked a BMW 740 and two very cool Kawasaki road racing motorcycles.

   When he came to the door, Feng Ru retreated: "Or, let's not go in, just call to explain things clearly."

"It's all here." Liu Yan said straight forward and pushed open the glass door. The room was full of smoke. Four big guys sat around the mahjong table dangling cigarettes and rubbing mahjong. There was a **** of wealth in the shrine on the wall, facing the wall. Hanging a wood carving picture of a Dapeng spreading its wings, a magnificent mahogany executive desk, a huge crystal ashtray, and of course office equipment such as computers and drinking fountains are indispensable.

   Seeing someone coming in, the big man sitting at the south wind mouth raised his head and squinted his eyes: "Who are you looking for?"

   Liu Yan leaned slightly: "Mr. Zhang, we've seen it, I'll get the car."

The big man saw Feng Ru and nodded: "Oh, remembering that, you are Feng Ru's current boyfriend. We saw it downstairs in Qingshi Hi-Tech. Take the car, don't you see if you have your key over there? "

   There are many car keys hanging on the wall. It seems that Kunpeng Finance has temporarily seized a lot of vehicles.

   Liu Yan didn't look for the key. He said, "How did you drive away? How did you send it back to me."

The big guys laughed, and Zhang Kunpeng laughed and tears came out: "Let me send it back. Did you bring the money? I'm in a serious business, and I won't ruin you, 150,000, I will send someone Send the car back."

Liu Yan said straightforwardly: "This is not the truth. Are you robbery, okay? An Jie is the one who owes you money. I will give you one last chance to send my car back intact. , Fill me up with petrol, I can think about it."

   There was another burst of laughter, but Zhang Kunpeng was annoyed: "Who are you, how did you talk to me."

   The employees of the financial company also slowly turned their eyebrows coldly, and the atmosphere was a bit nervous. A guy pulled down the rolling door. Feng Ru was too scared to speak, and grabbed Liu Yanzhi by the corner of his clothes.

   "With your attitude, you just don't agree with my suggestion?" Liu Yan has no fear at all, with a natural expression, "then there is nothing to talk about?"

Zhang Kunpeng carefully looked at this ignorant boy. With more than 20 years of experience in the society, he just couldn't see the origin of this stuff. It didn't seem to be a messenger, or a policeman, and even more so. The various second generations with strong backgrounds in the family are just stunned.

"Didn't you just say that one hundred and fifty thousand, less, you can take one hundred thousand first, take the car key, leave the car here, we will not move, it is reasonable enough." Zhang Kunpeng lit a cigarette, Very organized, said, "Don't worry, we don't hit people. We do business seriously, and we are not a triad."

   Liu Yan nodded straightly: "Okay, I see, I came in too rush today, so I'll be prepared next time. Maybe Mr. Zhang's attitude will change. May I get a business card?"

   There is a crystal business card case on the executive desk, which is full of Zhang Kunpeng’s business cards. Mr. Zhang doesn’t care: "You take it, and you can find me whenever you need to."

   Liu Yan straightened up a business card, raised the rolling door, and pulled Feng Ru out.

   I don't know when, he took Feng Ru's hand, woke up after going out, and quickly let go.

   "You are really brave." Feng Ru blushed, "Dare to face them head-on, I was scared to death just now, they are going to be rough, we're done."

"I won't bully them." Liu Yanzhi said, picked up his business card and looked at it, and called Handong Liu from the detective office: "Handong Liu, this is Liu Yanzhi. You can do something for me first. I want to know. Where does Zhang Kunpeng, the loan shark, live tonight, the price is up to you."

"This message is free. It's just a phone call for things on the ground near the river." Liu Handong is a young man on the road. "But the news will be delayed. This kind of social elder brother usually socializes more, and may play mahjong all night, not necessarily answering. Stay overnight at home."

   "I am waiting for your message." Liu Yan hung up.

   "What are you going to do?" Feng Ru became nervous again.

   "I will go to Mr. Zhang at night and have a chat with him." Liu Yan smiled straight and said, "In-depth chat."

At eleven o’clock in the evening, Liu Handong called and said that Zhang Kunpeng did not play mahjong today. After drinking a big drink at the barbecue stall, he took the pickled garlic girl to the Fenglin Night Hotel to open a room. Room number 1518 is actually Number 18 on the fifth floor.

At 2:30 in the evening, Liu Yan went straight to the downstairs of the Fenglin Night Hotel, walked around first, remembered the location of the surveillance cameras, cut off the wire of one of the cameras, and climbed up the five-story building from the blind spot of the surveillance. Opened the window and entered room 1518.

   Mr. Zhang and the old girl are sleeping, snoring like thunder, and clothes are all over the floor.

Liu Yan stepped forward and patted Zhang Kunpeng’s bald head. Mr. Zhang was drunk and slept to death. This saves trouble. He directly drags a fat naked man out of the bed. Mr. Zhang is still not awake and picks garlic. The old girl woke up and screamed.

"Hush." ​​Liu Yan put his finger on his lips. The old girl has been in the society for several years. She has seen big scenes~www.readwn.com~ and did not continue to scream: "Brother, I am I didn't see anything."

"Continue to sleep with you." Liu Yan said straight, wanting to carry Zhang Kunpeng away, but the goods weighed more than two hundred kilograms, and the fat was slippery without leaving his hands. It was really not easy to hold. He looked at the floor and removed Mr. Zhang. The Hermes gold belt on the big red trousers was taken off, and Mr. Zhang's ankle was restrained, and he jumped out of the window.

   The old girl couldn't help screaming again, it was too unbelievable, and revenge didn't bring it like this.


   Tonight is cloudy and there is no moonlight.

The security guard of the Suzaku Hotel was patrolling routinely. He was walking bored in a cotton coat and holding a flashlight. He suddenly heard a scream. He looked around and found no abnormalities. Then he noticed that the sound came from the top of his head. After flashing the flashlight, there seemed to be a person hanging on the roof of the top floor, a big living person.

Xiao Wang hurriedly picked up the walkie-talkie to call for reinforcements. Ten minutes later, a team of security guards came to the roof and found that there was indeed a person hanging. He was a naked fat man, but the hanging position was very clever, it was a protruding decorative pillar. They have no conditions to rescue them, so they can only call the fire brigade.

   Mr. Zhang from Kunpeng Finance was hung like a baby in a cradle made of bath towels. The wind was so high in the sky that his nose was runny from the cold. He woke up and hung up here, and he couldn't remember how he got here.

   "Help, help, did you hear that, hurry up and help me." Mr. Zhang repeatedly shouted.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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