Time Traveler

Chapter 21: Join or die

Liu Yanzhi once again woke up from a nightmare. The dream was so real that he couldn't tell whether he was in reality or not until the party patriot appeared in front of him.

"Now is three days later." said Dang Aiguo, "according to the original process, the bodies of the 8th and 14th were found, Lei Meng was sent back to the country, and Li Haiping lost contact. As for you... you should be missing in the Pacific Ocean. ."

   Liu Yan said straightly: "You crossed back to the day of departure and blocked the mission, then what?"

  Party Patriotic said: "Did you feel muddled these days? The sequelae of time and space chaos, don't worry, now you are back to the baseline time and space."

   Liu Yan asked directly: "What does the benchmark time and space mean, are the 8th and 14th still alive, and where is Guan Lu?"

  Dang Paiguo said: "The action is cancelled. Of course they are both alive. Guan Lu is also very good, but Li Haiping is not good. The benchmark space-time is a scientific concept. You will not understand it for a while, so I have the opportunity to tell you slowly."

Of course, Liu Yanzhi understands the meaning of "not very good". Li Haiping is a traitor insider. As the security supervisor of overseas departments, he has a lot of funds every year, but only the confinement center serves as a safe house. He has never seen other subordinates. Knowing that these funds were all embezzled by him, he also leaked the secrets to Monsanto and set up a bureau to trap Liu Yanzhi. If the party's patriotism does not have the ability to travel through time, the outcome is a foregone conclusion.

   "Continue training." Party Aiguo said, "We still want to kill Samuel, but not the current him. The difference in strength is too great. We can only kill him when he was young."


United States, Los Angeles, Guan Lu woke up from her dream, sweating profusely. She had the same dream for three days in a row. She and the courier brother chased a gunfight with others on the highway and fell off a cliff. It was thrilling and romantic like a Hollywood blockbuster. There is even a kissed feeling on the lips, no, that is the smell of artificial respiration.

   Guan Lu is known as a psychiatrist, and what she is best at is dream interpretation, but at this moment, she is powerless, the dream is too real, every detail is tightly connected, she even drove to the field to investigate, everything is the same as in the dream.

Professor Samuel Fox’s wedding was postponed. It is said that his girlfriend temporarily regretted it. In short, the classmates who came to the party from all over the world regretted it. Guan Lu was also preparing to return. Out of courtesy, she gave Antai Overseas Li Haiping from the Ministry called to thank him for his care.

Li Haiping is in the confinement center. Over the years, he has defrauded millions of dollars from Antai through false lists and accounts. The so-called deep connections in North America and the safe houses and contacts all over the country are all virtualized by him. Unable to hide it, he turned to Monsanto and sold Antai’s secrets to them for a good price. It’s just that it’s not going well recently. The well-designed bureau did not take the bait, which made Mr. Fox very unhappy. .

   The doorbell rang. It was Li Haiping’s person, a college student from China, a rich second-generation, and wanted to entrust him to buy a villa. Li Haiping worked as a real estate agency in his spare time, specializing in serving domestic customers, and earning a lot of money.

The college student came with his friends. The young man’s father is said to be the secretary of the municipal party committee of a second-tier city in China. He is well-funded. Li Haiping greeted them warmly and drove them to see the house in person. It was a 6 million building. Luxury homes in US dollars can only be bought by domestic customers.

   The station wagon was galloping on the road, and the college students hummed a song, and suddenly frowned, "Pull over, I'll pee."

   Li Haiping slowed down and stopped. As soon as he pulled on the handbrake, a wire was wrapped around his neck. The sturdy kid in the back seat tightened the wire with all his strength. Li Haiping struggled for a while and stopped moving, his eyeballs protruding, and he did not stare.

   The two put Li Haiping into a sack and threw it into the trunk, and drove to the beach. The mobile phone on Li Haiping vibrated silently, and the call from "Dr. Guan" appeared on the screen.

   Li Haiping’s body was dragged onto a yacht, drove into the depths of the sea, tied the iron block, kicked the sack into the sea with a plop, and there was no such person in the world.

   "This is the end of the traitor." The college students slapped their hands, raised the collars of their POLO shirts, and sailed back on the yacht.

Guan Lu couldn't find Li Haiping, so she could only write him an email, and then returned the rented sports car. She took the opportunity to return to China. She ran for nothing, and spent tens of thousands of dollars on air tickets and accommodation. This time she lost a lot of money. .

After a long flight, Guan Lu returned to China, then transferred to the high-speed train and returned to Omi. She went home and rested for a few days. After adjusting her state, she planned to start working again, but the strange dream still surrounds her, which is puzzling. .

   Guan Lu drove to Jiangdong University and met Dang Aiguo in the teaching and research section of the Department of Physics. She hesitated and seemed very embarrassed: "That...actually...it is like this. I had a dream, a very strange dream."

   Professor Dang smiled: "Psychiatrist, do you need me to interpret your dreams?"

   Guan Lu said: "There is no need to interpret dreams. I want to verify some things, only you can answer."

   "Let's talk about it, I know everything is endless." Dang Paiguo smiled, picked up the tea cup, ready to listen.

   "You secretly trained some killers, right." Guan Lu said cautiously.

   "Dr. Guan dreamed of me?" Dang Aiguo was very happy, "This dream is interesting, let's continue."

   Guan Lu did not get discouraged, and continued: "Your company has an employee named Liu Yanzhi."

  Party Patriotic said: “There are tens of thousands of employees under Antai, and I really can’t know them all. Besides, my full title is a university professor and not a corporate manager. This is difficult, but I will help you ask.”

   Guan Lu said: "Professor Dang, do you think that the plot of Resident Evil is likely to be staged in the future?"

Rao is a party with excellent patriotic mental quality, and it is unavoidable that she is a little bit shocked. Li Haiping told her or Samuel Fox told her how much Guan Lu knows. She came to find herself because she was knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger, or for some other purpose. ?

   "It's just a commercial movie." Dang Paiguo smiled reluctantly, "Of course I don't believe that human beings are intelligent and advanced animals that will not perish themselves."

   Guan Lu said: "But we are not dying of ourselves? Look at those polluted rivers, collapsed grasslands, smog-filled skies, and villages full of cancer patients. These are not caused by human beings."

  Dang Paiguo said: "This problem is a bit big, let's talk about your dream."

Guan Lu said: "I dreamed of being chased and killed with Liu Yanzhi. To be precise, I was chased and killed by Professor Fox. We fell from a cliff. He took me to climb a small boat, and then another fierce battle. In the last scene, he disappeared between the sky and the sea in a motorboat."

  Party patriotism was dumbfounded, so he quickly concealed his panic with the gesture of drinking tea.

   Although Guan Lu is an amateur psychiatrist, she possesses the basic qualities of observing words and behaviors. She saw the patriotic anxiety of the party and asked: "Your purpose is to save the world, right?"

  Dang Paiguoqiang laughed and said, "This dream is very interesting. It's time to make a movie."

   Guan Lu said: "I don't think this is a simple dream. Li Haiping is strangely missing. How do you explain this?"

  Dang Aiguo said: "Dr. Guan, I suggest you go to a more formal psychology clinic to see a psychologist. I'm sorry, I still have something to do and I am out of company."

Guan Lu was angrily speechless. Although she is an amateur psychologist, she is a high school student after all, and her IQ is not much worse. An Tai gave herself a generous contract, not just to get close to Samuel Fox. This incident is a conspiracy from the very beginning.


   Liu Yan went straight to the new task, and a photo was placed in front of him, with Guan Lu's smiling face in the photo.

  His mission is to kidnap Guan Lu and take people to a secret location.

In the underground parking lot of the Bank of China Building, the camera has stopped working, and the security guards are still unaware. He stays in the duty room and eats the lunch. Guan Lu comes out of the elevator, reaches into the bag and fumbles for the car keys, presses the remote control switch, and comes to Mercedes Next to the car, he opened the door to get on the car, started the engine, and suddenly noticed something was wrong. Looking back, Liu Yanzhi sat up slowly.

   Guan Lu covered her mouth, and stopped the scream abruptly.

   "Are you being pursued and killed?" She asked, not knowing why, the first reaction turned out to be this sentence.

   "No, I'm here to hunt you down." Liu Yan pointed out his pistol, "Listen to my command and won't hurt you." He spoke without expression.

Guan Lusi was not afraid. She was not afraid of Liu Yanzhi at all. She simply shut down the engine and asked back: "Are you an employee of the Antai Consortium? Do you have such a strange dream? UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com is by the sea with me. Speeding on the road, driving a red convertible sports car, and then we fell into the sea, you saved me, we were on a small white sailboat..."

   "There is a helicopter in the sky, an uncle fishing on the sailing boat, and three motor boats." Liu Yanzhi added, "God, how do you know this?"

   Guan Lu widened her eyes: "Are these all true! What really happened, the crossing you said is also true, the destruction of the world, the biohazard, and everything in the nightmare is true!"

"It's true." Liu Yan said straight. "All these are not dreams, they are real things, but they have been corrected. I don't know how you have memories, but I remember these things just like you. thing."

   Guan Lu looked at the gun in his hand and said, "Then, are you here to kill?"

   The lame cat in the bag was asleep, stretched out and crawled out. It seemed to know Liu Yanzhi and crawled over to lick his gun hand.

   Liu Yan directly closed the insurance: "I will not kill you. You are innocent, but you have been involved. There must be a statement. Now I will take you to see the party patriot. He knows what to do."


   At the private club of the Antai Consortium, Guan Lu once again saw Dang Paiguo.

  Dang Professor said: "You know too much, now there are only two choices, either die or join us."

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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