Time Traveler

Vol 3 Chapter 49: Virtual life

At the insistence of Mr. Ma, the doctor took out a small box from his white coat pocket with two pills in it. He served Mr. Ma and took one pill. Mr. Ma insisted on taking both pills. The doctor had to obey. And quietly pressed the switch on the ECG monitor, Ma Lao fell asleep again.

   The strange thing is that the dream can be continued. The fixed kick of Ma Liuye kicked it down, hitting Chen Zikun's temple alive.

Ma Yunqing, who is more than a hundred years old, has the ability to achieve what he wants in this extremely real dream. Things always develop according to his expectations. After getting rid of the bully Chen Zikun, Ma Liuye got into a lawsuit and had to leave his hometown. Nanxia went to Sun Wen, joined the Whampoa Military Academy in Guangzhou, and later secretly joined the Communist Party. A few years later, he participated in organizing the Nanchang Uprising and fired the first shot of the revolution.

Twenty years later, Ma Liu has forgotten that he is an old man in his twilight years. The incomparable and true texture of the dream made him believe that he had returned to the past. Relying on his familiarity with history and rich experience in political struggle, he was born in 1994. In the eight years of Xi Baibo, Ma Yunqing replaced Mao Runzhi and became the founder and leader of the party and the revolutionary army. The pictures of him and Mr. Zhu were hung in the party and government schools in the liberated area.

   On October 1, 1949, on Tiananmen Square, Ma Yunqing in a navy blue tunic suit announced with a strong Beijing accent that the Chinese people have stood up!

Of course, Chairman Ma is not a god, he is also a man of flesh and blood. Compared with other leaders, his private life is more colorful. There are not only movie stars from Shanghai, but also literary and artistic young women from the old revolutionary area, bourgeois eldest ladies, etc. Wait...In Zhongnanhai, various dance parties are often held. On the red city gate, the majestic portrait of Chairman Ma looks down on sentient beings.

In 1967, Chairman Ma and his elders personally launched the great Cultural Revolution. The mountains and rivers of the country were red. When Chairman Ma was visiting the Yangtze River and staying at the Donghu Hotel in Wuhan, an accident happened. A large number of deceived revolutionary people attacked the hotel. Lead the soldiers into the bedroom, carry the chairman in pajamas and run.

   "Let me down!" Chairman Ma shouted.

   Woke up from the dream, Ma Yunqing opened his eyes and subconsciously shouted: "Little plum!"

   He called his captain Li Jinqiao, but Xiao Lizi was not there, and the doctor came.

At this time, Ma Yunqing can’t tell which is a dream and which is reality. Both have the same length and the same texture, but the degree of excitement is different. He is more willing to go back to the turbulent 1960s to suppress those who are dishonest. The generals and intellectuals with ghosts, no, he must go back, that is the real world, here is just a dream.

   So Ma Yunqing adopted an attitude toward dreaming. He ordered the doctor to give him that magical medicine again, but the doctor was embarrassed, saying that the medicine was specially made and had been used up.

"Then let the staff buy it." Ma Yunqing dismissed it. He was a retired deputy state leader, equipped with secretarial guards, private villas, and first-class medical treatment. No matter how expensive medicines are, as long as there are in the world , He is qualified to enjoy it.

   The doctor saw that the heat was almost finished, and after a few perfunctory words, the keeper invited in alone.

Here came Ji Yuqian in a white coat. With a smile holding the winning ticket, he briefly talked with Ma Yunqing for a while. The content was very simple. This "drug" was developed by him, but now some people want to grab the scientific research results and sell it to Foreigners are seeking profit, so I want to ask Mr. Ma to stop it.

"The influence of Mr. Ma is very important to us." Ji Yu said, "This kind of comfort medicine is the fruit of our Chinese labor. If it falls into the hands of outsiders, it will probably play a bad role, such as becoming a new generation. Psychotropic drugs."

After a happy dream, Ma Yunqing, who is already dying of his organs, has relied on drugs and instruments to sustain his life, and seems to have recovered his glory as an elderly and senior leader. His face covered with age spots is full of vigor and withered big hands. With a wave: "As long as I am here, I will never allow this to happen!"

Ji Yuqian quit the ward, shook hands with the doctor, and gave him a reassurance: "I have hired the best lawyer and paid three million dollars in bail. Linglang will be free tonight in China. I will arrange for him to go to Mexico. Then he smuggled back to the country and changed his identity to another person."

   The doctor was grateful to Dade, looked back at the old man in the ward, and whispered: "Do you think this trick is useful?"

   "Maybe." Ji Yu smiled non-committal. He also looked at Ma Yunqing, who was very energetic. He secretly felt that power is not only an aphrodisiac, but also the best stimulant, even if it is only power in a dream.

Ma Yunqing couldn’t wait to ask the health nurse to call her son. It didn’t take much time. Ma Jingsheng rushed over with Ma Fengfeng in a hurry. They thought that the father was going to be dying and wanted to explain the important last words, but saw a spirited father sitting. Enjoying the blue sky and daylight rare in Beijing in the sun room.

  Ma Jingsheng was puzzled. His father was in a state of lack of energy during this period, and he rarely got out of bed. Now he is able to bask in the sun. Could it be a sign of rebirth?

   Ma Yunqing saw that his children and grandchildren had arrived, and immediately issued instructions that there is a future technology company that must be protected, strongly support the national industry, and not fall into the hands of outsiders.

   Ma Jingsheng and his son looked at each other. The old man was so well informed that he even grasped the recent thought trends of the juniors.

   "Dad, how did you know?" Ma Jingsheng asked.

"The drugs produced by science and technology in the future are very good. They must be grasped. Excessive solutions can be adopted. Public-private partnerships can be adopted first." Ma Yunqing's thinking has not been clearly torn from his dreams. The economic solution lies in the transformation of the bourgeoisie. .

   "Dad, do you mean it is in our hands?" Ma Jingsheng said, "Your suggestion is really high-level, and we are preparing to do this."

   "Hurry up." Ma Yunqing waved his hand, "I need that kind of medicine. Go and do it right away."

   "Okay, Dad, I'll make arrangements now." Ma Jingsheng gave his son a wink, and Ma Fengfeng got up.

Recently, Ma Fengfeng and Liu Fei, Yao Guang and other friends who usually play well have set up a pattern. They arrested the chief accountant of Future Technology for prostitution, and then concocted that Future Technology evaded national taxes as high as 15%. The huge crime of 100 million is coming, and now it’s only waiting to close the net. If Ji Yu is interested, he can give up the company and allow him to keep at least 5% of the shares. If he is not acquainted, at least ten years of imprisonment will start, and the death sentence will be high. It's all possible, it depends on how to operate.

Now the situation has suddenly changed. Even the old lady Ma, who is sick in bed and does not ask about world affairs, knows the matter, and also named what medicine to ask for. Ma Fengfeng does not understand the situation. He inquires about the matter through the eyeliner inserted in the future technology. I don't know anything, and at the same time, the feedback from other sources is also a bit bad.

   Many veteran cadres intervened in this matter and demanded that the illegal infringement of future technology be stopped. Even the general secretary had heard of it. It is said that Long Yan was furious and slapped the table.

The operation was halted urgently, the chief accountant of Future Technology was acquitted, and the criminals and related policemen who set up arrests were arrested. Of course, this is the end. I will not pull out the carrots and bring out the mud. It is just Mr. Ma. The magic medicine that was clamoring for has not yet arrived.

  Unable to go back to another world, Ma Yunqing quickly lost his vitality and put on a ventilator again. He gestured with difficulty for his children and grandchildren to find medicine for him, but no one knew the existence of magic medicine.

   "That's just an ordinary antihypertensive medicine." The attending doctor explained.

Seeing that the old man was debilitating like a drug addict who had left the drug addict, Ma Jing was anxious and took his son to the headquarters of Future Technology for help, but the staff told them that Mr. Ji had gone to Hawaii for vacation. , Will not come back for a while.

   "Then call him. Anyway, I must see him." Ma Jingsheng said, turning to his son and said, "Book a ticket and fly to Hawaii, the fastest."

Ma Fengfeng did not book a ticket because he owns a private jet, which of course is in charge of layers of white gloves, and will not be owned by his real identity. In the evening, a Gulfstream G550 took off from the Capital Airport to Hulu in the Pacific. Slave.

  On the plane, Ma Fengfeng asked his father why he bowed his knees to beg this Ji Yugan, and found someone to tie his dearest person.

Ma Jingsheng glanced at his son in dissatisfaction. This unconvincing boy has been spoiled since he was a child. He does not know the heights of the world, and only relies on power and violence to solve problems. With such a son, it seems that the Ma family’s decades of glory is coming to an end. .

   "Recently I heard that ~www.readwn.com~ many old leaders who retired are using this medicine." Ma Jingsheng said.

   "Is there really such a miraculous medicine?" Ma Fengfeng's eyes widened, "What is the miraculous effect? ​​Is it more enjoyable than skating, and it makes the old men fascinated."

"I haven't personally experienced it. It's said that I can only dream..." Ma Jingsheng narrowed his eyes, looking infinitely fascinated. "It must be an extremely magical effect to make the old guys who have experienced the supreme power. Dreams are not ordinary."

"I want to try everything." Ma Fengfeng flexed his hands and squinted his eyes. It is said that the old man whose neck is covered with loess has no desire except to live for a few more days. This dream can make the dying person scream. Wanting, really made him fascinated.

   In a seaside hotel in Honolulu, Ma Jingsheng and his son met Ji Yugan. They sat on a cold bench for two hours, and waited for Ji Yugan to surf before meeting them.

Ma Jingsheng, who is at the ministerial level, is not at all insignificant. He is very humble and polite in front of Ji Yuqian. He knows how terrible the guy who can play with dozens of retired leaders in the palm of his hand, whether it is scheming or ability, is far superior to himself. Playing tricks on such a person, the son and his group of friends are simply blind.

   Ji Yuqian, wearing beach pants and big sunglasses, sat on a beach chair, and asked lazily, "I ran over here, what's the matter? Isn't it my accountant who has **** again?"

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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